Monday, April 27, 2015

New Testament Week 12

Thought: We declare in words of solemnity that His priesthood and His Church have restored upon the earth- built upon the foundation of apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone.

On April 27, 1915, Joseph F. Smith & the 1st Presidency urged members to create a “home evening,” where family members could gather together & learn gospel principles, read the scriptures, sing hymns, and learning about their duties to their families, the Church, society and the nation. As time went on, the Church asked stakes and wards to set their own home evenings so that they wouldn’t schedule church meetings that took place on family night. In October of 1970, the Church designated Mondays as the official night for Family Home Evening.


JST 4:26 For unto such hath God promised his Spirit. And they who worship him, must worship in spirit and in truth.

John 5

Vs. 1-Likely the 2nd Passover of the ministry of Jesus.

Vs. 2-Bethesda=House of Mercy. The pool was located by the "Sheep Gate" where animals to be sacrificed were brought into Jerusalem. Some say the sheep were washed in the pool.

Vs. 3- A superstitious tradition had an angel coming down & troubling the waters, probably the result of a siphon-karst spring flowing into the pool, causing bubbling at the surface. (Ogden)

Vs. 7-9-Long before the advent of Christ, the original purpose of the Sabbath had come to be largely ignored in Israel; and the spirit of its observance had been smothered under the weight of rabbinical injunction and the formalism of restraint. In the time of the Lord’s ministry, the technicalities prescribed as rules appended to the law were almost innumerable; and the burden thus forced upon the people had become well nigh unbearable. Among the many wholesome requirements of the Mosaic law, which the teachers and spiritual rulers of the Jews had made thus burdensome, that of Sabbath observance was especially prominent. The “hedge,” which by unwarranted assumption they professedly set about the law, was particularly thorny in the sections devoted to the Jewish Sabbath. Even trifling infractions of traditional rules were severely punished, and the capital penalty was held before the eyes of the people as a supreme threat for extreme desecration. (Jesus the Christ p. 204-5)

              "Few things illustrate more pointedly the direful apostasy of the Jewish nation than their perverted concepts about Sabbath observance. What had once been a holy and sacred law, identifying the Lord's own peculiar people, had been turned into a hollow mockery of the original divine intent. "The Scribes had elaborated from the command of Moses, a vast array of prohibitions & injunctions, covering social, individual, & public life, and carried it to the extreme of ridiculous caricature. Lengthened rules were prescribed as to the kinds of knots which might legally be tied on the Sabbath. A knot which could be untied with one hand might be undone. A pitcher at a spring might be tied to the body-sash, but not with a cord. To kindle or extinguish a fire on the Sabbath was a great desecration of the day, nor was even sickness allowed to violate Rabbinical rules. It was forbidden to give an emetic on the Sabbath -- to set a broken bone, or put back a dislocated joint, though some Rabbis, more liberal, held that whatever endangered life made the Sabbath law void, 'One who was buried under ruins on the Sabbath, might be dug for and taken out, if alive, but, if dead, he was to be left where he was, till the Sabbath was over." (DNTC 1:188)

Vs. 14- With the deformity, he had been unable to go in the temple. What could be a worse thing?

Vs. 19-20- "What did Jesus do? Why; I do the things I saw my Father do when worlds came rolling into existence. My Father worked out his kingdom with fear and trembling, and I must do the same; and when I get my kingdom, I shall present it to my Father, so that he may obtain kingdom upon kingdom, and it will exalt him in glory. He will then take a higher exaltation, and I will take his place, and thereby become exalted myself. So that Jesus treads in the tracks of his Father, and inherits what God did before; and God is thus glorified and exalted in the salvation and exaltation of all his children. It is plain beyond disputation, and you thus learn some of the first principles of the Gospel, about which so much hath been said. (TPJS p. 345-8)

Vs. 22 & 30- The Son, not the Father, is the Judge of the whole earth, but his judgment is made

in accordance with the will of the Father and therefore is just.

