Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Church History and the D&C Part 2 Day 11

Thought: "Is it possible to understand Nauvoo without, grasping the spiritual power Joseph exercised and still exercises? Every Mormon knows that the Church is held together by individual testimonies-that is, the connection the members have found with God through the Prophet's doctrine and the Church which he established. The power of Mormon leaders depends almost entirely on these individual spiritual convictions. Through Joseph his followers found God, and it was the measure of divinity in him and his teachings that held them. Nauvoo would never have risen or fallen without that spiritual life. Belief powered the entire enterprise." (Richard Bushman in Leonard)

"Utah had its roots in Nauvoo; without that 7 years experience in Illinois the development of the Great Basin, and of the West, would not have been the same." (Flanders, p. v)

Books of the Week: Nauvoo-A place of Peace, A People of Promise - Glen M. Leonard;

Nauvoo-Kingdom on the Mississippi- Robert Bruce Flanders; The Rise and Fall of Nauvoo, B.H. Roberts; Joseph Smith Jr.'s Red Brick Store, Roger D. Launius & E. Mark McKiernan

Church History by the Year 1842-1843

1839-May 10
Joseph, Emma and 4 children move into Commerce
Nauvoo Legion - Led by Lt. General Joseph Smith. 2500 men. 8500 in US Army
1841-Jan. 19
Revelation to build temple. 165' high. 88'X128'. cost 1 million.
Construction begun on Joseph's Red Brick Store- Opened for business in Jan.
Wood cut and rafted to Nauvoo from the Wisconsin Pineries.
1842-Mar. 1
Wentworth Letter
1842-Mar. 17
Relief Society founded. In  Joseph's Red Brick Store. Emma President, Sarah Cleveland, Elizabeth Whitney-Counselors. Eliza R. Snow-Secretary. Grew to 1300 by June 1844.
1842-March- Papyrus purchased- July 1, 1835
Book of Abraham published. "Since it is not known just how Joseph Smith translated, it is reasonable to postulate that, when studying the Egyptian papyrus purchased from Michael Chandler, Joseph sought revelation from the Lord concerning them and received in that process the book of Abraham. (Leonard p 211). Only finished 5 chapters.
Wentworth Letter & Book of Abraham published in "Times and Seasons."
1842-May 4
Endowment introduced in Joseph's Red Brick Store
Joseph no longer part of operating his store. He used the upstairs for church business.
Sections 127 & 128
1843-Feb. 9
Section 129
1843-Apr. 2
1843-Feb. 24
Joseph dictated poem in response to WW Phelps "Go With Me"
1843-July 12
Eternal Marriage announced
70's Hall begun. Finished in 1 year.
Joseph announces candidacy for President of the USA.
Joseph's King Follett funeral talk at General Conference - 2 hrs. - 34 doctrinal subjects.
New edition of the D&C with 8 additional sections.
Nauvoo was the largest city in the State of Illinois (Flanders p. v)


Section 129-June 27, 1843- Instructions given to Parley P. Pratt after his mission to England. These instruction had been given to the 12 before their departure to Great Britain on June 27, 1839. Parley was in jail in Richmond Missouri until July 4.

              These instructions and keys concerning angels became very helpful for the 12 in Britain, for in addition to being ministered to by righteous angels...they were likewise plagued by evil spirits." (Studies in Scripture I: 504, Bruce A. Van Orden)

Vs. 8 - Rules Governing Satan: 1) D&C 88:36-38-All Kingdoms have laws. 2) D&C 122:9- Bounds are set. 3) TPJS - Satan can't imitate the sign of the dove. 4) D&C 29:47-Satan can't tempt children.  5) 3 Nephi 28:39-Can't tempt translated beings. 6) D&C 129:8-Must extend hand.

Section 130- Ramus, Illinois- 20 miles East of Nauvoo- April 2, 1843- Joseph, Orson Hyde, William Clayton, Benjamin Johnson- Orson gave talk that AM- Joseph offered some correction that PM

Vs. 1 - Jesus is a resurrected man. Acts 1:11

Vs. 2- My sociality is a family.

