Thursday, June 30, 2011

Revelation 13



1. The beast is a servant of Satan and receives power from him.

2. The beast has power politically, a power that reaches all nations.

3. It speaks blasphemies, fights and overcomes the Saints, and supports Babylon. The wicked throughout the world worship it.

4. It seems to have existed in some form before the time of Christ, and it will continue to exist as a force in the world until the Lord returns in glory.  Governments in any age that resist the spirit of truth, that exercise power over men & women inappropriately, that set themselves up as the source (rather than simply the protector) of people's security-all these partake of the spirit of the beast.(Parry, p. 164) SEE 1 NEPHI 13:1-9; See TPJS p. 287-294

Vs. 1 –-Note the JST –

            Another sign-in addition to the one mentioned in 12:1. This one is in the likeness of things on the earth. This beast is a sign for the political kingdoms of the earth.

            Rise up out of the sea – In ancient times the sea was often associated with evil, with chaos, with the enemies of God. The 4 beasts Daniel saw also came up from the sea (Dan 7:3)

Sea may symbolize the nations of the world, as waters does in 17:15. Thus, the beast rises to prominence from among the nations of the world. (Also look at D&C 61:14, 19-water danger vs.)

            Seven heads – (The dragon of 12:3 JST 12:4 also had seven.)

Ten horns -

Ten crowns – The dragon had seven. Seven is a perfect number, but ten is not. The dragon has more power than the beast. These crowns are placed upon the horns, not the head as described with the dragon, suggesting that its power rests upon brute force.

Vs. 2 – The beast has power to rule like the beasts of the world rule, by force and strength. See Daniel 7. These kingdoms rule with power given by its ruler, Satan.

Vs. 3 – One of these kingdoms seems to be mortally wounded, but recovers as the world marvels. What if the Nazis or the Soviet Communism came back?

            Sometimes we think we have Satan beat and then he comes back after us again.

            Is this a contrast to the mortal wound that the Savior suffered on the cross? They both come back, but Christ will rule forever, the beast gets the lake of fire. (19:20)

            The world does not see the beast as a beast. Modern day parallels? Sadam? Castro? Athletes, Rock and Movie Stars?

Vs. 4 – The beast seems unbeatable. You do not have to bow down and pray to something or somebody to worship it. We have an anti-Christ like Korihor, Sherem, Nehor. See also 1 John 2:18, 22; 4:3; 2 John 1:7.

            Who is like unto the beast? Praise given to the beast that should be reserved for God. Example of Cavalier LeBron James when he spoke of meeting Michael Jordan. “It was like meeting Jesus.”

Vs. 5 – 42 months signifies temporary victory  for SatanBlasphemy is usually one of three things; 1) say you are God if you are not. 2) Attempt to be worshipped as a god. 3) Doing things in god’s name without his authority.

Vs. 6 – Satan's campaign of evil achieves consideragble success

Vs. 7 – Satan’s war machine; 1) Apostasy, 2) Apathy, 3) Sin

            Note the repetition of the sequence every kindred, tongue, people and nation. (5:9)

Vs. 8 – See Daniel 12:1-3

Vs. 9 – Remember this phrase from Rev. 2 & 3? How does it apply here?

Vs. 10 – We really don’t have to worry about the bad people receiving their rewards. Other translations clarify this verse to indicate that the trials and persecution the Saints face will require much patience and faith if they hope to endure. (NIV-New International Version, JB-Jerusalem Bible, RSV-Revised Standard Version, NEB-New English Bible). Life requires that we learn patience.

Vs. 11 – The counterfeit godhead is now complete. Dragon, Beast, 2nd Beast


  1. Comes from the earth (not the sea)
  2. Has the appearance of a lamb. (Christ)
  3. Is really like the Dragon. (Satan)
  4. Performs miracles to deceive.
  5. Causes a great division between good and evil (Vs. 15)
  6. Requires Allegiance (Vs. 15)
  7. Has economic power (vs. 17)

8.      May represent religious philosophy more than political.

9.      His exact identity rather as a false prophet or a kingdom has not been revealed, but is really fun to speculate about.

Vs. 11 – The first beast came out of the sea. Satan follows the law of witnesses. The two horns appears to be nothing more than in imitation of the Lamb. All bases covered.

Vs. 12 – All that Jesus did was to go about doing the work of the Father.

 Vs. 13-14 The king of the counterfeit scores again! Like unto the magicians of Egypt and Simon the Sorcerer with Peter in Acts 8:9-24

Vs. 15 – See Dan. 3:4-18, 25

Vs. 16 – 1 Kings 19:14, 18 - See Gerald Lund, "Things Which Must Shortly Come to  Pass" - In the Roman empire there were vast numbers of slaves. Often a slave would run away from his master, go to a large city such as Rome, and try to disappear into the population. Since nothing about a human being marks him naturally as either a slave or free man, such runaways could pass as free persons as long as no one could personally identify them. To protect against that practice, slave owners would often brand their slaves with marks to identify them, just as modern stockmen permanently mark their animals for identification. To make this brand impossible to hide under clothing, most slaves were marked either on the palm of the right hand or on the forehead directly above the eyes. Therefore, it would have been common in John's time to see a person walking down the street with a mark on his right hand or on his forehead and to instantly identify him as a slave.

65 Out of that practice grew a secondary custom. Worshipers of various gods in the Roman pantheon, to symbolize the fact that they were totally dedicated to their god—in other words, that they were slaves or servants of their god—would also mark themselves on the right hand or the forehead. In this case they would mark themselves with a symbol of their god. Thus, a person might be seen walking down the street with a thunderbolt on his forehead, which symbolized that he was totally devoted to—that is, a slave to—Jupiter. A person marked with a trident said symbolically, "I am a servant of Poseidon, the god of the sea," and so on. John's readers, familiar with that concept and its significance, would not have puzzled over what he meant. To say that a person had the mark of the beast suggested that he was a slave of, or totally subservient to, the beast. Note that John uses the same imagery in a positive sense, indicating that there are those who are sealed in their foreheads with the mark of God (see Rev. 7:3). This use clearly signifies that these are people who belong to God; they are God's servants. Thus, while it is true that only Latter-day Saints have the additional keys necessary to correctly interpret Revelation, a careful study of non-LDS sources can bring many valuable cultural, linguistic, and historical insights that can greatly enhance our understanding of John's vision.

