Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Church History & D&C - Day 6

Part I - Doctrine and Covenants

Thought: "I say to my brethren that the book of Doctrine and Covenants contains some of the most glorious principles every revealed to the world, some that have been revealed in greater fulness than they were ever revealed before to the world; and this, in fulfillment of the promises of the ancient prophets that in the latter times the Lord would reveal things to the world that had been kept hidden from the foundation therof; and the Lord has revealed them through the Prophet Joseph Smith." (Joseph F. Smith, Gospel Doctrine p. 45)

Section 6 - vs. 20, 21, 22, 23, 28, 34, 35, 36

vs. 23- Oliver Cowdery was taught another way in which positive answers come: “Did I not speak peace to your mind concerning the matter?”12 The feeling of peace is the most common confirming witness that I personally experience. When I have been very concerned about an important matter, struggling to resolve it without success, I continued those efforts in faith. Later, an all-pervading peace has come, settling my concerns, as He has promised.

Section 7 - Oliver and Joseph translate parchment together- See last week's notes on this section

Section 8 -

Vs. 1 - See 2 Nephi 27:7-8; 29:10-14; 3 Nephi 26:6-11; Ether 3:22-28, 4:5-7; Book of Abraham

8:1 - See James 1:5 - Ask in Faith

Vs. 2 - Answers to the mind and heart are messages from the Holy Ghost to our spirits. For me, response to the mind is very specific, like dictated words, while response to the heart is generalized, like a feeling to pray more. (Richard G. Scott, May Ensign, 2007)

Vs. 6 - "Gifts such as Oliver's rod, Lehi's miraculous directors, the brother of Jared's Urim and Thummim, and Joseph Smith's interpreters may have been used more commonly in ancient times and in Joseph's day than in ours. (D&IC 17:1). by 1829, when D&C 8 was given, such gifts were beginning to be questioned. Skepticism of means as the scriptures call such gifts, was part of the hostility of the Protestant Reformation and later of the Enlightenment to anything Joseph would have called marvelous. Perhaps tht is the reason Joseph revised the revelation before its 1835 publication, taking out the mention of Oliver's rod and referring to it more generally as the gift of Aaron. What bible believer could fault the legitimate use of a diving rod like Aaron's or Moses? Far from discouraging Oliver from using his revelatory gifts, the revelation teaches him how to use them legitimately. The Lord legitimized, not criticized these gifts (Moroni 10:8, 24). Neither Joseph nor Oliver denied his gifts. Oliver kept them sacred. As commanded, he did not trifle with his gift or make it known to unbelievers (6:12). As intended, little is known about it in our skeptical generation. Perhaps the equally marvelous, supernal gift of the Holy Ghost remains nearly as mysterious. It is remarkable available, yet few apply unto it, as the revelation commands (8:4) (Harper, Making Sense, p. 43)

Vs. 10 -

Section 9 - What had Joseph been through to prepare him to translate?  A. First Vision. B. Moroni's visits. C.  Feb. 1828 - "Prior to Martin's arrival in Harmony, Joseph had begun copying a considerable number of the characters from the plates and had translated some of them by means of the Urim and Thummim in his possession. The resultant transcript was taken to NYC." D. Lost manuscript...

Vs. 8- Elder Dallin H. Oaks: “I have met persons who told me they have never had a witness from the Holy Ghost because they have never felt their bosom ‘burn within’ them. What does a ‘burning in the bosom’ mean? Does it need to be a feeling of caloric heat, like the burning produced by combustion? If that is the meaning, I have never had a burning in the bosom. Surely, the word ‘burning’ in this scripture signifies a feeling of comfort and serenity.”

1. There is an economy in revelation. The Lord does not seem to waste anything, including his words, and expects that his disciples will be of the same inclination. Thus we need not expect that he will reveal things to us personally that he has already revealed to others and that are available in the standard works or the words of the living prophets.