Vs. 3- Joseph counters a teaching of Orson

Vs. 4 - See Alma 40:8; D&C 38:2: Moses 1:6; Abraham 3:4; D&C 110:16; D&C 64:23.

Vs. 5-7 See TPJS p. 170; Gospel Doctrine by Joseph F. Smith p. 435-6; "Continually before the Lord," Commissioner's Lecture Series, BYU, 1974 p. 5-6)

Vs. 9 - Brigham Young -JD 9:87; 7:163

Vs. 10- The custom of the white stone by judges in ancient times. black stone=guilty; white=innocent.

Vs. 11- A new name implies entrance into a new life-the one receiving it is to enter into a higher stage of existence  (Dummelow, Commentary on the Bible, p. 1075) "The power of a secret name to open closed portals and to give the user supernatural powers was widespread" (Eiselen, et al., Abingdon Bible Commentary, p. 1374)

Vs. 12-13- See D&C 87

Vs. 14-17- When will Christ come. Mark 13:32- JST omits "neither the son"

Vs. 18-19- See 2 Nephi 9:28-29

Vs. 20-21 - Effect of Pre-Mortal on Mortality and the effect of mortality on post mortal existence.  See Marion G. Romney CR- Oct. 1956 p. 15-16

Vs. 22-23- It all starts here!

Section 131-Ramus Illinois May 16 & 17- This sections consists of 3 doctrinal statements made by the prophet recorded by William Clayton.

Vs. 1-4- Marriage

Vs. 5- More sure word of prophecy.

Vs. 6-8 - Ignorance and Matter

Section 133- Received by Joseph in Hiram, Ohio, November 3, 1831-Not in Book of Commandments. Section 50 in 1835 Edition of D&C.  Called the Appendix. Received 2 days after the Preface. Article of Faith # 10 is a pretty good summary.

Section 134- Section 52 in 1835 Edition of D&C, right after Article on Marriage and right after General Assembly and the Index and the Contents. Written by Oliver- Not a revelation

Vs. 1 & 4 - Hard to defend


10 Things You Didn’t Know About the Angel Moroni Statue

Kelsey Berteaux and Jannalee Rosner -

1. The first angel “statue” was actually a weathervane. The Nauvoo temple was the first to have angel on a spire, and it was a simple weathervane depicting a non-specific angel of the restoration.

2. Cyrus E. Dallin, the sculptor of the first modern angel Moroni statue, was not a Mormon. Dallin claimed not to believe in angels, but at his mother’s urging he accepted the commission and designed the first angel Moroni, which stands on the Salt Lake City Temple.

3. There are six different angel Moroni designs. The most common Moroni design was created for President Hinckley’s revolutionary small temples. It stands atop 74 temple spires.  

4. Moroni wasn’t commonly put on temples until the late 1970s. Early angel Moroni statues were too heavy to be put on most temples’ spires. The first statues weighed more than a ton each. Current statues only weight about 350 pounds.

5. The Monticello Utah Temple originally had a white angel Moroni. Because it was hard to see, the white statue was taken down and redone in gold leaf. Today, the refinished statue is on top of the Columbus Ohio Temple.

6. The original angel Moroni statue was inspired by Revelation 14. Cyrus E. Dallin, who designed this original angel Moroni, suggested the upright design we see today based off of his study of Revelation 14 and other LDS literature.

7. Only 10 temples have Moroni holding something in his left hand. You can spy a plates-toting version of Moroni on the Los Angeles California, Washington D.C., Seattle Washington, Jordan River Utah, and Mexico City Mexico Temples. Or you can look for a scroll-carrying version of the Moroni statue on the Achorage Alaska, Bismarck North Dakota, Columbus Ohio, Kona Hawaii, and Caracas Venezuela Temples.

8. Most Moroni statues are made of lightweight fiberglass and leafed in gold. Early angel Moroni statues, however, were made from bronze, copper, or aluminum (but still leafed in gold).

