Thursday, April 14, 2016

Lesson 17: The Power of the Word

1. Book of Mormon prophets went to great efforts to produce and preserve scripture that would bless us in our day. As we study and abide by the words of prophets, we can receive power to overcome Satan, navigate their way through mortality, and eventually obtain eternal life.
2. Richard G. Scott, “The Power of Scripture,” Ensign , Nov. 2011.
3. D. Todd Christofferson, “The Blessing of Scripture,” Ensign , May 2010.
4. “We owe [a great] debt to those who faithfully recorded and preserved the word through the ages, often with painstaking labor and sacrifice—Moses, Isaiah, Abraham, John, Paul, Nephi, Mormon, Joseph Smith, and many others. What did they know about the importance of scriptures that we also need to know?” (DTChristofferson).
5. 1 Nephi 3:19–20 and 5:21–22 - Scriptures preserve God’s words and commandments as communicated through His prophets.
8. “The scriptures enlarge our memory by helping us always to remember the Lord and our relationship to Him and the Father. They remind us of what we knew in our premortal life. And they expand our memory in another sense by teaching us about epochs, people, and events that we did not experience personally. …“The scriptures also enlarge our memory by helping us not forget what we and earlier generations have learned. Those who either don’t have or ignore the recorded word of God eventually cease to believe in Him and forget the purpose of their existence” (DTChristofferson).
9. 1 Nephi 8:21–24, 29–30. What is the Iron Rod?
10.  1 Nephi 15:23–24 If we hold fast to the word of God, we will never spiritually perish and the adversary will not be able to overpower us.
11. “Let me suggest that holding fast to the iron rod entails, in large measure, the prayerful, consistent, and earnest use of the holy scriptures as a sure source of revealed truth and as a reliable guide for the journey along the strait and narrow path to the tree of life—even to the Lord Jesus Christ” (DABednar, Ensign, Oct. 2011)
15.  Alma 37:43–46 - parallels  Alma drew between the Liahona and the words of Christ.
16. “A constant flow of living water is far superior to sporadic sipping. “Are you and I daily reading, studying, and searching the scriptures in a way that enables us to hold fast to the rod of iron … ? Are you and I pressing forward toward the fountain of living waters—relying upon the word of God? These are important questions for each of us to ponder prayerfully” (DABednar [Church Educational System fireside for young adults, Feb. 4, 2007], 7,
There Must Be 50 Ways to Read the Scriptures (Here is a start)
1. Notice the punctuation.    There are 65 Exclamation Points- See Elder Gifford Nielson's Oct. 2013. The Bible has 773,692 words. 3,566,480 letters. 1189 chapters The longest sentence in the Bible (KJV) is in (Eph 1:3-14). Jesus asked 107 questions in the Bible. Longest Book Psalms.  Shortest 3 John.  Shortest verse: John 11:35: "Jesus wept"  Longest verse: Esther 8:9. Shortest Chapter 117.  Longest Psalms 119
2. Read the Book of Mormon is one sitting (17 Hours) or the Bible in one Week (84 hours-if you read a page in 5 minutes) Reading the Bible in a month would be pretty impressive. About 3 hours a day!
3. Read looking for miracles.  Jesus performed 30 in the Gospels.   There are 10 places where people were raised from the dead in the Bible:  1) Elijah raised the widow's son (1 Kin 17:17-24).   2) Elisha raised the Shunammites son (2 Kin 4:18-37).   3) A dead man came to life when his body was set on the dead bones of Elisha (2 Kin 13:20-21).  4) Jesus raised a widow's son (Lk 7:11-15).  5)Jesus raised the daughter of Jarius (Lk 8:41-42,49-56).  6)Jesus raised Lazarus (John 11:1-46).  7) Jesus was resurrected (Mt 28)(Mk 16)(Lk 24)(Jn 20-21).  8)Many dead saints came out of their graves after Jesus' resurrection (Mt 27:51-53).  9)Peter raised Tabitha (Dorcas) (Acts 9:36-51).   10) Paul raised Eutychus (Acts 20:9-12).
4. Look for the names of the Savior-Circle them in a special color when you find them.  He is called by 100 different names in the Book of Mormon. He is not mentioned in 6 of 239 chapters. God is not mentioned in the Book of Esther. Jesus called himself the "Son of Man" 75 times in the Gospels.
5. Look for scriptures that refer to other scriptures. "It is written" occurs 62 times in the NT. Lev. 19:18 is quoted 9 times in the NT. (Love your neighbor as yourself)
6. Learn a little Hebrew while you read. Look up proper names on Google and find out what they mean in their original language. Beth is the 2nd letter in the Hebrew Alphabet. It also means "house" In this context it is used to describe 40 different places in the Bible. Example: Bethlehem=House of bread.
7. Read Mormon 8 and Moroni 1 and 10. As you read, ask yourself, What was Moroni's hope for our day?" What did he want us to do with the Book of Mormon? What would I say to Moroni if I had the chance?" (Preach My Gospel p. 14)
8. Use Preach My Gospel as a study guide. Look Up the Scriptures as you read the text. This would be a great way to prepare us for missions.
9. Memorize a theme, word or event from every chapter in the Book of Mormon. Then work on the D&C. The Pearl of Great Price would be easy. Now go back because you probably forgot the Book of Mormon before you go on to the New Testament. If you can do the Old Testament don't tell anyone. It would be regarded as prideful. Once you have something memorized you can review large volumes of scripture while driving in the car or trying to go to sleep. I lay in bed  and say 1 Nephi 1 call, 2 leave, 3 return 4 Laban 5 Contents 6 Intent 7 Ishmael 8 Dream 9 2 records 10 Jews 11 Believest? 12 Nephites 13 America 14 2 Churches 15 Inquired? 16 Liahona 17 Ship        18 Ocean 19 Like Unto Us 20 Refined 21 Save Children 22 Righteous Preserved...
10. Circle all of the "alls" (All is a very high percentage!)
11. Search all of the scriptures containing a key word. I searched the Book of Mormon for all those words about "signs".  Other words: wisdom, Urim and Thummim.
12. Study the life of a person. Use "Who's Who in the Book of Mormon, D&C or Bible"
13. Use the guide to conference talks as you read.
14. Read the scriptures in another language.
15. Read the scriptures reading out loud.
16. Read along with a recording of the scriptures.
17. We use to read the scriptures out loud as a family each from our own computer.
18. We would draw pictures in our scriptures when our children were small.  Chickens use stickers.
19. Listen to the scriptures as you drive in your car. I once listened to the whole Book of Mormon on a solo trip to California and back.
20. One time through the Book of Mormon I decided to pick my favorite verse in each chapter and underline it in Green. I call them Gary's Green Verses. Sometimes I will thumb through my scriptures just reading Gary's Green.
21. Ask people who you love what their favorite scripture is. Write their name next to their scripture in your scriptures or in your journal or on your computer or garage wall.
22. Look for patterns and scriptures that talk about other scripture. This is especially interesting when the Bible testifies of the Book of Mormon (Isaiah 29; Ezekiel 37; Revelation 14:6-7) and when the Book of Mormon confirms Bible truths (2 Nephi 3. The D&C is a great clarifier of difficult Bible passages (D&C 77; D&C 113)
23. Search the scriptures for doctrinal concepts. I have a friend who read the scriptures looking for evidence of the creation and all of creation as a witness of Jesus Christ. He is now studying baptism.
23. Make a list of little gems, proverbs if you will that you glean as you read the scriptures; ie Proverbs 3:5-6; Alma 37:35; Alma 41:10; Gen. 39:9...
24. Here's a novel idea-A chapter a day! If you start today you can read the BoM in 239 days!
25. Look for Conjunctive Adverbs in the Scriptures.  The purpose of a conjunctive adverb is to show a relationship between clauses such as comparing or contrasting, showing a sequence of events, or showing a cause and effect. They are used frequently, especially in the Book of Mormon. Writers used them to tell us the WHY. Here's a list of some we see in the scriptures. Accordingly, Also, Besides, Consequently, Wherefore, Hence, Henceforth, However, Indeed, Likewise, Meanwhile, Moreover, Nevertheless, Nonetheless, Otherwise, Rather, Still, Subsequently, Then, Thereafter.
26. When reading one of the Standard Works, look for footnotes to another of the Standard Works. When reading the Book of Mormon during an Old Testament Gospel Study year, look for OT cross references and take the time to look them up. The next year when reading the Book of Mormon change to New Testament.
27. Dedicate a pre-determined number of minutes each day at a certain time to reading. I like to read the scriptures while I am riding my stationary bicycle for 5 miles. It is not a great way to "study" the scriptures. It is a great way to be productive with my exercise time.
28. Acts 8:26-38- Read the Scriptures with a commentary. There are so many good ones. My favorite for the Book of Mormon is "Doctrinal Commentary on the Book of Mormon" in 4 volumes by McConkie, Millet and Top.
29. Read the scriptures looking for promises & patterns: Moroni 10:4; D&C 52:14; 41:14; 88:122; 1:37-38; Malachi 3:8-10 is a great beginning. Send me what you find.
30. Stop Reading the Scriptures- 1 Nephi 19:23; Jacob 4
31. Memorize 1)Articles of Faith 2)Books of Scripture 3)Top 10 Scriptures used in Conference, The Living Christ, The Proclamation to the World on the Family.
32. In 2013 I made my own commentary of the Book of Mormon as I read 1 chapter a day from July 14-December 11 and put what each chapter meant to me on that day.

