Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Revelation Twenty-two

Revelation 22
John's vision draws to a close with symbolism and doctrines which summarize major messages of the Book of Revelation, including that the reward of the righteous is wonderful beyond our ability to comprehend and that the wicked are left out of these priceless blessings. (Ridges p. 466)
Vs. 1 - The pure and living water is a representation of the love of God. (John 4:14 & 1 Nephi 11:25)    
Vs. 2 - Adam & Eve's posterity can finally partake of the Tree of Life, which represents the love of God. John is all about Love; 1 John 4:7-8. This is celestial not a seasonal kingdom. The 12 manner of fruits refers to 12 crops in succession, not 12 kinds of fruits. We remember that this fruit is sweet above all sweet, & white above all that is white, yea, & pure above all that is pure" (Alma 32:42). Millet. p. 61   
 Vs. 3 - The curse was the one given in the garden (Gen. 3:24) They can now partake of the love of God without restriction.                                                                                                                                           
Vs. 4 - This is taking upon us His name in the fullest.                                                                                                  
Vs 5 - And we shall reign forever and ever.                                                                                                        
Vs. 6 - The angel bears his testimony to John and begins his summary of the vision of things which are about to start happening. See the first verse of the Book.                                                                             
Vs. 7 - See  2:5, 16; 3:3, 11- without warning. D&C 106:4-5                                                                   
Vs. 8-9 - John forgot what he learned back in 19:10                                                                                             
Vs. 10 - See Ether 3:21-22; 1 Nephi 14:25; Daniel 12:9.                                                                  
Vs. 11 - When final judgment comes, we will judged based upon what we have become. Is it too late for potential?                                                                                                                                                         
Vs. 12 - Isaiah 40:10                                                                                                                                              
Vs. 13 - This is the last time He reminds us that He is the First and the Last. This is probably not the last time that I will remind us that when the Lord repeats Himself, it is not because He forgot that He already said that.                                                                                                                       
Vs. 14 - Another Beatitude- that is 6 of 7.                                                                                                   
Vs. 15 - Who loves a lie? Could this verse be used to prove that dogs do NOT go to heaven?     
Vs. 16 - Jesus is the root; providing food to the plant; Mary was a direct descendent. In symbolism, stars typically refer to individuals. Jesus is the one that shines first and brightest.  
Vs. 17 - The Spirit is the Holy Ghost. The bride is the Church members. We are to say "come." 
 Vs. 18 - The plagues of the book are more scary now that before we studied the book.             
Vs. 19- Remember Dt. 4:2 and that John was talking about this Book of Revelation. Not the Bible. There was no Bible for a couple hundred years.                                                                            
Vs. 21 - A nice little blessing John leaves on his readers. That would be us. Amen

Revelation Twenty-one


Vs. 1 – D&C 88:18-20, 25, 26; 29:22-25
No more sea – “Figuratively, the sea may represent the place from whence came the beast (see Rev. 13:1). If there was no more sea, then there would also be no beast nor wickedness. Literally, the celestial earth becomes an orb with one single landmass, like it was in the days before it was divided (D&C 133:24). Nothing more has been revealed on this particular verse.” (Smith p.  )
            “Perhaps 1 reason there will be nor more sea is that the entirety of the earth will have one surface, like a sea of glass and fire (D&C 130:24)” (Parry, p. 283)
            “Seas shall no longer separate islands and continents as at present. All the land surface of the earth shall be united into one body.” D&C 133:23-24 (McConkie DNTC 3:580) No more sea. The sea has been a divider of people. The continents are together and so are the people.
            “What strikes John about the new world is that there is no more sea. The abode of chaos, the home of the satanic beast, the old set over which the whore held sway, has vanished. Under the force of the Lamb’s radiance, the source of Babylon’s sea-borne luxuries and what helped feed and sustain her corruption has boiled into oblivion. But the sea and the abyss are one and the same. Therefore, the destruction of the sea represents the annihilation of the primeval deep, the home of malevolence and evil. Up to this point, it has dominated the world. As the stronghold of Satan’s supporters, its existence mocked the hope of a complete victory and a complete sovereignty of the Lord. It has no place in the transformed world where all things spontaneously obey their Lord and their God.” (Draper, p. 23-24)
            D&C 133:23-24
Vs. 2 – New Jerusalem – Ether 13:1-10 & Moses 7:19-21; 62-64
Vs. 3 – The tabernacle of God is with men is indicating God’s physical presence with men.  See D&C 88:19. Consider the opportunity we have today of visiting God in one of His homes.
Vs. 4 – God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes – Rev. 7:17
            Neither sorrow, pain – Contrast this with Babylon 18:22-23
Vs. 5 –This is the verse where “He that sat on the throne” appears to be Jesus. See vs. 6.
Vs. 6 – What is Jesus the beginning and the ending of?- vs, 4
            Water of life freely – Woman at the well John 4:10-14
Vs. 7 – Inherit all things – see D&C 76:58-60
            I will be his God, and he shall be my son – 1 John 3:1-2; Rom. 8:14, 17
Vs. 8Lake which burneth is a metaphor for the 2nd Death. D&C 76:31-45. See also 19:20 and 20:10 to read about other people in the neighborhood.
Vs. 9 – Remember that the bride is the Church
Vs. 10 – Ezek. 40:1-47; 48:30-35 – For a detailed description of the temple and the city.
Vs. 11 – Having the glory of God – See D&C 88:18-20
            The Jasper Stone = first on the High Priest’s breastplate. See also 1 Peter 2:5-7
Vs. 12 – Only those who have made and kept covenants may enter (endowment)
            “Your endowment is to receive all those ordinances in the House of the Lord, which are necessary for you, after you have departed this life, to enable you to walk back to the presence of the Father, passing the angels who stand as sentinels, being enable to give them the key words, the signs and tokens pertaining to the Holy Priesthood and gain your eternal exaltation… (Brigham Young)
            The word tribes is an indication of FAMILY- that is who will be there!
Vs. 13 – East = Joseph, Benjamin, Dan. North – Reuben, Judah, Levi. South – Simeon, Isaachar, Zebulun. West – Gad, Asher, Naphtali – Ezek. 48:3-34. You go through gates to enter the Celestial Kingdom.
Vs. 14 – Foundation stones see Ephesians 2:19-20
Vs. 15 – The golden reed is a measuring rod
Vs. 16 – the temple is a perfect cube (the symbol of perfection), like the Holy of holies in Solomon’s temple (1 Kings 6:20) The city is about 1400 miles on each side and 1400 miles high. The number of 12 times 120 perhaps is a repetition of the emphasis on the 12 apostles and the 12 tribes. A furlong is 607 feet. The city measures about 2,744,000,000 cubit miles
Vs. 17 – an angelic cubit is an unknown dimension, what matters is the number 12
Vs. 18-21 – Precious materials suggesting light, righteousness, perfection and every worthy quality.
Vs. 22. No temple – The whole city is a temple. All the inhabitants have already made covenants.        I love this, “the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are the temple of it.” We go to the temple to commune with God.
Vs. 23 – Hymn #44
Vs. 24 – The kings of the earth would be “us”. The other kings were destroyed in 19:19, 21 and 20:9
Vs. 25 – No need to shut the gate. This is a safe neighborhood.
Vs. 27 – This is a great neighborhood.