9. Seven temples have had their angel Moroni added during renovations. Angel Moroni statues were added to the the Freiberg Germany, Ogden Utah, Provo Utah, Sao Paulo Brazil, Tokyo Japan, and Bern Switerland Temples, and London England Temples during renovations. Moroni statues can also be added if requested by the temple district, as happened with the Idaho Falls Idaho Temple.

10. Not all of the angel Moroni statues face east. Due to lot orientation and spire placement, the Seattle Washington, Manila Philippines, Taipei Taiwan, Spokane Washington, and Nauvoo Illinois Temples have a west-facing angel Moroni.


Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Church History and the D&C Part 2 Day 10


“Enter this door as if the floors were paved with Gold; And every wall of jewels all of wealth untold; As if a choir in robes of fire were singing here; No shout nor rush, but hush, for God is here.” – Spencer W. Kimball
“I know your lives are busy. I know that you have much to do. But I make you a promise that if you will go to the house of the Lord, you will be blessed; life will be better for you.” – Gordon B. Hinckley
"As a result of the sacred ordinances performed in the holy house of God, no light need be permanently extinguished, no voice permanently stilled, no place in our heart permanently left vacant." —Thomas S. Monson "What a glorious thing it is for us to have the privilege of going to the temple for our own blessings. Then after going to the temple for our own blessings, what a glorious privilege to do the work for those who have gone on before us." —Howard W. Hunter
"Temples are places of personal revelation. When I have been weighed down by a problem or a difficulty, I have gone to the House of the Lord with a prayer in my heart for answers. The answers have come in clear and unmistakable ways." —Ezra Taft Benson

"Your endowment is, to receive all those ordinances in the house of the Lord, which are necessary for you, after you have departed this life, to enable you to walk back to the presence of the Father."—Brigham Young

"Clearly, when we baptize, our eyes should gaze beyond the baptismal font to the holy temple. The great garner into which the sheaves should be gathered is the holy temple." —Neal A. Maxwell

"Temple. One other word is equal in importance to a Latter-day Saint. Home. Put the words holy temple and home together, and you have described the house of the Lord!" —Boyd K. Packer

"The wearing of the temple garment bears great symbolic significance and represents a continuing commitment. Just as the Savior gave us an example of His ability to endure to the end, wearing the garment is one way we demonstrate enduring faith in Him and in His eternal covenants with us". (Elder Russell M. Nelson, Prepare for the Blessings of the Temple, Liahona 2010

“Let us be a temple-attending people. Attend the temple as frequently as personal circumstances allow. Keep a picture of a temple in your home that your children may see it. Teach them about the purposes of the House of the Lord. Have them plan from their earliest years to go there and to remain worthy of that blessing.” (HWHunter “Exceeding Great and Precious Promises, ” Ensign, Nov. 1994, 8.)

"By virtue of the sacred priesthood in me vested, I promise you that, with increased attendance in the temples of God, you shall receive increased personal revelation to bless your life as you bless those who have died." (ETB CR-Apr. 1987 p. 108)

"When the gospel is preached to the spirits in prison, the success attending that preaching will be far greater than that attending the preaching of our elders in this life. I believe there will be very few indeed of those spirits who will not gladly receive the gospel when it is carried to them. The circumstances there will be a thousand times more favorable." (Lorenzo Snow -Millennial Star, Oct. 6, 1893 P. 718)

"One of the great values of the temple experience is that is...presents the broad, sweeping panorama of God's purposes relating to this earth. Once we have been through the temple (and we can return and refresh our memories) the events of life fit into the scheme of things. We can see in perspective where we are, and we can quickly see when we are off course. (BKPacker "The Holy Temple p. 47)

Books of the Week- "House of Glory" S. Michael Wilcox; "The House of the Lord" James E. Talmage; "The Holy Temple" Boyd K. Packer; "Temple Worship: 20 Truths That Will Bless Your Life" Andrew C. Skinner

1. President Benson-Fridays 2. Never read a book you can comprehend in 1 reading. 3. 3 Nephi 17:3-formula. 4. D&C 88:118-Ask one another for clarification 5. Ezekiel 47-Waters to swim in 6. D&C 109-Make a list of every blessing that comes to the Saints from temple worship.

