interlude of chapter 7 is over. We now resume with the opening of the seals
from chapter 6. Consider 2 Peter 3:9 – God is doing all that He can to save all
who will be saved.
Much of the
rest of the book of Revelation deals with events in the 7th thousand year
period. Most signs of the 2nd Coming are fulfilled in the 7th period. Chapters
8 & 9 treat events in the 7th period but before the 2nd Coming (see the ch.
headings and D&C 77:13) A series of woes actually ushers in the Millennium,
not the Lord's Coming. His coming in glory is intentionally delayed (JSM 1:51;
D&C 45:26) In addition, we might note that the Savior's millennial reign
could begin at Adam-ondi-Ahman, even before his glorious appearance to the
entire world. The 2nd Coming does not usher in the millennial era. The
Millennium begins at the time the Savior commences his reign on the earth. But
to begin his rule, he does not have to have appeared to the world. His reign
begins as he collects the keys he has given to the prophets through the ages
and directs affairs personally. Daniel gives a hint when this will be...the
great future gathering at Adam-ondi-Ahman. At that time Adam, the Ancient of
days, will appear, as will the Savior. An account will be given to the Lord and
he will then begin to personally orchestrate all events from that point
(D&C 116) (Ogden, p. 329, quoting from Draper p. 110)
88 gives great insight about Revelation 8, which we discover by noticing that
the sequence of events in both is similar." (Wilcox p. 4)
part of trees and all green grass are burnt up.
and fire mingled with blood … were cast upon the earth” (Revelation 8:7). “Speculatively, most of the
plagues and destructions here announced could be brought to pass by men
themselves as they use the weapons and armaments they have created” (The Millennial Messiah [1982],
part of the sea becomes blood; third part of living creatures of the sea die;
third part of ships are destroyed.
great mountain burning with fire was cast into the sea” (Revelation 8:8). “Perhaps the turning of the
waters of Egypt to blood was in similitude of this great latter-day plague. (Ex. 7:19–25.)” (DNTC, 3:499).
part of rivers and waters are made bitter; many men die.
fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp” (Revelation 8:10). “Could this result from
atomic fallout or pollutions from the factories of the world? Or will it be
brought to pass by some law of nature beyond our control?” (MM 383).
part of the sun, moon, and stars are smitten and darkened.
destroying agent mentioned. “Perhaps a merciful God withholds from us the
ways and the means whereby the very luminaries of heaven will cease to serve
their ordained purposes” (Bruce R. McConkie, Millennial Messiah, 383).
sun and air are darkened; those without the seal of God are tormented for
five months.
arose a smoke out of the pit. … And there came out of the smoke locusts upon
the earth” (Revelation 9:2–3). “Lucifer opens the doors
of hell, and every vile influence ascends from its evil depths as does smoke
from a great furnace. So dark is the smoke and so widespread is the evil that
the sun and the air are darkened” (Millennial
Messiah, 384).
part of men are killed.
angels who are prepared to slay one-third of men. “Four angels of the devil,
demons from the depths of hell, are given free reign to lead the armies of
men in destroying a third of the population of the earth” (Millennial Messiah, 386).
who destroy (corrupt, waste, pervert) the earth are destroyed.
Lord Himself. “Lo, the Great Millennium cometh! And Christ reigneth! ‘And the
Lord shall be king over all the earth: in that day shall there be one Lord,
and his name one.’ (Zech. 14:9.) In that day he shall make ‘a
full end of all nations’ (D. & C. 87:6), as he said: ‘I
will be your ruler when I come’ (D. & C. 41:4); and, ‘Ye shall
have no laws but my laws when I come, for I am your lawgiver.’ (D. & C. 38:22.)(DNTC,3:512).
Vs. 1- The 7th seal is the millennium
We do not
know what the silence in heaven is.
It may
represent a period of time when the judgments from heaven rest. A time between
the destruction of the 6th seal and the terrible things which lie ahead.
Read D&C
38:8, 11, 12 which seems to indicate that it may be a period of time when the
heavens are closed to revelation
The ½ hour
may represent about 21 years or
merely an undetermined period of time when Saints and angels prepare for 2nd
Draper (p.