            "A Saint, who is one in deed and in truth, does not look for an immaterial heaven, but he expects a heaven with lands, house, cities, vegetation, rivers, and animals; with thrones, temples, palaces, kings, princes, priests, and angels, with food raiment, musical instruments, and all of which are material. Indeed, the Saints' heaven is a redeemed, glorified, celestial, material creating, inhabited by glorified material beings, male and female, organized into families, embracing all the relationships of husbands, and wives, parents and children, where sorrow, crying, pain, and death will be no more. Or to speak still more definitely, this earth, when glorified,, is the Saints' eternal heaven. On it they expect to live, with body, parts, and holy passions: on it they expect to move and have their being; to eat, drink, converse, worship, sing, play on musical instruments, engage in joyful, innocent, social amusements, visit neighboring towns and neighboring worlds."  (Pratt, "Past and Future Existence" p. 722. Quoted in Ogden p. 345)

Revelation Twenty


              We have witnessed the defeat and destruction of the beast and the false prophet and the armies of the wicked. In this chapter we see the binding of their master, Satan for a thousand years. The followers of the Lamb will reign with Christ and be resurrected in the first resurrection, while the followers of the beast will have to settle for left over body parts at the end of the millennium.

Verse 1 – See 9:1& Moses 7:26- He was chained others is now chained. Also Is. 14:9-20. See Is. 65:17.
Verse 2 – This verse gives us in one verse the four names or titles John calls the adversary, dragon, serpent, Devil, Satan.
 “It is important to note that it is the angel who captures and binds the devil, not the inhabitants on earth, but he remains bound because the people refuse to hearken to him. (Parry p. 268) See 1 Nephi 22:26 and Luke 4:13. “When you have resisted a temptation until it no longer becomes a temptation, then to that extent, Satan has lost his power over you, and as long as you do not yield to him, to that degree he is bound.” (Eldred G. Smith, Improvement Era, June 1970, p. 104)
Verse 3 – Other versions of the Bible agree that it was the pit that had a seal upon it, not Satan. – D&C 88:110-115; 43:31;29:22. Joseph Fielding Smith felt that the little season may last as long as another thousand years. (DS. 1:81) 4 Nephi 24- & 3 Nephi 6:10-16
Verse 4-Christ and the resurrected Saints will reign over the earth during the thousand years. They will not probably dwell upon the earth, but will visit it when they please, or when it is necessary to govern it." (TPJS p. 268)
Verse 5 – Details of the 1st and 2nd resurrections are given in D&C 88:95-102
Verse 6 – One of 7 Beatitudes in the Book of Revelation. The second death is spiritual death.
Verse7 – D&C 88:22 – Is the pattern of 4 Nephi a possible sign for the end of the millennium 4 Nephi 1:38? It all starts when a bishop doesn’t say hello to someone in his ward. (vs. 27-administered that which was sacred unto him it had been forbidden because of unworthiness." In the name of tolerance & Christian Love?)
Verse 8 – The names Gog and Magog are symbolic names of the hosts that will follow Satan in the war against the Saints. We find these terms in Ezekiel’s description of the great wars that precede the 2nd coming (Ezek. 38 & 39) Here they or others are represented by the same symbolic names fight the Kingdom of Christ. (Parry 275) In the Bible, a land and people near the Black Sea. Their king, Gog, shall lead the armies of Magog in a last great battle before the second coming of Christ (Ezek. 38:2; 39:6). The scriptures speak of another great battle of Gog and Magog at the end of the Millennium between the forces of God and the forces of evil (Rev. 20:7–9; D&C 88:111–116).  Guide to the Scriptures -Magog.
Verse 9 -  It looks like armies coming from all over the earth to compass the camp of the saints (Palestine) and the beloved city (the New Jerusalem) but fire comes out of heaven and the bad guys lose. See 2 Kings 1 for Elijah commanding fire to come down from heaven. The fire may be symbolic of heavenly power. (Parry)
Verse 10 - Satan joins the beast and the false prophet (19:20) see 2 Nephi 9:16
Verse 11- The throne is God the Father's. There is no room for the old earth, it is being replaced by the Celestialized version.
Verse 12 - This is the resurrection of those not resurrected back in vs. 4-5. The books will include both those kept on earth and in heaven. (See D&C 128:6-7) President Joseph Fielding Smith taught, "Every man will be judged according to his works, his opportunities for receiving the truth, and the intent of his heart." (DS 2:2) see also TPJS p. 218)
Verse 13 -  There will be no missing bodies! see also 2 Nephi 9:10-12
Verse 14 - The second death is the Spiritual Death. The only ones who will endure it forever are Lucifer and the Sons of Perdition. All others will either take advantage of Christ's suffering or pay for their own sins and inherit a lower kingdom.
Verse 15 - Make sure you check your reservation. It is an important book

