Tuesday, May 19, 2015

New Testament Week 15

Thought: Spiritual food is necessary for spiritual survival, especially in a world that is moving away from belief in God and the absolutes of right and wrong. In an age dominated by the Internet, which magnifies messages that menace faith, we must increase our exposure to spiritual truth in order to strengthen our faith and stay rooted in the gospel. (Dallin H. Oaks, CR, April 2015)

John 20

Vs. 1-10- "Together they view the grave-clothes-linen strips that have not been unwrapped, but through which a resurrected body has passed. And then, upon John … the reality dawns first. It is true! They had not known before; now they do. It is the third day! Christ is risen! ‘Death is swallowed up in victory.’ (1 Cor. 15:54.)” (DNTC 1:842)

Vs. 11-18- Mary Magdalene was the first mortal to see the resurrected. She is the only person mentioned in each of the four Gospels as a witness to the Crucifixion, burial, and empty tomb.

Vs. 17-18- JST -"hold me not"

Vs. 19-23- The apostles met behind closed doors for fear! Resurrected bodies have control over the elements. How do you think the bodies will get out of the graves at the resurrection? When the Angel Moroni appeared to the Prophet Joseph Smith, the Prophet saw him apparently come down and ascend through the solid walls, or ceiling of the building. … It was just as easy for the Angel Moroni to come to the Prophet Joseph Smith down through the building as it was for our Savior to appear to his disciples after his resurrection in the room where they were assembled when the door was closed. … How could he do it? He had power over the elements” (Doctrines of Salvation, 2:288).

Vs. 21- Breathed on them probably means, laid his hands on them.

"Receive ye the Holy Ghost "

Vs. 24-29- "To see is to believe, but Christ answered, To believe is to see" (HWHunter CR, Oct. 1962)

“The wounds in his hands, feet, and side are signs that in mortality painful things happen even to the pure and the perfect, signs that tribulation is not evidence that God does not love us. It is a significant and hopeful fact that it is the wounded Christ who comes to our rescue. He who bears the scars of sacrifice, the lesions of love, the emblems of humility and forgiveness is the Captain of our Soul. That evidence of pain in mortality is undoubtedly intended to give courage to others who are also hurt and wounded by life, perhaps even in the house of their friends” (Christ and the New Covenant , p. 258–59).

Vs. 31- Why John wrote his gospel.

John 21

Vs. 12-13- "Bread, fish, and wine are the characteristic symbols found throughout John that unify the stories and the teachings. The presence of bread and fish beside the Lord when he bid the disciples come ashore ties this scene back to earlier events in John, and they all point to the great Messianic banquet when he will come in his glory and eat (see Matt. 8:11 where "sit down" properly means to recline at a meal with someone; Also D&C 27:5-14.) Just as he had broken bread with the two disciples in Emmaus, here, on the shore of the Sea of Galilee, the resurrected Lord shared a sacramental meal with his disciples. The very word sacrament comes from the Latin sacramentum, meaning an oath of allegiance such as was made by a Roman soldier to his general. In a sense, in the sacrament we partake of the emblems of the our oath of allegiance to the Lord. (Mackay, Studies in Scripture. 5:463)

Vs. 15-17- President McKay suggested that the three-fold questioning of Peter was the Lord's way of letting Peter make good his error, of having him purge his soul with a reaffirmation of loyalty and of energetic devoted action. (Improvement Era - June 1968 p. 5) See also "The Poetic Genius of Alma the Younger (part 3 - Symbolism) by Doug Talley in Meridian Magazine which suggests that the Lord is telling Peter to watch the flock, the child, the youth, and the adult.

Vs. 18-19 - A prophecy of Peter's death by upside down crucifixion.

Vs. 20-22- “As for what God gives differentially to others, we need not be concerned. Peter, inquiring about John’s future role, was asked by Jesus, ‘What is that to thee? follow thou me.’ (John 21:22.) Sometimes, brothers and sisters, we do too much comparing and too little following. Sometimes also a few resent God’s having chosen someone else; perceiving themselves as passed over, they then go under spiritually” (NAMaxwell,  Ensign, Nov. 1988, 32).

