Monday, April 28, 2014

Old Testament 301 Day 15

Thought: We see today all of these evils, more commonly & generally, than they have ever been seen before, as we have so recently been reminded by what has occurred in New York City, Washington, and Pennsylvania. We live in a season when fierce men do terrible and despicable things. We live in a season of war. We live in a season of arrogance. We live in a season of wickedness, pornography, immorality. All of the sins of Sodom and Gomorrah haunt our society. Our young people have never faced a greater challenge. We have never seen more clearly the lecherous face of evil.... We have become as a great army. We are now a people of consequence. Our voice is heard when we speak up. We have demonstrated our strength in meeting adversity. Our strength is our faith in the Almighty. No cause under the heavens can stop the work of God. Adversity may raise its ugly head. The world may be troubled with wars and rumors of wars, but this cause will go forward. (GBH CR Oct. 2001)

Book of the Week: "Covenants Prophecies & Hymns of the Old Testament-The 30th Annual Sidney B. Sperry Symposium" 2001

David is mentioned 1139 times in the Bible, second only to Jesus.

Each of Israel's Kings reigned for 40 years.

2 Samuel 12:15 - It was fulfilled as David had 4 sons die. 2 Samuel 13:28-33; 18:14-15; 1 Kings 2:23-25.

Psalms-  “Music is part of the language of the Gods. It has been given to man so he can sing praises to the Lord. It is a means of expressing, with poetic words and in melodious tunes, the deep feelings of rejoicing and thanksgiving found in the hearts of those who have testimonies of the divine Sonship and who know of the wonders and glories wrought for them by the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Music is both in the voice and in the heart. Those whose voices can sing forth the praises found in their hearts are twice blest. “Unfortunately not all music is good and edifying. Lucifer uses much that goes by the name of music to lead people to that which does not edify and is not of God. Just as language can be used to bless or curse, so music is a means of singing praises to the Lord or of planting evil thoughts and desires in the minds of men. (D&C 25:12.) “In view of all that the Lord Jesus Christ has done for us, ought we not to sing praises to his holy name forever?” (McConkie, The Promised Messiah, p. 553.)

The Bible commands us "to sing" 37 times. See Zephaniah 3:17

Anciently the Hebrews divided the one hundred and fifty psalms into five separate books that included, in today’s Bible, Psalms 1 through 41, 42 through 72, 73 through 89, 90 through 106, and 107 through 150. At the end of each division, the break is marked with a doxology, or formal declaration of God’s power and glory (see Psalms 41:13; 72:19; 89:52; 106:48). Psalms 150 is itself a doxology, using the Hebrew Hallelujah, “praise ye the Lord,” at its beginning and end, as well as the word praise eleven other times. It is a fitting conclusion to the Tehillim, “songs of praise.”

Our English word psalms derives from the Greek psalmoi, meaning sacred songs sung to musical accompaniment, and is a translation of the Hebrew plural noun tehillim, usually rendered songs of praise. The book of Psalms, also called the Psalter, was ancient Israel's hymnbook. We have 150 psalms in the KJV of the Bible. Anciently it was divided into 5 sections. It is the longest book in the Old Testament (97 pages-Isaiah has 80) Of 283 direct citations form the OT in the New, 116 have been counted from Psalms.  (Other quote said 414 and Isaiah was quoted 419 times and Genesis 260-Jesus 25x)The Psalms contain praises, prayers, laments, blessings, vows and exultations. They include much thanksgiving, honoring the mortal king and the eternal King, and acknowledging wisdom, prophecy, and the judgments of God. Many were written by King David.

One of the prominent features of Hebrew poetry is the pattern or form, involving the repetition of words or thoughts in parallel or successive lines, with the two or more parts somehow balancing each other in order to give additional emphasis to the original thought. The various forms of parallelism are synonymous (same or similar), synthetic (completing or complimentary), and climactic (building to a climax).

1- Begins with a Beatitude and contrasts the righteous with the ungodly.

2 - Messianic Psalms; 2, 8, 16, 22, 31, 34, 41, 55, 69, 91, 107, 110, 118

3- Written as David flees from Absalom

8- (70)vs. 5, a better translation from the Hebrew, "Thou didst make him lack little of God." see footnote.

15- & 24 - Temple worthiness Psalms.

22- A detailed prophecy of Christ's suffering and death.

23- #1 rated Psalm.

46 - Count the 46th word from the beginning and the 46th word from the end.

90- Said to be written by Moses.

110:1 - Is quoted more than any other Psalm in the New Testament.

119 Acrostic Psalms - We can learn the aleph-bet by examining various Biblical passages which are written as acrostics (alphabetically ordered verses & each first word commencing with each Hebrew letter of the alphabet in turn, from 1 through to 22). Psalm 119 is a famous example, written with 8

verses for each of the Hebrew consonants in order, so verses 1-8 each have a first word beginning with 'aleph and verses 9-16 each have a first word beginning with beth,& so on. Other acrostic psalms 25, 34, 111, 112, 145.