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Revelation 19


Note that John hears rather than sees much of this chapter. (Vs.1, 5, 6, 9)
Vs. 1 - The “these things” reference is the Fall of Babylon described in Ch. 18. The people in heaven are likely the ten thousand times ten thousand mentioned in 5:1.  “Alleluia” is the GK form of the Hebrew Hallelujah which means “Praise Jehovah”. Salvation comes from the Gk. Soteria and could also be translated, victory.
Vs. 2 - The judgment referred to here was announced in 17:1 and detailed in chapters 6, 9, 11 and 16 and is well described in 1 Nephi 22:13-16. The JST changes servants to “saints”.
Vs. 3 - The smoke rising up is cross referenced to the “smoke” in Gen. 19:28, which refers to the smoke rising up after the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. Also the destruction of Idumea (the world D&C 1:36) of Isaiah 34:9-10.
Vs. 4 - The 24 elders are the same ones as we met in 4:4. They are leaders of the 7 churches of John’s time who he sees in heaven. The 4 beasts were introduced in 4:6. They are “zoon”, actual beasts that exist in heaven. Joseph suggested that they lived on another planet than ours. (See Parry, p. 61) Amen; Alleluia means verily praise Jehovah.
Vs. 5 - Servants is changed to Saints in the JST.
Vs. 7 - Emphasize what a bride does to make herself ready. She wants to be beautiful for her groom. We make ourselves ready with all that we do in our lives. The Church is the bride and it is trying to be ready. All that the Church does is to prepare for the coming of the Groom. Repentance and the Atonement are the key words in our personal preparation
Vs. 8 - “Each of us is invited to the marriage feast, but we must come dressed appropriately. Let us picture a wardrobe somewhere in the heavens, with our name upon its door. Inside hangs a single article of clothing. It is that we will put on when we present ourselves at the entrance to the supper. Each day we live, we are weaving the threads of that apparel. If our lives have been filled with service, dignity, righteousness, obedience, consecration, sacrifice, humility, and charity, when we open the door a resplendent garment will await us. We will recognize the stitching; the cut of the cloth, and its adornment, for it will reflect all the patterns of our lives. In joy we will put it on and enter the feast. But if our existence has been controlled by selfishness, dishonesty, indulgence, anger, pettiness, pride, materialism, and hypocrisy, then the open door of the wardrobe will reveal the poorly stitched, scantily endowed attire that bespeaks our lives. In such vestments we will not feel comfortable in the presence of those who employed themselves in learning to be more skilled seamstresses. (Wilcox p. 270)
Vs. 9 - Here the emphasis shifts from the righteous collectively represented by the bride to our individual worthiness as guests. Read JSMatthew 24:44-55 and D&C 101 32-34 for two contrasting reactions to the coming of the Lord.
Vs. 10 - See D&C 130:5, (Hence when messengers are sent to minister to the inhabitants of this earth, they are not strangers, but from the ranks of our kindred, friends, and fellow-beings and fellow-servants. The ancient prophets who died were those who came to visit their fellow creatures upon the earth....In like manner our fathers and mothers, brothers, sisters, and friends who have passed away from this earth, having been faithful, and worthy to enjoy these rights and privileges, may have a mission given them to visit their relatives and friends upon the earth again, bringing from the divine Presence messages of love, of warning, or reproof and instruction, to those whom they had learned to love in the flesh, GD p. 435-36;
 Alma 17:2-3 teaches us how to get that spirit of prophecy.  Wilford Woodruff taught, “It is the privilege of every man and woman in this Kingdom to enjoy the spirit of prophecy, which is the Spirit of God,” Elder Delbert L. Stapley stated that “the Holy Ghost is the spirit of prophecy.” Another way to put it is that those who live righteously have claim to the Holy Spirit of God, which gives them, as one of its gifts, the spirit of prophecy. (Parry, p. 256)
Vs. 11 - White horse is a symbol of victory. Look for something else to worry about. You don't have to worry about the righteousness of the judgment. There has been a war going on since the war in heaven. Jesus fights fair!
Vs. 12 - Many crowns - See 11:15! "As with all glorified beings, our Lord has a new name in celestial exaltation, a name known to and comprehended by those only who know God in the sense that they have become as he is and have eternal life. See Rev. 2:17. Thus Christ's 'new name' shall be written upon all those who are joint-heirs with him (Rev. 3:12), and shall signify that they have become even as he is and he is even as the father. (3 Nephi 28:10) DNTC 3:567.
Vs. 13 - The blood on Christ's clothing symbolizes at least 3 thing; the blood Christ shed in performing the Atonement, the blood, or sins, of the wicked that he took upon himself and the blood of the unrepentant wicked he has slain in his wrath. (Parry, p. 260)
Vs. 14 - "One of the Lord's titles is Lord of Hosts, the word hosts is used to translate the Hebrew tsebaah, which generally means armies. Christ is the Lord of the armies of heaven. (Parry p. 260) The linen of the priesthood, the clothing worn by the bride.
Vs. 15 - JST is a great help. A great example of the 2 edged sword concept. Christ's suffering for our sins was, treading the winepress. This verse and 14:19 remind us that the wicked will tread the winepress for their own sins.
Vs. 16 - Who are the kings and the Lords over whom He will reign?
Vs. 17 - In the sun is a position of splendor.  The slain people at the 2nd coming of the Lord will be many that the fowls of the air will be invited to come and feast on the corpses. This is called "the supper of the great God." (Parry p. 262) Ezekiel 39:17-22 and D&C 29:18-21.
Vs. 18 -If you were in the habit of being favored and protected because of your position as you fought against the Lamb, your get out of jail free card just expired.
Vs. 19 - The ch. 13 beast. This war started in the pre-earth life and has included battles of Jesus vs. Satan ever since. Most of the battles have been battles of words and ideas with actual wars being another part.
Vs. 20 - The image of the beast- In the days of John, great celebrations were held on the local level in honor of Caesar as part of the Imperial Cult. Images of Caesar would be worshipped in an obligatory fashion. What are some of the ways today that people worship the "image of the beast?" We live in a day when we don't have to be present to see images of the beast and his products.
"A man is his own tormentor and his own condemner. Hence the saying, they shall go into the lake that burns with fire and brimstone. The torment of disappointment in the mind of man is as exquisite as a lake burning with fire and brimstone. I say, so is the torment of man. (Joseph Smith HC 6:314) See Parry p. 265
Vs. 21- "the only weapon the prophets need to defeat the enemy hosts and to establish peace upon the earth is the proclamation of the gospel." (Draper p. 213) Alma 31:5

