Thursday, May 26, 2011

Book of Revelation - Day One

The Book of Revelation-Day 1

                1) It is NOT the Book of Revelations. It is the Book of Revelation. (NO S)
                2) The author of the Book is John.
1. He is the author of 5 New Testament Books .
2. He was a member of the original Quorum of the Twelve Apostles.
3. He was a member of the First Presidency.
4. He is often called John the Beloved, and John the Divine or Diviner, Son of Thunder.
5. He was the son of Zebedee, brother of James.
6. He was a fisherman before his call to the ministry.
7.  John has not yet died-He was translated.
8. He helped restore the Melchizedek Priesthood.
9. Present with Jesus, Peter, and James at the raising of Jairus' daughter, the Mount of Transfiguration and Gethsemane.
10. It was this John who Jesus asked to take care of His mother has he hung from the cross.
11. Rumor has it that he gets together with the 3 Nephites on Friday evenings for a rousing game of Rook. (See 1 Nephi 14; Ether 4:16; D&C 7; 27:12)

                3) The title of the book in Greek is Apocalypsis, from which we get its other common name, the Apocalypse. Apocalypsis is formed from two Greek words.  APO=A preposition denoting separating or removal and KALYPTO=To cover, hide or veil; Hence its English title, The Book of Revelation (or the uncovering or unveiling)
                4) Many prophets have seen visions similar to Johns; Adam, Enoch, Mahonri-Moriancumer, Abraham, Joseph, Moses, Isaiah, Nephi (1 Nephi 14:18-27), Daniel, Joel, Ezekiel.

                5) A required companion reading of the Book of Revelation must include; D&C 77; 1 Nephi 14 and Ether 4:14-17. Joseph Smith – “After I got through translating the Book of Mormon,  took up the Bible to read with the Urim and Thummim. I read the first chapter of Genesis and I saw the things as they were done. I turned over the next and the next, and the whole passed before me like a grand panorama; and so on chapter after chapter until I read the whole of it. I saw it all!” (Draper, p. 12)
                6) The Book of Revelation is one of the books least altered by the JST. (In Genesis the Prophet changed 771 of 1532 verses, besides adding 225 completely new verses. Thus he altered well over 50 percent of the book and expanded it by another 15 percent. In Matthew he corrected 682 of 1071 verses, or 64% of the total. By comparison, in Revelation he changed only 81 of 393 verses, or 21%)

                7) The message of Revelation is there will be an eventual triumph on this earth of God over the devil; a permanent victory of good over evil. (Bible Dictionary)
                8) The Book of Revelation is one of three Bible texts endorsed by the Book of Mormon. A. Isaiah – 3 Nephi 23:1 B. Malachi – 3 Nephi 24-25; 26:2 and C. Revelation – Ether 45-16, 1 Nephi 14:18-27
                9) Historical background - About 95 BC, close to the end of the reign of Domitian(81-96). The Church enjoyed great growth with the missionary work of the Twelve Apostles. Branches had been established throughout Palestine, Macedonia, Europe and Asia Minor, but they are now struggling, because of persecution from Jews (Rev. 2:9; 3:9) and Romans and apostasy from within. See Matt. 24:4-4, 10; JSM 8, 16; 2 Peter 2:1-2; Acts 20:29; 1 John 4:1; 1 Timothy 4:1-3; Isa. 24:5

 Quotes from  people about the Book of Revelation

                1. Martin Luther; "My spirit cannot accommodate itself to this book."
                2. Joseph Smith, "It is one of the plainest books God ever caused to be written." (TPJS p. 290)
                3. Eusebius, "The Gospel and Epistle were written in flawless Greek; free from barbarism,  vulgarism; whereas the Apocalypse was written in inaccurate Greek, full of barbarous idioms and solecism." (Eusebius, Vol. vii 25)

                4. Robert Millet, "The Revelation is not very plain: As most readers of Revelation can attest, reading this book is unlike any other experience we have with the scriptures. Whereas most of the Book of Mormon, for example, is given to us 'in plainness' (2 Nephi 25:4; 31:3; 33:6), Revelation is not terrible plain to the generality of the Saints. John's messages are not always clear, and coming to understand what is intended often requires extensive cross referencing, searching out historical details, and much pondering and discernment. (Revelation of John Offers Recurring Lessons, Doctrinal Refrains, Church News, Dec. 23, 1995)
                5. Clyde J. Williams - "The world perceives the Book of Revelation very differently from the way the faithful Latter-Day Saints perceive it. Many sectarian scholars view John's book as nothing more than writing and prophecies concerning his own day. Others view Revelation as merely a series of symbolic illustrations showing the triumph of good over evil. Latter-Day Saints see the Book of Revelation as containing information that deals with the past, present and future, with the greatest emphasis on the future." (CES Symposium)

