Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Book of Mormon II - Day 2

Thought:  “The Gospel in the Book of Mormon and the Gospel in the Bible both agree: the doctrines in both books are one. The historical part differs only: the one gives the history of an Asiatic, the other of an American people. … It is true, and we know it.” (John Taylor, Journal of Discourses, 5:240–41.) “Do not trust in yourselves, but study the best books—the Bible and Book of Mormon—and get all the information you can, and then cleave to God and keep yourselves free from corruption and pollution of every kind, and the blessings of the Most High will be with you.” (John Taylor, Journal of Discourses, 12:398.)

Books of the Week: Charting the Book of Mormon, Welch.

A Book of Mormon Treasury, -Various

Gary's "GREEN VERSES" in 2nd Nephi

 2 Nephi 1:21
It makes one think of the responsibilities we have as parents to children and children to parents.
2 Nephi 2:2
Realization that whatever happens in our life can result in good when we allow God to touch it.
2 Nephi 3:12
A one verse statement on a significant reason why God gave us the Book of Mormon. 1) Confound false doctrines. 2)Lay down contention. 3)Establish peace 4) Help descendents find fathers. 5)Discover covenants.
2 Nephi 4:31
What I want my reaction to be to sin.
2 Nephi 5:27
What changes should I make in my life to allow me to live after an increased manner of happiness.
2 Nephi 6:13
To be a person of the Lord, I must wait for him.
2 Nephi 7:1-2
The verses I read when I feel cast off.
2 Nephi 8:7
What should I do to have the law written in my heart? Getting it written in my mind is easier.
2 Nephi 9:28-29
Learning is only a good thing IF we hearken to God.
2 Nephi 10:24
Reconcile means "to make consistent. My will needs to be consistent with His.
2 Nephi 11:3
We should have our family members and the words of prophets be another witness of our testimonies.
2 Nephi 2:2-3
When was the last time I learned something in the temple. It is easy to go and not even think about learning.
2 Nephi 13:10
What fruit have I eaten because of my doings? What can I do to have better meals in my future?
2 Nephi 14:2
We live "in that day". It really is a beautiful and glorious time to be on the earth and in the Church.
2 Nephi 15:20
The world is calling good evil and evil good. We shouldn't be surprised or fooled.
2 Nephi 16:8
This was true for the Savior and for Isaiah. Is it true for Gary Poll?
2 Nephi 17:14
Preparations for the Savior's birth began centuries before he was born. That is true for us too.
2 Nephi 18:10
Any time we include God in our personal, family or group decisions, the outcome will be a winning one.
2 Nephi 19:6
Robes are placed upon shoulders as a symbol for governing. It is a sign of regal authority.
2 Nephi 20:15
A little reminder to give God credit when He uses us to do His work.
2 Nephi 21:3
I am grateful that my judgment will be based on more than what eyes can see and ears can hear.
2 Nephi 22:1
Because of Jesus the anger and judgment of God will be turned away. He knows how to forgive and forget.
2 Nephi 23:3
We need to remember that as judgments are poured out upon the wicked, God will protect us in every way.
2 Nephi 24:27
As we search the words of Isaiah we get a reminder that the war is fixed and God wins.
2 Nephi 25:23
Our best efforts are only good enough because of Jesus. But they are good enough.
2 Nephi 26:24
Another wonderful reminder that the purpose of this earth is be bless the children of God.
2 Nephi 27:27
We can fool some of the people some of the time, but we can never deceive God.
2 Nephi 28:7-8
Look at Mormon 8:29-31 as Moroni sees our day.
2 Nephi 29:8
Another reminder of how grateful we should be for another witness of Christ clarifying the Bible.
2 Nephi 30:17
God reminds us that there will be a time when ALL our questions will be answered. Meanwhile-Faith.
2 Nephi 31:20
Key words: press forward, steadfastness in Christ, hope, feast upon word of Christ, endure, Eternal Life.
2 Nephi 32:3
As we follow promptings we receive as we hearken to words and feelings from above-we know what to do.
2 Nephi 33:4
I know that the Lord will consecrate my prayers for the gain of my people. So Pray.