Vs. 18 – Perhaps the verse most speculated on in all of Revelation is vs. 18. The number of the beast has caused many to predict who or what the beast is. The method of assigning to letters a numerical value is called gematria. By using various languages to assign numerical values, one can arrive at dozens of names. As Reuss put it, “This famous number has been made to yield almost all the historical names of the past 18 centuries. The Lord has not seen fit to reveal the identity of this beast as yet, and to speculate with our students would not only be unwise but would run counsel of the prophet Joseph Smith.

            The word gematria means literally “reckoning by numbers.” In most ancient societies, letters and numbers were used interchangeably, and each letter of an alphabet had a numerical value. Technically speaking, gematria is a mode of interpretation in which the numerical values are substituted for each letter in a word. By so doing, a word’s numerical value could be determined and compared for potential relationships with other words possessing the numerical value. . . When numbers are used in a calculated and symbolic manner, they support the premise that God is the author of the scriptures.” (Gaskill, p. 111)

"We don't have exact interpretations of many of the things John saw in this chapter. It is easy to get caught up in trying to figure out details and thus miss the rather obvious and simple messages. For instance, we may not know who or what the beast is or what his seven heads and ten horns are. However it is obvious that evil is being represented in the vision as vicious and destructive, something for us to avoid. The beast's seven heads might represent Santa's attempted counterfeits of God's perfect work since the number seven represents perfection in Bible symbolism. Or the seven heads could represent attempts by Lucifer to confuse us. (For example, which one is really Satan or his front organizations or what?) Or perhaps the seven heads could symbolize Satan's ability to come at us from several different directions, using many different types of temptations. The head wounded, that was then healed in verse 3, could remind us that just when we think we have overcome Satan's temptations, he bounces back and tries for us again. The important thing is for us to be reminded that Satan is a very capable enemy and we must do all that we can to avoid getting the mark of the beast in our foreheads, i.e., to avoid becoming followers of Satan." (Ridges p. 446-7)

Revelation 12


            Chapters 12 and 13 of Revelation are teaching interludes in John’s revelation. They are not limited to a part of any one of the seven seals but contain information vital for all who desire to overcome Satan. The Prophet Joseph, just before acquiring the gold plates, was shown the glory of the Lord as well as the power of the prince of darkness and his innumerable hosts. Following this vision, Joseph was told that ‘all this is shown, the good and the evil, the holy and impure, the glory of “God and the power of darkness, that ye may know hereafter the two powers and never be influenced or overcome by that wicked one’(Messenger and Advocate, Oct. 1835, p. 198)

We will study this chapter in the JST from the Bible Appendix. It is the most revised of the chapters in the Book of Revelation.

Vs. 1 – The sign here is an omen of a coming event. It appears in heaven because that is where John sees his vision. It is in the likeness of things on earth in that a pregnant woman experiencing labor is an earthly event

The JST in vs. 7 tells us that the woman clothed with the sun (Celestial Kingdom) is the true Church of God. The moon under her feet may represent the power of those of the Celestial kingdom over those of the Terrestrial.

The crown of twelve stars shows the preeminent position of the apostles. Stars often symbolize individual persons. (Gen. 37:9; Job 38:7)

Vs. 2 – The child to be delivered is the Kingdom of God. The Church is the ecclesiastical arm of the Lord’s work; the kingdom of God will also have political power. Old Testament prophets also depict ancient Israel as a travailing woman seeking to give birth to Zion (Is. 66:7-8; Jer. 4:31; Micah 4:10)

Vs. 3 – Note that the JST puts verse five before verse 3.

            The child that was born in the meridian of time was taken into heaven before it could grow. The rod of iron is the word of God.

            After Christ comes, all the peoples of the earth will be subject to him, but there will be multitudes of people on the face of the earth who will not be members of the Church; yet all will have to be obedient to the laws of the kingdom of God, for it will have dominion upon the whole face of the earth. These people will be subject to the political government, even though they are not members of the ecclesiastical kingdom which is the church.  This government which embraces all the people of the earth, both in and out of the Church, is also sometimes spoken of as the kingdom of God, because the people are subject to the kingdom of god which Christ will set up. (JFS, DS. 1:229)

Vs. 4 – The dragon represents the devil. Red is the color of sin, murder, and bloodshed.

            Seven heads represents Satan’s influence in the ruling of all nations. Ten horns show Satan’s significant power. All of his limited power.         Seven crowns (diadema) indicate that Satan has perfect and complete power on earth.          His tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them to the earth is Satan’s success in the war in heaven.

             “When John speaks of the war in heaven, his description of Lucifer’s activities is slightly different from the typical interpretation in Latter-day Saint circles. He states that the devil drew away “third part” of the hosts of heaven with him (See Rev. 12:4; D&C 29:36-38). The distinction between “one-third” and a “third part” may seem subtle, yet it is real. The fraction one-third implies 33 1/3 percent, whereas the phrase “third part” implies a numerically undetermined segment of the population who symbolize the fact that Satan’s power over the pre-mortal spirits was limited. Thus, the numerology in the passage implies that we have no knowledge of the fraction or percentage of the Father’s children who followed the adversary. All we know is that Satan had a limited influence over those in the presence of God.” (Gaskill, p. 118-19)

            The last sentence of the verse indicates that Satan stood ready to destroy the Kingdom of God in the meridian of time. He, from the time that he confronted Adam & Eve in the garden, face to face, has been ready to destroy the establishment of God's kingdom.            There is an argument that the symbols of this verse represent the leaders of the Roman empire. We should note that the dragon’s power existed before and after the Roman Empire.