Church History by the Year 1841

Alvin Smith died
1836-Jan. 21
Section 137-Joseph sees Alvin in the Celestial Kingdom-Kirtland Temple 2 months before temple dedication. D&C 110 received Apr. 3, 1836
1840-Aug. 15
Funeral of Seymour Brunson-Doctrine of Baptism for dead announced
1841-Jan. 15
1st Pres. Proclamation- Gather to Nauvoo & thanks to Illinois.
1841-Jan. 19
Section 124 received by Joseph in Nauvoo-Work to be done in Nauvoo 1-Temple
Section 125-Iowa Saints
Conference in Manchester. 7,500 converts, 5,000 BOM's, 3,000 hymn books, 50,000 tracts,1,000 emigrants to America
1841-April 6
Cornerstone of Nauvoo Temple laid-Term Ward began to be used
1841-July 0
Section 126-Brigham stay home
1841-Aug. 7
Don Carlos died age 25 of malaria
1841-Aug. 16
New Responsibilities to 12 - "The time has come when the 12 should be called upon to stand in their place next to the 1st Presidency, and attend to the settling of emigrants and the business of the Church at the Stakes, and to assist to bear off the kingdom victoriously to the nations" (HC IV, p. 403)
1841-Oct. 2
Cornerstones of Nauvoo House laid. (March 1844-work postponed-temple priority)
1841-Oct. 21
Orson Hyde dedicated Palestine for the return of the Jews
1841-Nov. 21
1st Baptism's for dead performed in Temple-(Basement rooms & font dedicated-8th)
1842-May 4
Endowment given in Red Brick Store to 9 brethren
D&C 127 & 128 written by Joseph from hiding
Attic of Temple dedicated
1845-Dec. 10
Endowments 1st given in temple. Scores each day (107 on Christmas)
1846-Jan. 10
Brigham goes home from temple once a week. 4 hours sleep a night
1846-Feb. 3
Brigham can't leave temple. In 8 weeks before exodus, 5,500 endowed.
1846-Feb. 8
Informal dedication held by Brigham prior to heading west.
1846-Apr. 30
Temple privately dedicated by Joseph Young-Senior Pres. of 70
1846-May 1
Official dedicatory prayer by Orson Hyde
1848-Oct. 9
Interior of temple burned by arsonist.
1850-May 27
Tornado demolished 3 of exterior walls. (1856-last wall demolished for safety)
2013-Nov. 13
Temples - 141 Operating (1 Under Renovation), 13 Under Construction, 16 Announced


Section 137 A vision given to Joseph Smith the Prophet, in the temple at Kirtland, Ohio, January 21, 1836. The occasion was the administration of ordinances in preparation for the dedication of the temple.

Oliver wrote that the glorious scene is too great to be describe...I only say that he heavens were opened to many, and great and marvelous things were shown.  Bishop Partridge affirmed that some of the brethren saw visions and others were blessed with the outpouring of the Holy Ghost. Joseph was the only one present to describe in detail some of what he experienced.

Section 124

Vs. 1 - Hardly a compliment!

Vs. 2-14- A proclamation to be written by Robert Thompson who died in 1841. Finally written by PPP and published by Willard Richards in England on April 6, 1845, as a 16  page pamphlet entitled "Proclamation of the 12 to the Kings of the World."

Vs. 3- William Henry Harrison

Vs. 15-You gotta love Hyrum- "I have it from the lips of my own sainted mother, that of all the men she was acquainted with iln her girlhood days in Nauvoo, she admired Hyrum Smith most for his absolute integrity and devotioin to God, and his loyalty to the prophet of God. (Heber J. Grant-CR-Oct. 1920)

Vs. 16-17- Loving John C. Bennett is a bigger challenge. Note the 3 "ifs" in these verses.

Vs. 22-24- The Nauvoo House was never completed as originally designed. Emma inherited the building (vs. 56)- married Lewis C. Bidamon, who tore down one wing of the Nauvoo House to complete a smaller two-story house on the southwest corner of the original building. (Rev. of the Rest. p. 970)

Vs. 27- A command to build the Nauvoo Temple.