Vs. 21-23 - Foretelling the translation of John. See Matt. 16:28; D&C 7 and 3 Nephi 28. We learn that a translated being is 1) No longer subject to mortal restrictions. 2) Can disguise self. 3) Has supernatural mobility. 4) Has great priesthood power. 5) Satan has no power to tempt. 6) Has one change ahead- when Christ comes again.

Vs. 24-25- We know that his testimony is true.  Testimony of John,  Matthew, Mark, & Luke-12 Apostles

The Testimony of the Twelve Apostles Testimony of Gary Poll    How do I know? 1. I have always known. 2. I trust others: parents, influential others, leaders 3. When I read the scriptures, especially the Book of Mormon I -A. Cannot think of another explanation   B. I feel a different Spirit.  4. When I share my testimony - The Spirit testifies to me that what I am saying is true.

5. Often, when I hear the testimony of others, the Spirit testifies that what they are saying is true.

6. I have had special, sacred experiences; A. Blessing Children   B. Praying with friends C. Knowing who I should marry               D. Teaching the gospel.   7. The gospel works in my life; when I live it, I am happy

8. More than anything in my world, I want the gospel to be true, so that I can have what I want most in this world. The gospel gives my life purpose.  9. Music 10. My great-great-grandfather picked up a Book of Mormon for the first time. He opened it, read a few pages and declared, “That book was either written by God or the devil,& I am going to find out who.” He read it twice in 10 days & declared, “The devil could not have written it—it must be from God.”That is the genius of the Book—there is no middle ground. It is either the word of God, or a total fraud. This book does not merely claim to be a moral treatise. It claims to be the word of God—. Joseph Smith declared that an angel directed him to gold plates, which contained writings of prophets in ancient America, & that he translated those plates by divine powers. If true, the Book of Mormon is holy scripture, if not, a diabolical hoax. C. S. Lewis spoke of a similar dilemma to accept or reject the Savior’s divinity—where there is no middle ground: “I am trying to prevent anyone from saying the foolish thing: ‘I’m ready to accept Jesus as a great moral teacher, but I don’t accept His claim to be God.’ That is the one thing we must not say. A man who was merely a man and said the sort of things Jesus said would not be a great moral teacher. … You must make your choice. Either this man was, and is, the Son of God: or else a madman or something worse. … Let us not come with any patronizing nonsense about His being a great human teacher. He has not left that open. He did not intend to.” (Tadd Callister, CR, Oct. 2011) 11. Lord I Believe- “I would say to all who wish for more faith, remember this man! In moments of fear or doubt or troubling times, hold the ground you have already won, even if that ground is limited. JRHolland- Apr. 2013-

Two things I am not open minded about. What next for me?

Gospels Day 14

Triumphal Entry
Curses barren Fig Tree Cleansing of Temple
Greeks hear voice of the Father
Discourse on Faith
Question of Authority
Tribute to Caesar
Marriage after Resurrection
Great Commandment
Widow's Mite
Olivet Discourse
10 Virgins
Betrayal Arranged
Passover, Atonement in Gethsemane
The Sabbath

1. Triumphal Entry - All four Gospel writers

              John 11:3 - Mary anointed Jesus so that the next day, the ten thousands of Israel might acclaim him King. (BRM _MM 3:327)

              John 11:14 - Palm Branches -since the days of the Hasmoneans, Palm Branches had been a symbol of Jewish patriotism, independence, and triumph over enemies. They were usually more a part of the Feast of Tabernacles than Passover. They would have to have been brought from a warmer climate.
              Luke 19:38-44- Luke 2:14- A repeat of what the angels said when Jesus was born. vs. 43: Literally, shall build a ramp. This the Romans did in the siege, making it first of wood, which the Jews burned, and then of stone. The ramp, 4 miles in length was completed in 3 days. It cut off all hope of the Jews escaping (BRM - DNTC-1:580)