33. Summary of Approved Adjustments for the 2013 Edition of the scriptures. 39th &40th sections of the D&C refer to “James Covill,” identified as a Baptist minister. His last name should be spelled “Covel” and that he was actually a Methodist minister.

34. Get your name on the Ward Weekly Bulletin!

35. Pray BEFORE reading the scriptures each day.

36. Look for contrast between good guys & bad. Nephi-Laman; Abindadi-Noah, Jacob-Sherem….
37. Assign people in your family to represent different points of view or to look for words or phrases.
38. At the end of your reading ask: "What happened? or Why? or what would I have done?
39. Invite a Gary to your personal or family scripture study. Like my friend Fred.
40. Submit your favorite idea to

"When I was a young man, my parents joined The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. We knew that the missionaries had been teaching them, but my parents had taken the missionary lessons alone.
After this surprising announcement, my brothers and I began to listen to the missionaries as well, and they each received the message of the Restoration with gladness. Although I was curious, my heart was not into changing my life. I did, however, accept the challenge to pray about whether the Book of Mormon was the word of God, but I did not receive an answer.
You might ask why Heavenly Father did not answer that prayer; I certainly wondered. I have learned since that the promise made by Moroni is accurate. God does answer our prayers about the truthfulness of the gospel, but He answers them when we have “a sincere heart” and “real intent.”1 He does not answer just to respond to our curiosity.

Why did the trials of these sons of Mosiah strengthen their faith and commitment rather than cause them to murmur or doubt? The key is that “they had waxed strong in the knowledge of the truth; for they were men of a sound understanding and they had searched the scriptures diligently, that they might know the word of God.”14 We will all face trials and have questions, but remember that we must be “continually holding fast to the rod of iron.”15 “The words of Christ will tell [us] all things what [we] should do.”16 We must make scripture study a daily part of our lives, as this will open doors of revelation." (Elder James B. Martino, CR, Oct. 2015)