Revelation 18

Revelation Chapter 18
Vs. 1 - A new and powerful angel whose presence provides light.
Vs. 2- The ancient city of Babylon was an enormous city, with walls said to be 335 ft. high, 85 ft. wide and 56 miles long. See BD.  The period of Babylonian captivity was possible the low point in the history of Israel. It thus becomes a symbol for all that is Anti-Israel and Anti-Christ. "John shows that Babylon's seductive power tempts almost everyone. In the face of this reality the angel gives a command and warning: 'Come out of her, my people...that ye receive not of her plagues' (vs. 4) The Saints in the latter days have received the same warning, 'The voice of the Lord is unto you: Go ye out of Babylon; gather ye out from among the nations, from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other (D&C 133:7) And more explicitly:  'Go ye out from among the nations, even from Babylon, from the midst of wickedness, which is spiritual Babylon' (C&C 133:14). The Lord means the Saints to take him seriously; he warns: 'After today cometh the burning-this is peaking after the manner of the Lord-for verily I say, tomorrow all the proud and they that do wickedly shall be as stubble; and I will burn them up, for I am the Lord of Hosts; and I will not spare any that remain in Babylon' (D&C 64:24) Draper p. 200.
Vs. 3- Who has not been influenced by Babylon?
Vs. 4- Just as the Saints of John's day were warned not to be partakers of the pagan worship, we are warned to not associate with Babylon. Do we do missionary work in Babylon? Yes and No. We do missionary work, but we do not give up our home court advantage. We flee Babylon and invite others to join us.
Vs. 5- The idea that God does not know what Babylon is doing is put to rest.
Vs. 6- See D&C 1:7-10
Vs. 7- Do you know people who seem satisfied  and feel bullet-proof because they have wealth, fame and power, in their wicked ways? Individuals and empires are prone to feel bullet-proof. (Isaiah 47:7-8)
Vs. 8 - See D&C 5:9 64:24: 88:94
Vs. 9 - The change in lifestyle of the wicked will not be an easy day.
Vs. 10-The cry and lament of fair weather fans of the whore. People
Vs. 11 -I guess we have to be careful what we build our foundation upon.
Vs. 12 & 13 - An incomplete list of things that Satan uses to buy the lasts item on the list; "the souls of men.."
Vs. 14 - "You have no doubt noticed that repetition is of used in the scriptures to drive home a point. What you are seeing in John's vision here is an example of this teaching technique."(Ridges)  When the Lord repeats himself, it is not because he forgot he already said it. Repetition is the Lord's exclamation mark.
Vs. 15-19 - True friends stick with us through thick and think. Read Ann Dibb's talk about being True in the May Ensign, 2011.
Vs. 20- This vengeance fulfills the promise made back in Rev. 6:9-11
Vs. 21- When you throw a giant stone which is used to grind wheat into the ocean, it doesn't float. (Remember Matt. 18:6 and those who offend little children. See also Jeremiah 51:60-64)
Vs. 22- The sounds of people seeking worldly pleasure or working or doing anything will not be seen. When the millstone stops grinding, people go hungry, but then Babylon is not.
Vs. 23-Satan's deceptions were accepted through the whole world.
Vs. 24-All of Babylon's sins have been uncovered. Babylon is guilty as charged.