              "At Passover time, a time of Independence, of victory over oppressors, of messianic expectation, Jesus accepted the acclamation of King and triumphantly proceeded into the city. He likely entered the Temple Mount where today's Golden Gate is located, and he turned into the Temple instead of into the Antonia Fortress to take on the Romans. That made all the difference-it showed what kind of Messiah he was. Yes, he had come to deliver the people from their enemies, but not from the Romans. He had come to free the people of all the earth from their greatest enemies, death and hell. The greatest Independence Day in the universe was the 24 hour period that included Gethsemane, Golgotha, and the Garden of the Resurrection." (Ogden p. 465)

2. Greeks visit Christ and hear a voice from heaven. John 12:28

3. Jesus returns to Bethany - Mark 11:11
4. Curses the Barren Fig Tree -  Matthew 21:18-21The Fig tree was a symbol of Judaism. This fig tree was a symbol of the hypocrisy of the nation.

5. Cleanses Temple for 2nd time - Matthew 21:12-16 - Moneychangers

6. John 12:37-43 - Many believe-BUT... They were convinced, but not converted!

7. Matthew 21:23-27 - Question on Authority

8. Matthew 21:28-32 - Parable of the two sons. What about a third son?

9. Matthew 21:33-46 - Parable of the Wicked Husbandmen - Make sure you read the JST in the Appendix.

10.Matthew 22:1-14 - (JST vs. 14) Parable of the Royal Marriage Feast - Something sacred is suggested here. To be present with God and his Son at the great wedding fest, the 2nd Coming, and the marriage of the Lamb with his bride(the Saints of his Church), those prepared to attend and receive further blessings must be clothed in the garment of righteousness, the garment of the holy priesthood, presenting themselves before God with the necessary covenants and ordinances." (Ogden p. 482-3 and TPJS p. 63)

11. Matthew 22:15-22 - Tribute to Caesar- 12th Article of Faith; D&C 58:21-22; 98:4-6 and D&C 134 (written by Oliver)

12. Matthew 22:23-33 - Marriage after the Resurrection. Questions asked by Sadducees who didn't believe in the Resurrection. Levirate law of marriage. See also JST Mark 12:28.

13. Matthew 22:34-40 - The Great Commandment - the Pharisees take their shot.  "It was reasoned by the rabbis that the law contained 613 precepts-248 statements of duty and 365 prohibitions. As to the relative importance of each, they would argue endlessly (JFMcConkie; Studies in Scripture 5 p.  385)

14. Matthew 22:41-46 - The end of questioning

15. Widow's Mite - Mark 12:41-44 - Widow's mite Lepton the smallest Greek coin

16. Denunciation of Hypocrisy - Matthew 23:1-36 - Eight Woes 1) vs. 13-Reject Christ and Salvation; 2) vs. 14-Hypocrisy; 3) vs. 15-Convert souls to a false church; 4) vs. 16-Breaking oaths; 5) vs. 23-Supplanting eternal principles with religious trifles (like paying tithing on every grain of sand or blade of grass); 6) vs. 25-Hiding wickedness under a religious cloak; 7) vs. 27-False outward appearance of righteousness; 8) vs. 29-Rejecting living prophets

17. Jesus laments over Jerusalem - Matthew 23:37-39

18. John 12:47-50 - Jesus gives His mission statement- then leaves the temple-forever

19. Matthew 24- JSM- This chapter was emphasized by the Prophet more than any other chapter in the New Testament. His revision contains 33% more material than Matt. 24. It was given to prepare not scare us. Panic is not part of the Gospel. The prophet's rearrangement of the verses helps immensely in understanding the sequence of events. Vs. 1-11 AD 33-70; vs. 12-20 AD 70; vs. 21-55 the Restoration to 2nd Coming. (D&C 38:30; 106:4-5

