Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Old Testament 301 Day 13

Thought: My dear brothers and sisters, if you ever come across anything that causes you to question your testimony of the gospel, I plead with you to look up. Look to the Source of all wisdom and truth. Nourish your faith and testimony with the word of God. There are those in the world who seek to undermine your faith by mixing lies with half-truths. This is why it is absolutely critical that you remain constantly worthy of the Spirit. The companionship of the Holy Ghost is not just a pleasant convenience—it is essential to your spiritual survival. If you will not treasure up the words of Christ and listen closely to the promptings of the Spirit, you will be deceived (see Joseph Smith—Matthew 1:37). We must do these things. (Elder Adrian Ochoa, CR- Oct. 2013)

Book of the Week: Latter Day Saint Commentary on the Old Testament by Ellis T. Rasmussen

1 Samuel 16

Vs. 1 - How long mourn ye for Saul?

Vs. 7, 12, 13Think of the purest, most all-consuming love you can imagine. Now multiply that love by an infinite amount—that is the measure of God’s love for you. God does not look on the outward appearance. I believe that He doesn’t care one bit if we live in a castle or a cottage, if we are handsome or homely, if we are famous or forgotten. Though we are incomplete, God loves us completely. Though we are imperfect, He loves us perfectly. Though we may feel lost and without compass, God’s love encompasses us completely. He loves us because He is filled with an infinite measure of holy, pure, and indescribable love. We are important to God not because of our résumé but because we are His children. He loves every one of us, even those who are flawed, rejected, awkward, sorrowful, or broken. God’s love is so great that He loves even the proud, the selfish, the arrogant, and the wicked. What this means is that, regardless of our current state, there is hope for us. No matter our distress, no matter our sorrow, no matter our mistakes, our infinitely compassionate Heavenly Father desires that we draw near to Him so that He can draw near to us. (Dieter F. Uchtdorf, CR, Oct. 2009)

Vs. 14-16- Grateful for the JST

Vs. 21-23 Just play the harp- Don't tell Saul what Samuel did!

17- Go ahead and ask how it really happened?

The LXX lists Goliath's height as 6 cubits and a span (about 9'6") "In Israel there was also a giant to face Goliath-the King himself. He is said to have been a head taller than all the men of Israel. It was Saul who should have gone against Goliath to deliver Israel, but by that time he had lost the Spirit and had no courage. So a young man named David went forth. And the rest is history." (Ogden p. 403)

Vs. 39- Going into battle with armor we have not tested.

18- Note the contrast between the father Saul and the son Jonathon.

Vs. 1-4 "Friendship is one of the grand fundamental principles of Mormonism; It is designed to revolutionize and civilize the world, and cause wars and contentions to cease and men to become friends and brothers." (TPJS p. 316)

Vs. 6-8-Saul became an enemy to David through pride. He was jealous because the crowds of Israelite women were singing that “Saul hath slain his thousands, and David his ten thousands.” (ETB-CR Apr. 1989.)

19-Vs. 5 - Wilt thou shed innocent blood? See 2 Samuel 11. Irony Vs 18-24- WW at the Benbow Farm

20 - You've got to Love Jonathon. David is going to be king at his expense!

21- Matthew 12:1-4; 2 Cor. 3:6.

22-27 chapter headings

28- The Local Witch- The Witch of Endor, … instead of being a prophetess of the Lord, was a woman who practiced necromancy; that is, communication or pretended communication with the spirits of the dead; but she was led by a familiar spirit. In other words, she was a spiritual medium, similar to those modern professors of the art, who claim to be under the control of some departed notable, and through him or her to be able to communicate with the dead. It should be observed that in the seance with the king of Israel, Saul did not see Samuel or anybody but the medium or witch. She declared that she saw an old man coming up and that he was covered with a mantle. It was she who told Saul what Samuel was purported to have said. Saul ‘perceived that it was Samuel’ through what the witch stated to him. The conversation that ensued between Samuel and Saul was conducted through the medium. All of this could have taken placed entirely without the presence of the prophet Samuel. The woman, under the influence of her familiar spirit, could have given to Saul the message supposed to have come from Samuel, in the same way that messages from the dead are pretended to be given to the living by spiritual mediums of the latter days, who, as in the case under consideration, perform their work at night or under cover of darkness. “It is beyond rational belief that such persons could at any period in ancient or modern times, invoke the spirits of departed servants or handmaidens of the Lord. They are not at the beck and call of witches, wizards, diviners, or necromancers. Pitiable indeed would be the condition of spirits in paradise if they were under any such control. They would not be at rest, nor be able to enjoy that liberty from the troubles and labors of earthly life which is essential to their happiness, but be in a condition of bondage, subject to the will and whims of persons who know not God and whose lives and aims are of the earth, earthy.” (ATGQ 4:107–8.)

