Sunday, December 11, 2011

Day Seventeen - The Johns, Jude and Revelation

211-17 - 3 Johns, Jude & Revelation

1. The Beloved.  2. John the Divine or the Diviner 3. Son of Thunder or Son of Zebedee  4. Brother of James.  5. Fisherman  6. 2nd most prolific author of New Testament (Gospel of John, 3 epistles and Book of Revelation)  7. Member of original 12 Apostles  8. Member of 1st Presidency  9. Translated-he has not yet died 10. Received 2nd Comforter 11. Helped restore Melchizedek Priesthood. 12. Present with Jesus, Peter and James on special occasions; Raising of Jairus’ daughter, Mt. of Transfiguration, Gethsemane . 13. It was this John who Jesus asked to take care of His mother has he hung from the cross. 14. Rumor has it that he gets together with the 3 Nephites on Friday evenings for a rousing game of Rook. 15. See 1 Nephi 14; Ether 4:16; D&C 7; 27:12)
Without the additional truth that modern revelation supplies, the information contained in John 21:20–23 is ambiguous enough to have fostered a great deal of confusion concerning the fate of John the Beloved. Interest in the fate of John was alive and well in the days of Joseph Smith. For example, Adam Clarke, a scholar who published a comprehensive commentary on the Bible at the beginning of the nineteenth century, stated: “Some have concluded from these words [in John 21:22] that John should never die. Many eminent men, ancients and moderns, have been and are of this opinion. . . . For nearly eighteen hundred years, the greatest men in the world have been puzzled with this passage. It would appear intolerable in me to attempt to decide, where so many eminent doctors have disagreed, and do still disagree." With Joseph’s and Oliver’s interest in religion, they had likely already been exposed to this debate. Hence, when the topic came up again—either spontaneously or as a result of translating the Book of Mormon—they naturally wanted to know what had happened to John.
Latter-day scripture not only confirms that John did not die but also provides valuable information about translated beings. During His mortal ministry, the Savior declared to His Apostles, “There be some standing here, which shall not taste of death, till they see the Son of man coming in his kingdom” (Matthew 16:28; see also Mark 9:1; Luke 9:27). John apparently desired to fulfill this prophecy. According to the translated parchment, John asked the Savior for “power over death” so that he might “live and bring souls unto thee” (D&C 7:2). The Lord responded by confirming to John that he would “tarry until I come in my glory” (D&C 7:3)—in other words, he would be translated.
What does it mean to be translated? The Greek verb used in Hebrews 11:5 is metatithemi and can mean “to effect a change in state or condition” as well as “to convey from one place to another.”[37] Because of its association with the biblical story of Enoch, by the time of the Prophet Joseph Smith the word translated was understood not only to mean “conveyed from one place to another” but specifically “removed to heaven without dying.”[38] It is noteworthy that when discussing the doctrine of translation, latter—day scripture includes important information concerning changes to the condition of an individual’s body (see 3 Nephi 28:7, 37–38). 
The primary mission of translated beings is sharing the gospel. John’s request included the desire to “live and bring souls unto [Christ]” (D&C 7:2). The Savior promised John that he would “prophesy before nations, kindreds, tongues and people” (D&C 7:3) and then explained to Peter that John would “minister for those who shall be heirs of salvation who dwell on the earth” (D&C 7:6). The Lord explained that John the Beloved would continue his ministry until the Second Coming (see D&C 7:3). At the time of the Savior’s triumphant return, translated beings will “receive a greater change” (3 Nephi 28:40; see also v. 39), namely instantaneous resurrection. The Savior instructed the Three Nephites that when He would return in His glory, they would be “changed in the twinkling of an eye from mortality to immortality” (3 Nephi 28:8). At that point they would “be received into the kingdom of the Father to go no more out, but to dwell with God eternally in the heavens” (3 Nephi 28:40), and there they would experience a “fullness of joy” (3 Nephi 28:10).
 In the latter days, we have greater revealed knowledge about John the Beloved, yet verifiable eyewitness accounts are extremely limited.[43] There is an important reason for this. Concerning the translated Three Nephites, the prophet Mormon explained that as they preached the gospel, the Jews and the Gentiles “shall know them not” (3 Nephi 28:27–28). The fact that the Three Nephites appeared to the prophet Mormon as well as to his son Moroni illustrates that translated beings “can show themselves unto whatsoever man it seemeth them good” (3 Nephi 28:30), especially to the prophets (see 3 Nephi 28:24–26; Mormon 8:10–11). But the implication of 3 Nephi 28:27–28 remains that translated individuals will not normally be recognized by the general populace. (John the Beloved in Latter-day Scripture (D&C 7)Frank F. Judd Jr. and Terry L. Szink)
Red: quite close to voice of Jesus  Pink: somewhat close to the voice of Jesus Gray: large undecided category which needs further study Black: voice of the community "What is most shocking is the list of statement that they have declared are not the voice of Jesus. This list includes all passages that speak of Jesus having an exalted status, passages in which such words as Messiah, Son of God, light of the world, bread of life, and so forth are used, plus, all passages that speak of Jesus dying for the sins of the world; all the end-of-the-world or second coming passages and essentially all of the Gospel of John. (Jonn D. Claybaugh, "What the Latter-day Scriptures Teach About John the Beloved" in The Testimony of John the Beloved" p. p. 17-18)

1 John - 70-90 AD - A response to Gnosticism (the body is evil and the spirit is good- Teachings; fellowship, obedience, light and darkness, love, anti-Christ, being like God, and the intercession of Christ.
Chapter 1
Vs. 1-3 - John's testimony to those who hadn't seen Christ that he was a physical reality, separate from his Father. We heard him, We saw him, We touched him.
Vs. 5 - Jesus is the Light of the World. (John 1:4-9; 8:12; 9:1-5; D&C 50:23-24; 88:67-68)
Vs. 8-10- What % of people in the world have sinned? What must all therefore do?
Chapter 2
Vs. 1-2 - Note D&C 45:3-5
Vs. 8-11- There is no room for hate in the heart of a Latter-day Saint.
Vs. 15 & 16 - No man can serve 2 masters. Do we love the world or the Lord?
Chapter 3 -

Chapter 5
Vs. 7 - The Johannine Comma- The KJV has added words in this verse not found in any Greek manuscripts nor in any translation prior to the 16th century. Thus, the phrases, "bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost; and these three are one. And there are three that bear witness in earth" are a late addition. The members of the Godhead are one in purpose, not in physicality or entity. (Ogden p. 296)
2 John - 90 AD - Possibly written to John's own family. Vs. 7 - A warning to beware of those who deny that Jesus came in the flesh.

3 John - 90 AD - Addressed to a local leader named Gaius who he encourages in his work. He also names Demetrius as one who has done well, and warns of Diotrephes who apparently was an apostate local leader who did not recognize the visiting apostles.
Verse is one of my favorite verses in scripture.

Jude - A half brother of Jesus and a brother of James. No date or location is given. See Jude in BD.
Vs. 4- Note the methodology used in apostasy, "men crept in unawares, who were before ordained to this condemnation."
Vs. 6- The only place in the Bible where those who followed Lucifer in the pre-earth are referred to as those who "kept not their first estate." See Abraham 3:24-28.
Vs, 9 - See TPJS p. 157-158
Vs. 14-16 - Jude had access to a prophecy where Enoch prophesied of the Savior's 2nd Coming. (See TPJS p. 170)
The Book of Revelation for Beginners
1. NO S
2. The title of the book in Greek is Apocalypsis, from which we get its other common name, the Apocalypse. Apocalypsis is formed from two Greek words.  APO=A preposition denoting separating or removal and KALYPTO=To cover, hide or veil; Hence its English title, The Book of Revelation (or the uncovering or unveiling)
3. Many prophets have seen visions similar to Johns; Adam, Enoch, Mahonri-Moriancumer, Abraham, Joseph, Moses, Isaiah, Nephi (1 Nephi 14:18-27), Daniel, Joel, Ezekiel.
4. A required companion reading of the Book of Revelation must include; D&C 77; 1 Nephi 14 and Ether 4:14-17. Joseph Smith – “After I got through translating the Book of Mormon,  took up the Bible to read with the Urim and Thummim. I read the first chapter of Genesis and I saw the things as they were done. I turned over the next and the next, and the whole passed before me like a grand panorama; and so on chapter after chapter until I read the whole of it. I saw it all!” (Draper, p. 12)
5. The Book of Revelation is one of the books least altered by the JST. (In Genesis the Prophet changed 771 of 1532 verses, besides adding 225 completely new verses. Thus he altered well over 50 percent of the book and expanded it by another 15 percent. In Matthew he corrected 682 of 1071 verses, or 64% of the total. By comparison, in Revelation he changed only 81 of 393 verses, or 21%)
6. Don't get bogged down with interpreting every symbol in the Book and miss the main message:  there will be an eventual triumph on this earth of God over the devil; a permanent victory of good over evil. (Bible Dictionary)
9. The Book of Revelation is one of three Bible texts endorsed by the Book of Mormon. A. Isaiah – 3 Nephi 23:1 B. Malachi – 3 Nephi 24-25; 26:2 and C. Revelation – Ether 45-16, 1 Nephi 14:18-27
10. Historical background - About 95 BC, close to the end of the reign of Domitian(81-96). The Church had enjoyed great growth with the missionary work of the Twelve Apostles. Branches had been established throughout Palestine, Macedonia, Europe and Asia Minor, but they are now struggling, because of persecution from Jews (Rev. 2:9; 3:9) and Romans and apostasy from within. Because of his testimony, John has been banished to Patmos, a rocky, barren, 400 sq. mile island about 40 miles from ancient Ephesus in modern day Turkey. While there he receives one of the most significant revelations ever given. He is to send this revelation to the leaders of 7 of the churches in Asia. (Modern Day Western Turkey)
11. Acts 8:26-31 - How can I except some man should guide me?
12. "If you have already fallen in love with John's presentation of the Plan of Salvation as it is set out in the Apocalypse, you are one of the favored few in the Church. If this choice experience is yet ahead for you, the day and hour is here to launch one of the most intriguing and rewarding studies in Gospel Scholarship in which any of us ever engage...In my judgment the Gospel of John ranks far ahead of those of Matthew, Mark or Luke; as least John's record of the life of our Lord is directed to the Saints; it deals more fully with those things that interest people who have received the gift of the Holy Ghost, and who have the hope of eternal life. But even ahead of his gospel account stands this wondrous work, the Book of Revelation...The common notion that it deals with beasts and plagues and mysterious symbolism that cannot be understood is just not true. It is so far overstated that it gives an entirely erroneous feeling about this portion of revealed truth. Most of the book is clear and plain and should be understood by the Lord's people. Certain parts are not clear and are not understood by us-which, however does not mean that we could not understand them if we would grow in faith as we should." (BRM - Ensign, Sept. 1975 p. 87)
GENESIS                    1532 Verses    771 Changed               225 added            50% altered
MATTHEW                1071 Verses    682 Changed                                       64%
REVELATION           393 Verses      81 Changed                                         21%