20. Matthew 25:1-13 - "The parable of the ten virgins is intended to represent the 2nd coming... and I expect that the Savior was about right when he said, in reference to the members of the Church, that five of them were wise and five were foolish;...if he finds one-half of those professing to be members of his Church prepared for salvation, it will be as many as can be expected, judging by the course that many are pursuing." (WWoodruff JD 18:110)     "In the parable, oil can be purchased at the market. In our lives the oil of preparedness is accumulated drop by drop in righteous living." (SWKimball, Miracle of Forgiveness p. 253-256)

21. Matthew 25:14-30 - A talent was a monetary weight, a sum with financial value (75 pounds). The concept of a talent as an ability, an aptitude, skill, or strength came later. In a symbolic sense, though, both definitions could be applied to the message of the parable. (See D&C 72:3)

22. Matthew 25:31-46 - Judgment - Sheep and the Goats. "Jesus taught his followers the parable of the sheep and the goats, representing the judgment to come, in which he clearly identified those who will inherit 'life eternal' and those who will go away into  everlasting punishment'. The key difference was that those who should inherit the kingdom with him had developed the habit of helping, had experienced the joy of giving and the satisfaction of serving. They had responded to the needs of the hungry, thirsty, homeless, the naked, the sick, and those in prison...Nothing would seem more clear than the high premium the Savior put upon selfless service to others as an indispensable element of Christian conduct and of salvation. Helping, giving, and sacrificing are, or should be, as natural as growing and breathing" (MDHanks, Ensign, May 1992, p. 9)        see also -Mosiah 18:8-9; D&C 121:45; 2 Nephi 31:17-21; Jacob 2:17-19; Mosiah 4:14-19; 26

Gospels Day 13

1. John 10: 39-42- Jesus escapes the wrath of the Jerusalem Jews and goes to Perea, maybe 20 miles away-"the Land beyond" on the east side of the Jordan River

2. John 11:1-16- Read all

3. Luke 15:1-32-3 ways to get lost; 1) Parable of the Lost Sheep-wander away, 2) Lost Coin-owner neglect and 3) Prodigal Son-rebellion. vs. 17 He came to himself-There is no coming to one's self without the memory of once belonging- See Alma 32:6 and the Zoramites; their afflictions had truly humbled them. 3 kinds of servants in Jesus' time; 1)Bondsmen-slaves, but part of estate and almost family. 2) Lower-class servants-also slaves, subordinate to bondsmen, but part of family, and 3) Hired servants-day laborers-temporary-outsiders-not part of family and could be fired without warning.  vs 22- a ring would be the signet ring a sign of authority and access; shoes on the feet- slaves went barefoot, shoe worn in house by the master, guests took their shoes off on arrival; the fatted calf would have been grain fed-not grass, it would be saved for festive occasions and would feed 100 people-the whole community. What set the younger brother off to rebellion? vs. 28-The good son with the bad heart-is not yet home-He is still lost. His attitude is a reflection of the Law of Moses (See Dt. 18:18-21) Jesus is introducing a higher law-The greatest fault is to be conscious of no fault. The difference is one of you is trying to repent and one isn't.

4. Luke 16:1-13- Take a lesson from even the dishonest and the evil, if they are so prudent as to provide for the only future they think of, how much more should you who believe in an eternal future provide therefore. (JETalmage, Jesus the Christ p. 463-464)

5. Luke 16:14-18- vs. 18 Divorce is a very serious problem today and in most casses is not justified. Yet, when things are in proper order and the individuals involved are worthy, the Lord through our prophets today allows people who have been divorced to remarry and be sealed in the temple. Certainly this would not be the case if the very ordinance of marrying immediately made them adulterers. The JST shows us that Jesus was addressing the hypocritical Pharisees, who verbally attacked him in verse 14. Thus, we understand that, among other evil practices, the Pharisees were secretly involved in marrying and divorcing to make their sexual conquests seem legal. The Savior said they were adulterers and strongly condemned them for this evil at the end of JST Luke 16:21, which unfortunately was left out of the Bible. (DJRidges, The New Testament Made Easier p. 222-3)

6. Luke 16:19-31-Lazarus and the Rich Man- When Jesus gives this parable he, for the only time in a parable, gives a name to one of His characters. He knows that His friend Lazarus is in or soon will be in the Spirit World. The rich man is the Pharisees.

