Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Revelation 8


The interlude of chapter 7 is over. We now resume with the opening of the seals from chapter 6. Consider 3 Peter 3:9 – God is doing all that He can to save all who will be saved.
Much of the rest of the book of Revelation deals with events in the 7th thousand year period. Most signs of the 2nd Coming are fulfilled in the 7th period. Chapters 8 & 9 treat events in the 7th period but before the 2nd Coming (see the 2 ch. headings and &C 77:13) A series of woes actually ushers in the Millennium, not the Lord's Coming. His coming in glory is intentionally delayed (JSM 1:51; D&C 45:26) In addition, we might note that the Savior's millennial reign could begin at Adam-ondi-Ahman, even before his glorious appearance to the entire world. The 2nd Coming does not usher in the millennial era. The Millennium begins at the time the Savior commences his reign on the earth. But to begin his rule, he does not have to ahave appeared to the world. His reign begins as he collects the keys he has given to the prophets through the ages and directs affairs personally. Daniel gives a hint when this will be...the great future gathering at Adam-ondi-Ahman. At that time Adam, the Ancient of days, will appear, as will the Savior. An account will be given to the Lord and he will then begin to personally orchestrate all events from that point (D&C 116) (Ogden,  p. 329, quoting from Draper p. 110)

Vs. 1- The 7th seal is the millennium
We do not know what the silence in heaven is.
It may represent a period of time when the judgments from heaven rest. A time between the destruction of the 6th seal and the terrible things which lie ahead.
Read D&C 38:8, 11, 12 which seems to indicate that it may be a period of time when the heavens are closed to revelation
The ½ hour may represent about 21 years or merely an undetermined period of time when Saints and angels prepare for 2nd coming.
Draper (p. 91) says it represents a short interval during which angels and Saints prepare in sorrow for the sentence of destruction to be executed upon the world.
"The silence is also mentioned in D&C 88:95. We have not been told yet what this means. So far in the opening of the seals, we have been dealing with the earth's time system. Some people speculate about this 1/2 of silence and suggest that it might be about 21 years in the Lord's time system, and thus we would be 21 years w/out revelation. This has no merit, especially in view of Daniel 2:35, 44-45, in which we are assured that this restored Church shall stand forever and thus we will have continuous revelation right up to the 2nd Coming." (Ridges p. 433)
Vs. 2 - Read D&C 77:12
The trumpets are to prepare for the 2nd coming of the Savior. At the sounding of each trumpet, destruction occurs on the earth.
It appears that the trumpets break the silence of verse 1.
Chs. 8-11 speak of 7 trumpets signaling the pouring out of Judgments during the 7th seal.
Vs. 3 - The verse reminds us of Luke 1:10 where Zacharias is in the Holy Place offering incense while the people are outside the temple praying
Elder McConkie says it represents prayers going up on both sides of the veil.
The golden censer is a large spoon holding coals from the altar The priest filled the censer with live coal from the sacred fire on the altar of burnt-offering, and having carried it into the sanctuary, there threw upon the burning coals the sweet incense (Lev. 16:12-13), which sent up a cloud of smoke, filling the apartment with fragrance. The censers in daily use were of brass (Num. 16:39), and were designated by a different Hebrew name, miktereth (2 Chr. 26:19; Ezek. 8:11): while those used on the day of Atonement were of gold, and were denoted by a word (mahtah) meaning “something to take fire with;” LXX. pureion = a fire-pan. Solomon prepared for the temple censers of pure gold (1 Kings 7:50; 2 Chr. 4:22). The angel in the Apocalypse is represented with a golden censer (Rev. 8:3, 5). Paul speaks of the golden censer as belonging to the tabernacle (Hebrews 9:4). The Greek word thumiaterion, here rendered “censer,” may more appropriately denote, as in the margin of Revised Version, “the altar of incense.” Paul does not here say that the thumiaterion was in the holiest, for it was in the holy place, but that the holiest had it, i.e., that it belonged to the holiest (1 Kings 6:22). It was intimately connected with the high priest's service in the holiest. The manner in which the censer is to be used is described in Num. 4:14; Lev. 16:12.
Vs. 5 -             The silence has been broken
            Read D&C 88:87-92
Vs. 6 - Anticipation
Vs. 7-12 – John see 1/3 part of the trees and green grass burned up, 1/3 part of the sea turned to blood, 1/3 part of creatures and boats in the seas destroyed, 1/3 part of all water becoming bitter and undrinkable and 1/3 part of the sun, moon and stars darkened. Though catastrophic, the messages is that not everything is destroyed.
            When John speaks of the war in heaven, his description of Lucifer’s activities is slightly different from the typical interpretation in Latter-day Saint circles. He states that the devil drew away a “third part” of the hosts of heaven with him (see Revelation 12:4; D&C 29:36-38). The distinction between “one-third” and a “third part” may seem subtle, yet it is real. He fraction one-third implies 33 1/3 percent, whereas the phrase “third part” implies a numerically undetermined segment of the population who symbolize the fact that Satan’s power over the pre-mortal spirits was limited. Thus the numerology in the passage implies that we have no knowledge of the fraction or percentage  of the Father’s children who followed the adversary: All we know is that Satan had a limited influence over those in the presence of God. (Gaskill, p. 118-19)
Vs. 7 – This trump reminds us of the 7th Egyptian plague from Exodus 9:24. This destruction is greater that that in 6:8 where only ¼ of the earth faced destruction.
Vs. 8 – Reminds us of the first Egyptian plague in Ex. 7:21. Could this be a volcanic eruption with lava flowing into the water and looking like blood.
Vs. 10-11 – “Could this be atomic fallout which shall poison 1/3 of drinking water?” (DNTC 3:499).          Wormwood is a plant with bitter taste. It may represent bitter judgments upon the earth or the bitterness of hell.
Vs. 12 – A day of darkness is a symbol of a day of judgment. See Amos 5:18; Joel 2:2; Mark 13:24. The plague in Egypt is the 9th in Exodus 10:21.
Vs. 13 – The angel says there is more to come, in the form of 3 woes.. This verse is a transition verse between the 4 plagues brought by God upon nature the demonic woes from Satan which begin in chapter 9.