                6. Gerald N. Lund - "The Apocalypse was written primarily for saints of latter days. It reveals or uncovers the events of our own day and the near future. Therefore, it is of great value for us to put forth the effort necessary to make it a book of revealing, a book of revelation. (Things Which Must Shortly Come To Pass, Studies in Scripture vol. six)
                7. Bruce R. McConkie -   If you have already fallen in love with John’s presentation of the Plan of Salvation as it is set out in the Apocalypse, you are one of the favored few in the Church. If this choice experience is yet ahead for you, the day and hour is here to launch one of the most intriguing and rewarding studies in Gospel Scholarship in which any of us ever engage…In my judgment the Gospel of John ranks far ahead of those of Matthew, Mark or Luke; at least John’s record of the life of our Lord is directed to the Saints; it deals more fully with those things that interest people who have received the gift of the Holy Ghost, and who have the hope of eternal life. But even ahead of his gospel account stands this wondrous work, the Book of Revelation. ... “The common notion that it deals with beasts and plagues and mysterious symbolism that cannot be understood is just not true. It is so far overstated that it gives an entirely erroneous feeling about this portion of revealed truth. Most of the clear and plain and should be understood by the Lord's people. Certain parts are not clear and are not understood by us-which, however does not mean that we could not understand them if we would grow in faith as we should." (Ensign, Sept. 1975, p. 87)

                 8. S. Michael Wilcox - " Another view of good and evil states that the war between good and evil is a revolution, a rebellion against the original good. It claims that evil is a parasite; there is nothing original about it...This concept when applied to John's Revelation, provides a key to its interpretation and application. Using images, John described and symbolically detailed Christ's kingdom. He also used imagery and symbolism to describe the adversary's kingdom personality and will. The imagery used for Satan's kingdom is like a distorted reflection coming from a curved mirror placed in front of the imagery of Christ's kingdom. Side by side, one after another, John placed his symbols."

Revelation Chapter 3


Vs. 1 – 1. Sardis was once the capital of the ancient Kingdom of Lydia. 2.  A commercial city known for its wealth, which was obtained in part through its trade in clothing. 3. Patron deity was Artmis (Diana).4.  A very evil city in John’s day. 5. Believed to be the first to mint round coins. 6. Legend of "golden fleece" is thought to have originated in Sardis. 7. By the time of John, Sardis was seen an a "as been" city.

            Note the JST for this verse.  Also note that the JST says that they are alive and NOT dead. Spiritually.

Vs. 2 – Note the JST

Vs. 3 – Not watch – Parable of the ten virgins Matt. 25:13; I will come on thee as a thief. See D&C 106:4-5. Sardis had twice been captured because a watch was not kept and Cyrus in 548 BC and Antiochus in 214 BC took the city as "a thief in the night"

Vs. 4 – Those who have not defiled their garments are those who have been true to temple covenants.  See DNTC 3:454or 456?

Vs. 5 - those whose name are written in the book of life=those who have been sanctified and inherit the celestial kingdom (D&C 88:2)

            Cross References for the Book of Life; 13:8; 17:8; 20:12, 15; 21:27; 22:10

                        Contains the name of those who receive eternal life.  Record kept in heaven (D&C 128:7) Contains names of righteous (Alma 5:58). Belongs to Jesus 21:27. Sinner’s names removed. (Blotted)

            Confess his name before my father – D&C 45:3-6

Vs. 7 – Philadelphia – 1. The city of "brotherly love" because King Attalus Philadelphus II (159-138 BC), adopted the name Philadelphus because of his love for his brother.  2. Today it is called Alashehir, the reddish city, from the red-brown hills around it. 3. It was founded to guard the important road on which it lay, and was given the assignment of disseminating Hellenism in Lydia and Phrygia. 4. It was destroyed with 10 other western Asian cities, in the earthquake of 17 AD with aftershocks for 20 years. 5. It is still an extremely active seismic region. 6. It is located 100 miles east of Smyrna

             Similar to letter to Smyrna-No rebuke

            Key of David – Power of Christ's absolute government, the rightful eternal King of Israel (Is. 22:22)             Sealing Power- (Matt 16:15-19)

Vs. 8 – An open door-opportunity for Celestial Kingdom and to share the gospel

            Thou hast a little strength – Who has more?