Ch. 1 - A. Names of Christ B. Student Manual quote on East and West p. 451 "Sometimes the reader of Revelation is startled by some of the imagery and symbolism used by John. They seem almost bizarre at times in their unusual nature. This is due, however, to a basic difference in cultural background and the use of language. Most members of the Church today are products of Western (Occidental) civilization. The occidental peoples tend to use language like a contractor uses building materials: he builds structures which are concrete in detail and form. But the oriental world, of which the Holy Land was a part, is more artistic in its use of language. Words are but colors with which the artist paints verbal pictures. Thus, the Oriental is usually more concerned with effect than with form and detail. Westerners say the sun is rising, while an Arab may say that it leaps from its bed of sleeping.
John, of course, being Jewish, was a product of Oriental, not Occidental, culture. So his depiction of the Savior as having a sharp, two-edged sword protruding from his mouth is perfectly acceptable, even though the Western mind trying to picture that image concretely may find it somewhat jarring to the sensitivities. To the Eastern mind the symbolism is most appropriate, for such a person is more concerned with the effect of the symbol than with its detail. Pushing the images and symbols of John’s writings for literal interpretation will lead to baffling and sometimes grotesque pictures. But if one remembers the Oriental’s love of imagery, such things as beasts with seven heads and ten horns, armies compared to locusts, and prophets with fire coming from their mouths will become beautiful and profound symbols of eternal truth."  C. Symbol-Right Hand
Ch. 2&3 - A. vs. 4-First Love B. I know thy works, I come quickly, He that hath an ear D. Symbol-#7-52x  E. The promises and challenges are different for each of the 7 churches but one promise is the same, "Eternal Life."
Ch. 4 - A. Helps; JST, TPJS, D&C 77, 45, 84, 88, 133, 1 Nephi 13&14, Ether 4&13
To meet space limitations in selecting JST passages for the LDS edition of the KJV of the Bible, the following guidelines were used:
            1. Selections must be doctrinally significant. 2. Selections must contribute something not readily apparent in the other standard works, thereby avoiding duplication and saving space for unique JST contributions. 3. Priority should be given to passages clarifying the mission of Jesus Christ, the nature of God, the nature of man, the Abrahamic covenant, the priesthood, the antiquity of the gospel, and the latter-day Restoration. 4. Excerpts up to 8 lines in length should be placed in the footnotes, and longer items should appear in a special appendix. ("I Have a Question", Ensign, June, 1992, p.29)
Ch. 5 - the most complete description we have in the scriptures of the premortal council where Christ was chosen as Savior
Ch. 6 - John is shown a history of the world video. vs. 9-11 tell of John's time - Joseph said, "I have by the Urim and Thummim see those martyrs. They were honest, devoted followers of Christ, according to the light they possessed. They will be saved." (Millet p. 27).
Ch. 7 - My favorite verse is #15. It speaks of our ability to serve and worship God forever. The word "serve" come from the Greek "latreuo" which refers to the performance of ceremonies associated with God's sanctuary, which these can perform because they are Kings and Priest of the most high. (Draper p. 86)
Ch. 8 - Vs. 1 is a great example of what we do not know. What is that silence in heaven for half an hour. The speculation is fun and thought provoking, which is another purpose of this book.
Ch. 9 - The JST of vs. 1 makes is clear that Satan does not have keys. The angel has the keys to the bottomless pit. Keys trump power. They are the right to preside.
Ch. 10- John gets a little book with his mission call to serve on the whole earth for 2000 years. John is told that he can't write all that he has seen. (vs. 4)
Ch. 11- Chronology doesn't seem important in apocalyptic literature. There is lots of bouncing around. "It is not possible for us specify the exact chronology of all the events that shall attend the 2nd Coming. Nearly all the prophetic word relative to our Lord's return links various events together without reference to the order of their occurrence. Indeed, the same scriptural language is often used to describe similar events that will take place at different times. (BRM- Millennial Messiah p. 635)
Ch. 12- The chapter most changed in the Book of Revelation. (95%) The chapter shows the war in heaven and its continuation on the earth in John's time. Also; the political kingdom of God is to grow out of the Church of God.
Ch. 13 - 13-18 show that Satan's power and dominion will include influence in 3 main areas; political, religious doctrine and economic. It is significant to look at our world today and see these 3 areas. I would add a fourth-standards of morality.
Ch. 14 - Divided into 3 parts; vs. 1-5, Christ's Mount Zion appearance. 6-13, 3 angels. 14-20, The harvest of the earth when the parable of the Wheat and the Tares is fulfilled.
Ch. 15 - A chapter to remind us that in spite of what will happen in the next 3 chapters, the righteous will be in Heaven with God in grateful praise!
Ch. 16 - The vials of wrath begin to be poured out; 1) Sores, 2)Sea to blood, 3)Rivers to blood, 4)wicked burned, 5)Devils kingdom attacked, 6)River Euphrates dried to prepare way for Kingdom of Christ 7)air.
Ch. 17 - Just as the Bride is Christ's Church, the whore is the Great and Abominable Church.
Ch. 18 - The wicked will lament the fall of Babylon AND disassociate themselves from it.
Ch. 19 - The wedding feast is the long awaited 2nd Coming. We want to be well dressed for this event of events.
Ch. 20 - Note vs. 12. We will be judged from the books. Records are being kept.
Ch. 21 - We finally get to partake of the fruit of the Tree of Life. Living forever
Ch. 22 - A Celestialized earth! A warning against tampering with the prophetic word of John.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