Alma 34-39

Alma 34-

Vs. 2 - Amulek: Descendent of Nephi, prominent, wealthy citizen of Ammonihah. - Knew-yet wouldn't know.-Alma 10:6. Angel appeared, Amulek gave Alma room and board. Became missionary companion, confronted by Zeezrom, cast into prison, tortured, saw converts burned, wall of prison fell to earth. Went to Sidom where Zeezrom was healed & baptized. Amulek moved in with Alma, having lost his former priorities and family. 4 years later off to reclaim Zoramites. Later (Alma 35) goes to Jershon to teach Anti-Nephi-Lehies.

Vs. 9 - What kind of people need the atonement?

Vs. 10 - Infinite Atonement - 1) Without end. 2) ALL mankind saved from never-ending death. 3) Immense suffering 4) In time and scope. 5)Mercy extends to infinite people and worlds. 6) Impossible to measure. 7) Jesus an infinite being because of parents. (Russel M. Nelson, Ensign Nov. 1996)

 Salvation come not because of the symbols nor of the sacrifice. It only comes because of the Savior.

Vs. 15-17 I once wondered if those who refuse to repent but who then satisfy the law of justice by paying for their own sins are then worthy to enter the celestial kingdom. The answer is no. The entrance requirements for celestial life are simply higher than merely satisfying the law of justice. For that reason, paying for our sins will not bear the same fruit as repenting of our sins. Justice is a law of balance and order and it must be satisfied, either through our payment or his. But if we decline the Savior's invitation to let him carry our sins, and then satisfy justice by ourselves, we will not yet have experienced the complete rehabilitation that can occur through a combination of divine assistance and genuine repentance. Working together, those forces have the power permanently to change our hearts and our lives, preparing us for celestial life. (The Broken Heart, Bruce C. Hafen, p. 7–8)

               "When we view repentance as a mere checklist of steps that must be taken for every sin ever committed, we fall prey to the spiritual pitfalls and doctrinal deficiencies of such a simplistic and superficial approach. Several deficiencies, each with potential pitfalls, are evident.

First, without the understanding that repentance is a fruit of faith, a person may go through a repentance checklist and feel satisfied he has met all the requirements for repentance but not realize his efforts have not been efficacious. Checklist repentance undertaken without faith in the Redeemer may produce results similar to those described by the prophet Isaiah: “It shall be unto them, even as unto a hungry man which dreameth, and behold he eateth but he awaketh and his soul is empty; or like unto a thirsty man which dreameth, and behold he drinketh but he awaketh and behold he is faint, and his soul hath appetite” (2 Nephi 27:3).

Second, a mechanical approach to repentance may prevent the repentant sinner from ever “catching up.” Seeking to apply some arbitrary checklist for every sin committed is like taking two steps backward for each step forward. Because we continually make mistakes and sin, it becomes impossible to conscientiously go through this process for every sin. An overemphasis on the mechanics of repentance may leave one so discouraged, thinking it impossible to fully repent for every sin, that he may give up in despair and sink deeper into the quicksands of sin.

A third deficiency in this approach to repentance is that for some sins and situations there may not be any way to complete the checklist. The “Rs of Repentance” (such as restitution) may not apply. President Spencer W. Kimball wrote, “There are some sins for which no adequate restitution can be made, and others for which only partial restitution is possible.”

The final and most important doctrinal fallacy in the concept of checklist repentance is that by concentrating on our outward actions we tend to emphasize our efforts and ignore the cleansing power of Christ. This approach to repentance makes it appear as though a remission of sins is something obtained primarily by mortal effort. Such a view minimizes the miraculous Atonement of Jesus Christ and the grace of God that makes a remission of sins possible. If we focus all of our attention and efforts on the steps we must take to repent, we tend to overlook what He did to make repentance possible. A humanistic or mechanical approach to repentance promotes “pseudo self-reliance.” Relying only upon our own efforts robs us of the repentance-enabling power of Christ. Thus the worst danger of this superficial view of repentance is that it causes an unwitting but crucial oversight of the most important “R” of repentance—Redeemer." (Faith Unto Repentance, in A Book of Mormon Treasury " 295-315. Available on Line)

My friend and his son

Vs. 17-27 - This is the 3rd chapter in a row where "Mighty Prayer" is emphasized.