2. 1 Nephi 15:7-11

3. Dallin H. Oaks: “Our Heavenly Father’s house is a house of order…. Only the President of the Church receives revelation to guide the entire Church…. The person who receives revelation for the ward is the bishop…. Individuals can receive revelation to guide their own lives. But when one person purports to receive revelation for another person outside his or her own area of responsibility—such as a Church member who claims to have revelation to guide the entire Church or a person who claims to have a revelation to guide another person over whom he or she has no presiding authority according to the order of the Church—you can be sure that such revelations are not from the Lord.” (“Revelation,” New Era, Sept. 1982, 45-46)

4. “The Lord will speak to us through the Spirit in his own time and in his own way.  Many people do not understand this principle. They believe that when they are ready and when it suits their convenience, they can call upon the Lord and he will immediately respond, even in the precise way they have prescribed. Revelation does not come that way…. “The principle stated in [D&C 88:68] applies to every communication from our Heavenly Father: ‘It shall be in his own time, and in his own way, and according to his own will.’ We cannot force spiritual things.” (Oaks, Ensign, Mar. 1997, 10-11)

5. “It is contrary to the economy of God for any member of the Church, or any one, to receive instruction for those in authority higher than themselves.” (TPJS p.  21)

D&C 98:12 He often reveals things “line upon line, precept upon precept” rather than all at once. Elder Richard G. Scott said: “When we seek inspiration to help make decisions, the Lord gives gentle promptings. These require us to think, to exercise faith, to work, to struggle at times, and to act. Seldom does the whole answer to a decisively important matter or complex problem come all at once. More often, it comes a piece at a time, without the end in sight.” (Ensign, Nov. 1989, 32)

6. What do you do when you have prepared carefully, have prayed fervently, waited a reasonable time for a response, and still do not feel an answer? You may want to express thanks when that occurs, for it is an evidence of His trust. When you are living worthily and your choice is consistent with the Savior’s teachings and you need to act, proceed with trust. As you are sensitive to the promptings of the Spirit, one of two things will certainly occur at the appropriate time: either the stupor of thought will come, indicating an improper choice, or the peace or the burning in the bosom will be felt, confirming that your choice was correct. When you are living righteously and are acting with trust, God will not let you proceed too far without a warning impression if you have made the wrong decision. (RGScott, 2007, Ensign, May 2007)

7. Peter walking on water

Section 10 "Although the two date assigned to this revelation were first May 1829 and then summer 1828, we now feel confident that if it is not a composite of more than one revelation combined later, the correct date is April 1829, shortly after the arrival of Oliver Cowdery on April 5. Even if it is a composite, April 1829 best fits the date when it was brought together to form the revelation as we know it today." (Robert J. Woodford, "Discoveries from the Joseph Smith Papers", "The Doctrine and Covenants-Revelations in Context-37the annual Sidney B. Sperry Symposium, 2008 p. 28)

D&C 3:1; 1 Nephi 9; Words of Mormon 1:7

Vs. 4, 5, 28, 37,43,


Church History By The Year- Hyrum Smith-Lean and 6'2"-light complexion, prominent nose

1800-Feb. 9
Hyrum born
Turnbridge, Vermont
Joseph's leg operation
1816-Mar. 15
Don Carlos born
Family move to Palmyra (Hyrum 16)
Family buys Manchester farm
Joseph's first vision
Hyrum 20
1823-Sept. 22
Moroni visits Joseph
1823-Nov. 19
Alvin died
Hyrum now the oldest brother - 23 years old
1826-Nov. 2
Married Jerusha Barden
6 children; Lovina, Mary, John, Hyrum, Jerusha, Sarah
1827-Sept. 16
Lovina born
1827-Sept. 22
Joseph obtains plates
Hyrum provided a chest for plates
Joseph & Emma move
Harmony with the Hales
Joseph Sr. & Lucy visit Joseph
On return to Manchester, Hyrum has quit business to care for sick Sophronia (26) and Samuel (21)
Smiths forced from home
Moved in with Hyrum and Jerusha
Hyrum visits Joseph in Harmony
2nd child born (Mary)-Died May 29, 1832
1 of 8 Book of Mormon Witnesses
1829-Aug-March 1830
Printing of Book of Mormon
Hyrum delivered manuscript pages
1830-April 6
1 of original members of Church
Enabled purchasing property, licensing missionaries
1830-June 9
Ordained Priest
Hyrum lived in Waterloo
Branch President of 12-20, also presided over Colesville and Fayette branches
1830-Sept. 1
PPP baptized
Book of Mormon given to Parley by Hyrum
Hyrum moved to Kirtland
Colesville Branch led by Lucy, arrived in March
1831-June 14
Hyrum leaves on mission to Mo.
Stops in Detroit to visit family
1831-Sept. 22
John Smith born -oldest son
Became Church Patriarch
1833-June 5
Dug trench for wall of Temple
Things going poorly in Mo.
Worked on Temple-Chairman
Captain of body guard for  Zion's Camp
Joseph marries Newell Knight to
Lydia Goldthwait-1st wedding performed by Joseph
1836-Mar. 27
Temple dedicated
Kirtland Safety Society
1837-Sept. 3
Assistant Counselor in the 1st Presidency
Age 37
1837-Oct. 13
Jerusha died-11 days after birth of 5th child Sarah
Hyrum was on mission to Missouri
1837-Nov. 7
2nd Couns. to Pres. Joseph Smith
Farr West, Mo.
1837-Dec 24
Married Mary Fielding Smith (36)
2 children; Joseph F., Martha Ann
Moves to Missouri
2 month trek over 1000 miles
1838-Nov. 1 to 1839-April 15
In Richmond then Liberty Jail
Mary gives birth to her first child Nov. 13-Joseph Fielding- Mary sick for 4 months-visit Hyrum
D&C 124:15- Blessed is my servant Hyrum Smith, for I, the
Lord, love him because of the integrity of his heart & because he loveth that which is right before me.
1841-Jan. 24
Patriarch to the Church & Asst.
President of the Church-Chair temple building com.
1841-Aug. 7
Don Carlos died
1841-May 14
Birth of Martha Ann
1841-Sept. 25
Death of Hyrum Jr. - 7 years old
Endowment given
Upper room of Joseph's store
Hyrum defines hot drinks
Coffee and Tea
1844-June 27
Died-Carthage Jail
Age 44