1st and 2nd Peter

PETER- 212-16

I. Rank the people in the New Testament in importance.
Jesus - Then Peter
Joseph Smith said, “Peter penned the most sublime language of any of the apostles,” (TPJS p. 301) BRM said he referred to both language and doctrine.
II. What do you know about Peter
A. First Presidency of Church with James and John
1. Received the keys of the kingdom on Mount of Transfiguration. (Matt. 17:1-3)
B. From Bethsaida but lived in Capernaum and had a home there
1. Home seemed to be the headquarters of Church in Galilee
2. Andrew, his brother his wife and at least for a while his mother-in law lived there. Archaeologists think they have found his home.
C. Peter’s names
1. Simon = Shim’on or anglicized as Simeon
2. Cephas = which is by interpretation, a seer, or a stone. (JST John 1:42)
This was not simply the offhanded bestowal of a convenient nickname as some have supposed. Rather, it was the application of a sacred and ancient principle, which is still administered in our own day. Whenever a new or higher level of commitment is made to the Lord and administered by the Lord or His servants, those disciples who agree to live on a higher plane or commit to a higher covenant, receive a new name, just as the scriptures of the Restoration teach. (See Mosiah 5:9-12); D&C 130:11.)
In this case, the new name, Aramaic Kepha’ (anglicized as Cephas) is the equivalent of the Greek Petros or Peter meaning stone. But Joseph Smith presents an expanded interpretation of The Savior’s intention by describing the meaning as “a seer or a stone,” thus implying that the new name is better understood as “seer stone.” Simon’s new name reflected something of his mature role as “seer stone” or revelatory anchor of God’s earthly kingdom. In other words, just as a seer stone is an instrument of revelation, the Savior was outlining the future role of the chief Apostle by saying, in effect, Peter would be the instrument through whom revelation for the Church would come. (See Acts 10)
D. Peter’s calling came in stages;
1. He was a follower of John the Baptist and was looking for the Messiah. (See Acts 1:21-22)  2. Peter leaves John and follows Jesus. (John 1:35-42)  3. Jesus calls Peter to leave his fishing and follow Jesus (Luke 5:2-11) First as a disciple. The Greek word for disciple,” mathetes, is the equivalent of the Hebrew talmud and means learner or pupil/student. The rabbis taught that continual and intimate association with one’s teacher was an integral part of the learning process. And so it was with the disciples of Jesus. However, unlike the disciples of the other great rabbis of intertestamental Judaism, who were encouraged to choose for themselves their own master or teacher, Peter and his associates were reminded that they had been chosen by the Master (John 15:16).  4. The call to the apostleship (Luke 6:12-16)  5. Notice that when the apostles are named, Peter is always first (Mark 1:36; 16:7;  Luke 8:45; 9:45; 9:32.  6. Peter is often the spokesman for the group of apostles.  a. Matthew 16:13-16 b. John 6:66-69 - After Bread of Life Sermon  E. D&C 132:7 - One man on the earth at a time  1. Apostolic seniority- Even how they enter and leave a room.  a. Elder Haight and President Romney - Afraid I’m going to steal something.  b. John 20:2-6- John waited for Peter to enter the tomb  F. Matt. 16:16-19  Anyone who has stood at the bedrock base of Mount Hermon can almost picture the Savior riveting His gaze upon Peter and saying to the chief Apostle, “You are Petros (small stone or rock) Then in the same breath, pointing to the bedrock face of the mountainside near where they stood, Jesus declared, “and upon this petra, (meaning bedrock) I will build my Church. .... The Church including leaders, members, ordinances, and activities, was built upon the foundation of revelation, more specifically the personal revelation that Jesus is the Messiah, the actual son of God, and the ultimate head of the church.  G. Mount of Transfiguration  H. Witness to Miracles- Walking on water  I. The last Supper (Preparation, Peter asked for the identity of the betrayer, refused to allow Jesus to wash his feet, Jesus predicts that Peter will deny him and then that Peter will be faithful (read Luke 22:31-32)  J. Peter’s denial - remember the sword - Not a prediction, a command (SWK)  K. D&C 49:11-14                              
1 Peter- 64 AD from Rome- Read as a General Conference talk by the President of the Church. 1) How to respond to trials 2) Warnings of bad times ahead 3) Reminds people that they are a chosen generation, foreordained to be members of the Church in their time.
Chapter 1
Vs. 1& 2 - Elect because of Foreordination - See Abraham 3:22-24; TPJS p. 365 (Every man who has a calling to minister to the inhabitants of the world was ordained to that very purpose in the Grand Council of heaven before this world was. I suppose I was ordained to this very office in that Grand Council."
Vs. 5 - salvation and exaltation are often synonymous in the scriptures
Vs. 7 - Another reminder to rejoice in our trials - See 2 Cor. 4:17; D&C 58:4; 121:7-8
Vs. 9 The object of your faith is salvation=exaltation
Vs. 13-16 - Peter's 1st admonition - Be holy in all your conversation (conduct) as Jesus was holy.
Vs. 22 - Peter's 2nd admonition - See that ye love one another with a pure heart fervently, without respect of persons as God. (vs. 17)
Vs. 24-25 - What matters for a long time.
Chapter 2
Vs. 9 - Followers of Christ have always been peculiar. How are we? (Ex. 19:5-6)
Vs. 11-12 - Peter's 3rd admonition, abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against the soul to be good examples to the gentiles.
Vs. 13-16 - Peter's 4th admonition, follow the law of the land
Vs. 18-25 - Peter's 5th admonition, be faithful to your master, even if they treat you badly. Remember that Christ did not deserve his treatment.
Chapter 3
Vs. 1-6 - Peter's 6th admonition, to wives. Be an example
Vs. 7 - Peter's 7th admonition to husbands. Give honor to wives.
Vs. 8 - Peter's 8th admonition. Be of one mind. The golden rule.
Vs. 15 - quoted by President Monson in Oct. 2011 Priesthood Conf. - "If we are prepared to share the gospel, we are ready to respond to the counsel of the Apostle Peter, who urged, "Be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you."
Vs. 18-20- The verses which prompted President Joseph F. Smith to receive his great revelation today D&C 138.
Chapter 4
Vs. 1,6 & 8 - Note the JST
Vs. 12-16 - Verses given to prepare the Saint's in Rome for the Persecutions by Nero, that pertain to us today. We live lives of gratitude for previous sufferers. Pioneers, Joseph of Egypt, Joseph Smith, Jesus
Chapter 5
Great Counsel - note vs. 2, 5, 7.
2 Peter - Written to a more select group than 1 Peter. It was written to members of the Church with testimonies, like unto Peter. It was written in Rome shortly before Peter was crucified.
Chapter 1 - See Godly Characteristics of the Master, President Ezra Taft Benson, Ensign Nov. 1986; 3 Nephi 27:27 - then, "The apostle Peter spoke of the process by which a person can be made a partaker of the divine nature. This is important, for if we truly become partakers of the divine nature, we shall become like Him...The first characteristic, to which all the others are added, is faith. Faith is the foundation upon which a godlike character is build. It is a prerequisite for all other virtues. When I think of how we show faith. I cannot help but think of the example of my own father. ... Peter goes on to say that we must add to our faith virtue. Virtuous behavior implies that he has pure thoughts and clean action. He will not lust in his heart, for to do so is to deny the faith and to lose the Spirit (D&C 42:23)-and there is nothing more important in this work than the Spirit...Knowledge-While any study of truth is of value, the truths of salvation are the most important truths any person can learn...Temperance, This means restrained in our emotions and verbal expressions. Things done in moderation and not being given to overindulgence, self-control. The master of emotions...Patience, the ability to postpone gratification and to bridle ones passions. A patient man also waits on the Lord. We sometimes hear of people who seek a blessing, then grow impatient when it does not come swiftly. Part of the divine nature is to trust in the Lord enough to be still and know that I am God...[Godliness-You consider your accomplishment important only if they help establish His kingdom on earth. Russell M. Nelson Ensign, Nov. 1986. p. 47], brotherly kindness, Kindness is extended to all-the aged, the young, animals to those low of station as well of those of high...Charity-If we would truly seek to be more like our Savior, then learning to love as he loves should be our highest goal. Charity never seeks self-gratification, only the eternal growth and joy of others." (paraphrased) "to be a partaker of the divine nature is to know the power of God and to experience the Holy Ghost in one's life." (DOMckay- Conference Report, April 1963, p. 95)
Vs. 10- See DNTC 3:325-350; D&C 131:5; Marion G. Romney Conference Report, October 1965 p. 22; History of the Church 3 380, 388-389; TPJss p. 298 I was about to do a post on having one's calling and election made sure, but then the spirit prompted me that some of the experiences I have had are so special and sacred that sharing them online would be inappropriate.I am thankful for the guidance of the spirit in my daily endeavors. President Paternoster
Vs. 16-18 - Mount of Transfiguration
Vs. 19-21 All scripture comes by the power of the Holy Ghost, no matter what age of the earth is involved, and must and can be interpreted only by the same power." (DNTC 3:356)
Chapter 2- Vs. 13 "Sporting themselves with their own deceiving while they feast with you" that is proudly showing off their churchiness while inwardly being out of harmony. Murmuring may be described as half-suppressed complaint or grumbling. We count ourselves "in" because we're not openly critical, but behind the scenes we're disloyal. (Ogden, p. 287)