Vs. 31 - You don't have to wait for the blessings of the Atonement.

Vs. 34 - The Hebrew word "LASHUV" may be translated repent or return

Vs. 34-35 - "All men and women who are worthy to be called Latter-day Saints should live hour by hour in such a way that if they should be called suddenly from this life into the next they would be prepared...It is our privilege to so live as to have the spirit of light and intelligence to that extent that we shall feel satisfied that all will be well if we should be called away at any hour." (Lorenzo Snow, CR. Oct. 1992, 2) Jessica Wilson

Vs. 38 - How do you live in Thanksgiving daily?

Alma 35 -

Vs. 3 - What are our crafts?

Vs. 8 - Don't be nice to people we have chosen to be mean to

Vs. 15 & 16 - Liken these verses unto today

Alma 36 - A "Chiastic" chapter

Vs. 2  - What we all we could say to our children. (Could Alma the Younger say this?)

Vs. 3- If we put our trust if God we can expect:  support in our trials,  troubles, afflictions and being lifted up at the last day.

Vs. 4-5 - Do your children know how you gained your testimony?

Alma 37

Vs. 1 - Hand off sacred items

Vs. 6-7 - What little things have made a big difference in the World? the Church? Your family? Your life?

Vs. 8 - The value of scriptures- Has that value been manifested in our lives?

Vs. 11- We need to forbear rather than teach things we are not sure of.

Vs. 13 - Where do we get reminders of how strict the commandments are?

Vs. 15 - What happens to our sacred when we transgress? What are our sacred things?

Vs. 17 - God's track record in keeping promises should be  noted.

Vs. 35 - My other green verse in this chapter.

Vs. 37 - Great counsel

Vs. 46 - Do not let us be slothful because of the easiness of the way. "Parenthetically, those who worry if they currently seem to be untested should not feel guilty or anxious, nor should they ray for trials. First of all, the absence of major tribulation can, ironically, produce the trial of
tranquility with its very grave risks of careless ease. Second, the Lord does require a few intact individuals and families to help others manage their trials and tribulations, even though these roles often rotate. (NAMaxwell, "All These Things Shall Give Thee Experience, p. 28)

Alma 38 - The Middle child

Vs. 11-15 - A dozen things: 1)Avoid pride, 2) Do not boast of your wisdom, 3) Do not boast of your strength, 4) Use boldness, 5) Don't use overbearance, 6) BRIDLE YOUR PASSIONS THAT YOU MAY BE FILLED WITH LOVE, 7) Refrain from idleness, 8) Do not pray to be seen of men, 9) Do not think you are better than others, 10) Pray for God to forgive your unworthiness, 11) Teach the word unto this people, 12) Be sober.

Alma 39 - Chapters in the 1830 edition were longer, in part because the Book of Mormon was printed in narrative rather than verse form—what we would expect from a historical record. The text was first arranged into its present verses in the 1879 edition to facilitate the location of particular passages. Modern readers may be interested to see how the sections of the Book of Mormon were divided in the 1830 edition, which are divided along broad conceptual lines. For example, all of Jacob’s speech in Jacob 2–3 and all of Alma’s blessing to his son Corianton in Alma 39–42 were single chapters. (Charting the Book of Mormon)

Vs. 1, 2, 10 - It is a great thing when we see our children helping and setting an example for our other children.