Vs. 29- 1st D&C mention of Baptisms for the Dead.

Vs. 49-54- Contrast with 1 Nephi 3:7 (Temples in Jackson, Far West and Adam-ondi-Ahman)

Vs. 56-83-Back to Nauvoo House

Vs. 84- Almon Babbitt- a yo-yo

Vs. 91- William Law 2nd Counselor taking Hyrum's place who was called as Church Patriarch and Assistant President, taking Oliver Cowdery's place

Vs. 130- Lyman Wight will be called to replace David Patten.

Vs. 133-Don Carlos-1st called in Kirtland -Today Stake Presidents. Died of Malaria in 1841-age 25

Section 125- The name “Zarahemla” was given to a small Mormon settlement across the Mississippi River from Nauvoo. In August 1841 a conference was held there during which John Smith was sustained as president of the stake in Iowa, with David Pettigrew and M. C. Nickerson as his counselors. The stake was dissolved three years later; a second stake for Iowa would not be organized until 1966. The population of Lee County Iowa - 1839-2,839. 1846-12,860.

Section 126- When Joseph and Brigham met for the 1st6 time in 1832 -Brigham was call on to pray. He spoke in tongues-the 1st instance in this dispensation. Afterwards, it is asserted, the Prophet said, "A time will come when Brother Brigham will preside over this Church." (Whitney's Hist. of Utah, Vol. I p. 112)

Section 127- A recorder necessary for baptisms.

Section 128- At the home of Edward Hunter. From that home, in the attic, Joseph could see the temple construction.

Vs. 11- Summum bonum means "the supreme or highest good.

"Where did Joseph Smith get his knowledge? Few if any of the sources available to us were available to him; the best of these have been discovered only in recent years, while the citations from the others are only to be found scattered at wide intervals through works so voluminous that even had they been available to the Prophet, he would, lacking modern aids, have had to spend a lifetime running them down. And even had he found these passages, how could they have meant more to him than they did to the most celebrated divines of a thousand years, who could make nothing of them? This is a region in which great theologians are lost and bemused; to have established a rational and satisfying doctrine and prectice on grounds so dubious is indeed a tremendous achievement.  Work for the dead is an all-important phase of Mormonism about which the world knows virtually nothing."  (Hugh Nibley, "Baptism for the Dead in Ancient Times," p. 148-149)

Vs. 24 One of the most troublesome aspects of our temple activity is that as we get more and more temples scattered across the earth there is duplication of effort in proxy work. People in various nations simultaneously work on the same family lines and come up with the same names. They do not know that those in other areas are doing the same thing. We, therefore, have been engaged for some time in a very difficult undertaking. To avoid such duplication, the solution lies in complex computer technology. Preliminary indications are that it will work, and if this is so, it will be a truly remarkable thing with worldwide implications.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Church History and the D&C Part 2 Day 9

Thought: We consider that there is no instance on record where men have been called to so great an undertaking, under the same circumstances of poverty, sickness and distress; both ourselves, families, and brethren; but yet through the mercy of God, we think the mission will be accomplished, and will stand on record, for the wondering gaze of succeeding ages, and to God and the Lamb be all the praise and glory” (Times and Seasons, vol. 1, March 1840, p. 70). So wrote Brigham Young, Heber C. Kimball, Orson Pratt, and Parley P. Pratt from New York on 19 February 1840 as they prepared to sail to England. The preaching of the gospel in Great Britain, beginning in the summer of 1837 and continuing to the present day, bears testimony to the truth of this prophetic declaration. Born of two powerful apostolic missions, nurtured by succeeding generations of inspired leadership, the Church in the British Isles has brought forth a rich heritage of faithful Saints. Their testimony, sacrifice, and service have proven to be important factors in ensuring the growth of the Church and spreading the gospel throughout the world. James R. Moss, “The Kingdom Builders,” Ensign, Dec 1979, 27

Book of the Week-Truth will Prevail- (1987)The Rise of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the British Isles 1837-1987 -Editors V. Ben Bloxham, James R. Moss, Larry C. Porter