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Book of James

JAMES- written 45-50 AD

James is the English version of the Hebrew name Ya'akov (Jacob) There are 3 James in the New Testament (1) John's brother - Killed in 44 AD. (2) James the Lesser and (3) James the Lord's eldest? brother. Sometimes called James the Just. He was the Lord's half brother and didn't believe his Brother (John 7:2-5). Jesus appeared to him after the resurrection (1 Cor. 15:7). He was the first bishop of Jerusalem. James was called one of the 3 Pillars (Gal. 2:9, with John and Peter). He extended the hand of fellowship after his conversion (Gal. 1:19) He played a key role in the Jerusalem Council (Acts 15:13). He received Paul's report on his mission (Acts 21) He possibly took the place of the "other" James in the 1st Presidency. He was killed by stoning in 62 AD by Jewish leaders who took the law into their own hands. The theme of the book, is like a Spencer W. Kimball or Gordon B. Hinckley talk in General Conference; many gospel truths. It has also been compared to the Sermon on the Mount (Matt. 5-7) Martin Luther didn't like the book. There was too much talk of works. He said it was "an epistle filled with straw, because it contains nothing of the gospel."
Chapter 1
Vs. 1 - "Paul wrote to the saints of his own day, and if his doctrine and counsel blesses us of later years, so much the better. But James addressed himself to those of the twelve scattered tribes of Israel who belonged to the Church, that is , to a people yet to be gathered, yet to receive the gospel, yet to come into the fold of Christ, and if his words had import to the small cluster of saints of Judah and Benjamin who joined the Church in the meridian of time, so much the better." (DNTC 3:243)
Vs. 2 - Note the JST and this scripture chain; D&C 130:20-There is a law...; Alma 7:20-he cannot walk in crooked paths; Jacob 4:10- seek not to counsel the Lord, but to take counsel from his hand; Alma 14:11- agency must not be interrupted; Alma 60:13 - ye need not suppose that the righteous are lost because they are slain; D&C 103:3-4 - Why the Lord allowed the Saints in Jackson County to be persecuted; Abr. 3:5 - part of our test; D&C 136:31 - the Lord requires a tried people; D&C 98:12-14 - I will prove you herewith; D&C 101:4-5. JST Hebrew 11:40- without suffering you cannot be made perfect. Also D&C 54:10; 67:13 And in James; 1:3-4; 5:7-11; 1:14; 1:17; 1:19-21
"Some are tested with poor health, some by a body that is deformed or homely. Others are tested by handsome and healthy bodies; some by the passion of youth; others by the erosions of old age. Some suffer disappointment in marriage; family problems others live in poverty and obscurity. Some (perhaps this is the hardest test) find ease and luxury. All are part of the test, and there is more equality in this testing than sometimes we suspect." (BKP "The Choice" Ensign Nov. 1980 p. 21)
Vs. 5 - "This single verse of scripture has had a greater impact and a more far reaching effect upon mankind than any other single sentence ever recorded by any prophet in any age." (DNTC 3:246) "Never did any passage of scripture come with more power to the heart of man than this did at this time to mine. It seemed to enter with great force into every feeling of my heart. I reflected on it again and again." (JSH 1:12)
Vs. 6 - Had this wavering thing been a problem with James before his conversion?
Vs. 8 - What is a double-minded man?
Vs. 9-11 - Grass and wealth-temporary and fleeting.
Vs. 13-16 - God does not tempt us, but He does test us. Gen. 22:1; D&C 1014 What is the difference?
Vs. 27 - The President Monson verse in the President Monson book.
Chapter 2
Vs. 1-9 - How do we show partiality? 2 Nephi 26:33 (color of skin, gender) 3 Nephi 6:12 (Education, wealth) Alma 31:12-18 (Zoramites-Rameumpton)
Vs. 10 - What is the maximum number of sins a person can take with him into the Celestial Kingdom? See D&C 58:28-29; Matt. 19:16-26 (the foolish rich man); Those who attain exaltation must be cleansed from all their sins (D&C 76:52) Certainly there are kingdoms and reward to correspond with every level of obedience. However, it only takes one area of deficiency to keep us from all that our Father hath. (D&C 84:38) Thankfully, we have been given a probationary time to learn total obedience. Mosiah 4:27
Vs. 14-21 - Note the JST
Chapter 3
Vs. 2-12 If we learn to control our tongue, we can control? "Whenever you get red in the face, whenever you raise your voice, whenever you get hot under the collar or angry, rebellious, or negative in spirit, then know that the Spirit of God is leaving you and the spirit of Satan is beginning to take over." (Theodore M. Burton, Ensign, Nov. 1974 p. 56)
Vs. 14 - Envy is resentment over the good fortune of others. Strife is contention for superiority. And desire for superiority is the quintessential characteristic of Satan. (Moses 4:1)
Chapter 4
Vs. 1-12 - Double-mindedness means being torn between two enticements, being tossed to and fro by divided loyalties, attempting to give attention to both simultaneously, or devoting oneself to one and then the other, alternately. Either approach is fruitless, leaving the person fragmented and ineffective in both camps. Such an approach pleased the devil but not the Lord. He says no other Gods; seek first the kingdom of God; no man can serve two masters; put on the whole armor of God; experience a mighty change of heart; be firm and immovable. In a pluralistic world, some may see this posture as narrow, even bigoted and arrogant. The Savior was none of these. What do we do? See 4:4; 3:10; 1:8
Chapter 5
Vs. 1-6 - At 3 points in his epistle, James discusses riches, twice to warn about how transitory they are (1:9-11, 5:1-6) and once to decry using them as the reason for giving respect or honored social position (2:1-13). What is our attitude about riches and what do the scriptures say? D&C 59:16-20; James 2:1-9; 5:1-6; (Hedonism is a school of thought which argues that pleasure is the only intrinsic good), D&C 38:39; 3 Nephi 6:10-14; 4 Nephi 1:23-26; Jacob 2:18-19
Vs. 4 - Sabaoth has nothing to do with Sabbath. It comes from the Hebrew tzava'ot which means hosts. Christ is the Lord of Hosts.
Vs. 14 - Why olive oil? Anciently olive oil was considered to be the cleanest, clearest, brightest burning, and longest lasting of all the animal and vegetable oils. It was the purest of oils and would thus be appropriate for holy anointings. It was used to anoint; the tabernacle & parts thereof (Ex. 30:24-31), prophets, priests and kings, (1 Sam. 10:1, 16:13, 1 Kings 1:34, 39, 19:15-16. The word "Messiah" means-the anointed one. Pure olive oil is the symbol of the Savior himself and of his atonement. The Garden of Gethsemane (oil press in Hebrew). In the Garden, Jesus became like unto the olive, whose oil is pressed out.          Throughout the ages the kingdom of God on earth has used symbols-physical objects and substances representing sacred powers and practices. Baptism- the water does not cleanse, it is the faith and repentance that allows God to remit sin. The sacrament symbols represent the body and blood of the Savior, but they have no redeeming value. So it is with administration to the sick: we apply hands and oil, the physical touch and the tangible substance, in the ordinance, but the hand and the oil do not heal. It is faith in Jesus Christ and his power that heal. The pure olive oil is the symbol of the greatest healing agent in the universe-Christ and his atonement. If there is no oil, then they should administer by the laying on of hands in the power of the priesthood and in the prayer of faith. (paraphrased from Ogden, p. 271-2)
o   Vs. 19-20 - "Every person who is beginning the long journey of emancipating himself from the thralldom ((n) the state of being under the control of another person) of sin and evil will find comfort in the thought expressed by James. We could expand it somewhat and remind the transgressor that every testimony he bears, every prayer he offers, every sermon he preaches, every scripture he reads, every help he gives to stimulate and raise others-all these strengthen him and raise him to higher levels. The proper motivation for missionary work of any kind, as for all Church service, is of course love for fellowmen, but always such work has its by-product effect on one's own life. thus as we become instruments in God's hands in changing the lives of others our own lives cannot help but be lifted. One can hardly help another to the top of the hill without climbing there himself. (SWK - Miracle of Forgiveness, p. 205)

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Hebrews part 2

212-13- Hebrews Part 2
Chapter 7
"Paul will now teach more about Melchizedek, who was the king of Salem, to whom Abraham paid tithing and for whom the high priesthood was named. One of Paul's overall goals in this chapter is to point out to the Jewish (Hebrew) converts to the Church in his day what Christ's position was compared to Abraham and Melchizedek. The logic that Paul uses is this: The Levites were under Moses. Moses was under Abraham. Abraham was under Melchizedek. Melchizedek was under Christ. The point is that Christ is above them all. All of this will lead up to the point that salvation cannot be attained through living the Law of Moses. Rather, it is attained through Christ." (Ridges p. 334)

Vs. 1 - See Encyclopedia of Mormonism p. 879-986 This entry consists of two articles: Melchizedek: LDS Sources, a discussion of what is known of Melchizedek from Church scripture and revelation, and Melchizedek: Ancient Sources, a historical view of Melchizedek from ancient writings and traditions. See also DNTC 3:168-169; JST Genesis 14:25-40; Alma 13:1-19; D&C 84:6-26; 107:1-4. Latter-Day Saint beliefs - The Book of Mormon describes the work of Melchizedek in Salem in Alma 13:17-19. According to Alma, Melchizedek was King over the wicked people of Salem, but because of his righteousness, his people repented of their wickedness and became a peaceful city in accordance with the meaning of that name. With respect to Old Testament prophets, Alma declares that "there were many before [Melchizedek], and also there were many afterwards, but none were greater."

Also, in Joseph Smith's translation of the Bible, Melchizedek is described as "a man of faith, who wrought righteousness; and when a child he feared God, and stopped the mouths of lions." Because he was a righteous and God fearing man, Melchizedek was "ordained a high priest." The Translation also describes Melchizedek as establishing peace in his city and being called "the king of heaven" and "the King of peace" (JST Bible Gen 14:25-40), that he and his people sought to be translated, like Enoch's people were. Other Latter-day Saint views on Melchizedek closely match the King James Bible. The Melchizedek Priesthood is named after him, so as not to over-use the name of Christ, after whom it was originally named Section 107:3-4. According to the Doctrine and Covenants, Melchizedek is a descendant of Noah (LDS Church Section 84:14). There remains controversy whether he was Shem, or a descendant. John Taylor taught the former- perhaps due to Jasher 16:11, which says Adonizedek;[80] Bruce McConkie the latter. (Wikipedia)

Vs. 3 - Note the JST. Remember that holding the Aaronic Priesthood was based upon your mother and father, not so with the Melchizedek. Personal righteousness becomes the key.
Vs. 11-14 - The change from the lower (Law of Moses) to the higher (fullness of the gospel) required a change of priesthood.
Vs. 16-17 - See D&C 132:19-24
Vs. 19-21 - See JST - Paul is teaching that the Aaronic Priesthood is not received with an oath, but the Melchizedek Priesthood is.  D&C 84:39-40 "The Covenant is to this effect; 1. Man, on his part solemnly agrees to magnify his calling in the priesthood, to keep the commandments of God, to live by every word that proceedeth forth from the mouth of Deity, and to walk in paths of righteousness and virtue; and 2. God on his part agrees to give such persons an inheritance of exaltation and godhood in his everlasting presence. The oath is the solemn attestation of Deity, his sworn promise, that those who keep their part of the covenant shall come forth and inherit all things according to the promise." (McConkie, Mormon Doctrine, p. 480)
Vs. 26 -See JST - Christ had not sin. Aaronic High Priests always did. Consequently?
Chapter 8 - Paul gives a summary of what he has been teaching; Christ is a giant step forward from the Law of Moses.
The first covenant (testament under Moses was fulfilled, and Jesus brought a new Covenant (testament, hence we have in the bible the old and new testaments. (8:6 & 9:28)
The gospel was a better covenant because it offered the principles and ordinances of salvation in their fulness, while the law of Moses did not. The Israelites, in general, rejected the fulness of the gospel on both occasions when it was offered to them, first while wandering in the desert under Moses and later when Jesus came to earth in the meridian of time. Joseph Smith once said: This covenant has never been established with the house of Israel, nor with the house of Judah, for it requires two parties to make a covenant, and those two parties must be agreed, or no covenant can be made. (NTSM p 390)
Chapter 9
Each division of the tabernacle was regarded as a sacred sanctuary. While priests might enter the outer chamber every day as required by priestly duty, only the high priest (i.e., the presiding priest, who was to be of the tribe of Levi and a firstborn son of a direct descendent of Aaron) might enter the Holy of Holies, and that but once a year on Yom Kippur, or the Day of Atonement. This is the most sacred of all days in the Jewish year and had for its purpose the offering up of a special sacrifice within the Holy of Holies for the sins of the people. The ritual involved a series of events, the first two of which were to prepare the high priest for his solemn duties. First he would make sacrifices for himself and his brother priests so as to make them symbolically worthy to perform their sacred functions. Then he would lay aside his priestly robes, don a simple white tunic in preparation for the sacrifice itself, and return to the outer court. Taking two pure and unblemished male goats, he would dedicate one to Jehovah and one to the evil one, Azazel, or the devil. The goat dedicated to Jehovah was then sacrificed in the outer court. Its blood was taken into the Holy of Holies and sprinkled on the mercy-seat and before the ark of the covenant. This symbolized that Israel’s sins were atoned for by sacrifice.
Returning to the outer court, the high priest then laid his hands on the second goat and solemnly confessed upon it all Israel’s sins. This done, the goat was taken outside the camp and either compelled to lose its way or else was thrown from a cliff and thus destroyed. In this manner was symbolized a transference of sins from the children of Israel to the goat. This is the source for the modern notion of a scapegoat, that is, one who is literally punished for the mistakes or sins of another. (NTSM p. 390)