Vs. 9 – Synagogue of Satan – A reference to the Anti-Christian Jews. See 2:9

Vs. 10 – Kept the word of my patience. Note the Jerusalem Bible translation of this verse; “Because you have kept my commandment to endure trials, I will keep you safe in the time of trial which is going to come for the whole world.”

Vs. 11 – “I come quickly” 2:5; 2:16; 3:11; 22:7; 22:12; 22:20. (6)

                        D&C 33:18; 34:12; 35:27; 39:24; 49:28; 68:35; 88:126.  (7)

            Hold Fast – a reference to enduring to the end. See 1 Nephi 8:24 & 30

            No man take thy crown. – “If the saints are not to reign, for what purpose are they crowned? (Joseph Smith, DHC 2:20)

Vs. 12 – to be a pillar in the temple of my God=to be a person of stature in the celestial kingdom. Those who have the name of God written upon them=Gods

            He shall go no more out. BRM says that once you die on the straight and narrow path there is no falling off of it.

“The first of 3 names that Christ will give the righteous is the name of his God (14:1; D&C 133:18) meaning the Saints will become like and will belong to their Father in Heave; thus, those who have God’s name upon them are gods (D&C 132:20)

Name of the city of my God, which is New Jerusalem. The second of three names that Christ will give the righteous is “New Jerusalem,” meaning they will become eternal citizens of God’s celestial city.

I will write upon him my new name. The 3rd of 3 names that Christ will give the righteous is his own new name. Because an individual’s new name is kept private-no man knoweth saving he that receiveth it (2:17)-this suggest that those who receive Christ’s new name will have become one with him. John explains that “his name shall be in their foreheads” (22:4)

Vs. 14 – Laodicea was founded by the Syrian king Antiochus II and named after his wife Laodice. It was settled at an important trade junction and became an important center for commerce, banking, medicine and industry. Its medical center produced an important eye salve. Its industrial center produced linen and wool garments. Destroyed by an earthquake in 60 AD. City was rebuilt without help from Rome. Water supply was a major problem.

            Amen-connotes the idea of that which has been unalterable confirmed (See Numbers 5:22) or that which is sure, trustworthy and faithful.

Vs. 15 – Neither cold nor hot – “With all of its importance as a city of commerce and trade, Laodicea lacked sufficient fresh water for its inhabitants and visitors, so water was piped from springs located several miles away. By the time the water arrived in Laodicea, it was likely lukewarm, unpleasant to drink, and good only to be spewed out of the moth. Hence the water lacked the cold freshness travelers and the healing elements for the physically ill found in hot water.

            Lukewarm water is a metaphor for some members who lack gospel zeal and complete faithfulness. (See D&C 76:79)

Vs. 16 – Spue is more descriptive than vomit?

Vs. 17 – rich physically and poor spiritually

Vs. 18 – God tried in the fire – Saints, precious and pure and who after the resurrection become incorruptible. (See Zechariah 13:9)

            White raiment – The dress of the glorified. Christ and those that dwell with him. Garments are cleaned in the blood of the lamb.

            Shame of thy nakedness – absence of white raiment

            Eye salve, Eye salve of Laodicea made from Phrygian powder stone. God’s salve allows us to see with spiritual eyes. (Moses 6:35)

Vs. 19 – chasten – see footnote

Vs. 20 – the door of our heart? Is supping with the Lord having our calling and election made sure?

Vs. 21 – to sit with the Savior in his throne=to be as he is and receive exaltation.

TPJS p. 347-8-Jesus did what His Father did.

What would the Lord correct you for? For what might He commend you? What promises does He offer to you? The corrections and the commendations will vary. The promise of Eternal Life goes to all who will follow the Savior.

Revelation Chapter 2


            Gerald N. Lund noted an experience he had when flying into Los Angeles. He overheard two people talking. One the seat in front of him and one behind him. They were describing their experience to the person sitting next to them with words like these:
AN AIRPORT                                                                                      NORTON AIR FORCE BASE
A BIG STADIUM                                                                                THE ROSE BOWL
A FREE WAY INTERCHANGE                                                                                      MERGER OF THE SANTA MONICA, SAN BERNADINO, HOLLYWOOD, POMONA AND SANTA ANNA FREEWEAYS
LOTS OF CARS AND HOUSES                                                                                       JIM JONES’ HOUSE, THE 7-11 THAT OPENED LAST MONTH
                                                                                    John wrote the Book of Revelation to people who had lived in L.A. We have maps
(Latter-day scriptures) tour guides (Latter-day prophets) and travel brochures (historical

Commentaries) to help us identify the meaning of the maze. Just flying over the city will not be

Enough to identify important markers and messages.