Vs. 5 – The child (Kingdom of God) was returned to the presence of God. The 1260 days is changed to 1260 years in the JST. It represents the period of the apostasy. Trying to make the years fit into events of the apostasy and the restoration has proven fruitless and frustrating.

Vs. 6 -11 – The war began in heaven and will continue until the great battle at the end of the millennium. What John may be describing is a renewal of the war that started in heaven in the meridian of times. Parry gives two reasons for this 1) The presence of both the Church and kingdom of God and 2) some of the righteous who fight in the war are killed (12:11), which cannot happen with pre-mortal spirits.

            “What kind of war? The same kind that prevails on earth; the only kind Satan and spirit beings can wage-a war of words, a tumult of opinions, a conflict of ideologies; a war between truth and error, between light and darkness, between the gospel of Jesus Christ, with all its saving power, and the false religions of the world, which have a form of godliness but area devoid of saving grace. And the battle lines are still drawn. It is now on earth as it was then in heaven; every man must choose which general he will follow. (BRM, DNTC 3:518)

Vs. 7 - We learn a little more of the pre-earthly nobility of Adam. We are also reminded that the war continues on different battlefields.

Vs. 8 – The word Devil does not appear in the Old Testament. It is a translation from the Greek and means False accuser or slanderer. Satan likes this tactic. Satan means adversary or accuser. Many of his false accusations are voiced through his servants on this earth. D&C 93:25 teaches us that telling lies is a habit Satan has had since the beginning. "The wicked spirits that leave here and go into the spirit world, are they wicked there? Yes.   If we are faithful to our religion, when we go into the spirit world, the fallen spirits—Lucifer and the third part of the heavenly hosts that came with him, and the spirits of wicked men who have dwelt upon this earth, the whole of them combined will have no influence over our spirits. Is not that an advantage? Yes. All the rest of the children of men are more or less subject to them, and they are subject to them as they were while here in the flesh" (DBY, 379). Check out the Teachings of the Presidents of the Church- Brigham Young 1997, ch. 38)

Vs. 9–10 -With the neighborhood cleansed of the bad elements, life is good. God is not the accuser. He is the supporter. Christ is our advocate. Satan our accuser. "In other words, the earth is set up and school is in session, worthy spirits can go down to earth, have opportunities to choose between good and evil, join the kingdom of God via the gospel of Jesus Christ, and gain exaltation because of the Atonement of Christ." (Ridges p. 446)

Vs. 11 – A great verse describing how we overcome the adversary.

Vs. 12-17 are a description of the persecution of the Church in the Meridian of Time and the Great Apostasy that followed.

Vs. 12 – The JST additions to this verse “after these things” and “I heard another voice” are indicators that we are moving on to another scene from the war in heaven and meridian of time verses. With all of the things that Satan does not seem to understand, he seems to see clearly that the time will come when he will lose his ability to tempt us.

Vs. 13 – Persecution of the Church (the woman) and its members is a first priority for Satan. Even when he is really busy, he will have time for us. Why? (See Matt. 5:11-12 & John 15:20-21)

Vs. 14 – The eagle’s wings symbolize deliverance from on high, which deliverance comes with swiftness and power. Ye have seen what I did unto the Egyptians and how I bare you on eagles’ wings, and brought you unto myself. (Ex. 19:4) Ridges suggests the possibility that the eagle could refer to the USA's roll in providing a place for the gospel to be restored in these latter-days. (p. 446)

            Time, Times and a half time. “This phrase was first used in Israelite history to refer to the period (168-165 BC) that the temple was defiled by the followers of the Greek emperor Antiochus IV Epiphanes. It came to an end with the courageous fight of the Maccabees. They drove out the Syrian Greeks, destroyed the pagan altars in the temple, and purified it. The time of desecration…so burned itself into the minds and memories of the Jewish nation that it came to be used regularly to denote the period of terror, under the sway of demonic evil, before the final ending of history came.” (Barclay, Great Themes of the New Testament, p. 88)

Vs. 15 – The water as a flood out of the serpent’s mouth has several possible interpretations. 1) Torrent of lies vs. church. 2) Flow of evil sent from Satan. 3) Persecution 4) Attacks of Rome.  See also Psalms 18:4, 14-15; Isaiah 17:12-14; 43:2; Jer. 46:7-8; 51:55; I Nephi 12:16.

Vs. 16 – There is no doubt that the earth is obedient and on God’s side. See Numbers 16:28, 30, 32; 26:10; Dt. 11:6; Helaman 12:7-19; Moses 7:48.

Vs. 17 – That would be US. D&C 76:28-29.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Revelation 11

            "Chapter 11 is for me one of the most difficult to understand. My comfort level in talking about it is not as high as with others, especially if pushed into too much detail." (Wilcox p. 141) "It is better to be intellectually uncertain rather than superficially sure. This will still leave us with a great deal to be certain about, while maintaining a humility to learn." (Wilcox p. ix)

             “John informs us that after the city and temple are rebuilt by the Jews and the Gentiles will tread it under foot 42 months during which time there will be two prophets continually prophesying and working mighty miracles. It seems that the Gentile army shall be hindered from utterly destroying and overthrowing the city, while these 2 prophets continue. But after a struggle of 3 ½ years they at length succeed in destroying these two prophets and then overrunning much of the city, they send gifts to each other because of the death of the two prophets and in the meantime will not allow their dead bodies to be put in graves, but suffer them to lie in the streets of Jerusalem 3 ½ days” (PPP, A Voice of Warning, p. 41-41)

