Saturday, July 9, 2011

Revelation 14


Chapter 14 is a 3 part vision. Verses 1-5 tells about the Lamb and the Saints in Zion. Verses 6-13 tells of three angels sent to both warn and comfort. Verses 14-20 tell of the harvest of the earth, first the righteous and then the destruction of the wicked.

Verse 1 - It seems interesting that God sends a lamb in answer to the Satanic beast of ch. 13. We learn very quickly that the unbeatable influence of the two beasts of ch. 13 can and will be defeated by the Lamb of God.
Mount Sion is the (1) Mount Zion of the Old Testament. It is the location of Solomon’s and Herod’s temples in Jerusalem and will be the location of the temple which will be built there for the Millennium.  (2) Mt. Zion also refers to the New Jerusalem of Jackson County. (D&C 84:2; 133:18, 56) (3) Mt. Zion can also refer to the temple proper (D&C 84:32). Also the (4) Heavenly Jerusalem, that portion of the New Jerusalem that will descend from on high. (Heb. 12:22; Rev. 21:10) We know that Christ will appear in His temple, at Jackson County and in Jerusalem. This account may represent all of them. More likely, according to D&C 133:18 this is referring to His appearance at Independence, MO.
The 144,000 are a representation of Priesthood authority in its fullness. They are those who were sealed in Chapter 7:1-8 and having the Father’s name on their foreheads is symbolic of their total commitment to Him.
Verse 2 - Read D&C 133:18-25. The voice could be the voice of the Savior as in D&C 110:3 & Ex. 19:16-19 or it may the voice of the choir singing the hymn of verse 3. Harps seem to be the musical instrument of choice by those in God’s heaven.
Verse 3 - The song of this verse is possibly D&C 84:99-102. Requirements to sing in this choir pertain more to the quality of your soul than your voice. The four beasts and the (24) elders appear to be the same ones as we saw in 4:2,4,6,10.
Verse 4 - The reference to “virgins” in this verse is a referral to the Church, the Lord’s bride, members who have kept themselves from the world. The Greek “parenthos” describes a spiritual quality. Israeli soldiers were required to maintain ritual purity, including sexual abstinence before going to battle. (See 1 Sam. 21:5; 2 Sam. 11:11).
Under the law of Moses, the firstfruits of the harvest were offered to God in sacrifice (Ex. 34:22,26). Jesus is the firstfruits of God, being the first to resurrect. These 144,000 are likewise the “firstfruits” of the plan of salvation on the earth. Refers to quality of fruit - not timing of resurrection.
Verse 5 - The 144,000 are without fault, meaning blameless, without sin, because of the Lamb, not because they have never sinned.
Verse 6 - The angel of this verse is Moroni, (D&C 27:5) but probably not only Moroni. (See D&C 128:20-21; 133:36-40) The “everlasting gospel” is mentioned 26 times in the Doctrine and Covenants. It was not restored only by Moroni. It is proclaimed by all of us as we go to teach. See D&C 90:9-11 and Doctrines of Salvation1:174.
Verse 7 - John tells us to “fear God” not the beast.” The judgment referred to in this verse is not the “final judgment” but rather a time of punishing the wicked. See also D&C 1:1-17 (esp. 14-17)

Verse 8 - This second angel will bring the word that Babylon (Satan's kingdoms of worldliness, counterfeits of Zion) have fallen because of their fornication (being untrue to the Bridegroom). Note that before or as Babylon falls she causes others to suffer the consequences of her transgression.
Verse 9 - Notice the contrast between the people in verses 9 & 1. Can a person worship Satan and not know who he is?
Verse 10 - The punishments of this verse stand in contrast to those in 13:15 for those who would not worship the beast. In 13:15 the punishment for not worshiping the image of the beast was being killed. Here, the punishment for worshiping him comes in the form of drinking of the wrath of God. “Speaking symbolically, God has a cup of mercy & blessing & a cup of anger & vengeance. The Lord cannot give the cup of mercy (atonement) to those who worship the beast.
Verse 11 - The smoke of this verse stands in contrast to the smoke of incense which were a symbol of the prayers of the righteous. Applies eternally only to the Sons of Perdition (D&C 76:28-38, especially vs. 33). Others pay for their sins and inherit the Telestial Glory.  (D&C 19:17) No rest day nor night- See Is. 34:10; 57:20-21 & Mark 9:43-49
Verse 12 - Patience will be rewarded. 13:10. Death is sweet for those who die in the Lord.  Remember Alma 30:60.
Verse 13 - One of the 7 “beatitudes” listed in the Book of Revelation (1:3; 16:15; 19:9; 20:6; 22:7; 22:14). The rest here promised is described by Alma as a “rest from troubles and from all care, and sorrow” (Alma 40:12). Having our “good works” follow us means two things, 1) we will be rewarded there for our works here and 2) We will be able to continue in our good works there.
14-16- "John then witnesses the fulfillment of that great prophetic parable, the wheat and the tares, (Matt. 13:24-30 & D&C 86)
Verse 14 - Christ comes on a white cloud symbolizing his purity and glory with a “stephanos” wreath or crown of the victor on his head and the harvest sickle of gathering.
Verse 15 - This verse depicts the gathering of the righteous. (D&C 4; 86:4-7)
Verse 16 - Christ reaps personally
Verse 17 - We help with the harvest. With our testimony we give people the opportunity to be saved or give them the opportunity to reject our witness.
18-20 = the gathering of the wicked
Verse 18 - The altar in the Book of Revelation seems to be involved with judgment of the wicked. The fire may be an indication that the final destruction will be by fire. The ripeness of this verse is ripened in iniquity.
Verse 19 - See D&C 19:11-19
Verse 20 - An image of the suffering of the wicked compared with the suffering of the Savior, outside Jerusalem. Reminding us of the great destruction before Christ comes again which will also be outside the walls of the city Jerusalem. Here depicted is a great loss of blood of the wicked up to the bridles of horses and coming out of the winepress. (Armageddon) 1600 furlongs is about 184 miles which is about the length of Palestine. Furlong = 607 ft.