Richard Draper observes, from the context of the letters, the Churches’ spiritual life foundered in 6 areas, 2 external and 4 internal. (p. 37)










2:2-3, 6

The promises the Lord makes to the 7 churches are different for each church, yet they are all promised one thing: exaltation.

Seven interesting things about Ephesus;

      1. It was the 4th largest city in the Roman empire. (Behind Rome, Alexandria and Antioch of Syria and may have had as many as 500,000 people living there at its peak.

2. It was a major port, the most important and most populated city in Asia minor. Later, its harbor on the River Cayster silted up and it lost population and influence rapidly.

 3. The city boasted notable architecture including an imposing athletic stadium, street lights, an impressive marketplace, a temple to Diana that has been labeled as one of the 7 wonders on the ancient world and a 25,000 seat theater. It has the most impressive ruins of any Turkish city.

4. Greek idolatry and the Imperial Cult were deeply rooted in the society.

5. It had a significant Jewish population. They claim that Mary, the mother of Jesus died there.

6. Paul worked there for over two years and John spent much time there before & after Patmos. It may have been Church headquarters after the fall of Jerusalem in 70 AD.

7. Paul's exhortation against idolatry sparked a riot led by Demetrius, a silver-smith who made statues to Diana of the Ephesians.


Vs. 1 – Note the JST- He that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand=Jesus. Over and over again, the Savior tells us that he is not an absentee Savior. See D&C 38:7-8

Vs. 2 – I know thy works  (see vs. 2, 9, 13, 19, 3:1, 8, 15)

            Say they are apostles and are not: Acts 20:29-30

Vs. 3 – How can a person not faint?

Vs. 4 – Thy first love should be the Savior and Church membership.

Vs. 5 – “I will come unto thee quickly” = without warning See D&C 106:4-5

            “Remove thy candlestick out of his place” – Any congregation of saints which is not true and faithful shall lose its place in the true church. (DNTC 3:446)

Vs. 6 – “The Nicolatians appear to have been characterized by sensuality, seducing Christians to participate in feasts of pagans. They taught in order to overcome sensuality, one must know the whole range of it by experience.” (BRM)

            Nicolatians has come to identify those who want their names on the records of the church, but do not want to devote themselves with full purpose of heart. See D&C 117:11. Directed to Newell K. Whitney-bishop of the church in Kirtland. (UBR p. 31)

Vs. 7 – “He that hath an ear, let him hear” – Only the faithful Saints, enlightened by the Spirit, will understand the promise given by John.

Tree of life=eternal life; Five images of the Tree of Life are significant for Latter-day Saints: in the Garden of Eden (Gen. 2:9; Moses 4:28); in Lehi's vision (1 Ne. 8:8-10; Alma 12:23); the parable of Alma  comparing the word to a seed that can grow to be "a tree springing up unto everlasting life" (Alma 32:28-43); Joseph Smith Sr's vision as recorded in Lucy's biography of Joseph Jr. (p. 57) and the so-called Tree of Life Stone from pre-Hispanic Mexico. Read 1 Nephi 11:7 & 25. "The natural environment of the Tree of Life is not that of fallen spheres. Its habitation is reserved for the enjoyment of those who attain a paradisiacal and an exalted state. (Brandt) See also Rev. 22:2

            In the messages to the 7 churches, the 7 promises are made to "him that overcometh"-this verse, plus 2:11, 17, 26, and 3:5, 12, 21. The verb "overcometh" in Greek is nikao, a cognate of nike, meaning "victory," a word used to describe winning athletic contests.

            All of the promises relate to Temple worship; the tree of life (Rev. 2:7); the crown of life (Rev.2:10); the hidden manna and the new name (Rev. 2:17) the rod (or scepter) and the morning star (Rev.2:27-28); the white raiment (Rev. 3:5); the pillar in the Temple (Rev. 3:12) and the fefast, the messianic banquet, and the marriage supper of the Lamb (Reav. 3:20-21). For an analysis of these promises in their Temple setting, see Madsen, "the Temple and the Restoration," 13-16Seven Interesting Things about Smyrna

1. Smyrna is now known as Izmir, Turkey.  2. It is the 3rd largest city in Turkey, with a population of over 3 million. 3. In New Testament days its population was around 200,000. The population was very devoted to Rome and was one of the first cities to embrace the Imperial Cult. 4. It had a large population of Jews, making it a challenging place for the spread of the Gospel of Christ. 5. It is said to be the birthplace of Homer. 6. It is located 40 miles north of Ephesus. 7. It is the only one of the 7 cities which has been continuously inhabited, therefore there are few archaeological ruins.