Vs. 5 - Mention of the Mercy seat - See Hymn #193, I Stand All Amazed.
Vs. 22 - Remission of sins under the law of Moses required the shedding of an animal’s blood. In setting forth the laws respecting sacrificial ordinances in ancient Israel, the Lord explained: “For the life of the flesh is in the blood: and I have given it to you upon the altar to make an atonement for your souls: for it is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul.” (Leviticus 17:11.) In other words, blood is symbolic of life, and it was the life of Christ that was required to remit sins. (See Mosiah 3:14, 15.) (NTSM p. 391)
Chapter 10
Vs. 19-22 - The ancient high priest entered the earthly sanctuary through rituals of purification; we enter the heavenly sanctuary through Christ's atoning blood. (Ogden p. 258)
Vs. 35 - Robert D. Hales Gen. Conf.  "Waiting Upon the Lord, Thy Will Be Done: Oct. 2011 (Nov. Ensign p. 71-74)
Chapter 11
Vs. 1 - Joseph Smith defined faith as a principle of power and also a principle of action. (Lectures of Faith p. 7)
Vs. 4 - See TPJs p. 58. also Abel was a ministering angel unto Paul. (TPJS p. 169) You cannot exercise faith contrary to the plan of heaven.
Vs. 40- Note the JST and the role of suffering in our life.
Chapter 12
Vs. 1-13 - With such a cloud of witnesses, the faithful are exhorted to cast off all entanglements of sin and run with endurance the race that lies before them, looking unto Jesus, the author and perfecter of their faith. Those who would escape weariness and troubles should compare their difficulties with His. Their sufferings are an evidence of God's love for them, for what father does not discipline his offspring? Through pain and suffering men may become nobler characters, in fact, may share God's holiness. (Sperry p. 281-2)
Vs. 2 - See 1 Cor. 1:18 & 23 "Although crucifixion was considered by nonbelievers to be an ignominious way to die, the early Saints saw obedience, humility, love and power in the Lord's crucifixion. The metaphor of discipleship was taking up one's cross and following the Savior. (Ogden p. 262)
Vs. 9 - My favorite verse in Hebrews.
Vs. 24 - See DNTC 3:232-32 and Ogden p. 262
Chapter 13
Vs. 4 "To deliberately refrain from assuming marital or parental obligation is to fail the most important test of this mortal probation" (DNTC 3:236)
Vs. 5 "Fourth and finally, please understand that what you see and experience now is not what forever will be. You will not feel loneliness, sorrow, pain, or discouragement forever. We have the faithful promise of God that He will neither forget nor forsake those who incline their hearts to Him. Have hope and faith in that promise. Learn to love your Heavenly Father and become His disciple in word and in deed." ( Uchtdorf, Ensign, Nov. 2011 p. 22)
Vs. 10 - " We have an altar [in other words, we have the sacrament which commemorates his body and blood sacrificed for us], whereof they [the Levitical priests spoken of in Hebrews 9:1-10 and elsewhere, who offer sacrifices in the tabernacle and temple, under the Law of Moses] have no right to eat which serve the tabernacle [are not authorized to eat because they haven't joined the Church]. (Ridges p. 354)

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Hebrews part 1

212-12- Hebrews
1. Written to Jewish members of the Church to persuade them that significant aspects of the law of Moses, as a forerunner, had been fulfilled in Christ, and that the higher gospel law of Christ had replaced it. When Paul returned to Jerusalem at the end of his third mission (about 60 AD), he found that many thousands of Jewish members of the Church were still zealous of the law of Moses (Acts 21:20) This was at least ten years after the conference at Jerusalem had determined that certain ordinances of the alw of Moses were not necessary for the salvation of gentile Christians, but had not settled the matter for Jewish Christians. It appears that soon thereafter, Paul wrote the epistle to the Hebrews to show them by their own scripture and by sound reason why they should no longer practice the law of Moses (BD)
2. For 15 years Paul had been very successful in converting Jews and Gentiles throughout the Roman Empire to the gospel of Jesus Christ, and showing them that the law of Moses was not essential. but at Jerusalem the Church members were still clinging to the law. Soon after this last visit of Paul to Jerusalem, he was arrested and sent to Rome for imprisonment. While in Rome, Paul wrote the epistle to the Hebrews, apparently to show them by their own scripture and by logic why they should no longer practice the law of Moses. The approach and the development of the arguments in the epistle is interesting and informative. (RJM- from a lecture to CES- don't have the date, just the handout)
3. Hebrews was not written to Gentiles, but to Jews. It was written to those schooled in the law of Moses. Yet it took Paul, a living prophet, to unfold its symbolism and explain the meaning of Mosaic rituals to the Jewish saints of his day. Through his eyes they came to see that all things associated with the Mosaic law centered in and testified of Christ. Salvation consists of our becoming one with Christ. (JFM Studies in Scripture Vol 6. p. 205)
4. Paul is at his theological best in Hebrews. There are other epistles, notable Romans, in which he expounds more excellently the doctrine of the atoning sacrifice and the salvation which comes by God's grace. There are other places as in 1st Corinthians, where the gifts of the Spirit and the wonders of the resurrection are more extensively taught, and there are other writings as Ephesians, where church organization and the world wide nature of the message of salvation are more explicitly delineated. But in Hebrews, as an inspired theologian, Paul takes the revelations of the past, the dead letter of the ancient law, and ties it into the living Christianity of the present. He shows how the gospel grew out of the preparatory law which prevailed in Israel and which in fact had as its purpose the preparing of the way before the coming of that Prophet who let Israel of old and was the Author of both covenants. Above all, this Epistle is a witness of the divine Sonship of Him of whom the Jews had said: "Is this not the carpenter's son?" (Matt. 13:55). Think of the gospel knowledge that would not be available in the Christian world , if we did not have the Epistle of Paul the apostle to his Hebrew brethren! (BRM, DNTC vol. 3 p. 133)
5. If they weren't going to live the law of Moses-Did they still need to consider the Old Testament (the only scripture they had) as scripture. The New Testament was still in the process of preparation and 300 plus years passed away before it was accepted as a standard or rule of faith.
Chapter 1
Vs. 1-4 - What do we learn about Jesus? A. Before prophets, lately Jesus B. Creator of worlds  C. Looks like his Father. D. Came to accomplish the Atonement (and did) E. Now on the Right-hand of his Father. F. Superior to Angels. (1:5 through 2:9)
Vs. 14 - "Hebrews 1:14 refers both to resurrected angels and to disembodied spirits. The Prophet Joseph Smith clarified that an angel is a resurrected being (such as Moroni) or a translated beings (such as Moses or Elijah), who ministers to embodied spirits (that is to us); a ministering spirit is a disembodied spirit, who ministers to disembodied spirits (as Jesus did between death and resurrection)-that is spirit to spirit ( TPJS p. 191) Angels are under the direction of Michael (TPJS p. 168). See also "Angels" by Oscar W. McConkie.
Chapter 2
Vs. 10-18 - Christ became mortal to save man. 2:20, 17-18; 4:15; 5:8-9; Alma 7:12
Vs. 17 - Reconciliation=Kapparah as in Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement          I know how I feel that you feel about what you are going through. Christ knows how you feel and how to succor you.
Chapter 3
Vs. 4-5 - Moses was a faithful servant  - Jesus was a faithful son
Vs. 11 - Entering into his rest - "The ancient prophets speak of ‘entering into God’s rest’; what does it mean? To my mind, it means entering into the knowledge and love of God, having faith in his purpose and in his plan, to such an extent that we know we are right, and that we are not hunting for something else, we are not disturbed by every wind of doctrine, or by the cunning and craftiness of men who lie in wait to deceive. . . . The man who has reached that degree of faith in God that all doubt and fear have been cast from him, he has entered into ‘God’s rest,’ . .  rest from doubt, from fear, from apprehension of danger, rest from the religious turmoil of the world” ( Gospel Doctrine, 58; see also Matthew 11:28–30 ). See D&C 84:24 and Moroni 7:3.
Vs. 17-19 - Israel could not enter the promised land because they did not obey nor believe.
Chapter 4
Vs. 1-2 & 5-JST  - A warning not to repeat the tragedy of ancient Israel.
Vs. 3  JST -For we who have believed do enter into rest, as he said, As I have sworn in my wrath, If they harden their hearts they shall not enter into my rest; also, I have sworn, If they will not harden their hearts, they shall enter into my rest; although the works of God were prepared, (or finished,) from the foundation of the world.
Vs. 14-16 - See also D&C 121:45
Chapter 5
Vs. 1-4 - The High Priest in ancient Israel was selected from the descendents of Aaron to represent the people before God. Joseph Smith taught that Aaron received his call by revelation (TPJS p. 272). In the days of Jesus and Paul, the priesthood had become corrupted and the office of high priest had been bought by a wealthy and influential family. These were times of great corruption in Judaism. Jesus as a high priest of Melchizedek, is superior to the high priests of the law of Moses.
Chapter 6
Vs. 1-2 - The JST change is very significant. Also note in vs. 2 that baptism word again.
Vs. 3-10 JST - 3  And we will go on unto perfection if God permit.
4  For he hath made it impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted of the heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost,
5  And have tasted the good word of God, and the powers of the world to come,
6  If they shall fall away, to be renewed again unto repentance, seeing they crucify unto themselves the Son of God afresh, and put him to an open shame.
7  For the day cometh that the earth which drinketh in the rain that cometh oft upon it, and bringeth forth herbs meet for them who dwelleth thereon, by whom it is dressed, who now receiveth blessings from God, shall be cleansed with fire.
For that which beareth thorns and briers is rejected, and is nigh unto cursing; therefore they who bring not forth good fruits, shall be cast into the fire; for their end is to be burned.
9  But, beloved, we are persuaded of better things of you, and things that accompany salvation, though we thus speak.
10  For God is not unrighteous, therefore he will not forget your work and labor of love, which ye have showed toward his name, in that ye have ministered to the saints, and do minister.
Vs. 4-6 - Sons of perdition (TPJS p. 358) See also D&C 76:35; 132:27
Vs. 10-14 - No good deed goes unrewarded- God has so promised with an oath. Oaths were part of Israel's religious life. (Numbers 30; 1 Nephi 4:32-33; Genesis 24)
Vs. 19-20 - The high priest under the law, went through the veil into the Holy of Holies on Yom Kippur to symbolically cleanse Israel; but Jesus, the great high priest, has gone into heaven itself to prepare a way for us.