     [1]Death separated Lydia Knight from her husband Newel on a cold, wet night of 1847. Now, in the fury of a rainstorm she yearned for his strength, care, and companionship. The poor cabin in which she and her children sought shelter from the intensity of the storm that threatened the pioneers offered only slight protection. But Lydia feared most for her one-week-old child. All their clothing was wet, as were their blankets. Getting the older children settled as best she could, Lydia took the baby in her arms to protect her. What with wet clothing and falling temperature, Lydia feared they would catch cold. In the agony of the night she cried out, "Oh, Newel, why could you not have stayed with and protected me through our journeyings?"Then it was that she heard his voice, "Fear not, I still watch over you." And with that, a pleasant warmth encircled her and she and her baby slept warm throughout the night. (See Susa Young Gates, Lydia Knight's History, p. 73. quoted in C&M student manual p. 62).

D&C 11- Vs. 1-9 are the same as 1-9 in D&C 6

Vs. 12-14 - That which comes from God will always lead us to do good. It is not true that it is fair to cheat to put down wickedness. (D&C 10:28)

Vs. 15-16 &21 -Just because you are excited about the gospel, that doesn't give you license to start preaching.

Vs. 20 - God tells us His work in Moses 1:39. He tells us our work in this verse.

Vs. 26 - What to do while you are waiting to be called

Section 12 - "I bought a barrel of Mackrel and some lined paper for writing. And when I came home I bought some nine or ten bushels of grain and five or six bushel taters and a pound of tea, and I went down to see him and they were in want. Joseph and Oliver were gone to see if they could find a place to work for provisions, but found none. They returned home and found me there with provisions, and they were glad for they were out." (Joseph Knight, Sr.)

D&C 13 - See Ensign article by Larry Porter in Dec. 1996.

"While darkness covered the earth and gross darkness the people; long after the authority to administer in holy things had been taken away, the Lord opened the heavens and sent forth his word for the salvation of Israel. In fulfillment of the sacred scripture the everlasting Gospel was proclaimed by the mighty angel. [Moroni] who, clothed with the authority of his mission, gave glory to God in the highest. This gospel is the stone take from the mountain without hands. John the Baptist, holding the keys of the Aaronic Priesthood; Peter, James and John holding the keys of the Melchizedek Priesthood, have also ministered for those who shall be heirs of salivation, and with these ministrations ordained men to the same Priesthoods. These Priesthoods, with their authority, are now, and must continue to be, in the body of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. blessed is the Elder who has received the same, and thrice blessed and holy is he who shall endure to the end. Accept assurances, dear Brother, of the unfeigned prayer of him, who, in connection with Joseph the Seer, was blessed with the above ministrations, and who earnestly and devoutly hopes to meet you in the celestial glory." (Written by Oliver in the home of Samuel Richards at Samuel's home in upper Missouri, Jan 13, 1849)

Book of the Week - "Hyrum Smith-Patriarch" Pearson H. Corbett