7. John 11:17-46- Lazarus is raised from the dead. vs. 17 - The custom or the Jews was to bury the deceased on the day of death. It was a popular belief that the spirit remained near the body up to 3 days, but by the 4th day the spirit was irretrievably gone.

8. John 11:47-57- They take council to kill Jesus- so he goes to Ephraim, about 15 miles NE of Jerusalem.

9. Luke 17:11-19-One of 10 lepers gives thanks. (a Samaritan)

10. Luke 18:9-14- Parable of Pharisee and the Publican

11. Luke 18:15-17 - Suffer the children-see JST Matthew 19:13- "There is no need, for Jesus said, for such shall all be saved.

12. Luke 18:18-30 - Eternal Life (Luke 10:25)- See Hugh B. Brown story in Institute Student Manual p. 133

13. Luke 18:31-34- Foretells upcoming crucifixion

14.Luke 19:1-10- Zacchaeus

15. John 11:55-57- Will Jesus attend the Passover

16. John 12:1-11- Spikenard- related to valerian, imported from India and used wisely by Hebrews & Romans to anoint the dead. "Mary anointed Jesus so that the next day the thousand of Israel might acclaim him King. (BRM-MM 3:327)

17. SUNDAY John 12:12-19 (Luke 19:29-44) - Triumphal Entry- all 4 gospel writers!

18. MONDAY John 12:20-36 - vs. 20 Proselytes - see BD - for requirement and difference between a Proselyte and a God-fearer. vs. 27 The New International Version rendering of this verse is "Now my heart is troubled, and what shall I say? Father, save me from this hour? No, it was for this very reason I came to this hour. Father, glorify your name! vs. 34 - The Jews didn't think that the Messiah would die.

19. TUESDAY Matthew 21:17, 18-19; 12-16; 17 - Jesus spent Sunday night in Bethany. vs. 18-Monday morning- The fig tree is a symbol of Judaism. vs. 12-16 - 2nd cleansing of temple. The Gospel of Mark indicates that he cursed the tree on his way to the temple and the next day, it was dead. Matthew 21:23-27 - Question of Authority

John's use of Lazarus' story compared to Jesus'

Washing of Feet
John 12:3; 13:5
John 11:2
Glorification of Son of God
John 13:31
John 11:4
Crucial role of Thomas in concern about Jesus' death
John 20:24-39
John 11:16
Jesus' Testimony
John 14:6, 19
John 11:25
Reference to Jesus as the Master
John 13:3; 20:16
John 11:28
Troubled Savior
John 12:27-28
John 11:33
Concern about where body is laid
John 20:2
John 11:34
Focus on loving Christ
John 14:21-23; 21:15
John 11:36
Burial place with stone
John 19:41; 20:1
John 11:38
Description of burial clothing-including napkin
John 20:5-7
John 11:44
Notable words of Caiaphas the High Priest
John 18:13-14
John 11:49-51

Isaiah 60,61,62,63,64,65,66

Isaiah 60
Vs. 1-3- A prophecy of our time. Out of the darkness of the apostasy and the great wickedness of our time will shine the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ. Vs. 3 is the reason we have missionaries.

Vs. 4- The great gathering of our day. Isaiah will get to say, "I told you so!"

Vs. 5-  Gentile converts will not come empty handed. Note footnote c.

Vs. 6- D&C 124:11

Vs. 7- The wealth of converts will build the kingdom with temples.

Vs. 8- Who are these converts? Note footnote a.

