1. The attributes of faith, hope, and charity are
necessary for all who wish to dwell in the presence of our Father in Heaven.
These attributes are gifts from God that come to those who seek after them by
following the example of Jesus Christ.
2. Dieter F. Uchtdorf, “The Infinite
Power of Hope,” Ensign, Nov. 2008, 21–24.
3. Richard G. Scott, “The
Transforming Power of Faith and Character,” Ensign, Nov.
2010, 43–46.
4. Jean B. Bingham, "I Will Bring then Light of the
Gospel Into My Home, Ensign, Nov. 2016.
5. Dieter F. Uchtdorf, "4th Floor, Last Door,"
Ensign, Nov. 2016
6. Moroni 10:18–21- as Moroni was concluding his work on the golden
plates, he wrote some final words of exhortation to those who would one day
read the record. As part of his counsel he highlighted three attributes that
are essential to our salvation.
7. Ether 12:28- Developing
faith, hope, and charity brings us to Jesus Christ.
8. Alma 32:26–29, 37–41; What can we do to increase our
9. “However much faith to obey God we now have, we will
need to strengthen it continually and keep it refreshed constantly. We can do
that by deciding now to be more quick to obey and more determined to endure.
Learning to start early and to be steady are the keys to spiritual
preparation. …“… We build the faith to pass the tests of obedience
over time and through our daily choices. We can decide now to do quickly
whatever God asks of us. And we can decide to be steady in the small tests of
obedience which build the faith to carry us through the great tests, which will
surely come” (HBEyring Ensign, Nov.
2005, 38, 40).
10. Moroni 7:21, 25–28, 33. Ether 12:4, 8–9; Moroni 7:40–42- What attribute comes because of our faith?
11. “Hope is not knowledge, but
rather the abiding trust that the Lord will fulfill His promise to us. It is
confidence that if we live according to God’s laws and the words of His
prophets now, we will receive desired blessings in the future. It
is believing and expecting that our prayers will be answered. It is manifest in
confidence, optimism, enthusiasm, and patient perseverance. There may be times when we must make a courageous
decision to hope even when everything around us contradicts this hope. (DFUchtdorf, Ensign, Nov.
2008, 22).
12. Moroni 7:40–42
13. Moroni 7:43–48
14. “If we would truly seek to be more like our Savior
and Master, then learning to love as He loves should be our highest goal.
Mormon called charity ‘the greatest of all’ (Moro. 7:46)”
Ensign, Nov. 1986, 47).
15. If we
pray with energy of heart and follow Jesus Christ, we can be filled with
16. Ether 12:33–34- What is the relationship between charity and
the Atonement?
17. “The greater definition of ‘the pure love of Christ’
… is not what we as Christians try but largely fail to demonstrate toward
others but rather what Christ totally succeeded in demonstrating toward
us. True charity has been known only once. It is shown
perfectly and purely in Christ’s unfailing, ultimate, and atoning love for us.
… It is Christ’s love for us that ‘beareth all things, believeth all things,
hopeth all things, endureth all things.’ It is as demonstrated in Christ that
‘charity never faileth.’ It is that charity—his pure love for us—without which
we would be nothing, hopeless, of all men and women most miserable. Truly,
those found possessed of the blessings of his love at the last day—the
Atonement, the Resurrection,
eternal life, eternal promise—surely it shall be well with them” (JRHolland, Christ
and the New Covenant [1997], 336).