 Vs. 1 – To measure seems to indicate a judgment resulting in protection or not. The reed is apparently a measuring rod or surveyor’s rule, probably made from the “giant reed” (arundo donax) that grows in the swampy areas of the Mediterranean lands. The reeds were usually 10 feet long, some as long as 20. The temple referred to here was probably not Herod’s temple. It had been destroyed 20 years before this revelation. It probably refers to the temple to be built in the latter days in Jerusalem. Ezekiel described this temple in great detail in Ezek. 40-46. Joseph Smith also spoke of this temple, “Judah must return, Jerusalem must be rebuilt, and the temple, and water come out from under the temple and the waters of the Dead Sea be healed. It will take some time to rebuild the walls of the city and the temple. (TPJS p. 286) Also note that the saints of God are referred by Paul are “an holy temple in the Lord” (Ephesians 2:19-21; I Cor. 3:16). That is to say, the community of Saints, speaking of those who attend the temple and worship within its walls, constitute a temple of God. These are measured by John and receive protection. The question we might ask is, "How do I measure up?" I wonder if temple worthiness is the standard. In New Testament times only those who held the priesthood could enter the temple proper. See also 2 Nephi 6:14, Joel 2:11-18

Vs. 2 -Those judged to be within the walls of the temple worship are to be protected (vs. 1), while those in the outer court are not to be given this protection. See also D&C 1:9; 101:11; 109:45.

42 months- the number 42 is manifest scripturally in several ways, each of which equals three and one-half.

Dan. 7:25         Dan. 9:27         Dan. 12:7         Rev. 11:2         Rev. 11:3         Rev. 12:14

Rev. 11:11       Rev. 13:5         Luke 4:25        James 5:17

            Forty-two months, or three and one-half, or 1,260, belong to the wicked and apparently signify their work. The number 3 ½ may mean that the work of righteousness is cut short. That number is one half of 7, the number of perfection and completion, which belongs to God and his Saints. We recall that the number 7 is used symbolically many times in Revelation with regard to God and his work…Further, the root of the Hebrew word for seven (sheva) is identical to the Hebrew verb that means ‘to take an oath’, thus connecting the word seven to covenants and covenant making. One-half of seven, or 3 ½ represents an incomplete covenant (religious systems that appear to be spiritual and to possess power but do not) or the broken covenant (apostate conditions). (Parry 137-138)

Vs. 3 – D&C 77:15 – Q. What is to be understood by the two witnesses, in the eleventh chapter of Revelation?

A.     They are two prophets that are to be raised up to the Jewish nation in the last days, at the time of the restoration, and to prophesy to the Jews after they are gathered and have built the city of Jerusalem in the land of their fathers.

See also 2 Nephi 8:18-20

            Two is the canonical number necessary to sustain a charge at court. (Dt. 19:15; 2 Cor. 13:1; Dt. 17:6; Num 35:30) They will provide a dual testimony. “No doubt they will be members of the Council of the Twelve or the First Presidency of the Church.” (BRM – DNTC 3:509)

            Sack cloth is a symbol for humility and sorrow, worn by the poor and those who are mourning. (Gen. 37:34; Esther 4:1; Isa. 37:1)

Vs. 4 – See Zech. 4: 3, 11-14- Note that they stand next to the Lord. Many of the events connected to the work of these two prophets recall events of the mortal ministry of Jesus; 3 ½ year ministry, prophesying, miracles, control over elements anointed with oil, slain in Jerusalem by evil men, their ascension into heaven. Meahem Haran wrote: “In general, any religious activity to which the biblical text applies the formula ‘before the Lord’ can be considered an indication of the existence of a temple…this expression…actually belongs to the temple’s technical terminology.” (Temples and Temple Service, p. 26, quoted in Parry, p. 140)

            The reference to two olive trees is an indication that they have been anointed with holy oil in the Lord’s temple.  Also olive oil is put into lamps so people can be prepared to meet Christ as in the parable of the 10 Virgins.  The reference to candlesticks indicates that they will be an example to the world. (Matt. 5:14-16)

Vs. 5 – the words from their mouth would likely bring fire from God. See 2 Kings 1:10-18 and Numbers 16:35.

Vs. 6 – This verse calls to mind the sealing of the heavens by Elijah in 1 Kings 17:1 and Nephi in Helaman 10 & 11. Jesus referred to this famine in Luke 4:25 and said that it lasted 3 ½ years! Also Nephi in Helaman 10 & 11.

            Other powers are talked about being held by all Melchizedek Priesthood holders in JST Genesis 14:30-32 and D&C 43:25. Power over water is referenced in Moses 7:13; Moses 1:25; Hel. 8:11; Mark 4:39; D&C 61:27.

            As often as they will may be an indication that these Elders will need frequently to call upon their Priesthood power.

Vs. 7 – This beast may be the beast of Rev. 13:1-8. Like Jesus, Joseph, Abinadi and other martyrs, death will not come until their mission is finished.

Vs. 8 – The prophet Joseph Smith taught, “It has always been considered a great calamity not to obtain an honorable burial: and one of the greatest curses the ancient prophets could put on any man, was that he should go without a burial.” (HC 5:361) See also Psalms 79:3-4;. and 2 Maccabees 5:8-19  9: and he who had driven many from their own country into exile died in exile, having embarked to go to the Lacedaemonians in hope of finding protection because of their kinship. 10: He who had cast out many to lie unburied had no one to mourn for him; he had no funeral of any sort and no place in the tomb of his fathers.

Sodom (Gen. 19:24)  and Egypt (Abr. 1:23, Egypt=that which is forbidden) take us back to the days of Abraham.

Vs. 9-10 – The rejoicing over the death of these two prophets appears to be wide-spread. (CNN will be loving it.) The message of these 2 prophets is pricking the conscience of wicked people world wide.

Vs. 11-12 – See Elijah’s account in 2 Kings 2:11. Also according to Clement of Alexandria, Moses was taken by a cloud. (Draper, p. 123) See also Ezekiel 37:10 – And the breath came into them, and they lived, and stood up upon their feet.”