Chapter 7
Vs. 3 JST For this Melchizedek was ordained a priest after the order of the Son of God, which order was without father, without mother, without descent, having neither beginning of days, nor end of life. And all those who are ordained unto this priesthood are made like unto the Son of God, abiding a priest continually.
Vs. 19-21 -19  For the law was administered without an oath and made nothing perfect, but was only the bringing in of a better hope; by the which we draw nigh unto God.
20  Inasmuch as this high priest was not without an oath, by so much was Jesus made the surety of a better testament.
21  (For those priests were made without an oath; but this with an oath by him that said unto him, The Lord sware and will not repent, Thou art a priest forever after the order of Melchizedek;)
Vs. 25-26 JST - 25 For such an high priest became us, who is holy, harmless, undefiled, separate from sinners, and made ruler over the heavens;
26  And not as those high priests who offered up sacrifice daily, first for their own sins, and then for the sins of the people; for he needeth not offer sacrifice for his own sins, for he knew no sins; but for the sins of the people. And this he did once, when he offered up himself.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

122-11- Pastoral Epistles

212-11- The Pastoral Epistles
Called Pastoral Epistles because Timothy and Titus were priesthood leaders in Ephesus and Crete. They pick up where Acts 28 leaves off. Between 63-66 AD. It is unclear whether they were written before or after Paul's probable trip to Spain
First Timothy - Between 63-66 AD
Acts 16:1-3; Philippians 2:19-23, a tribute to Timothy; BD-Timothy; Paul was a convert from Lystra from Paul's 1st mission. He was the son of a Greek father and a Jewish mother. His name means honoring god or honored by God. Paul loved Timothy (1 Cor. 4:17; 1 Tim. 1:2; 2 Tim. 1:2) He became a constant and trusted companion and was present when Paul wrote at least 7 of his epistles.
Chapter 1
Vs. 3 - Teach sound doctrine (1:3-11; Titus 2:1: 1:16; 1 Tim. 6:20- "The Gnostics (knowledge) generally claimed secret doctrines to add to the Church's public message" (Richard Anderson, p. 315)
Vs. 4 -Whether we are talking about Jewish genealogical tables or imaginary lineages, the point remains the same -- some topics are not worth the breath to discuss.  I Timothy 1:6; 4:7;6:3-5; 6:20-21;II Timothy 2:14-18; 2:23; Titus 1:14).
"The purpose for seeking the names of our kindred and running the chain back as far as we can find it is to give something to our progenitors, not to get something from them." (Packer, Holy Temple, p, 235)
Question: If genealogies are as important as Latter-day Saints say, why does the New Testament tell Christians to avoid endless genealogies (I Timothy 1:4, Titus 3:
The warning by Paul against genealogy does seem strange—not so much in light of our teachings, but because of the Bible's emphasis on the importance of genealogies and because of the many genealogies of the prophets and of Christ himself recorded in the Old and New Testaments (Matt 1:2-17, Luke 3:23-38). See what the prophet Nehemiah wrote about genealogy and who put it in his heart to record genealogy. Did God change his mind on the subject?:
And my God put into mine heart to gather together the nobles, and the rulers, and the people, that they might be reckoned by genealogy. And I found a register of the genealogy of them which came up at the first, and found written therein (Neh. 7:5). This prophet then takes the next 55 verses to list the people's genealogy. The genealogy Paul was warning against was not genealogy per se, but the practice of making long lists of ancestors to justify a claim to greatness or righteousness by way of lineage. Many genealogies in his day were heavily embellished with heroic actions, capitalizing on the doctrinal falsehood that the righteousness of one's ancestors was a type of justification before God. For example, in Luke 3:8 John the Baptist chastised those who appealed to their genealogical connection with Abraham as justification for their lack of repentance: "Bring forth therefore fruits worthy of repentance, and begin not to say within yourselves, We have Abraham to our father: for I say unto you. That God is able of these stones to raise up children unto Abraham." Another example is John 8:31-33 where the Lord was trying to teach a group of Jews that his word would make them free. Those Jews, themselves followers of Jesus, answered, "We be Abraham's seed, and were never in bondage to any man." They exhibited the prevailing attitude about their being righteous because of their important ancestors that prevented other Jews from turning to Jesus Christ. This is exactly what Paul was warning against in 1 Timothy 1:4 and Titus 3:9. This attitude is nothing like that exhibited by Latter- day Saints in their genealogical efforts today. Yet as it was in Christ's time with the children of Abraham, so it is today with some ex-Mormons who often appeal to their Mormon ancestry or genealogy ("I'm a fifth-generation Mormon!") to give supposed credibility to their fallacious statements. The recording of genealogy is not evil or to be avoided, for if it were, why would genealogical records be included numerous times in the Bible? God surely would never inspire Nehemiah (Neh. 7:5), Matthew (Matthew 1:1-16) or Luke (Luke 3:23-38) to do something evil! (Stephen Gibson)
Chapter 2
Vs.4- 5 - Note the JST of vs. 4 One Mediator. See D&C 45:3
Vs. 11-12 - The Gk word translated here as "silence" means quietness, tranquility. The intent is that women should support and not try to dominate or usurp authority over their priesthood leaders.
Vs. 14 - The Gk suggests that Eve's transgression consisted in her making a decision that affected both herself and Adam without consulting Adam. The Gk. parabasis meant literally to overstep.
Chapter 3 - What it took to be a bishop (1-7)or a deacon(8-13) - Nearly identical to what he wrote in Titus 5;. Bishops should be blameless,, vigilant, not self-willed, sober, temperate, patient, given to hospitality and not greedy of filthy lucre, have control over his own house, not a novice, the husband of one wife. (better translated - faithful to his one wife. Married deacons? (3:11-12) In Paul's day a man would be 30 before considered qualified to take part in the ministry. Our church started with older deacons & lowered the age many years later only when there were numerous priesthood holders and when boys could receive regular supervision from experienced priesthood leaders. (See D&C 107:52-Noah was 10)
Chapter 4
1-3 - Latter-day apostasy  - Personal apostasy after the church has been restored    1Timothy 4:1-3 "Since eternal life may only be achieved through celestial marriage, Satan does all within his power to forbid men and women to marry. Celibacy, living together out of wedlock, homosexuality, adultery, abortion, and birth control are but a few of the many methods employed to pervert men's minds and prevent the creation and continuance of this holy union. In the words of President Harold B. Lee, Satan's greatest threat today is to destroy the family, and to make mockery of the law of chastity and the sanctity of the marriage covenant." (Church News Aug. 19, 1972) ; 2 Timothy 3:1-7; 2 Timothy 4:3-4
Vs. 8 - Note the footnote. Some things mater a lot, but not for a long time
Vs. 12-13 - Favorites of President Hinckley
Chapter 5 - Welfare matters
Vs. 8 -Provide - "No true Latter-day Saint, while physically or emotionally able will voluntarily shift the burden of his own or his family's well-being to someone else. So long as he can, under the inspiration of the Lord and with his own labors, he will supply himself and his family with the spiritual and temporal necessities of life" (SWK CR. Oct. 1877 p. 124)
Vs. 14 - I have told many groups of young people that they should not postpone their marriage until they have acquired all of their education ambitions. I have told tens of thousands of young folks that when they marry they should not wait for children until they have finished their schooling and financial desires. Marriage is basically for the family, and when people have found their proper companions there should be no long delay. They should live together normally and let the children come.
There seems to be a growing feeling that marriage is for legal sex, for sex's sake. Marriage is basically for the family; that is why we marry--not for the satisfaction of the sex, as the world around us would have us believe. When people have found their companions, there should be no long delay. Young wives should be occupied in bearing and rearing their children. I know of no scriptures where an authorization is given to young wives to withhold their families and to go to work to put their husbands through school. There are thousands of husbands who have worked their own way through school and have reared families at the same time. Though it is more difficult, young people can make their way through their educational programs. On most campuses there are married student buildings for their living. It's a good experience to learn to save and to scratch and to economize." (SWK - "Marriage is Honorable" BYU Speeches 1973)