Revelation 17


In this chapter John is shown why the plagues of chapter 16 were just. This chapter is comparable to Nephi’s vision in I Nephi 14. Read 14:10; 1 Nephi 22:22-23 and 2 Nephi 10:16. The reading of this chapter is somewhat rewarding for our class, because we see many symbols which we have already seen in previous chapters and we have an idea as to their meaning. We should also pay particular attention to the contrast between a whore and a bride.

Verse 1 - One of the seven angels (15:1). Seven vials contained the 7 pre-millennial plagues. Judgment=punishment, see 1 Nephi 22:13-16.  Whore=2 Nephi 10:16. Many waters, see 17:15 and Jeremiah 51:13.
Verse 2 - This verse is a description of the wickedness of the leaders of the earth and of their following Satan rather than God. Why fornication rather than adultery? "To a greater or lesser degree, as the case may be, all of the governments of the earth are in league with the great whore in that, from time to time, they do such things as the following: Prohibit the worship of god; Enact laws defining religious beliefs and prescribing forms of worship; Maintain state-supported, false systems of religion; Deny freedom of religious belief to all their citizens; Impose the religious beliefs of conquerors upon conquered people; Permit the mingling of religious influence with civil government; Foster one religious society and proscribe another; Deny to men their inherent and inalienable rights; Fail to guarantee the free exercise of conscience, the right andd control of property; and the protection of life; Enact laws which curtail the agency of man; Require the teaching of false principles in their educational systems; Deny the representatives of certain churches the right to teach their doctrines or proselyte among their people; and Fail to punish crime and protect the rights of their citizens, particularly unpopular minority groups." (Millet p. 50-51)
Verse 3 - Examples of other prophets carried away in the Spirit. Nephi, Jesus, Adam, Lehi, Nephi (of the Book of Helaman), Ezekiel, Mary. The woman he sees is the counterfeit of the Woman who is the Church.  It is the whore.  The scarlet “kokkinos” beast represents sin. This was the color of the ribbon tied around the neck of the scapegoat on the day of Atonement. Scarlet is also the color of royalty or governing power. The beast appears to be the same one from 13:1. Both have seven heads and 10 horns. A description of what the heads and horns represent is given in 17::9-10. The numbers may be symbolic rather than literal. The blasphemy is because the beast pretends to represent God.
Verse 4 - The apparel of the woman is in imitation of the priesthood. Purple and scarlet were colors for the High Priest (Exodus 26:1, 31, 36) Decked means excessive. See 1 Nephi 13:7-8. The cup in her hand stands in contrast to the golden chalice held by the Levitical high priest and used in the temple for making a wine offering to God.
Verse 5 - Mystery=Secret Combinations. Revelation mentions a mark on the forehead 7 times. In 13:16; 14:9; & 20:4, the mark of the beast is on the forehead of those who follow him. In 7:3; 9:4; 14:1 & 22:4 it is the mark of God on the righteous. Some authorities believe it was common in ancient Rome for prostitutes to write their names on their foreheads. (Parry, p. 222) Babylon the great is the church of the devil. It is proper to remark that there is nothing in the original as written by John, so far as now known, that corresponded with what is implied in placing this inscription in capital letters; and the same remark may be made of the "title" or inscription that was placed over the head of the Saviour on the cross, Matthew 27:37; Mark 15:26; Luke 23:38; John 19:19. Our translators have adopted this form, apparently for the sole purpose of denoting that it was an inscription or title.
Verse 6 - John’s wonder is with surprise, astonishment and wonder, not admiration.
Verse 7 - The angel serving as a guide is reminiscent of the angel in I Nephi 8 & 11. He is offering an explanation of the Revelation 13 beast.
Verse 8 -Perhaps meaning Satan was here on the earth, is not here anymore, because he is in perdition. (Ridges) The beast stands in contrast to He who is and was and is to come. Satan’s comings and goings are controlled by Him.
Verse 9 - Rome is known as the city of 7 hills and represents all that is powerful and corrupt in the world in any age.
Verse 10 - Lots of speculation as to who the kings might be. The number 7 is a possible indication that they represent kings of all times. Millet gives alternative explanations tied to the Roman Empire. (Rome being built upon 7 hills and the reference to the different Roman emperors or world empires
Verse 11 - The beast will lose. The message of the whole Book of Revelation and also of 1 Nephi 13, 14 & 22.
Verse 12 - The 10 Kings represent kings who have no power at the time of John but will hold it in the future. They receive power from the beast, but not for long.
Verse 13 - Unity of kingdoms in favor of the beast
Verse 14 - A fixed fight. WE WIN!
Verse 15 - See verse 1- remember a flood influences everything in its path.
Verse 16 - Those who served Satan shall turn on him. See Isaiah 49:2, Mormon 4:5 & Alma 30:60
Verse 17 - God uses the wicked to perform his work. He doesn’t inspire them. See JST Ex. 4:21.
Verse 18 - The woman is the Church of the Devil. Here Rome is possibly the symbol.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Revelation 16


