Saturday, October 18, 2014

Isaiah 9 (2 Nephi 19)

Vs. 1-2 - These two verses are hard to understand, but we get help from Matthew 4:13-16. It becomes clear that Jesus comes and provides light in a land that had experienced much darkness. Jesus not only provides the light, he is indeed the Light.

The end of verse two may refer to the light given to those in Spirit Prison.

Vs. 3 - Multiplying the nation has apparent reference to Covenant of Abraham and his innumerable posterity.

Isaiah compares the joy of the harvest to the joy of the mission of the Savior. The "not" is not in the Book of Mormon or the RSV.

              In verses 4, 5, & 6 are reasons for rejoicing from vs. 3.

Vs. 4-5 - These verses refer principally to the millennial reign of the Savior and his ending the war and strife.

Vs. 6 - Scholars, who say you can't see the future say Hezekiah is the fulfillment of this verse. He is certainly a humble type

The Hebrew requires that Wonderful Counselor be read together. Christ is the everlasting father in at least four ways; 1) World Creator-(Mosiah 3:8; 2) Father of Resurrection- (Mosiah 15:8; 3) Father of our Spiritual Re-birth (Mosiah 5:7); and 4) Representative of Father (3 Nephi 11:36).

Vs. 7 - Christ ruling over the throne of David is prophesied in 2 Samuel 7:12-13.

The rest of this chapter is a warning against the Northern Tribes of Israel. It should also serve as a warning to modern day Israel as it foretells the destructions accompanying the 2nd coming of the Savior.

19:8-10:4 is subdivided into 4 sections. Each section proclaims and evil, has a warning and ends with the poetic refrain, “His arm is stretched out still.”

8-12 deals with pride   13-17 with evil leaders   18-21 talks about a lack of concern for others

20:1-4 is about social injustice

Vs. 9 - declares their pride. Ephraim is the leader of the north  and Samaria is the capital city.

Vs. 10 - They mock the prophecies of destruction, saying they will just rebuild with better stuff

Vs. 11 - Rezin is the king of Syria, a former ally of Israel. The message is that all will turn against Israel.

Vs. 12 - Israel suffered greatly from the Syrians on the East and the Philistines on the West. (See 1 Kings 20; 22; 2 Kings 6-8.

Vs. 14 - head=government leaders; tail=false prophets; branch=leaders; rush or reed=followers (see verse 15)         

Vs. 15 - The word "honorable is not in the Book of Mormon account.

Vs. 16- Is this true today?

Vs. 17 - The Lord would have to be sad when even the poor people are wicked and not deserving of his help. But, his arm is stretched out still. I don’t think this is referring to his arm of destruction, but his arm of salvation.

Vs. 18 - the wicked are here compared to worthless weeds

Vs. 19-20 - when a man doesn’t even spare his brother, we can know that things have bottomed out. The reference to cannibalism was fulfilled anciently in Jeremiah 19:9 and possible again before the 2nd coming.

Vs. 21- Manasseh and Ephraim represent the northern tribes. It appears that they will not only unite against Judah, but will be warring against themselves.