Vs 13 – “The damage is selective. A tenth of the city falls. This is the Lord’s portion-his tithe that he will demand of the wicked. The number ten indicates, among other things, the whole of a part. The ten plagues were the whole of that portion of God’s wrath brought against Egypt, but not the fullness of his wrath. The number ten represents all the tribes taken into captivity, but not all of the house of Israel, nor all of any one tribe. Thus, it may be that the Seer indicates that the judgment came at the moment of ascension, upon all the wicked who fought against the witnesses.

            That John uses the figure seven thousand as the number devoted to death lends support to this idea. The number is probably not to be taken literally. Rather, it signifies, as in other places, fullness and completeness. Thus, the specific number doomed to death all died during this judgment.” (Draper p. 123-4) It also appears that some are converted in seeing this miracle.

Vs. 14 - 2nd woe is past

Vs. 15 – The 7th angel (Michael-D&C 88:112) is announcing the beginning of Christ’s millennial reign. “Christ will reign personally upon the earth”. Note a little Handel's Messiah at the end of the verse. Also note the JST takes the "S" off of Kingdoms. There will just be one.

Vs. 16 – These Elders repeat this action of worshipping He who sits upon the throne 4 times in the Book of Revelation; 4:10; 5:14; 11:16 & 19:4. In 5:8 they bow down to the Lamb. These are the same ones who back in 6:10 asked how long it would be before justice would come on the earth as they witnessed the persecution in the days of John.

Vs. 17-18 – The words are given here of the praise of the 24 Elders mentioned in vs. 16.

The rewards of the Savior to the righteous will be discussed in Rev. 19-22 and include a wedding, a feast, a magnificent city, healing fountains, and fruit-laden trees of life, and the comforting peace of the Master’s gentle touch. They were detailed also in the D&C 76:92-95. The rewards to the wicked are covered in chapters 13-18 and part of 19. They consist of the withdrawal of his Spirit and allowing the minion of the adversary to bring about their own collapse. (See 2 Nephi 26:10-11) (Wilcox p. 156-7)

Vs. 19 – The temple is open in preparation for its chief occupant to leave its sanctity and descend to the earth. (Wilcox p. 158) Also to receive those who are worthy to enter it. (Parry, p. 147)

            John’s statement that there was seen in his temple the ark of his testimony” indicates that all exalted Saints, not just the high priest of the earthly temple, will be privileged to gain access to Jesus Christ and his sacred, heavenly dwelling. (Parry, p. 147)

            “Few things could better symbolize the covenant that God made with Israel than the display of the ark of the covenant. At this moment, when all that was promised is about to come about, the heavenly host enter the Holy of Holies and receive their eternal rest. But not all is done. The worlds wicked must still stand judgment. So from the temple issue flashes of lightning, rumblings, peals of thunder, an earthquake, and a great hailstorm. All these are sent against the earth once more. (Draper, p. 125)

Parallels between the ministry of these two witnesses and the Savior;

1. Both in Holy Land.  2. Length of ministry   3. Light of world and 2 candlesticks   4. Power over elements   5. Martyrs   6. Wicked rejoice at death   7. Resurrected after 3 days   8. Destruction accompanies death 9. Many converted by their resurrections. (Taken from Ridges p. 439-40)

Revelation 10

             This chapter is an interlude between chapters 9 and 11. We're looking for the 3rd woe and we get an angel, possibly Michael, shows him a little book containing John’s future work upon the earth. We expect the 7th trump, but must wait until chapter 11. The angel of this chapter stands in contrast to the “fallen star” of chapter 9.

            "This chapter is particularly touching when one realizes that by this time (95 BC) John has long been the only Apostle remaining from the Church which Jesus established in the Holy Land. He was told he would tarry (see John 21:21-23 & D&C 7:3) but, as far as we know nothing had yet transpired with respect to that promise. He is now an old man, likely in his nineties, and a prisoner on the Isle of Patmos. Imagine his feelings when he is told that he would yet prophesy before the nations and carry out a great mission among the people of the earth! We know that he was translated and has not yet died, rather, has continued assisting with the work of the Lord here on earth. He will continue to do so until the 2nd Coming, at which time he will be resurrected." (Ridges, p. 438)

Vs. 1 – The mighty angel may be Adam. See D&C 88:110-112 which shows the battle at the end of the millennium, which is a different context than this verse.

Descends of his own accord
Fell to the earth
Possesses the book
Had to have help with the key
Brilliant light emanates from face
Thick black smoke
Governs cosmic phenomena (cloud, rainbow, sun
Drove the demonic horde
Prince of Light
Prince of Darkness
Revealer of Truth
Prince of Lies

Taken from Draper p. 113

The rainbow is a symbol of God's promise to Enoch that Zion will again return to the earth . see JST Gen. 9:21-23. (Brandt p. 215)

Vs. 2 – The Greek designates the hand as the “right” hand
            Setting your foot upon something represents conquest. See Josh. 10:24. All earth is subject to this angel.

Vs. 3 – The seven thunders are “7 angels reciting what will happen in each of the 7 seals. (Possibly dispensation leaders-Brandt) See also D&C 88:109 (vs. 95-112)to see about angelic power.

Vs. 4 – This is the only place in Revelation where John is forbidden to disclose what he sees or hears. There are other places where prophets are commanded to not write all that they see; Dan. 12:4; 2 Nephi 27:22; Ether 3:22-23, 27-28. 

            It appears from the added and clarifying knowledge revealed to Joseph “Smith that the seven thunders which here utter their voices are the seven angels reciting in some detail that which is to be in each of the thousand year periods of the earth’s temporal continuance. In the very nature of things, lest men become as God, knowing the end from the beginning, John was forbidden to record these hidden things.