Church History by the Year 1840

1837-Jul 23
D&C 112:19 & Sermons given in Preston(pop. 45K-15K in cotton industry), England-Branch organized-oldest continuously functioning unit of the church in the world. (1837 was also the year that 17 year old Victoria became Queen ushering in the Victorian age. As this age began Britain controlled over 30% of the world's trade. Great poverty and class distinction. Only about 7% could vote.-(Kimball-midnight)
1838-Apr. 8
Conference at the "cockpit" in Preston - 700 in attendance. 8 hrs. Joseph F. Pres. Willard Richards 1st. William Clayton 2nd. Apostles left from Liverpool April 20.
1838-Sept. 24
Willard R. married Jennetta R. Willard knew of call-so did Lucifer. (Joseph Fielding -Hanna Greenwood-June 1838-2 children born to them in England)
1839-Apr. 26
12 embark on mission from Far West. Back to Quincy on May 2.
1839-Jun. 27
12 received training for missions from 1st Presidency.
1839-Sept. 14-18
Brigham, Heber leave from Montrose. $87 from $13.50. Aug. 8- Wilford & John T. left. Aug. 29- Parley & Orson P. George A. Smith-Left Sept. 21-mistaken to be an old man-He was 22.
1840-Jan. 18
W. Woodruff, Theodore Turley & Hiram Clark to Manchester & spent few days w/ Wm. Clayton then to The Potteries where they met a recent convert -William Benbow who took them to the Herforshire where he met "Wm's brother John and Thomas Kington leaders in the United Brethren, a group of about 600 Primitive Methodists. The church had many small congregations among  3 Counties, w/ 50 preachers. Woodruff preached to them, & in 1st 30 days baptized 45 preachers &160 members. By Dec. 300 members converted, & ultimately all but 1 joined. They had success w/the non-United Brethren, baptizing a total of 1800 people by Jan. 1841. Their chapel in Gadfield Elm was converted into a LDS chapel, and today is oldest extant chapel of  LDS in  world. John Benbow moved to USA-Sept. 1840 & pd. way for 40 of 50 who went with. He & Kington also pd. for publication of Book of Mormon & hymn book. Wives died before arrival in Utah. No offspring. Died in faith! Like Martin Harris.
1840-Jan. 20+-
Joseph Fielding & John Taylor to Liverpool-Converted Leonora's brother George. Stayed until May 26. Then to Ireland, Scotland & Isle of Man-(Cowleys, Cannons, Callisters, Quayles) Back to Liverpool Dec. 1840 until end of mission.
1840-Mar. 9
Brigham, Heber, Parley, Orson, & George left NYC.-John & Wilford left. 19 Dec. 39.
Brigham, ill, but in charge of whole mission, publication, preaching, mostly in Manchester & Liverpool.  6 companies emigrated>800. Healing of Mary Pitt of U.B.
HCKimball assigned to tour branches established in 37. Opened London-Pop. 1.5million w. GASmith & W-Woodruff-July 1840.
Orson & Parley-Publishing of tracts. Orson took gospel to Scotland-Published A Interesting Account of Several Remarkable Visions. 226 converts
1840-Apr. 14
12 met in Preston-1st mtg. of that council outside North America-Willard Richards ordained.
1840-Apr. 15
Conf. in Preston-34 branches, 1677 members, 34 Elders, 100 Aaronic -Saints asked to move to Nauvoo. 12 Separated.
Orson Hyde and John Page called to dedicate Palestine for return of Jews.
Millennial Star 1st printed in Britain.
John C. Bennett arrived in Nauvoo
Wilford Woodruff and others baptize 1800 in 3 county area
1st British Saints embark for USA
34,000 British Converts-about 1/4 emigrated.
1840-Dec. 16
Nauvoo Charter passed - Local militia, municipal court, university. Mayor, 4 aldermen, 9 councilors. Mayor and aldermen also judges. 5 men-3 branches.
Conference organized in London-Lorenzo Snow pres.
1841-Feb. 1
John C. Bennett elected 1st mayor.
All 9 (Hyde in town) hold conference in Manchester and leave for home on Apr. 21
1841-Oct. 24
Orson left Nauvoo -April 15, 1840 Left NYC Feb. 13, 1841 w/out John Page-headed to England (3 1/2 months) dedicatory prayer on Mount of Olives in Jerusalem- back to Nauvoo Dec. 7,1842
43.000 British converts- about 1/3 emigrated. - Over 12,000 left
Nearly 10,000 emigrated w/ 10's of thousands in the following century.