Vs. 9- These converts will be anxious to come

Vs. 10- They will want to build Zion. (Jerusalem and the New Jerusalem)

Vs. 11-12- About the phrase “thy gates shall be open continually” (Isaiah 60:11), Elder Orson Pratt said: “‘They shall not be shut day nor night, that men may bring unto thee the forces of the Gentiles, and that their kings may be brought, for the nation and kingdom that will not serve thee shall perish, yea, those nations shall be utterly wasted.’ What! no people or nation left that will not serve Zion? Not one. What will become of this great republic [the United States] … ? If they will comply with the ordinances of Zion, repent of their sins and be prepared for this great and glorious day, God will save them; but if they will not they will be utterly wasted away. Thus have the prophets declared.” (JD 14:355)

Vs. 13- There will be the best of materials to build the places the Lord will walk.

Vs. 14- The descendants of former persecutors will know whose work it is.

Vs.  15- Latter-day Israel will be honored.

Vs.  16- Gentiles shall aid in our getting to know Jesus.

Vs.  17- An upgrade in building materials to build Zion's good leaders.

Vs. 18- Zion will be a land of peace.

Vs. 19-20- Hymn # 227- The Lord is My Light.  When the New Jerusalem is eventually built, and Jesus Christ returns to earth in glory, the need will disappear for the sun and the moon to give light to God’s covenant people. The Lord Himself will be an everlasting light. (D&C 133:57–58.)

Vs. 21- No more bad guys!

Vs. 22- Zion will be LARGE!

 Isaiah 61

Vs. 1-2- Jesus quoted these verses to the people of Nazareth in their synagogue. When He had finished, “the eyes of all them that were in the synagogue were fastened on him” (Luke 4:20). He then said, “This day is this scripture fulfilled in your ears” (v. 21; see vv. 16–19). These verses in Isaiah relate to Jesus as does the rest of Isaiah 61—to Him and to the building of His Zion in the latter days. He it is who is appointed of the Father to preach the gospel unto men, to heal or provide forgiveness‍ to the wounded soul, to preach deliverance to those captives in the spirit prison (see 1 Peter 3:18–19). Jesus Himself cited this passage as evidence of His divinity (see Matthew 11:2–5; Luke 7:19–22). (OTSM p. 224) Note footnote 1k-Add to those references Isaiah 24:22; 42:7; 49:9; 1 Peter 3:18-19; 4:6.

Vs. 3- Jesus will make Zion possible: I noted 6 things.

Vs. 4- Millennial rebuilding of destructions at 2nd Coming.

Vs. 5- Service by those who do accept Gospel?

Vs. 6- Those who are prepared to serve will be provided for.

Vs. 7- Nobody gets ripped off. Actually, just the opposite of getting ripped off for the righteous.

Vs.  8- Robbery= things taken and things not given (Malachi 3:18-19).

Vs. 9- All shall know of the truth of the Gospel of Christ. Note footnote 9a.

Vs. 10- We will be grateful for the blessings of the Gospel and will acknowledge our temple blessings.

Vs. 11- The seeds of the gospel will produce a beautiful garden!

Isaiah 62

Vs. 1- The world will see the good of the Gospel.

Vs. 2- New names are given for new covenants; Jacob, Abram, Baptism, Temple.

Vs. 3- Moses 1:39

Vs. 4- Note footnotes and JST-Hephzi-bah=Delightful and Beulah=Union

Vs. 5- JST replaces sons with God.

Vs. 6- Prophets will continue to raise the warning voice.

Vs. 7- We should keep praying until Zion is established.

Vs. 8- God promises by his "covenant" hand that He will give His children Eternal protection.

Vs. 9- Blessings to Israel during the gathering. Chief blessing, "in the courts of my holiness" is a temple reference.

Vs. 10- Make a path for the gathered of Israel.

The standard, a flag or ensign, is variously given in the scriptures as the "root of Jesse" (Isaiah 11:10; the Book of Mormon (2 Nephi 29:2-3), the great Zion of the last days (D&C 64:41-43), & the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (D&C 115:4-5). (Parry p. 552)

Vs. 11- The Gospel will spread and Christ will come!