The message of this chapter is that there will be great destruction before the Millennium begins. Read D&C 97:22-25; D&C 112:24-26; 1 Nephi 22:16-25 and D&C 45:65-71. Look for damage to the ecology.
“Some commentators believe the judgments in this chapter are a repetition of the plagues seen in Revelation 8, 9, and 11. That is one possible reading; there are remarkable parallels between the two sections. But it seems more likely that Revelation 16 represents a later and more severe occurrence of plagues. In Revelation 8, for instance, a third of the sea become blood and a third of the creatures in the sea die (8:8-9). But in 16, all the sea become blood and all creatures therein die (16:3). A comparison of the plagues in both sections shows a similar progression-as God continues to plead with and to punish the earth through his judgments, those judgments become more severe.” (Parry, p. 202)
The 4 elements of the ancient world can be traced in this chapter. These were the 4 basic elements of life. People once believed that all things were composed of earth (vs. 2), water (vs. 3,4), fire [the sun}(vs. 8), and air (vs. 17).
Verse 1 - Look out! Here come the 7 angels with stuff in their bowls that were mentioned in 15:1.
Verse 2 - Similar to the 6th plague (boils) of Ex. 9: 8-12. Could it be a nuclear war? See D&C 29:19 (skin falls from the body) and Zech. 14:12. It will be interesting to see how God protects those who do not have the mark of the beast.
Verse 3 - A person’s blood gives life to the body as water gives life to the world. A dead man’s blood is corrupted and no longer sustains life. Similar to 1st plague of Ex. 7:19-21 (water to blood). See also D&C 61:4-5;14-16. (danger in water)

Vs. 4 - The third angel’s plague is similar to the 2nd.
Vs. 5 - Anciently, the Jews believed that different angels had charge of different elements of nature. In this verse we see the “water angel”. In 7:1-the “wind angel” and in 14:18 the “fire angel.”
Vs. 6- What prophets have been killed? 1 Kings 18:13- Jezebel slew prophets; 2 Chron. 24:20-21Zechariah killed by King Joash; Mark 6:25-28-John the Baptist; Acts 7:57-60-Stephen; Acts 12:1-2                 James, the brother of John; Rev. 2:13-Antipas from Pergamos; Rev. 11:7-Two prophets in Jerusalem; Mosiah 17-      Abinadi; Alma 25:7-Lamanites by children of Amulon and other Priests; Matt. 23:29-38 (34)-Zacharias and others; Matt. 24:9  -Apostles; D&C 135-Joseph & Hyrum
Joseph was in conversation with some of the militia officers in Carthage. “General Smith asked them if there was anything in his appearance that indicated he was the desperate character his enemies represented him to be;. The reply was, ‘No, sir, General Smith; but we cannot see what is in your heart,.’ To which Joseph replied, ‘Very true, gentlemen, you cannot see what is in my heart, but I can see what is in your hearts, and will tell you what I see. I can see that you thirst for blood, and nothing but my blood will satisfy you. It is not for crime that I and my brethren are thus continually persecuted, but there are other motives, and inasmuch as you and the people thirst for blood, I prophesy, in the name of the Lord, that you shall witness scenes of blood and sorrow to your entire satisfaction. Your souls shall be perfectly satiated with blood, and many of you who are now present shall have an opportunity to face the canon’s mouth from sources you think not of; and those people that desire this great evil upon me and my brethren, shall be filled with regret and sorrow because of the scenes of desolation and distress that await them. They shall seek for peace, and shall not be able to find it.” (DHC 6:566) This prophecy was fulfilled during the Civil War.
Water being turned to blood demonstrates the bloodthirsty nature of men and nations. (W) See Moroni  9:5-Thirst for blood continually. To be drunk with blood signifies slaughter by the sword.       Vs. 7- Another witness who says God's judgments are just
Vs. 8 - the Fourth plague - In 7:16 the righteous were give protection from the sun. A nuclear war could destroy the ozone protection.
Note that 3 Nephi 9:9 indicates that the people of Jacobugath were destroyed by fire because their wickedness exceeded all other.
Vs. 9 - See D&C 64:23-24 or Fire Protection by paying tithing. (I will burn them up. I will not spare any who remain in Babylon.)
Vs. 10 - The 5th plague is directed at the seat or throne or headquarters of the beast. It reminds us of the 9th plague in Egypt. (Exodus 10:21-23). The darkness may be a spiritual darkness. For a scene even worse than gnawing their tongues for pain see Isaiah 9:19-20. (Eat own flesh)
Vs. 11 - In 9:20-21, the Beast was speaking Blasphemy. Now man has become like the Beast he serves.
Vs. 12. - Other references to rivers drying up include; Ex. 14:21; Josh. 3:13-17; Isaiah 11:15-16; Jer. 51:36; and Zech. 10:11.
There are over 50 different interpretations as to what it might mean that the way of the kings of the east might be prepared. It appears that these Kings are the enemies of the people of the  God of Israel.
Mike Wilcox likes to compare it to the story of how Persia (from the East) under Cyrus, captured Babylon by diverting the waters of the Euphrates River into a lake and were able to walk on dry ground into Babylon via the river bed.
In 9:14 the great river Euphrates is changed by the JST to the “bottomless pit.”
Vs. 13 - The 3 unclean spirits are agents of the unholy godhead, IE. the dragon, beast and false prophet.
An interesting parallel story is shared by Wilcox from 1 Kings 22, about how false prophets promised Ahab victory against Ramoth in Gilead. See especially vss. 6,8,13,19-23.
Sadam Hussein also appeared to be a frog out of Satan’s mouth as he promised victory and protection from God to his people at the beginning of the 2nd Gulf War in March, 2003.
Vs. 14 - Miracles of Satan and God are often indistinguishable to the outward senses. The Spirit of God is necessary. See D&C 50:1-3
Vs. 15 - an interjection for the righteous. See also 3:3-5 & Alma 7:25 for other references about keeping garments clean.
Vs. 16 - Armageddon = Har (hill) Megiddo, about 60 miles north of Jerusalem. It is an Historical battlefield, IE, Tuthmosis 1468 BC; Lord Allenby 1917 AD; Barak & Deborah Judges 4-5; Gideon, Judges 7; Saul & Jonathon 1 Sam. 31:1-6; Josiah vs. Egypt 2 Kings 23:29-30; Final Battle, Zech. 14:2-5. It can be thus seen as a symbol for all battles vs. Righteousness as represented Mount Zion. Another scriptural warning about war in the latter days is found in D&C 87. The contrast is found in the Olive leaf of D&C 88.
            "The kings of the earth and of the whole world will gather to fight the battle of that great day of God Almighty. Their command center will be at Armageddon, overlooking the valley of Megiddo. All nations will be gathered against Jerusalem. Two hundred thousand thousand warriors and more-two hundred million men of arms and more-shall come forth to conquer or die on the plains of Esdraelon and in all the nations of the earth. At the height of this war, the Lord Jesus will put his foot on the Mount of Olives and save his ancient covenant people. This is truth will be a worldwide conflict; the sword that is wielded in the mountains of Israel will be the same sword that slays men in all nations." (BRM, Millennial Messiah, 476, 484-85)
Vs. 17 - the 7th vial going into the air. Would indicate a completeness effecting the whole world. The voice from the throne would be that of God the Father.
Vs. 18 – This is the 3rd earthquake mentioned in the Book of Revelation.  The first was in 6:12 during the 6th thousand years. The earthquake of 1:13-14 is to take place in the 1st part of the 7th 1000 years. This earthquake is so great it seems to flatten mountains- see vs. 20.  See also D&C 133:21-25
Vs. 19 - the Great City is Babylon. In Ezek. 5:3, God showed Israel what Babylon would do to them by having Ezekiel shave his beard and hair and divide it into three pieces. Now God is telling Babylon how they will be divided into three pieces and destroyed. (W) See D&C 87:6
Vs. 20 - See the 10th article of Faith. Remember Peleg and look at D&C 49:23; 109:74; 133:19-24
Vs. 21 - See Josh. 10:11 & D&C 29:16
            A talent weighed between 45-90 pounds. The BD says 75.6 pounds. Draper says 60-80 lbs. Millet says 45-100 lbs.