1. 9 of 12 served in British Isles in 1840-41 w/ Brigham as leader. John Taylor opened Liverpool, the Isle of Man & Ireland.  Orson Pratt-Scotland. Wilford Woodruff 2 districts in west of England. PPP edited the mission publication. HC Kimball & Willard Richards traveled throughout the land providing  supportive leadership there and later in 1st Pres. w/ Brigham. These 9 all followed Brigham after 1844. The 3 who didn't go-didn't. The British converts also followed.

2. 65-75,000 British Saints emigrated to America.

3. Tabernacle Choir (in part) started from a group of Welsh Saints led by John Parry in 1849. Another Welshman, Evan Stephens, conducted choir for many years & wrote, "Shall the Youth of Zion Falter?" "For the Strength of the Hills" "Let Us all Press On." Other Britishers wrote conducted choir and wrote, "Prayer is the Soul's Sincere Desire" "Earth, with Her Ten Thousand Flowers" "Gently Raise the Sacred Strain" "We Thank Thee O God For a Prophet" "Oh Say What is Truth" "Lord Accept Our True Devotion" As the Dew from Heaven Distilling" "Israel, Israel, God is Calling" Firm as the Mountains Around Us" "Oh Ye Mountains High" "God of Our Fatehrs, We Come Unto Thee" "Come, Come Ye Saints"

4. Pearl of Great Price first published in Britain in 1851 by Franklin D. Richards as a pamphlet. Also Journal of Discourses and Millennial Star.

5. Tabernacle organ designed and built by Joseph Ridges from England. 1st organist Joseph Daynes.

6. London Temple 1958, Preston Temple 1998

7. Currently 46 Stakes in the British Isles

8. General Authorities born in the British Isles: John Taylor, Charles Penrose, George Q. Cannon, John R. Winder, Charles, Nibley, George Teasdale, James E. Talmage, Charles A. Callis

9. Willie Handcart company-mostly Britishers.

10. The British were of Ephraim.

11.Elder Kimball visited Chatburn and Downham in the winter of 1837. He preached to them and found an immediate and overwhelming response. He returned 3 times, and felt overpowered each time by the spirit of these people and of the countryside itself. On his final visit, the children linked arms and walked with him for a distance, singing the songs of Zion. He was so affected he had to leave the road three times to bathe his eyes in the stream because he was weeping so profusely. This incident left a profound impression on Elder Kimball, for, he said, “I felt as if the place was holy ground. The Spirit of the Lord rested down upon me and I was constrained to bless that whole region of country” When I returned, I mentioned the circumstance to brother Joseph, who said, ‘Did you not understand it? That is a place where some of the old Prophets travelled and dedicated that land, and their blessing fell upon you.’” (JD, 5:22.) [Much of 1-11 taken from "The Kingdom Builders" Ensign Dec. 1979 by James R. Moss]

In referring to this incident between his grandfather and the Prophet, President Spencer W. Kimball told the British Saints, “I should like to think that the whole of this great land is blessed and still carrying a blessing from our Heavenly Father from great and holy men who have walked upon its shores” (Official Report of the First British Area General Conference, p. 21). [Most of 1-10 taken from Ensign, Dec. 1979, "The Kingdom Builders" by James R. Moss

"Whereas the average life expectancy for laborers working the land was 38, that figure dropped to 19 for the working classes in the mills. A young girl living in Utah once said to her grandmother. It must have hard for you to give up everything you had to join the Church and come here. but the grandmother replied. Child you don't understand. In Manchester we had nothing. Here we could have land. The restoration of the gospel offered people a new world not only eternally but temporally." (TWP p. 1)