Vs. 12- The Holy People are the temple goers. Not forsaken-see vs. 4.
Isaiah 63
Vs. 1-2 D&C 133:46-48- And it shall be said: Who is this that cometh down from God in heaven with dyed garments; yea, from the regions which are not known, clothed in his glorious apparel, traveling in the greatness of his strength?   And he shall say: I am he who spake in righteousness, mighty to save. And the Lord shall be red in his apparel, and his garments like him that treadeth in the wine-vat.
Edom=Idumea=The world.   Bosrah=The capital of Edom
The red apparel is the badge of the Savior's atonement.
Vs. 3- D&C 133:50- And his voice shall be heard: I have trodden the wine-press alone, and have brought judgment upon all people; and none were with me;  See D&C 19:15-20
Vs. 4- 2nd Coming- The time long awaited.
Vs. 5- Alone in his suffering. He alone could atone. See Isaiah 59:16
Vs. 6- At the 2nd Coming the wicked and their works will be destroyed.
Vs. 7- Isaiah reminds Israel of God's help in spite of their wickedness. D&C 133:52- And now the year of my redeemed is come; and they shall mention the loving kindness of their Lord, and all that he has bestowed upon them according to his goodness, and according to his loving kindness, forever and ever.
Vs. 8- Jesus knows who His people are & of their honesty.
Vs. 9- Jesus has felt the affliction of Israel and has carried them as He did in delivering them from Egypt.
Vs. 10- When Israel continued to rebel, the Lord had to be the one to discipline them.
Vs. 11- Sometimes Israel remembers and expects help again as they received then.
Vs. 12- What Moses did he did with Priesthood power-Right Hand.
Vs. 13- As sure footed as horses. (Ask about story at Havasupai)
Vs. 14- As animals know where to go to find food, so God led Israel.
Vs. 15-Israel prays for a renewal of God's help.
Vs. 16- Isaiah's prayer continues asking for the blessings of Abraham & Jacob for his days and ours.
Vs. 17- Note the JST- Israel misused her agency, but please bless her for the righteous sake.
Vs. 18- Isaiah predicts the destruction of the temple.
Vs. 19- Israel is God's people. The heaven nations are not.