Vs. 8 – JST changes angel to servant. Christ testifies of His resurrection.

Vs. 9 – “but thou art rich” Educator from Uganda who attended BYU and then returned to Uganda and told the people how blessed they were because they knew what they had unlike the Utah Saints. (Quoted by Elder Simmons in St. George Area Conf. in 2001)

            Blasphemy in this instance means slanderous accusations. The Jews had been the 1st to persecute Christians & turn them over to Roman authority.

Vs. 10 – ten days=a short period of testing. See Daniel  1:12-15. (Rashago) Crown of life=eternal life

Vs. 11 – Second death=separation from God. See 21:8 and Alma 12:16-18.

Vs. 12 – Ask for an explanation for a sharp sword with two edges.

Vs. 13 – “Satan’s seat” Pergamos was the center of the state religion of Rome where the emperor was worshipped.

            Tradition says that Antipas was roasted in a brazen bowl during Domitian’s reign.


(Titus Flavius Domitianus)  (dōmĭsh´ n) , 51— 96, Roman emperor ( 81— 96), son of Vespasian. Although intended as the heir to his older brother, Titus, he was given no important posts. On Titus' death he succeeded to the throne and proved himself at once proud and more absolutist than his father. In his first years, however, he governed in the interests of order and public welfare. Except for his victory in 83 over the Chatti, a German tribe, Domitian's campaigns were only partially successful. He recalled ( 84) Agricola from his successful campaign in Britain, probably because he thought it would overtax the empire. As time went on, Domitian became more despotic, particularly after the rebellion in 89 of Antonius Saturninus, governor of Upper Germany. His despotism caused plots against him, which brought on a reign of terror during the last years of his rule. Finally his wife, Domitia, had a freedman, Stephanus, stab him. Nerva succeeded. Tacitus and Juvenal describe Domitian's reign of terror with bitterness, but modern historians recognize that he governed the empire well

Vs. 14 – See Numbers 22:24 & 31. The doctrine of Balaam was to eat things sacrificed to idols, to commit fornication (Num. 25:1-3), & to engage in Priestcrafts. Balaam, son of Beor, convinced many from Israel to sin. (Num 31:16). He was involved in diving for hire with Balak, the King of Moab. (Numbers 22-24; Dt. 23:4; 2 Peter 2:15; Jude 1:11)

To eat things sacrificed to idols- see Acts 15:6, 29.

Vs. 16 – Sword of my mouth – word of God referring to Judgment against the wicked.

Vs. 17 –  Hidden manna – Jesus is the “Bread of Life” John 6:48-51. Jesus is hidden to the wicked. Also may refer to temple truths

White stone with a new name on it=only given to those who enter the celestial kingdom (D&C 130:10-11)

New name – “The new name is written on the white stone that is given to each of those who come into the celestial kingdom…the new name is the key word. The new name, similar to the white robe of Rev. 3:5; 6:11, and 7:9 symbolizes a new existence, or a new life. Note new names given to Abram, Sarah, Jacob. (UBR)

            Perhaps the closest corollary would be the crowning of a king or queen. The new name becomes the coronation name. this application is also seen in religious offices or priestly names. For instance, in the Catholic church each new pope assumes a different name. Many of the promises offered to the churches for overcoming worldly obstacles contain coronation imagery. (Wilcox, p. 38)

Vs. 18 –


Lydia was from here. Acts 16
 (äk´´h sär´) , city (1990 pop. 74,002), W Turkey. It is in a region where tobacco, cotton, and grapes are grown. The city is noted for its rugs. It is the biblical Thyatira.

See 1:14-15 & D&C 110:3

Vs. 19 – “And the last to be more than the first.”  Translated “still making progress” in Jerusalem Bible.

Vs. 20 – a Jezebel like the wife of King Ahab (2 Kings 9:22; 1 Kings 16:31-33)

            The distinction in “fornication” of this verse and adultery in verse 22 is the difference between covenant and non-covenant.