30- David’s use of the ephod here almost certainly involved the use of the Urim and Thummim. The breastplate of the high priest, which held the Urim and Thummim, was attached to the ephod (Exodus 28:26–30). Thus, David asked the high priest to inquire of the Lord through the Urim and Thummim, and he got an immediate answer.

II Samuel

1- David's reaction to the death of King Saul and his son Jonathon.  The story the soldier gave to David was different from the account given in 1 Samuel 31.

Vs. 17-27- David waxes poetic. (It gets us ready for Psalms)

2. Ishbosheth- Son of Saul

   Abner- the head of Saul's armies. He supported the kingship of Ishbosheth.  He killed Joab's brother Asahel.

3. Isbosheth accused Abner of a relationship with one of Saul's wives. Abner was insulted and led his armies to join with David's army where he was Joab-head of David's army and brother of Asahel. David had to make it very clear that he had not been involved in Abner's death.

4. Chapter heading.

5. David anointed king over all of Israel. He reined forty years. Choosing  Jerusalem was much like choosing Washington DC as capital.  The city was taken by defeating the blind and the lame and by crawling up the "gutter" by Joab.

Vs. 7 -has the first use of the designation Zion in the OT.

Vs. 11-12 The friendly relationship with the men named "Hiram" of Sidon and Tyre.

Vs. 14- Note Nathan- see Luke 3:31 and Solomon see Matthew 1:6.

Vs. 17-25 - David listened to the Lord and defeated the Philistines.

6:1-11 -Don't steady the ark! Uzzah was therefore a type of all who with good intentions, humanly speaking, yet with unsanctified minds, interfere in the affairs of the kingdom of God, from the notion that they are in danger, and with the hope of saving them.’” (Keil and Delitzsch, Commentary, 2:2:333.)

Vs. 14-23- Michal vs. David - Who was in the wrong? Vs. 22- "Can we imagine any righteous, humble follower of Christ acting and speaking that way to his wife? Do we seem to be witnessing a change in David's character?" (Ogden p. 444)

7:16- Jesus the Christ p. 87- Chapter heading- The ark is about 300 years old. I Chron. 22:8 & 1 Kings 5:3.

8 - During David's reign the Kingdom of Israel extended for the first time to the length promised Abraham in Genesis 15:18. See map 4

Vs. 17- Zadok was a priest descended from Eleazar the son of Aaron. He aided King David during the revolt of his son Absalom, and was consequently instrumental in bringing King Solomon to the throne.

9- David's friendship with Jonathan lives on.

10 - Don't cut my servant's beards!

11-Vs. 1 - What time is it? Where was David?

Vs. 11- You have got to love Uriah. His name means "the Lord is my light." The saddest chapter.

12-  Attah ha ish! - Thou art the man!

Vs. 13 - Note the JST. Vs. 14 - There is no such thing as a private sin or life.

D&C 132:39 aDavid’s wives and concubines were bgiven unto him of me, by the hand of Nathan, my servant, and others of the prophets who had the ckeys of this power; and in none of these things did he dsin against me save in the case of eUriah and his wife; and, therefore he hath ffallen from his exaltation, and received his portion; and he shall not inherit them out of the world, for I ggave them unto another, saith the Lord.

“Of a truth,” said Elder Maxwell, “temptation is not a gate that can be opened by force of arms; it opens only inward, as moved by the arm within, for each man is the gatekeeper of his soul.” “Never make the same mistake once.” The wisdom of this intriguing principle alerts us to the danger of traps that are so effective that they don’t need a 2nd chance to ensnare their victims—think of a spider web. Satan would have you believe that there is little or no lasting harm in trying something just once. Yielding to Satan—even once—has trapped many curious victims in a lifelong battle against that vice. In 86 President Benson warned members of the danger of anything “R rated” or beyond. 37 The members thought he had drawn a line. I have heard many members of the Church say, “Oh, we can watch that movie. It’s only a PG-13. The prophet gave us permission.” They don’t say that last part, but that is what they are thinking, because they thought he posted a speed limit, so to speak. But what would a movie given an R rating in 86 be rated today? Has relaxed its standards? “ratings creep.” Hollywood has gradually allowed more vulgarity, profanity, nudity, violence, sex, etc., over the decades while maintaining the same ratings. Does the word creep remind you of “the serpent more subtle than any beast of the field 'Sept. 17, 2013 BYU Avoid It Lynn G. Robbins