            It also appears that John’s vision prefigured what is to be when the events occur and that the promised proclamations shall yet be made when the hour for Millennial peace actually arrives. (DNTC 3:505) See also Isaiah 11:9 and Alma 12:9-11.

Vs. 5 – Some translations say right hand. (NIV)

Vs. 6 – “time no longer” may refer to the fact that there is no more time to repent, or there will be no more delay, or to the start of the millennium.  See D&C 88:110.

Vs. 7 – According to D&C 88:112 Michael is the 7th angel. The message of this verse is in the day when Michael sounds his trump we will know all that has been revealed to prophets.

Vs. 9 – See D&C 77:14 again. Two additional cross references for this verse are found in Ezek. 2:7-3:3 and Jer. 15:15-18. Eating up the book was internalizing his mission call. We are told to Feast upon the Words of Christ.

Vs. 10 – Could this be a reference to the fact that our responsibilities are both sweet and bitter? We live in a great and a dreadful day. Look at Jer. 18:18-20; 20:2-9 for a comparison between John and Jeremiah.

Vs. 11 - In June Conference 1831, Joseph stated “that John the Revelator was then among the 10 tribes of Israel who had been led away by Shalmanaser, King of Assyria. To prepare them for their return from their long dispersion.” (HC 1:176 quoted in DNTC 3:509)

Revelation 9


Vs. 1 – See D&C 77:13 for when these things will happen
            The star – See Isaiah 14 or 2 Nephi 24: 12-15 and Luke 10:18
            The JST makes it clear that the key was given to an angel and not to Lucifer. Satan's power is limited.
            “Another example is the image of keys. Anciently, locks were hand-carved from wood or hand-forged from metal, and they were large, bulky, and expensive. Locks were therefore used to protect only very valuable treasure of stores. Because the common people rarely owned anything valuable enough to lock up, keys usually were held only by the wealthy and powerful-or entrusted by them to stewards. Keys were typically worn around the neck on a chain, so if people saw a man on a street wearing a key, they could rightly assume that he was a man of power and authority. In this manner, keys came to be a symbol, not only of control over something, but of invested power and authority. (Gerald N. Lund, Ensign, Dec. 1987, p. 50.)
Vs. 2 – The smoke is a representation of temptations. This smoke is not the same smoke as the smoke of the incense. This is “mist of darkness” smoke. In a house fire, the smoke gets into everything. This smoke influences every aspect of society. Mormon 8:31,36, 38.
Vs. 3 – The locusts are a symbol for wicked men and armies with power to torment man.
            See Joel 1 & 2, especially 1:4-7; 2:11-12; 2:21, 25, 23, 28, 32. Also Ex. 10:4
            Scorpions torment if you allow yourself to get close to them.
Vs. 4 – The destructive force is limited. It doesn't hurt those who are growing (green). The seal is significant!
Vs. 5 – Five months is the life cycle of a grasshopper. It may also be a reference to the 5th angel. (Ridges) Here a symbol for a short and limited time. I Cor. 10:13. These temptations and trials can awaken us and prompt us to "come to ourselves." A scorpion torments, but doesn't kill
Vs. 6 – Mormon 2:13-15
Vs. 7 –  shapes of the locusts  John seems to be describing soldiers that are trained and equipped to fight on land, sea, or in the air, with their various types of uniforms and protective gear, including helmets, body armor, and protective masks; their war vehicles, including aircraft, helicopters, tanks, and dozens of other military machines; and their weaponry and artillery of many types and kinds, each designed to harm, maim, or kill humans. He may be describing that which belongs to military units of our era, or he may be seeing that which belongs to our own future.” (Parry, p. 118)
This is the only place in revelation where the word for crown “stephanos” is used for Satan. Note that it is a fake crown. Satan does have victories, but it is always temporary. The reference to as the faces of men, I believe is referring to wicked, worldly men.
Vs. 8 – is the hair referred to here a reminder of Samson? Lions are noted for their strength. See Joel 1:6
Vs. 9 - John strives to describe the sound of modern warfare.
Vs. 10 - Note that the 5 months refers to temporary power. This war is going to end.
Vs. 11 – The king is Lucifer. “John gives a Hebrew name followed with the Greek equivalent, as was his custom (John 1:38-Rabbi-Master, 42-Cephas-stone; 4:25-Messias-Christ; 9:7-Siloam-sent; 11:16-Thomas-Didymus), perhaps so that his audience will understand his words. The angel is named Abaddon, meaning “destruction or ruin; he is also called Apollyon meaning destruction or destroyer. (Parry p. 120) Moses 5:24 gives another name for Satan. It is 'Perdition" which mean utter loss or destruction. See also 2 Thessalonians 2:3. (Ridges)
Vs. 12 – Woe One is 9:1-11; Woe Two appears to be 9:13-21; 10 and 11:1-13; Woe Three is unclear but possibly chapters 12 or 16 or the burning at the 2nd coming or chapter 11:14 through the rest of the book. There is not unanimity as to which events coincide with the 3 woes. I hope it doesn't matter very much.
Vs. 13 – “As the sixth trumpet sounds, John hears a voice coming from the horns of the altar in heaven. The horns are a symbol of God’s power that people obtain through faithful worship, especially through sacrifice. These horns have special significance in two ways. First, on the Day of Atonement the high priest sprinkled them with the blood of the offering to bring reconciliation between God and Israel. Second, they serve as an asylum for malefactors (e.g. 1 Kings 2:28-35, where Joab caught hold of the horns of the altar to avoid death at Solomon’s hands). Therefore, one might expect the voice from the horns to offer reconciliation and asylum to the world. However, this is not the case. Instead, it commands the 6th angel to release the 4 angels who are bound at the great river Euphrates. That the voice comes from the horns of the altar suggests that in some way the second woe is connected with or a result of the prayers of the Saints, for the voice that commands the infliction comes from the very place, the altar, on which their prayers were offered. (Draper p. 107)
Vs. 14 – Note the JST making it clear that the angels are from hell.
Vs. 15 – The Jerusalem Bible says, “These four angels had been put there ready for this hour of this day of this month of this year. They are evil angels.
Vs. 16-18 This army of evil is twice the size of the angels in 5:11 gathered around the throne. The destruction is significant but limited as indicated by the fraction 1/3.
Vs. 19- Their power is in their mouth. Like Nehor, Sherem, Korihor and the media today. The tail may be a reference to the scorpions and to military strength, as in vs. 5.
Vs. 20 – The attempt to entice the world to repent in not successful.
Vs. 21 – “to the list John adds sorcery. The Greek word he uses is pharmakeia, from which the word pharmacy is derived. Pharmakeia indicates the use of drugs, elixirs, and contraceptive potions associated with the occult. When freely accepted, these narcotics addict, desensitize, and deceive the nations, resulting in blindness and the inability to change. The use of drugs, simple and potent, is the same means by which the Mother of Abominations is able to deceive the nations.