117- The shortest chapter in the Bible.

118- The middle chapter in the Bible. Verse 8 may be the middle verse in the Bible.

119- The Longest chapter in the Bible.

113-118 - Hallel consists of six Psalms (113–118), which are said as a unit, on joyous occasions.  On those occasions, Hallel is usually chanted aloud as part of Shacharit (the morning prayer service) following the Shacharit's Shemoneh Esreh ("The Eighteen", the main prayer). It is also recited during the evening prayers the first night of Passover and after the Grace After Meals in the Passover Seder service. The first 2 psalms 113 and 114 are sung before the meal and the remaining 4 are sung after the meal.

136 - In Jewish liturgy is called "the Great Hallel" recited at the Passover meal after the "Lesser Hallel". It is punctuated by the refrain that emphasizes God's lovingkindness is everlasting. 26 times it says, "For His mercy endureth forever.

The Heart is mentioned 122 times in Psalms.

The 39 Psalms where no author is given are called "The Orphan" psalms.

Should we view David’s life as a triumph or as a tragedy? The answer is not a simple yes or no. Certainly David must be viewed as one of the greatest royal administrators. He never took to himself authority that was not his nor practiced unrighteous dominion. He never lost his perspective, as Saul did. His refusal to lift his hand against Saul because he was the Lord’s anointed is one of the finest examples of loyalty. Perhaps Jesus, in His office of Messiah, is constantly tied into David and his reign because David did 3 things for temporal Israel that typify what Christ will do for spiritual Israel. David united the 12 tribes into one nation under the ultimate leadership of God. For the first time in history, David succeeded in winning the whole extent of the promised land for the covenant people . And David established Jerusalem as the spiritual and political center of Israel. Nevertheless, no success can compensate for failure in our personal lives or in our families. Consider that David was destined for exaltation, destined to rule in heaven forever. As the Lord said, there is no greater gift that He could offer a man than eternal life David had it within his grasp, and then, in a foolish attempt to hide his sin, sent a man to his death. (OTSM p. 291)

Goodbye is a contraction of the phrase, "God be with you" - Goodbye until Sept. 10 and 11.

Church History by the Decade 1980's

Church Membership
1980-Mar. 2
Consolidated Meeting
Schedule announced
1980-Apr. 6
Spencer W. Kimball speaks in Conference from Fayette, NY.
Church installed
Extensive satellite system
GB Hinckley called as an
Additional counselor to SWKimball
1981-Apr. 3
3-Fold Mission of Church announced by
President Kimball; Perfect the saints, proclaim the gospel and redeem the dead.
New editions of
Book of Mormon, D&C & Pearl of Great Price published. D&C 178 & 138 moved to D&C from Pearl of Great Price.
Subtitle "Another
Testament of Jesus Christ" added to Book of Mormon
Church membership
Hits 5 million
1983- Jan. 16
Deseret News
Began to be published on Sundays
GB Hinckley dedicated
Atlanta Temple - the 1st of 92 he dedicated or re-dedicated.
1983-Jun 20
FORBES says in recent yrs. at least 10  swindles uncovered in Utah involving > 9,000 people
Losses > $200 million. "why?" Utah  "fertile soil for swindles" because of excessive trust among LDS members: "Most bilked are Mormons, bilkers, too, profess to be upstanding members of the church and use church connections
1984-Apr. 12
Russell M. Nelson was
Ordained a member of the 12 after the death of LeGrand Richards.
Area Presidencies began
With members called from the Seventies. Some 3-5 yr. terms.
Freiberg  Germany
Temple dedicated
1985-Nov. 5
Spencer W. Kimball
Died. age 90.
1985-Nov. 10
Ezra Taft Benson
Became  President of Church
Johannesburg  South
Africa temple dedicated-The first in Africa
Seventies quorums in
Stakes are discontinued.
Genealogical Department
Renamed-Family History Department
International Mission
Discontinued. Areas taken over by Area Presidencies.
1988-Jan. 16
Adam Swapp
Used 87 sticks of dynamite to bomb Stake Center in Kamas.
1988-May 18
Elder Howard W. Hunter signs agreement with State of Israel
that "the Church will not engage in any missionary activity within the borders of Israel, as long as such activity is not allowed by the government of Israel

Church completes
100 million endowments for dead
1988-Sept. 15
Mark Hoffman attempts
suicide by drug overdose. He is rushed to Uof U Hospital.
1988-May 3
David P. Wright, BYU Prof.  N. Eastern languages,
Is informed that his contract will not be renewed because of his "unorthodox views" on "biblical scholarship, scriptural prophecy, and the Book of Mormon."
1988-Jan. 30
7 Stakes created in
Lima Peru
1988-May 15
1st Stake organized in
Western Africa-Aba Nigeria-1st Stake all black priesthood ldrs.
1988-May 20
M. G. Romney died
Howard W. Hunter becomes President of the Quorum.
1988-Oct. 1
Ezra Taft Benson
urges members to flood the earth with the Book of Mormon.
1988-Oct. 2
Michaelene P Grassli,
Gen. Prim. Pres., 1st woman to speak in Gen. Conf. in 133 yrs.
1988-Oct. 24
Thomas S. Monson -1st Presidency met with official of German Democratic Republic
Asks permission to send missionaries to the DDR & call DDR citizens to serve missions to other countries. Government officials later grant his requests.