Vs. 25- 1 Peter 3:18-21; 4:6; Abr. 2:10-11; Is. 24:22; 61:1; 42:7; Moses 7:37-39; D&C 138

 Vs. 28-29- "With the exception of the statement in James (Jas. 1:5) which led to the  appearance of the Father and the Son to. the Prophet, thus ushering in the dispensation of the fulness of times, this one verse has probably done more to open the door to the mysteries of salvation than any other single verse of scripture. It is the verse that paid off a thousand fold for all the struggle that ever went in to the preparation of the Inspired Version of the Bible, for it was meditation upon this verse that caused the Prophet to receive the vision of the degrees of glory.   "While we were doing the work of translation, which the Lord had appointed unto us," the Prophet wrote with reference to himself and Sidney Rigdon, "we came to the twenty-ninth verse of the fifth chapter of John, which was given unto us as follows:

Speaking of the resurrection of the dead, concerning those who shall hear the voice of the Son of Man, and shall come forth-They who have done good in the resurrection of the just, and they who have done evil in the resurrection of the unjust -- Now this caused us to marvel, for it was given unto us of the Spirit. And while we meditated upon these things, the Lord touched the eyes of our understandings and they were opened, and the glory of the Lord shone round about. And we beheld ..." (D&C 76:15-20) Then follows what is generally accepted as the most glorious recorded vision ever received by mortal man. (DNTC 1:195)

Vs. 32-34-JST- Therefore if I bear witness of myself, yet my witness is true. 33 For I am not alone, there is another who beareth witness of me, and I know that the testimony which he giveth of me is true.

34 Ye sent unto John, and he bare witness also unto the truth.

John 6

Vs. 4- Beginning of Jesus' last year.  First year-18 verses; 2nd year 27 verses; 3rd year 72 verses in John.

Vs. 5-15- Jesus fed 5000. Vs. 15- Make him King to overthrow Rome as the long awaited Messiah.

 Vs. 22-71- The Bread of Life Sermon

              vs. 22-27- What were the Jews looking for? Jewish tradition stated that when the Messiah came again he would repeat the manna miracle.

              Vs. 28-35- As the Bread of Life, Jesus sustains and gives eternal life to those who rely on Him.

              Vs. 51-58- “To eat the flesh and drink the blood of Christ was and is to believe in and accept Him as the literal Son of God and Savior of the world, and to obey His commandments. By these means only may the Spirit of God become an abiding part of man’s individual being, even as the substance of the food he eats is assimilated with the tissues of his body. “… The figure used by Jesus—that of eating His flesh and drinking His blood as typical of unqualified and absolute acceptance of Himself as the Savior of men—is of superlative import; for thereby are affirmed the divinity of His Person, and the fact of His preexistent and eternal Godship. The sacrament of the Lord’s supper, established by the Savior on the night of His betrayal, perpetuates the symbolism of eating His flesh and drinking His blood, by the partaking of bread and wine in remembrance of Him. Acceptance of Jesus as the Christ implies obedience to the laws and ordinances of His gospel” (Jesus the Christ, 342–43). Transubstantiation?

              Vs. 66- People were able to accept Jesus as the Messiah, but unable to accept Him as the Son of God. Just the day before they wanted to make Him king?

"Do people today want to accept Jesus on their own terms? What limitations do we want to put on Jesus? “Nephi lamented the fact that so many people will not ‘understand great knowledge.’ (2 Nephi 32:7.) Complexity is scarcely the cause, for the gospel is so plain and simple. Rather, the failure to comprehend seems to be rooted in a resolute refusal to let go of the world long enough to ponder the precious truths in the message of the Master” (NAM-"Wherefore, Ye Must Press Forward p. 6–7, 22).

              Vs. 67-69- Does your testimony help you accept hard things? What are some of them?

John 7

Vs. 1- The end of Christ's mortal mission is drawing to a close. So does ours.