See SWK’s talk, “The False God’s We Worship”. He identifies these Gods we worship as Materialism and Military Might. See also SMWilcox’s book, p. 130-131.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Revelation 8


The interlude of chapter 7 is over. We now resume with the opening of the seals from chapter 6. Consider 3 Peter 3:9 – God is doing all that He can to save all who will be saved.
Much of the rest of the book of Revelation deals with events in the 7th thousand year period. Most signs of the 2nd Coming are fulfilled in the 7th period. Chapters 8 & 9 treat events in the 7th period but before the 2nd Coming (see the 2 ch. headings and &C 77:13) A series of woes actually ushers in the Millennium, not the Lord's Coming. His coming in glory is intentionally delayed (JSM 1:51; D&C 45:26) In addition, we might note that the Savior's millennial reign could begin at Adam-ondi-Ahman, even before his glorious appearance to the entire world. The 2nd Coming does not usher in the millennial era. The Millennium begins at the time the Savior commences his reign on the earth. But to begin his rule, he does not have to ahave appeared to the world. His reign begins as he collects the keys he has given to the prophets through the ages and directs affairs personally. Daniel gives a hint when this will be...the great future gathering at Adam-ondi-Ahman. At that time Adam, the Ancient of days, will appear, as will the Savior. An account will be given to the Lord and he will then begin to personally orchestrate all events from that point (D&C 116) (Ogden,  p. 329, quoting from Draper p. 110)

Vs. 1- The 7th seal is the millennium
We do not know what the silence in heaven is.
It may represent a period of time when the judgments from heaven rest. A time between the destruction of the 6th seal and the terrible things which lie ahead.
Read D&C 38:8, 11, 12 which seems to indicate that it may be a period of time when the heavens are closed to revelation
The ½ hour may represent about 21 years or merely an undetermined period of time when Saints and angels prepare for 2nd coming.
Draper (p. 91) says it represents a short interval during which angels and Saints prepare in sorrow for the sentence of destruction to be executed upon the world.
"The silence is also mentioned in D&C 88:95. We have not been told yet what this means. So far in the opening of the seals, we have been dealing with the earth's time system. Some people speculate about this 1/2 of silence and suggest that it might be about 21 years in the Lord's time system, and thus we would be 21 years w/out revelation. This has no merit, especially in view of Daniel 2:35, 44-45, in which we are assured that this restored Church shall stand forever and thus we will have continuous revelation right up to the 2nd Coming." (Ridges p. 433)
Vs. 2 - Read D&C 77:12
The trumpets are to prepare for the 2nd coming of the Savior. At the sounding of each trumpet, destruction occurs on the earth.
It appears that the trumpets break the silence of verse 1.
Chs. 8-11 speak of 7 trumpets signaling the pouring out of Judgments during the 7th seal.
Vs. 3 - The verse reminds us of Luke 1:10 where Zacharias is in the Holy Place offering incense while the people are outside the temple praying
Elder McConkie says it represents prayers going up on both sides of the veil.
The golden censer is a large spoon holding coals from the altar The priest filled the censer with live coal from the sacred fire on the altar of burnt-offering, and having carried it into the sanctuary, there threw upon the burning coals the sweet incense (Lev. 16:12-13), which sent up a cloud of smoke, filling the apartment with fragrance. The censers in daily use were of brass (Num. 16:39), and were designated by a different Hebrew name, miktereth (2 Chr. 26:19; Ezek. 8:11): while those used on the day of Atonement were of gold, and were denoted by a word (mahtah) meaning “something to take fire with;” LXX. pureion = a fire-pan. Solomon prepared for the temple censers of pure gold (1 Kings 7:50; 2 Chr. 4:22). The angel in the Apocalypse is represented with a golden censer (Rev. 8:3, 5). Paul speaks of the golden censer as belonging to the tabernacle (Hebrews 9:4). The Greek word thumiaterion, here rendered “censer,” may more appropriately denote, as in the margin of Revised Version, “the altar of incense.” Paul does not here say that the thumiaterion was in the holiest, for it was in the holy place, but that the holiest had it, i.e., that it belonged to the holiest (1 Kings 6:22). It was intimately connected with the high priest's service in the holiest. The manner in which the censer is to be used is described in Num. 4:14; Lev. 16:12.
Vs. 5 -             The silence has been broken
            Read D&C 88:87-92
Vs. 6 - Anticipation
Vs. 7-12 – John see 1/3 part of the trees and green grass burned up, 1/3 part of the sea turned to blood, 1/3 part of creatures and boats in the seas destroyed, 1/3 part of all water becoming bitter and undrinkable and 1/3 part of the sun, moon and stars darkened. Though catastrophic, the messages is that not everything is destroyed.
            When John speaks of the war in heaven, his description of Lucifer’s activities is slightly different from the typical interpretation in Latter-day Saint circles. He states that the devil drew away a “third part” of the hosts of heaven with him (see Revelation 12:4; D&C 29:36-38). The distinction between “one-third” and a “third part” may seem subtle, yet it is real. He fraction one-third implies 33 1/3 percent, whereas the phrase “third part” implies a numerically undetermined segment of the population who symbolize the fact that Satan’s power over the pre-mortal spirits was limited. Thus the numerology in the passage implies that we have no knowledge of the fraction or percentage  of the Father’s children who followed the adversary: All we know is that Satan had a limited influence over those in the presence of God. (Gaskill, p. 118-19)
Vs. 7 – This trump reminds us of the 7th Egyptian plague from Exodus 9:24. This destruction is greater that that in 6:8 where only ¼ of the earth faced destruction.
Vs. 8 – Reminds us of the first Egyptian plague in Ex. 7:21. Could this be a volcanic eruption with lava flowing into the water and looking like blood.
Vs. 10-11 – “Could this be atomic fallout which shall poison 1/3 of drinking water?” (DNTC 3:499).          Wormwood is a plant with bitter taste. It may represent bitter judgments upon the earth or the bitterness of hell.
Vs. 12 – A day of darkness is a symbol of a day of judgment. See Amos 5:18; Joel 2:2; Mark 13:24. The plague in Egypt is the 9th in Exodus 10:21.
Vs. 13 – The angel says there is more to come, in the form of 3 woes.. This verse is a transition verse between the 4 plagues brought by God upon nature the demonic woes from Satan which begin in chapter 9.