            Thyatira was a city of craftsmen who belonged to guilds who held religious banquets at which animals were sacrificed to their gods and then eaten.

Vs. 22 – Note the JST

Vs. 23 – Kill with death 2 Kings 9:1,7 – Death of Ahab’s family. This may also refer to spiritual death. See DNTC 3:453

Vs. 24 – Those who haven’t been involved in these sins will not be accountable.

Vs. 25 – Endure to end by holding fast to the iron rod.

Vs. 26 – The JST of vs. 26 & 27 clarify this verse and teach of the promise for us to become joint heirs with Jesus!

Vs. 27 – to receive many kingdoms and rule with the rod of iron=to become kings and priests ruling over our own kingdom with the word of God.

Verse 28 – the morning star may have at least 2 meanings. 1) Jesus (Rev. 22:16) and 2) Promise of 2nd comforter 3) promise to be like Jesus. (TPJS p. 151)

Revelation Chapter 1


            Joseph Smith – “After I got through translating the Book of Mormon, I took up the Bible to read with the Urim and Thummim. I read the first chapter of Genesis and I saw the things as they were done. I turned over the next and the next, and the whole passed before me like a grand panorama; and so on chapter after chapter until I read the whole of it. I saw it all!” (Draper, p. 12)

Vs. 1 – The JST informs us that the revelation was given to John, from Jesus by means of an angel.

            The term “signify” is from the Gk. “Semaino” and means not only to foretell but also to give a sign or identifying token. (Draper, p. 26) "John confirmed the authenticity of the vision by attesting that the angel presented him a heavenly sing as validation that his visit was authorized from God. (Brandt p. 8)

Vs. 2 – “word of God” a title for Jesus Christ. Is it here?

Vs. 3 – This verse is the first of 7 “Beatitudes” in Revelation. 14:13; 16:15; 19:9; 20:6; 22:7, 22:14

            Note the additional requirement from the JST

            “The time is at hand” means “time is limited or short. See D&C 64:23 (now is called today until the coming of the son of man.)

            This verse shows the pattern of the synagogue, one reads the scripture while the congregation listens

Vs. 4  - A good time to introduce the #7- It is used at least 54 times in the Book of Revelation. Look for 7 churches, candlesticks, stars, angels, thunders, seals, trumpets, persons, vials, judgments on the Harlot and 7 great events.

            Where is Asia? We’ll look at the location of the 7 cities in chapter 2

            Note the titles for Christ

            "Him which is, and which was, and which is to come, is a reference to the Divine Name (YHWH) which carries the meaning, I was, I am, I will be." (Ogden, p. 341-2)

            The JST clarifies the seven spirits and says that they are the leaders of the 7 churches.

            The throne is located in heaven and is a symbol of God’s divine kingship

Vs. 5 – Note the names of Christ in this verse and that in the JST it is John – not Jesus who is the faithful witness. Note the reference to Christ's blood washing us from our sins. The ordinance of washing as performed anciently (Ex. 29:4; Lev. 16:26-28; Num. 19:7; TG Wash) and today in our temples point to Jesus' atoning blood, which serves as a cleansing agent from sin.

Vs. 6 – Those holding the Melchizedek priesthood are Kings (pertaining to earthly or temporal things) and Priests (pertaining to spiritual things).

            John alludes to the concept of our becoming like God throughout the book. See 3:12, 21; 14:1; 22:4-5.

            God and his Father – Joseph Smith used this passage when he taught about the plurality of Gods. See TPJS p. 369-76-"This does not refer to Elohim and his Son, Jesus, who is already spoken of in the previous verse. It refesrs to Elohim and his Father."

Vs. 7 – Clouds represent the (1) glory of God, (2) act as the chariot of God for travel through heaven & (3) symbolize a veil that conceals God from mortals

            See the symbol sheet for a definition of “ten thousands”

            When Christ comes he will be clothed in Red Garments  - see Is. 63:1-2 & D&C 133:48.

            They also which pierced him – See Zechariah 12:10; D&C 45:53

            Even so is from the GK and Amen from the Hebrew. They represent a double affirmation to John’s testimony


Vs. 8 – Note the names of the Savior in this verse. They are John's and Jesus' way of saying, "Don't worry, I have always been here, I always will be and I know what is going on." See D&C 1:35-38  and 1Nephi 9:6.