1989-Apr. 1
2nd Quorum of Seventy
Formed with those who will serve for limited time. President Benson gave pride talk.
1989-May 16
BYU Jerusalem Center
Dedicated by President Howard W. Hunter.
Church is closed in
Ghana for 1 1/2 years
Fall of Berlin Wall
Signals the eventual breakup of Soviet Union
Ward & branch budgets
In U.S. and Canada began to be funded from tithes.


Church History by the Decade 1990's

Church Membership
Missions opened in
Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, (Soviet Union supervised in Helsinki)
Ty Detmer BYU
Quarterback wins Heisman Trophy
Genealogical data
on compact disks is available at Family History Centers.
Tab. Choir performed in
Eastern Europe. Church recognized in Russian Republic
Relief Society sponsored
Gospel Literacy
Tabernacle Choir on
Tour in Israel
Triple Combination
With new study helps is published in Spanish
1993-Apr. 15
Mongolia dedicated
For preaching of Gospel by Elder Neal A. Maxwell
1993-June 7
Joseph Smith Memorial
Building dedicated.
1993-Sept. 13
The Council of Religious Affairs of the Council of Ministers in the
Soviet Union approves the registration of the Leningrad Branch of the Church. The approval marks formal Soviet Union recognition of the Church for the first time.
1993-Nov. 8
Temple-Ready a software program to
speed up the process of clearing names obtained from family history research for temple work.
1993-Nov. 15
Statue of Brigham Young moved from
S. Temple & Main - 82 ft. to the north
1994-Feb. 13
Announced that 87 yr.
Old Uintah Stake Tabernacle to be renovated to be temple.
1994-Feb. 25
Marvin J. Ashton died
1994-May 30
Ezra Taft Benson died
Age 94
2000th Stake is
Organized in Mexico City
1994-June 5
Howard W. Hunter
Became President of the Church
1994-Dec. 11
2000th Stake organized
In Mexico City
DVD's invented
1995-Jan. 8
Bountiful Temple
1995-Mar. 3
Howard W. Hunter died
Age 87 after serving for only 9 months as President of Church.
1995-Mar. 12
Gordon B. Hinckley
Became President of the Church
1995-Apr. 1
Position of regional representative -
Discontinued. Announcement of a new leadership position to be known as an Area Authority.
The Family: A
Proclamation to the World is 1st presented at Gen. RS Meeting
Liahona became
International church magazine
More than 1/2 of
Church members live outside the USA
President Hinckley is
Interviewed on 60 minutes by Mike Wallace
Pres. Hinckley dedicated
The Hong Kong temple & became 1st Church Pres. to visit mainland China.
1996-Apr. 6
New Conference Center
Announced by Pres. Hinckley
1996-May 29
Cambodia & Vietnam
Dedicated for  preaching of the gospel. President Hinckley visited China. (1st Pres. of Church)
England turned
Hong Kong over to China
Area Authorities to be
ordained 70's- 3rd, 4th, & 5th Quorums of 70 announced.
sesquicentennial is commemorated
1997-Oct. 4
Announcement to build
Smaller temples made by President Hinckley
Church membership
reached 10 million.
Ground was broken for
New Conference Center
1998-Feb. 17
Members from Somalia travel to Kenya to see Pres. Hinckley
The Church sent relief supplies to Somalia but no organized missionary effort in that country. During the years of civil unrest and drought, many Somalians had accepted the gospel while living as refugees in nearby Kenya.
1998-Mar. 26
Pres. Hinckley dedicated replica of log home
where Smith. family resided at time of First Vision and Moroni appeared.
1998-Apr. 4
Pres. Hinckley
Announced plan to build smaller temples.
1998-July 26
1st of smaller temples
Dedicated in Monticello, Utah
1998-Sept. 8
Pres. Hinckley appeared
On Larry King Live to discuss the LDS faith.
New curriculum
Announced for Melchizedek Priesthood & Relief Society.
1999-Feb. 10
Mitt Romney chosen
As new chief of the Olympic Committee for 2002 games in SLC.
1999-Apr. 4
Pres. Hinckley
announced rebuilding Of Nauvoo Temple .
Total # of temples in
Service or announced reached 100 w/ Palmyra Temple
Church made
Genealogical Internet site available to public