United States












United Kingdom







 Isaiah 64
This chapter is a continuation of a prayer started in verse 15 of Chapter 63. Isaiah directly addresses the Lord 8 times. D&C 133:40-45 quotes Isaiah 64:1-4 with changes & additions. The prayer is for the 2nd coming of the Savior. Have you ever prayer for that?
Vs. 1-4 - D&C 133:40-45-  40 Calling upon the name of the Lord day and night, saying: O that thou wouldst rend the heavens, that thou wouldst come down, that the mountains might flow down at thy presence.    41 And it shall be answered upon their heads; for the presence of the Lord shall be as the melting fire that burneth, and as the fire which causeth the waters to boil.    42 O Lord, thou shalt come down to make thy name known to thine adversaries, and all nations shall tremble at thy presence— 43 When thou doest terrible things, things they look not for;  44 Yea, when thou comest down, and the mountains flow down at thy presence, thou shalt meet him who rejoiceth and worketh righteousness, who remembereth thee in thy ways.    45 For since the beginning of the world have not men heard nor perceived by the ear, neither hath any eye seen, O God, besides thee, how great things thou hast prepared for him that waiteth for thee.
Vs. 1- To rend the heavens is to remove the veil so that God can be seen
Vs. 2- The melting fire- D&C 101:24-25- 24 And every corruptible thing, both of man, or of the beasts of the field, or of the fowls of the heavens, or of the fish of the sea, that dwells upon all the face of the earth, shall be consumed;    25 And also that of element shall melt with fervent heat; and all things shall become new, that my knowledge and glory may dwell upon all the earth.
Make thy name known to thine adversaries- The followers of God know his name. The prayer asks for all to know who our God is.
Vs. 4 - I Cor. 2:But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.
JST 64:5-6- "Thou meetest him that worketh righteousness and rejoiceth him that remembereth thee in thy ways; in righteousness  there is continuance,, and such shall be saved.    But we have sinned; we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses, are as filthy rags; and we all do fade as a leaf; and have our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away.
Vs. 6- The implication is that even though we perform righteous acts, we are still fallen, imperfect, and unclean before the Lord. (Parry)
Vs. 7- We are not righteous. We aren't even praying. Our sins have caused God to not be available to us.
Vs. 8- But, we are children of God. He made us and we are subject to Him.
Vs. 9- Forgive our sins. We are all thy people.
Vs. 10-11 Isaiah sees the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple and other holy cities.
Vs. 12- Isaiah asks, " How long will it be before the wicked among Israel will be punished."
 Isaiah 65
JST Vs. 1-2- "I am found of them who seek after me, I give unto all them that ask of me, I am not found of them that sought me not; or that inquired not after me. I said unto my servant, Behold me, look upon me. I will send you unto a nation that is not called after my name.    For I have spread out my hands all the day unto a people who walketh not in my ways and their works are evil and not good, and they walk after their own thoughts.
              Israel has rejected God so He will go to the gentiles.
Vs. 3- Israel has offered sacrifices their way-not as instructed by the Lord.
Vs. 4- Who sit among the graves and lodge in the monuments, (This statement may refer to an effort to communicate with the spirits of the dead, an action forbidden by the Mosaic law [Dt. 18:10-12; Lev. 19:31; Isa. 8:19], which eat swine's flesh and broth of abominable (JST-beasts and pollute their vessels.)
Vs. 5- The Israelite "holier than thou" attitude created an unpleasant odor for God.
Vs. 6-7- God will not allow this wickedness forever.
Vs. 8- God will punish-but not totally destroy Israel.
Vs. 9- God will allow Israel to inherit the promised land.
Vs. 10- From East to West will be a place of rest.
Vs. 11-12- Israelites who persist in idol worship will be destroyed.
Vs.  13-14- The Lord contrasts His servants with the wicked.
Vs. 15- Might the "other name" be Christian?
Vs. 16- Real worship brings repentance and then God's blessings.
Vs. 17-25- The Millennium. See D&C 101:23-31
Vs. 21-23- People w2ill enjoy the fruits of their own labors. Their efforts will not come to naught.
Vs. 24- Prayers answered immediately!
Isaiah 66-
Brothers and sisters, I renew but also widen and deepen my specific expressions of everlasting gratitude given in April conference. I have been mercifully granted what might be called a “delay en route.” Whether short or long, it is a wonderful blessing from the Lord! I have thereby learned, however, that there is another side to the “Why me?” question, since some are not granted any “delay en route” at all. Whichever side of that question, what is needed is mortal submission, even when there is no immediate divine explanation. Thus we are to press forward, whatever the length of the near horizon, while rejoicing in what awaits us on the far horizon. (NAMawell CR. Oct. 1997)
Vs. 1- Note the parallelism- heaven and earth; throne and footstool; house that ye built and place of my rest. The earth=the footstool of God whose temple is His throne. We need to remember to be submissive to Him.
Vs. 2- The Lord loves the humble!
Vs. 3-4- The Lord condemns sacrifice without worship.
Vs. 5- Those who love the Lord, but have not been allowed to worship will be honored by Him.
Vs. 6- The day will come when those who oppose God will be punished.
Vs. 7- God's kingdom established in the latter-days will be as dramatic as laborless birth.
Vs. 8- The gathering will be remarkable!
Vs. 9- God guarantees His promises as pregnancy brings children.
Vs. 10- These events are going to make the righteous very happy.
Vs. 11-14- Converts of the latter-days will be nourished.
Vs. 15-24- The 2nd coming and the events right before the destruction of the great army fighting against Jerusalem.
Vs. 17- Idol worship destroyed
Vs. 19- The gospel message is to spread to the nations of the world. See 3 Nephi 21:1-2.
Vs. 20- Gathered Israel will travel to temples by every means available.
Vs. 21- Converts will get the priesthood.
Vs. 22- Article of Faith #10.
Vs. 23- Orderly and Regular worship. (obedience)
Vs. 24- The suffering of the wicked will continue until their sins are paid for. D&C 76:44; 19:17-18