2 Timothy - During Paul's 2nd Roman imprisonment, shortly before his death about 67 AD.
Chapter 1
Vs. 7-8 I wish every member of this church would put those words where he might see them every morning as he begins his day. They would give us courage to speak up, they would give us the faith to try, they would strengthen our conviction of the Lord Jesus Christ. I believe that more miracles would happen. (GBH Ensign, Feb. 1996 p. 5)
Chapter 2
Vs. 15 - An admonition to study the scriptures. Not footnote b
Chapter 3
Vs. 7 “A number of years ago there was a student at Columbia University who was known as the ‘perennial student.’ He had been left an inheritance which stipulated that it should continue as long as he was engaged in collegiate study. Thereafter, the income was to go to a charity. “This man remained a student until he died. It was said that he had been granted every degree offered by Columbia University and had taken practically every course. No field of knowledge was foreign to him. He was probably more widely read than the best of his professors. He was described as the ‘epitome of erudition,’ But he could not possibly be described as educated. He fit the description of those spoken of in the scripture who are ‘ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth’ ("2 tim. 3:72 Timothy 3:7). He was inherently selfish. What a pity! What a waste!” (Packer, Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled [Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1991], 26.)
Chapter 4
Vs. 7-8 - Paul's words of triumph in the face of death, for him and us.
Titus - Between 63-66 AD- We don't know where Paul was when he wrote this letter
              A Greek convert. He is not mentioned in the Book of Acts. Paul took him to the Jerusalem Conference as an object lesson as to why gentile converts should not have to be circumcised. (Galatians 2) He was sent by Paul to Corinth 3 times when Paul was in Ephesus on his 3rd mission. He presided over the Churches in Crete. He visited Paul in Rome during Paul's 2nd imprisonment and then went on a mission to Dalmatia. (Today's Yugoslavia)
Chapter 1
Vs. 2 - We were promised Eternal life in the Pre-mortal world.
Vs. 14-16 People in the branches know what to say, but are not keeping the commandments.
Chapter 2
Vs. 3-4- Old women examples to the young women
Vs. 4-5 - The Young Women values as taught by Paul
212-11- The Pastoral Epistles
Called Pastoral Epistles because Timothy and Titus were priesthood leaders in Ephesus and Crete. They pick up where Acts 28 leaves off. Between 63-66 AD. It is unclear whether they were written before or after Paul's probable trip to Spain
First Timothy - Between 63-66 AD
Acts 16:1-3; Philippians 2:19-23, a tribute to Timothy; BD-Timothy; Paul was a convert from Lystra from Paul's 1st mission. He was the son of a Greek father and a Jewish mother. His name means honoring god or honored by God. Paul loved Timothy (1 Cor. 4:17; 1 Tim. 1:2; 2 Tim. 1:2) He became a constant and trusted companion and was present when Paul wrote at least 7 of his epistles.
Chapter 1
Vs. 3 - Teach sound doctrine (1:3-11; Titus 2:1: 1:16; 1 Tim. 6:20- "The Gnostics (knowledge) generally claimed secret doctrines to add to the Church's public message" (Richard Anderson, p. 315)
Vs. 4 -Whether we are talking about Jewish genealogical tables or imaginary lineages, the point remains the same -- some topics are not worth the breath to discuss.  I Timothy 1:6; 4:7;6:3-5; 6:20-21;II Timothy 2:14-18; 2:23; Titus 1:14).
"The purpose for seeking the names of our kindred and running the chain back as far as we can find it is to give something to our progenitors, not to get something from them." (Packer, Holy Temple, p, 235)
Question: If genealogies are as important as Latter-day Saints say, why does the New Testament tell Christians to avoid endless genealogies (I Timothy 1:4, Titus 3:
The warning by Paul against genealogy does seem strange—not so much in light of our teachings, but because of the Bible's emphasis on the importance of genealogies and because of the many genealogies of the prophets and of Christ himself recorded in the Old and New Testaments (Matt 1:2-17, Luke 3:23-38). See what the prophet Nehemiah wrote about genealogy and who put it in his heart to record genealogy. Did God change his mind on the subject?:
And my God put into mine heart to gather together the nobles, and the rulers, and the people, that they might be reckoned by genealogy. And I found a register of the genealogy of them which came up at the first, and found written therein (Neh. 7:5). This prophet then takes the next 55 verses to list the people's genealogy. The genealogy Paul was warning against was not genealogy per se, but the practice of making long lists of ancestors to justify a claim to greatness or righteousness by way of lineage. Many genealogies in his day were heavily embellished with heroic actions, capitalizing on the doctrinal falsehood that the righteousness of one's ancestors was a type of justification before God. For example, in Luke 3:8 John the Baptist chastised those who appealed to their genealogical connection with Abraham as justification for their lack of repentance: "Bring forth therefore fruits worthy of repentance, and begin not to say within yourselves, We have Abraham to our father: for I say unto you. That God is able of these stones to raise up children unto Abraham." Another example is John 8:31-33 where the Lord was trying to teach a group of Jews that his word would make them free. Those Jews, themselves followers of Jesus, answered, "We be Abraham's seed, and were never in bondage to any man." They exhibited the prevailing attitude about their being righteous because of their important ancestors that prevented other Jews from turning to Jesus Christ. This is exactly what Paul was warning against in 1 Timothy 1:4 and Titus 3:9. This attitude is nothing like that exhibited by Latter- day Saints in their genealogical efforts today. Yet as it was in Christ's time with the children of Abraham, so it is today with some ex-Mormons who often appeal to their Mormon ancestry or genealogy ("I'm a fifth-generation Mormon!") to give supposed credibility to their fallacious statements. The recording of genealogy is not evil or to be avoided, for if it were, why would genealogical records be included numerous times in the Bible? God surely would never inspire Nehemiah (Neh. 7:5), Matthew (Matthew 1:1-16) or Luke (Luke 3:23-38) to do something evil! (Stephen Gibson)
Chapter 2
Vs.4- 5 - Note the JST of vs. 4 One Mediator. See D&C 45:3
Vs. 11-12 - The Gk word translated here as "silence" means quietness, tranquility. The intent is that women should support and not try to dominate or usurp authority over their priesthood leaders.
Vs. 14 - The Gk suggests that Eve's transgression consisted in her making a decision that affected both herself and Adam without consulting Adam. The Gk. parabasis meant literally to overstep.
Chapter 3 - What it took to be a bishop (1-7)or a deacon(8-13) - Nearly identical to what he wrote in Titus 5;. Bishops should be blameless,, vigilant, not self-willed, sober, temperate, patient, given to hospitality and not greedy of filthy lucre, have control over his own house, not a novice, the husband of one wife. (better translated - faithful to his one wife. Married deacons? (3:11-12) In Paul's day a man would be 30 before considered qualified to take part in the ministry. Our church started with older deacons & lowered the age many years later only when there were numerous priesthood holders and when boys could receive regular supervision from experienced priesthood leaders. (See D&C 107:52-Noah was 10)
Chapter 4
1-3 - Latter-day apostasy  - Personal apostasy after the church has been restored    1Timothy 4:1-3 "Since eternal life may only be achieved through celestial marriage, Satan does all within his power to forbid men and women to marry. Celibacy, living together out of wedlock, homosexuality, adultery, abortion, and birth control are but a few of the many methods employed to pervert men's minds and prevent the creation and continuance of this holy union. In the words of President Harold B. Lee, Satan's greatest threat today is to destroy the family, and to make mockery of the law of chastity and the sanctity of the marriage covenant." (Church News Aug. 19, 1972) ; 2 Timothy 3:1-7; 2 Timothy 4:3-4
Vs. 8 - Note the footnote. Some things mater a lot, but not for a long time
Vs. 12-13 - Favorites of President Hinckley
Chapter 5 - Welfare matters
Vs. 8 -Provide - "No true Latter-day Saint, while physically or emotionally able will voluntarily shift the burden of his own or his family's well-being to someone else. So long as he can, under the inspiration of the Lord and with his own labors, he will supply himself and his family with the spiritual and temporal necessities of life" (SWK CR. Oct. 1877 p. 124)
Vs. 14 - I have told many groups of young people that they should not postpone their marriage until they have acquired all of their education ambitions. I have told tens of thousands of young folks that when they marry they should not wait for children until they have finished their schooling and financial desires. Marriage is basically for the family, and when people have found their proper companions there should be no long delay. They should live together normally and let the children come.
There seems to be a growing feeling that marriage is for legal sex, for sex's sake. Marriage is basically for the family; that is why we marry--not for the satisfaction of the sex, as the world around us would have us believe. When people have found their companions, there should be no long delay. Young wives should be occupied in bearing and rearing their children. I know of no scriptures where an authorization is given to young wives to withhold their families and to go to work to put their husbands through school. There are thousands of husbands who have worked their own way through school and have reared families at the same time. Though it is more difficult, young people can make their way through their educational programs. On most campuses there are married student buildings for their living. It's a good experience to learn to save and to scratch and to economize." (SWK - "Marriage is Honorable" BYU Speeches 1973)