Contributing factors to Corianton's sin

1. Feelings of self-sufficiency - "I can handle it" (39:2) My friend older than I.

2. Forsook ministry - Wrong places at right times. (39:3) One of the best reasons to be on a mission.

3. Bad associations (39:3-4) Issur Yahud

4. Misunderstanding of Heavenly Father's plan and a weak testimony (Alma 40-42)

Three Biggest Sins-

1. Deny the Holy Ghost - Unpardonable- Alma 39:6; Matt. 12:31-32; D&C 76:31-32; TPJS p. 358;

              Jacob 7:19; Teaching of Spencer W. Kimball p. 23; History of the Church v. 6:314.

2. Murder -Unforgiveable

3. Fornication and Adultery- See, For the Strength of Youth booklet.

Within the LDS Church, chastity means more than abstinence from sex. It means to be morally clean in "thoughts, words, and actions." It also means sexual relations are only permitted between a husband and wife. The church teaches its members that "no one, male or female, is to have sexual relations before marriage. After marriage, sexual relations are permitted only with our spouse. Mormons believe that sexuality between man and woman lawfully married is divinely appointed and has two purposes: to "multiply, and replenish the Earth" (Genesis 1:28) as commanded by God to Adam and Eve, and to strengthen the bond between man and woman that they might "become one flesh" (Mark 10:8). A church handbook for leaders states that married couples should be made aware "that sexual relations within marriage are divinely approved not only for the purpose of procreation, but also as a way of expressing love and strengthening emotional and spiritual bonds between husband and wife." The church has made its views clear in many publications and in recent news releases that "marriage between a man and a woman is ordained of God".While opposing homosexual behavior, the Church reaches out with understanding and respect to individuals who are attracted to those of the same gender. Sexual relations are proper only between a man and a woman who are legally and lawfully wedded as husband and wife. Any other sexual relations, including those between persons of the same gender, are sinful and undermine the divinely created institution of the family. The Church accordingly affirms defining marriage as the legal and lawful union between a man and a woman. (Wikipedia)

Vs. 9 - The no porn plea - How do we teach our children?

Vs. 11- Everyone is an example.

Vs. 13 - A significant step in Repentance

Vs. 15-19 - The Atonement worked before it happened except the Resurrection.

Alma 36 -

 (a) My son, give ear to my WORDS (1)


   (c) DO AS I HAVE DONE (2)

    (d) in REMEMBERING THE CAPTIVITY of our fathers (2);

     (e) for they were in BONDAGE (2)

      (f) he surely did DELIVER them (2)

       (g) TRUST in God (3)

        (h) supported in their TRIALS, and TROUBLES, and AFFLICTIONS (3)

         (i) shall be lifted up at the LAST DAY (3)

          (j) I KNOW this not of myself but of GOD (4)

           (k) BORN OF GOD (5)

            (l) I sought to destroy the church of God (6-9)

             (m) MY LIMBS were paralyzed (10)

              (n) Fear of being in the PRESENCE OF GOD (14-15)

               (o) PAINS of a damned soul (16)

                (p) HARROWED UP BY THE MEMORY OF SINS (17)

                 (q) I remembered JESUS CHRIST, SON OF GOD (17)

                 (q') I cried, JESUS, SON OF GOD (18)

                (p') HARROWED UP BY THE MEMORY OF SINS no more (19)

               (o')  Joy as exceeding as was the PAIN (20)

              (n') Long to be in the PRESENCE OF GOD (22)

             (m') My LIMBS received their strength again (23)

            (l') I labored to bring souls to repentance (24)

           (k') BORN OF GOD (26)

          (j') Therefore MY KNOWLEDGE IS OF GOD (26)

         (h') Supported under TRIALS, TROUBLES, and AFFLICTIONS (27)

        (g') TRUST in him (27)

       (f') He will deliver me (27)

         (i') and RAISE ME UP AT THE LAST DAY (28)

     (e') As God brought our fathers out of BONDAGE and captivity (28-29)

    (d') Retain in REMEMBRANCE THEIR CAPTIVITY (28-29)

   (c') KNOW AS I DO KNOW (30)


 (a') This is according to his WORD (30).