Remember the lies coming out of the mouth of the dragon, beast and false prophet which convinced the kings of the earth to gather and fight the battle that they could not win!

Revelation 15


It is sometimes good to see the good that will come after the bad, before the bad happens.

This is a happy chapter before the last 7 plagues which we will see in chapters 16, 17, and 18. Here John sees the Celestial Kingdom and the angels sent from there with the plagues of destruction before the Millennium. Some of the people in the Celestial Kingdom may have been killed by the beast and now are seen triumphant over him.
Verse 1 - “Is filled up” is a translation of the Greek word “teleo” which means concluded, filled up or perfected, wrath of God. He has taken all that he is going to take.
Verse 2 - A vision of the Celestial Kingdom filled with people who had earned the right to be there. Some of them had died in mortality, victims of the Beast. Fire is an indication of God’s presence. Fire also is used to consume the wicked. Harps again prove to be heavenly instruments.
Verse 3 - The “song of Moses” is probably the song Israel sang when the Lord delivered them from Egypt. (Ex. 15:1-9). The song of the Lamb’s words is in the verse and is referred to in D&C 133:56. The words continue in verse 4.
Verse 5 - The temple of the tabernacle of the testimony in Moses’ day was so called because it contained the stone tablets. See 11:19. Testimony can also be rendered covenant or witness. The judgments on the wicked are sent from the temple.
Verse 6 - The 7 angels are dressed in such a way that we can know that they have high priesthood office. (White linen and golden girdles). The number 7 is an indication that the judgments are complete. The fact that they received their charge in the temple reminds us that the judgments are from God.
Verse 7 - The 4 beast were introduced in 4:6-9 at the throne of God. In 5:8 they worship God. In 6:1-7 the beasts are those who are invited John to see the events in the book. The beasts are “zoon”. This beast gives the angels the bowls or vials of the judgments of God which will be poured out in the next chapter.
Verse 8 - The smoke or cloud represents the presence of God. No man was able to enter into the temple to plead for mercy until after the 7 plagues are carried out. Ex. 40:34-35, Ex. 19:18, Is. 6:4. "No millennial conditions until after the 7 plagues are carried out." (Ridges)

Revelation 14


Chapter 14 is a 3 part vision. Verses 1-5 tells about the Lamb and the Saints in Zion. Verses 6-13 tells of three angels sent to both warn and comfort. Verses 14-20 tell of the harvest of the earth, first the righteous and then the destruction of the wicked.