Vs. 9  - John, no stranger to tribulation, writes to people who are going through a very tough time. He has a message from the One who knows the most about tribulation and it is, "I love you. I know what is going on and what will go on; I have been and will always be with you, and you will be ok." Isle of Patmos - Picture in new Bibles - An island about 60 miles southwest from Epesus, among the Spor’ades (stars not included in any constellation=sporadic) in the Aegean Sea (Named after King Aegeus, whose son Theseus promised to hoist a white sail on his voyage home to Athens from Crete, to signal that he was alive. Theseus forgot to do this & Aegeus, thinking his son was dead, committed suicide by throwing himself into the sea that was later named for him.) A Roman prison camp used for banishment. 398 square miles. 10 X 5 miles. Rocky and barren. Population 2,500. Many churches and a monastery.

From John, their brother and companion in tribulation. For the testimony of Jesus.

Deportatio= a permanent exile consisting of the loss of rights and property. Only the emperor could impose it.

Relegatio=from ½ to 10 years & involved no loss of rights or property. The Roman senate, a city prefect or other official could impose it.

John seems to have suffered relagatio.

Good things happen to good people when they are encarcerated. Help me with my list; Joseph in Egypt, Daniel, Joseph Smith, Alma and Amulek, Nephi and Lehi...

Vs. 10 – the Lord ’s Day was Sunday, see Bible Dictionary, "Lord's Day"

The word “as” is used 56 times in Revelation, almost always to introduce a symbol.

A trumpet was used to awaken, proclaim, introduce and call to arms. See Alma 29:1.

Vs. 11 – “Write in a book” – If Revelation had been written on a scroll it would have been about 12 feet long. Three scrolls are mentioned in the Book: 1:11; 5:1 – the one that the Lamb of God opens and 10:2 – the little book that an angel opens

            The SEVEN churches symbolize ALL of the Churches.

Vs. 12 –  the voice appears to be the voice of the Savior

            “The word candlesticks reflects the King James translators’ familiarity with wax candles. What John actually saw, however, was a 7 branched menorah with a bowl at the top of each branch. Each bowl held olive oil into which a wick was placed and then lit, providing light. Lamps might be a better translation. (See Matt. 5:15)  Olive oil was a source of light and also of healing. (Luke 10:34 –Good Samaritan parable) (Wilcox, p. 21)

The exact type of candlestick John saw is not really as important as the reason why the churches were represented by candlesticks and not by candles. Perhaps a significant lesson can be learned from this: people and the Church are not the actual light. The light is the Savior and his gospel. We have the responsibility to hold up the light just as a candlestick holds up the candle. (Williams)

Vs. 13 – the image of Jesus in the midst of the churches is significant. See Matt. 18:20

            “Like unto the Son of man” – Many versions way “like a son of man or one who looked like a man. See Moses 6:57 where Jesus is described as the son of the Man of Holiness. Son of Man is the title he most often uses to refer to himself in the Gospels.

            John is about to describe what it is like to look upon the Savior. Daniel 10:5-9; Ezekiel 1:26-28; and D&C 110:2-4 are other attempts.

            Paps=chest, girdle=sash

            "Sometimes the reader of Revelation is startled by some of the imagery and symbolism used by John. They seem almost bizarre at times in their unusual nature. This is due, however, to a basic difference in cultural background and the use of language. Most members of the Church today are products of Western (Occidental) civilization. The occidental peoples tend to use language like a contractor uses building materials; he builds structures which are concrete in detail and form. but the oriental world, of which the Holy Land was a part, is more artistic with its use of language. Words are but colors with which the artist paints verbal pictures. thus, the Oriental is usually more concerned with effect than with form and detail. Westerners say the sun is rising, while an Arab may say that it leaps from its bed of sleeping.  John, of course, being Jewish, was a product of Oriental, not Occidental, culture. So his depiction of the Savior as having a sharp, 2-edged sword protruding from his mouth is perfectly acceptable, even though the Western mind trying to picture that image concretely may find it somewhat jarring to the sensitivities. To the Eastern mind the symbolism is most appropriate, for such a person is more concerned with the effect of the symbol that with its detail. Pushing the images and symbols of John's writings for literal interpretation will lead to baffling and sometimes grotesque pictures. But if one remembers the Oriental's love of imagery, such things as beasts with 7 heads, and 10 horns, armies compared to locusts, and prophets with fire coming from their mouths (11:5; 19:15) will become beautiful and profound symbols of eternal truth."(Institute Student Manual-Life and Teachings of Jesus and His Apostles, p. 451)