Revelation 7


Chapter six has ended with promises of catastrophe related to the 6th seal. Just as we get set up for something terrible to happen we get the question asked in the last verse of Chapter 6; “Who Shall be Able to Stand?) Chapter 7 answers that question.

Vs. 1 Read D&C 77:8 which tells us who the 4 angels are.

Read D&C 38:11-12

Joseph Fielding Smith said that these angles seem to fit the description of the angels in the Parable of the Wheat and the Tares in Matt. 13:24-43 & D&C 86:1-7. Wilford Woodruff said, "Those angels have left the portals of heaven, and they stand over this people and this nation now, and are hovering over the earth waiting to pour out the judgments. And from this very day they shall be poured out." (Parry 92-93)

Note that the “wind” of this verse is a “storm wind” from the Gk. “anemos”

Vs. 2 Read D&C 77:9 which tells us who the angel from the east is.  (See big handout on East.) "Another angel" is a composite Elias-various beings with various keys & powers to gather Israel & restore all things. (Ogden)

Vs. 3 The message seems clearly to be that God is doing all that he can to preserve the righteous and that the acts of destruction must be secondary to his work of saving.

                        The world is reserved unto burning in the last days. He shall send Elijah the prophet, and he shall reveal the covenants of the fathers in relation to the children, and the covenants of the children in relation to the fathers.

                        Four destroying angels holding power over the four quarters of the earth until the servants of God are sealed in their foreheads, which signifies sealing the blessing upon their heads, meaning the everlasting covenant, thereby making their calling and election sure. When a seal is put upon the father and mother, it secures their posterity, so that they cannot be lost, but will be saved by virtue of the covenant of their father and mother. (TPJS p. 321)

Vs. 4    144,000 – See 23 page handout

Vs. 5-8            Why is Dan left out?

A.    A mistake. They should have listed Dan instead of Manasses and included Manasses and Ephraim (also left out) with Joseph in vs. 8

B.     See 1 Kings 12:29; Judges 18:30 and I Chron. 7 regarding Dan’s association with idols when Jeroboam set up idols there. This is not likely.

Vs. 9 – The Jehovah Witnesses say that the 144,000 in verse 4 are those to be saved in heaven. The innumerable hosts in this verse are the other good people who will inherit the earth.

            Note the order again of all nations, kindreds, and people, and tongues

            The palms in the hands are Palm branches which are symbols of victory and joy as in the Triumphal entry. (John 12:13; D&C 109:76; I Maccabees 13:51; 2 Maccabees 10:7)

Vs. 10 - The Revised Standard Bible says, "Salvation belongs to our God" and the Good News Bible reads, "Our salvation comes from our God."

Vs. 12 – Guess how many attributes of God are listed? Why 7?

Vs. 13 – The question is saying, “where did all these people in heaven come from?”

Vs. 14 – Note that there is no mention of people who earned their Celestial inheritance by their righteous living. They all were their because of the blood of the lamb.

See D&C 138:13

            "The destinies of all people are in the hands of a just God, and He will do no injustice to any one; and this one thing is sure, that they who will live godly in Christ Jesus, shall suffer persecution; and before their robes are made white in the blood of the Lamb, it is to be expected, according to John the Revelator, they will pass through great tribulation. (Joseph to Edward Partridge, HC 1:449)

            It appears that all of the people in heaven had endured great tribulation. The Greek has a definite article, not present in the KJV. “The Great Tribulation,” Referring to a future final series of woes-not to common troubles that afflict all peoples. I personally like the reference without the definite article.

Vs. 15 – The verb “serve” come from “latreuo” which means the performance of ceremonies associated with God’s sanctuary, which these can perform because they are kings and priests of the Most High. (Draper, p. 86)

            My favorite references to living with God are this one and D&C 88:19 and Rev. 21:3. Who can add to my small collection?

            The exalted Saints serve God "forever in his kingdom, where, in the literal sense, there is neither night nor a temple. See Rev. 21:22-23. (BRM - DNTC 3:496)

Vs. 16 – Why won’t they need the sun? (Rev. 21:22-23; Isaiah 49:10; 60:19; Psalm 121:6)

Vs. 17 – Many versions say the Lord shall be their shepherd. (RSV, NEB, JB, NIV, GNB - Parry) The last verse of Chapter 6 has now been answered.