Vs. 2- The Feast of Tabernacles- or Ingathering & later Jews the Feast & reckoned by them to be the greatest and most joyful of all, was celebrated on the 15th to 21st days of the 7th month. To the 7 days was added an 8th, “the last day, that great day of the feast” (John 7:37), a day of holy convocation, which marked the ending not only of this particular feast, but of the whole festival season. The events celebrated were the sojourning of the children of Israel in the wilderness & the gathering-in of all the fruits of the year The sacrifices were more numerous than for any other feast, and impressive ceremonies were added in later times; (1) the drawing of water from Siloam and its libation on the altar (of this it was said that he who has not seen the joy of the drawing of water at the Feast of Tabernacles does not know what joy is); and (2) the illumination of the temple courts by four golden candelabra. (3) The making of a canopy of willows over the altar. The characteristic rite of the Feast of Tabernacles was the dwelling in booths made of the boughs of trees. It is practiced by the Jews of modern times. (BD)

Vs. 3, 5, 10-"Frequent reference is made to the sons of Mary & Joseph-the 1/2 brothers of Jesus. (Matt. 12:46; 13:55; John 2:12; Acts 1:14; 1 Cor. 9:5). Though reared in the same house & aware of the teachings, ministry, & miracles of Jesus, they had not so far accepted Him as the Messiah. They were apparently, all converted late (Acts 1:14). James, the Lord's brother (Gal. 1:19), was to become an apostle & another, Jude (Jude1) wrote the Epistle of Jude." (DNTC 1:437)

Vs.11–13, 25–27, 31–32, 40–43- Quite a variety of opinions of Jesus-Then and now.

Vs. 16- If Jesus doesn't have his OWN doctrine, should I? Hillel- More popular, concern for welfare of individual, accepted proselytes. Shammai-Limited contact with Romans, Strict interpretation of the Law of Moses.

Vs. 17- See Mosiah 26:3

Vs. 27 & 42- They only thought they knew where He was from.

Vs. 32 & 45-46- Wilford Woodruff on the Benbow farm.

Vs. 50-51- Nicodemus sticks up for Jesus. See Dt. 1:16-17; Ex. 23:1; Dt. 19:15

Vs. 53- See Helaman 10:1

John 8

Vs. 4- Was she committing adultery alone?

Vs. 5- They are trying to trap Jesus; making him choose between the current law and the Law of Moses.

Vs. 6- Writing on the ground was a Bedouin custom. They would describe things by writing in the sand with their fingers. (China purchases)

Vs. 7- BRM says these accusers were guilty of the same sin. (MM 3:142-143)

Vs. 11- Note the JST- See also Miracle of Forgiveness p. 165.

Vs. 20- Jesus will give His life of His terms.

Vs. 30-32- What does the truth make us free from?

Vs. 33- How about Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Greece, Rome?

Vs. 34- Do you know anyone who is a servant of sin?

Vs. 43- Note the JST.

Vs. 56-59- You can't catch Jesus before His time. (Luke 4:30; John 10:39) Time is a relative thing for Jesus. He was before Abraham, who lived 2000 years before Him.

John 9- Healing a blind man on the Sabbath

Vs.11- A man

Vs. 17-A prophet

Vs. 32-33- Of God- Note the JST

Vs. 34- He was excommunicated. See vs. 22- Excommunication "Cherem" was a ban of indefinite duration like one was dead. They were not allowed to study with others. No trade. Only allowed the necessities of life. Not allowed to eat or drink with such a person. (MM 3:204-205)

Vs. 38- The Son of God

Vs. 41- See D&C 82:3 and 2 Nephi 9:25- Because they had some Light they were under greater condemnation.

John 10- All about sheep and shepherds

Vs. 1-6- A parable about real and imitation shepherds. See Lasater, Ensign, May, 1988 p. 74, also, "Good Shepherd", Video Library.

Vs. 7-8- Note the JST- There are No alternate entrances!

Vs. 16- See 3 Nephi 15 & 16

Vs. 18- You cannot kill Jesus. He will give His life on His terms.

Vs. 19-20- Jesus causes division between those who accept Him as He is and those who want to decide who He is to them. Many want a Messiah of their own convenience.

Vs. 22- Hanukah celebrating the re-dedication of the Temple. 165 BC.

Vs. 24- It is similar when people ask us if we are Christians. Christ was NOT the Christ of their conception. Neither are we the Christians of the Christian World conception.

Vs. 30-39- My favorite doctrine put to the test.