Vs. 14 – White=light purity & triumph. Hair=wisdom. Wool=Lamb of God. Eyes=knowledge. Hair=God’s omniscience. Flame of fire=brilliant glory

Vs. 15 – Fine brass=beauty, permanence. Sound of many waters=Describes power, uniqueness & intensity in the Lord’s voice

Vs. 16 – Right hand=Covenant hand, associated with righteousness, creation, execution of justice. Partake of sacrament, administer to sick, baptism, sustain

            Seven stars=servants of the 7 churches

            Shineth=shining in JST

Vs. 17-Fell at his feet – Others who fell – Abraham Gen. 17:3; Joshua 5:14; Peter James, John, Matthew 17:6; Brother of Jared, Ether 3:6; Nephite multitude, 3 Nephi 11:12; those who partook of the fruit of the tree after continually holding fast to the rod, 1 Nephi 8:30-31. John fell, even though he spent 3 years in the constant companionship of the Savior, including the Mount of Transfiguration and the Garden of Gethsemane. He is now seeing the glorified Lord. Note the Savior's compassion.

Vs. 18 – Keys of hell and of death – See 2 Nephi 9:10-13 – For more on keys see Rev. 9:1

Vs. 19 – John is commanded to write the things which Nephi was told not to write in 1 Nephi 14:14-28. Write the things which thou has seen=Christ as in 1:10-13

           And the things which are=the 7 Churches

And the things which shall be hereafter=Rev. 4-22

Verse 20 – The word mystery comes from the GK. Musterion – It means silence imposed by initiation into religious rites. (Smith p. 9) That which is unknown until it is revealed by God.

This verse gives the interpretation of symbols previously presented. Note the JST and the repetition of the Right hand.

Syllabus Book of Revelations

The Book of Revelation

Summer 2011- Thursdays - May 26-July 28

7:00-8:30 PM - Granite Tabernacle-2005 9th Street, Salt Lake City, Utah

Institute Student Manual
Article Reading
Rev. 1-3
p. 443-455
Bible Dictionary "Revelation of John"
"The Family" par. 1
Rev. 4,5, 6
P. 456-460
"Seeing the Book of Revelation"
Gerald N. Lund, Ensign, Dec. 1987
"The Family" par. 2
Rev. 7, 8
P. 460-461
"Understanding the Book of Rev."
BRMcConkie, Ensign, Sept. 1975
"The Family" par. 3
Rev. 9, 10
P. 461
"Revelations, The Plainest Book Ever Written"
Reed C. Durham, New Era, May 1973
"The Family" par. 4
Rev.11, 12
P. 461-462
"Book of Revelation Overview"
 Ensign, Oct. 1983
"The Family" par. 5
Rev. 13, 14

"Understanding Scriptural Symbols"
Gerald N. Lund, Ensign, Oct. 1986
"The Family" par. 6
Rev. 15, 16
P. 463
"Hope Through The Witness of the Book of Revelation" Richard D. Draper, Meridian Magazine, 2004
"The Family" par. 7
Rev. 17, 18
P. 464-465
"Things Which Must Shortly Come To Pass"
Gerald N. Lund, Studies In Scripture V. 6, p.256
"The Family" par. 8
Rev. 19, 20
P. 466-468
"Book of Revelation Overview" Ensign Oct. 83
"The Family" par. 9
Rev.  21, 22
P. 468-473

"The Family" par. 10

   Suggested Reference Books

  1. New Testament Student Manual-The Life and Teachings of Jesus and His Apostles
  2. Opening the Seven Seals – Richard D. Draper
  3. Understanding the Book of Revelation – Jay A. Parry and Donald W. Parry
  4. The Lost Language of Symbolism – Alonzo L. Gaskill
  5. Doctrinal New Testament Commentary Vol. 3 – Bruce R. McConkie
  6. Who Shall Be Able To Stand? – S. Michael Wilcox
  7. The Book of Revelation Made Easier – David J. Ridges
  8. Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith – p. 287-94
  9. Verse by Verse-Acts through Revelation - D. Kelly Ogden & Andrew C. Skinner
  10. The Book of Revelation-Things Which Must Shortly Come to Pass - G. Erik Brandt
  11. The Book of Revelation-Plain, Pure, and Simple - Mick Smith

Assignment-  You become the number of the day you were born. Look up cross references and symbols meanings for each verse corresponding with your birth date. Example; I was born on the 24th of April, so I will pay special attention to all verse 24's in the Book of Revelation.