2 Timothy - During Paul's 2nd Roman imprisonment, shortly before his death about 67 AD.
Chapter 1
Vs. 7-8 I wish every member of this church would put those words where he might see them every morning as he begins his day. They would give us courage to speak up, they would give us the faith to try, they would strengthen our conviction of the Lord Jesus Christ. I believe that more miracles would happen. (GBH Ensign, Feb. 1996 p. 5)
Chapter 2
Vs. 15 - An admonition to study the scriptures. Not footnote b
Chapter 3
Vs. 7 “A number of years ago there was a student at Columbia University who was known as the ‘perennial student.’ He had been left an inheritance which stipulated that it should continue as long as he was engaged in collegiate study. Thereafter, the income was to go to a charity. “This man remained a student until he died. It was said that he had been granted every degree offered by Columbia University and had taken practically every course. No field of knowledge was foreign to him. He was probably more widely read than the best of his professors. He was described as the ‘epitome of erudition,’ But he could not possibly be described as educated. He fit the description of those spoken of in the scripture who are ‘ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth’ ("2 tim. 3:72 Timothy 3:7). He was inherently selfish. What a pity! What a waste!” (Packer, Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled [Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1991], 26.)
Chapter 4
Vs. 7-8 - Paul's words of triumph in the face of death, for him and us.
Titus - Between 63-66 AD- We don't know where Paul was when he wrote this letter
              A Greek convert. He is not mentioned in the Book of Acts. Paul took him to the Jerusalem Conference as an object lesson as to why gentile converts should not have to be circumcised. (Galatians 2) He was sent by Paul to Corinth 3 times when Paul was in Ephesus on his 3rd mission. He presided over the Churches in Crete. He visited Paul in Rome during Paul's 2nd imprisonment and then went on a mission to Dalmatia. (Today's Yugoslavia)
Chapter 1
Vs. 2 - We were promised Eternal life in the Pre-mortal world.
Vs. 14-16 People in the branches know what to say, but are not keeping the commandments.
Chapter 2
Vs. 3-4- Old women examples to the young women
Vs. 4-5 - The Young Women values as taught by Paul
212-11- The Pastoral Epistles
Called Pastoral Epistles because Timothy and Titus were priesthood leaders in Ephesus and Crete. They pick up where Acts 28 leaves off. Between 63-66 AD. It is unclear whether they were written before or after Paul's probable trip to Spain
First Timothy - Between 63-66 AD
Acts 16:1-3; Philippians 2:19-23, a tribute to Timothy; BD-Timothy; Paul was a convert from Lystra from Paul's 1st mission. He was the son of a Greek father and a Jewish mother. His name means honoring god or honored by God. Paul loved Timothy (1 Cor. 4:17; 1 Tim. 1:2; 2 Tim. 1:2) He became a constant and trusted companion and was present when Paul wrote at least 7 of his epistles.
Chapter 1
Vs. 3 - Teach sound doctrine (1:3-11; Titus 2:1: 1:16; 1 Tim. 6:20- "The Gnostics (knowledge) generally claimed secret doctrines to add to the Church's public message" (Richard Anderson, p. 315)
Vs. 4 -Whether we are talking about Jewish genealogical tables or imaginary lineages, the point remains the same -- some topics are not worth the breath to discuss.  I Timothy 1:6; 4:7;6:3-5; 6:20-21;II Timothy 2:14-18; 2:23; Titus 1:14).
"The purpose for seeking the names of our kindred and running the chain back as far as we can find it is to give something to our progenitors, not to get something from them." (Packer, Holy Temple, p, 235)
Question: If genealogies are as important as Latter-day Saints say, why does the New Testament tell Christians to avoid endless genealogies (I Timothy 1:4, Titus 3:
The warning by Paul against genealogy does seem strange—not so much in light of our teachings, but because of the Bible's emphasis on the importance of genealogies and because of the many genealogies of the prophets and of Christ himself recorded in the Old and New Testaments (Matt 1:2-17, Luke 3:23-38). See what the prophet Nehemiah wrote about genealogy and who put it in his heart to record genealogy. Did God change his mind on the subject?:
And my God put into mine heart to gather together the nobles, and the rulers, and the people, that they might be reckoned by genealogy. And I found a register of the genealogy of them which came up at the first, and found written therein (Neh. 7:5). This prophet then takes the next 55 verses to list the people's genealogy. The genealogy Paul was warning against was not genealogy per se, but the practice of making long lists of ancestors to justify a claim to greatness or righteousness by way of lineage. Many genealogies in his day were heavily embellished with heroic actions, capitalizing on the doctrinal falsehood that the righteousness of one's ancestors was a type of justification before God. For example, in Luke 3:8 John the Baptist chastised those who appealed to their genealogical connection with Abraham as justification for their lack of repentance: "Bring forth therefore fruits worthy of repentance, and begin not to say within yourselves, We have Abraham to our father: for I say unto you. That God is able of these stones to raise up children unto Abraham." Another example is John 8:31-33 where the Lord was trying to teach a group of Jews that his word would make them free. Those Jews, themselves followers of Jesus, answered, "We be Abraham's seed, and were never in bondage to any man." They exhibited the prevailing attitude about their being righteous because of their important ancestors that prevented other Jews from turning to Jesus Christ. This is exactly what Paul was warning against in 1 Timothy 1:4 and Titus 3:9. This attitude is nothing like that exhibited by Latter- day Saints in their genealogical efforts today. Yet as it was in Christ's time with the children of Abraham, so it is today with some ex-Mormons who often appeal to their Mormon ancestry or genealogy ("I'm a fifth-generation Mormon!") to give supposed credibility to their fallacious statements. The recording of genealogy is not evil or to be avoided, for if it were, why would genealogical records be included numerous times in the Bible? God surely would never inspire Nehemiah (Neh. 7:5), Matthew (Matthew 1:1-16) or Luke (Luke 3:23-38) to do something evil! (Stephen Gibson)
Chapter 2
Vs.4- 5 - Note the JST of vs. 4 One Mediator. See D&C 45:3
Vs. 11-12 - The Gk word translated here as "silence" means quietness, tranquility. The intent is that women should support and not try to dominate or usurp authority over their priesthood leaders.
Vs. 14 - The Gk suggests that Eve's transgression consisted in her making a decision that affected both herself and Adam without consulting Adam. The Gk. parabasis meant literally to overstep.
Chapter 3 - What it took to be a bishop (1-7)or a deacon(8-13) - Nearly identical to what he wrote in Titus 5;. Bishops should be blameless,, vigilant, not self-willed, sober, temperate, patient, given to hospitality and not greedy of filthy lucre, have control over his own house, not a novice, the husband of one wife. (better translated - faithful to his one wife. Married deacons? (3:11-12) In Paul's day a man would be 30 before considered qualified to take part in the ministry. Our church started with older deacons & lowered the age many years later only when there were numerous priesthood holders and when boys could receive regular supervision from experienced priesthood leaders. (See D&C 107:52-Noah was 10)
Chapter 4
1-3 - Latter-day apostasy  - Personal apostasy after the church has been restored    1Timothy 4:1-3 "Since eternal life may only be achieved through celestial marriage, Satan does all within his power to forbid men and women to marry. Celibacy, living together out of wedlock, homosexuality, adultery, abortion, and birth control are but a few of the many methods employed to pervert men's minds and prevent the creation and continuance of this holy union. In the words of President Harold B. Lee, Satan's greatest threat today is to destroy the family, and to make mockery of the law of chastity and the sanctity of the marriage covenant." (Church News Aug. 19, 1972) ; 2 Timothy 3:1-7; 2 Timothy 4:3-4
Vs. 8 - Note the footnote. Some things mater a lot, but not for a long time
Vs. 12-13 - Favorites of President Hinckley
Chapter 5 - Welfare matters
Vs. 8 -Provide - "No true Latter-day Saint, while physically or emotionally able will voluntarily shift the burden of his own or his family's well-being to someone else. So long as he can, under the inspiration of the Lord and with his own labors, he will supply himself and his family with the spiritual and temporal necessities of life" (SWK CR. Oct. 1877 p. 124)
Vs. 14 - I have told many groups of young people that they should not postpone their marriage until they have acquired all of their education ambitions. I have told tens of thousands of young folks that when they marry they should not wait for children until they have finished their schooling and financial desires. Marriage is basically for the family, and when people have found their proper companions there should be no long delay. They should live together normally and let the children come.
There seems to be a growing feeling that marriage is for legal sex, for sex's sake. Marriage is basically for the family; that is why we marry--not for the satisfaction of the sex, as the world around us would have us believe. When people have found their companions, there should be no long delay. Young wives should be occupied in bearing and rearing their children. I know of no scriptures where an authorization is given to young wives to withhold their families and to go to work to put their husbands through school. There are thousands of husbands who have worked their own way through school and have reared families at the same time. Though it is more difficult, young people can make their way through their educational programs. On most campuses there are married student buildings for their living. It's a good experience to learn to save and to scratch and to economize." (SWK - "Marriage is Honorable" BYU Speeches 1973)

2 Timothy - During Paul's 2nd Roman imprisonment, shortly before his death about 67 AD.
Chapter 1
Vs. 7-8 I wish every member of this church would put those words where he might see them every morning as he begins his day. They would give us courage to speak up, they would give us the faith to try, they would strengthen our conviction of the Lord Jesus Christ. I believe that more miracles would happen. (GBH Ensign, Feb. 1996 p. 5)
Chapter 2
Vs. 15 - An admonition to study the scriptures. Not footnote b
Chapter 3
Vs. 7 “A number of years ago there was a student at Columbia University who was known as the ‘perennial student.’ He had been left an inheritance which stipulated that it should continue as long as he was engaged in collegiate study. Thereafter, the income was to go to a charity. “This man remained a student until he died. It was said that he had been granted every degree offered by Columbia University and had taken practically every course. No field of knowledge was foreign to him. He was probably more widely read than the best of his professors. He was described as the ‘epitome of erudition,’ But he could not possibly be described as educated. He fit the description of those spoken of in the scripture who are ‘ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth’ ("2 tim. 3:72 Timothy 3:7). He was inherently selfish. What a pity! What a waste!” (Packer, Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled [Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1991], 26.)
Chapter 4
Vs. 7-8 - Paul's words of triumph in the face of death, for him and us.
Titus - Between 63-66 AD- We don't know where Paul was when he wrote this letter
              A Greek convert. He is not mentioned in the Book of Acts. Paul took him to the Jerusalem Conference as an object lesson as to why gentile converts should not have to be circumcised. (Galatians 2) He was sent by Paul to Corinth 3 times when Paul was in Ephesus on his 3rd mission. He presided over the Churches in Crete. He visited Paul in Rome during Paul's 2nd imprisonment and then went on a mission to Dalmatia. (Today's Yugoslavia)
Chapter 1
Vs. 2 - We were promised Eternal life in the Pre-mortal world.
Vs. 14-16 People in the branches know what to say, but are not keeping the commandments.
Chapter 2
Vs. 3-4- Old women examples to the young women
Vs. 4-5 - The Young Women values as taught by Paul
Chapter 3
Vs. 1&2
Vs. 5 - Washing of regeneration=baptism.
Philemon - A wonderful story of Paul asking that a runaway slave who had converted to the gospel be accepted by his master who was also a church member.