Church History by the Decade - 1960's

Church Membership
BYU offered Doctorates
For the 1st time.
Manchester England
Stake-1st in Europe
Missionary Language
Training mission commenced.
Computers are used for
The 1st time to provide names for temple ordinances.
1st Council of the 70
Ordained High Priests
Gordon B. Hinckley
Is ordained an apostle.
1961-Sept. 30
Harold B. Lee, under Direction of 1st Pres.
announced that all Church programs to be correlated through the priesthood to strengthen the family & the individual.
Priesthood Correlation
Committee formed to correlate curriculum & activities for children, youth and adults.
1961-Dec. 3
1st Spanish Speaking
Stake in Church organized in Mexico City.
Gen. Conf. translated
Into different languages for first time.
Curriculum for children
Youth and adults is outlined
1963-March 7
Stake Presidencies also
became presidencies of stake high priests quorums.
Worldwide Broadcast
Of General Conference
Windows of Heaven film
Encouraged payment of tithing
1963-Jun. 22
Hugh B. Brown 1st.
 N. Eldon Tanner 2nd Counselor to President David O. McKay.
1963-Sep 15
Joseph Fielding Smith
Dedicated Liberty Jail Visitors' Center
1963-Sep 18
Henry D. Moyle died
1963-Sept. 27
John F. Kennedy spoke to 8k people in the Tab.
He is joined on the stand by David O. McKay. Kennedy followed McKay into the tabernacle and sat beside him on the stand.
1963-Oct. 4
Nathan Eldon Tanner
2nd Counselor to Pres. McKay.
1963-Oct. 4
Thomas S. Monson was sustained to 12 age 36 youngest man ordained apostle since Joseph Fielding Smith at age thirty-three in 1910. 1st World War II veteran to serve as apostle. 1st general authority with an MBA.
As of 1996 Other general authorities with MBA or other graduate degree in business are Robert D. Hales (appointed in 1975), Gene R. Cook (1975), John H. Groberg (1976), Ronald E. Poelman (1978), Henry B. Eyring (1985), Glen L. Pace (1985), Helio R. Camargo (1985), Monte J. Brough (1988), Albert Choules, Jr. (1988), Joseph C. Muren (1991), Stephen D. Nadauld (1991), Dallas N. Archibald (1992), John E. Fowler (1992), V. Dallas Merrill (1992), H. David Burton (1992), Richard C. Edgley (1992), Neil L. Andersen (1993), Dieter F. Uchtdorf (1994).
1963-Oct. 12
Polynesian Cultural
Center opens at Laie, Hawaii.
1963-Nov. 24
Tabernacle Choir performs on the
nationwide radio broadcast for the memorial service of President John F. Kennedy.
1964-Jan. 1
Home Teaching replaced ward teaching.
Priesthood executive committees and ward councils established.
1964-Apr. 22
Mormon Pavilion at
New York's World Fair- see Oct. 1989 ENSIGN by Brent Top
Family Home Evening
reemphasized.  First FHE manuals published in Jan. 65.
1964-Nov. 17
Oakland Temple
Dedicated by David O. McKay
Church members are
Assigned to fill out 3 generation sheets.
1965-Oct. 29
Additional Counselors
In 1st Presidency -Joseph Fielding Smith & Thorpe B. Isaacson.
Over 1 million copies of
Book of Mormon given to neighbors for Christmas
Home-study seminary
1966-May 1
1st stake in S. America
Organized in Sao Paulo, Brazil
1st Seminary for
Handicapped students organized.
1967-Sept. 29
Calling of Regional
Representatives to the Twelve first announced
Pearl of Great Price
Papyri given to the Church
1968-Apr. 6
Alvin R. Dyer called as
Counselor to McKay-Isaacson had a stroke
South Weber Ensigns
Win All Church Basketball Championship!
1968-Oct. 13
1st branch in Singapore
organized, with John McSweeny as president.
1968-Oct. 17-1970
Belle Smith Spafford
general president of Relief Society, is elected president of National Council of Women in its eightieth anniversary year.
Spencer W. Kimball's
Miracle of Forgiveness published.
Unified Social Services
Department established.
Southeast Asia Mission
Missionaries 1st entered
Language training mission