Verse 1 - It seems interesting that God sends a lamb in answer to the Satanic beast of ch. 13. We learn very quickly that the unbeatable influence of the two beasts of ch. 13 can and will be defeated by the Lamb of God.
Mount Sion is the (1) Mount Zion of the Old Testament. It is the location of Solomon’s and Herod’s temples in Jerusalem and will be the location of the temple which will be built there for the Millennium.  (2) Mt. Zion also refers to the New Jerusalem of Jackson County. (D&C 84:2; 133:18, 56) (3) Mt. Zion can also refer to the temple proper (D&C 84:32). Also the (4) Heavenly Jerusalem, that portion of the New Jerusalem that will descend from on high. (Heb. 12:22; Rev. 21:10) We know that Christ will appear in His temple, at Jackson County and in Jerusalem. This account may represent all of them. More likely, according to D&C 133:18 this is referring to His appearance at Independence, MO.
The 144,000 are a representation of Priesthood authority in its fullness. They are those who were sealed in Chapter 7:1-8 and having the Father’s name on their foreheads is symbolic of their total commitment to Him.
Verse 2 - Read D&C 133:18-25. The voice could be the voice of the Savior as in D&C 110:3 & Ex. 19:16-19 or it may the voice of the choir singing the hymn of verse 3. Harps seem to be the musical instrument of choice by those in God’s heaven.
Verse 3 - The song of this verse is possibly D&C 84:99-102. Requirements to sing in this choir pertain more to the quality of your soul than your voice. The four beasts and the (24) elders appear to be the same ones as we saw in 4:2,4,6,10.
Verse 4 - The reference to “virgins” in this verse is a referral to the Church, the Lord’s bride, members who have kept themselves from the world. The Greek “parenthos” describes a spiritual quality. Israeli soldiers were required to maintain ritual purity, including sexual abstinence before going to battle. (See 1 Sam. 21:5; 2 Sam. 11:11).
Under the law of Moses, the firstfruits of the harvest were offered to God in sacrifice (Ex. 34:22,26). Jesus is the firstfruits of God, being the first to resurrect. These 144,000 are likewise the “firstfruits” of the plan of salvation on the earth. Refers to quality of fruit - not timing of resurrection.
Verse 5 - The 144,000 are without fault, meaning blameless, without sin, because of the Lamb, not because they have never sinned.
Verse 6 - The angel of this verse is Moroni, (D&C 27:5) but probably not only Moroni. (See D&C 128:20-21; 133:36-40) The “everlasting gospel” is mentioned 26 times in the Doctrine and Covenants. It was not restored only by Moroni. It is proclaimed by all of us as we go to teach. See D&C 90:9-11 and Doctrines of Salvation1:174.
Verse 7 - John tells us to “fear God” not the beast.” The judgment referred to in this verse is not the “final judgment” but rather a time of punishing the wicked. See also D&C 1:1-17 (esp. 14-17)

Verse 8 - This second angel will bring the word that Babylon (Satan's kingdoms of worldliness, counterfeits of Zion) have fallen because of their fornication (being untrue to the Bridegroom). Note that before or as Babylon falls she causes others to suffer the consequences of her transgression.
Verse 9 - Notice the contrast between the people in verses 9 & 1. Can a person worship Satan and not know who he is?
Verse 10 - The punishments of this verse stand in contrast to those in 13:15 for those who would not worship the beast. In 13:15 the punishment for not worshiping the image of the beast was being killed. Here, the punishment for worshiping him comes in the form of drinking of the wrath of God. “Speaking symbolically, God has a cup of mercy & blessing & a cup of anger & vengeance. The Lord cannot give the cup of mercy (atonement) to those who worship the beast.
Verse 11 - The smoke of this verse stands in contrast to the smoke of incense which were a symbol of the prayers of the righteous. Applies eternally only to the Sons of Perdition (D&C 76:28-38, especially vs. 33). Others pay for their sins and inherit the Telestial Glory.  (D&C 19:17) No rest day nor night- See Is. 34:10; 57:20-21 & Mark 9:43-49
Verse 12 - Patience will be rewarded. 13:10. Death is sweet for those who die in the Lord.  Remember Alma 30:60.
Verse 13 - One of the 7 “beatitudes” listed in the Book of Revelation (1:3; 16:15; 19:9; 20:6; 22:7; 22:14). The rest here promised is described by Alma as a “rest from troubles and from all care, and sorrow” (Alma 40:12). Having our “good works” follow us means two things, 1) we will be rewarded there for our works here and 2) We will be able to continue in our good works there.
14-16- "John then witnesses the fulfillment of that great prophetic parable, the wheat and the tares, (Matt. 13:24-30 & D&C 86)
Verse 14 - Christ comes on a white cloud symbolizing his purity and glory with a “stephanos” wreath or crown of the victor on his head and the harvest sickle of gathering.
Verse 15 - This verse depicts the gathering of the righteous. (D&C 4; 86:4-7)
Verse 16 - Christ reaps personally
Verse 17 - We help with the harvest. With our testimony we give people the opportunity to be saved or give them the opportunity to reject our witness.
18-20 = the gathering of the wicked
Verse 18 - The altar in the Book of Revelation seems to be involved with judgment of the wicked. The fire may be an indication that the final destruction will be by fire. The ripeness of this verse is ripened in iniquity.
Verse 19 - See D&C 19:11-19
Verse 20 - An image of the suffering of the wicked compared with the suffering of the Savior, outside Jerusalem. Reminding us of the great destruction before Christ comes again which will also be outside the walls of the city Jerusalem. Here depicted is a great loss of blood of the wicked up to the bridles of horses and coming out of the winepress. (Armageddon) 1600 furlongs is about 184 miles which is about the length of Palestine. Furlong = 607 ft.