91) says it represents a short interval during which angels and Saints prepare
in sorrow for the sentence of destruction to be executed upon the world.
silence is also mentioned in D&C 88:95. We have not been told yet what this
means. So far in the opening of the seals, we have been dealing with the
earth's time system. Some people speculate about this 1/2 of silence and
suggest that it might be about 21 years in the Lord's time system, and thus we
would be 21 years w/out revelation. This has no merit, especially in view of
Daniel 2:35, 44-45, in which we are assured that this restored Church shall
stand forever and thus we will have continuous revelation right up to the 2nd
Coming." (Ridges p. 433)
Vs. 2 - D&C 77:12- The trumpets are to prepare for the 2nd coming
of the Savior. At the sounding of each trumpet, destruction occurs on the
earth. It appears that the trumpets break the silence of verse 1. The 7 angels may be the same angels as in
D&C 88:94-110. Apocryphal sources name them: Uriel, Raguel, Saraquel,
Remiel, Michael, Gabriel, Raphael. (1 Enoch 20:1-8. The last are mentioned in
D&C 128:21)
Chs. 8-11 speak of 7 trumpets
signaling the pouring out of Judgments during the 7th seal.
Vs. 3 - The verse reminds us of Luke 1:10 where Zacharias is in the Holy
Place offering incense while the people are outside the temple praying
McConkie says it represents prayers going up on both sides of the veil.
The golden censer is a large
spoon holding coals from the altar. The priest filled the censer with live coal from the
sacred fire on the altar of burnt-offering, and having carried it into the sanctuary, there threw upon the burning coals the sweet incense (Lev. 16:12-13), which sent up a cloud of smoke, filling the apartment with fragrance.
Vs. 5 - The silence has been broken- Read D&C 88:87-92- “The hot coals, taken from the altar and cast down to
earth, symbolize the judgments of God to be rained down upon the wicked during
the opening part of the seventh seal (BRM, DNTC 3:499)
Vs. 6 - Anticipation
Vs. 7-12 – John see 1/3 part of
the trees and green grass burned up, 1/3 part of the sea turned to blood, 1/3
part of creatures and boats in the seas destroyed, 1/3 part of all water
becoming bitter and undrinkable and 1/3 part of the sun, moon and stars
darkened. Though catastrophic, the messages is that not everything is
John speaks of the war in heaven, his description of Lucifer’s activities is
slightly different from the typical interpretation in Latter-day Saint circles.
He states that the devil drew away a “third part” of the hosts of heaven with
him (see Revelation 12:4; D&C 29:36-38). The distinction between
“one-third” and a “third part” may seem subtle, yet it is real. He fraction
one-third implies 33 1/3 percent, whereas the phrase “third part” implies a
numerically undetermined segment of the population who symbolize the fact that
Satan’s power over the pre-mortal spirits was limited. Thus the numerology in
the passage implies that we have no knowledge of the fraction or percentage of
the Father’s children who followed the adversary: All we know is that Satan had
a limited influence over those in the presence of God. (Gaskill, p. 118-19)
Vs. 7 – This trump reminds us of
the 7th Egyptian plague from Exodus 9:24. This destruction is
greater than in 6:8 where only ¼ of the earth faced destruction.
Vs. 8 – Reminds us of the first
Egyptian plague in Ex. 7:21. Could this be a volcanic eruption with lava
flowing into the water and looking like blood.
Vs. 10-11 – “Could this be atomic
fallout which shall poison 1/3 of drinking water?” (DNTC 3:499).
Wormwood is a plant with bitter taste. It may represent bitter judgments
upon the earth or the bitterness of hell or the awfulness that comes to all who
follow the devil.
Vs. 12 – A day of darkness is a
symbol of a day of judgment. See Amos 5:18; Joel 2:2; Mark 13:24. The plague in
Egypt is the 9th in Exodus 10:21.
Vs. 13 – The angel says there is
more to come, in the form of 3 woes. This verse is a transition verse between
the 4 plagues brought by God upon nature the demonic woes from Satan which
begin in chapter 9. BRM discussed the meaning of the
three woes: “After showing John the woes that would befall mankind before the
Second Coming (6:9–17; 7; 8:1–13), the Lord by an angelic ministrant promised three more woes,
which were to attend and usher in the reign of the Great King. (8:13.) The first
of these was the unbelievably destructive series of wars leading up to the
final great holocaust. (Rev. 9:1–12.) The second was the final great war itself in which one-third of
the hosts of men should be slain. (9:12–21; 10; 11:1–14.) And now the third woe is to be the destruction of the remainder
of the wicked when the vineyard is burned by divine power and the earth changes
from its telestial to its terrestrial state” (DNTC 3:511)
Vs. 1 – See
D&C 77:13 for when these things will happen
The Lord Himself. “Lo, the Great
Millennium cometh! And Christ reigneth! ‘And the Lord shall be king over all
the earth: in that day shall there be one Lord, and his name one.’ (Zech. 14:9.) In that day he shall make ‘a
full end of all nations’ (D. & C. 87:6), as he said: ‘I
will be your ruler when I come’ (D. & C. 41:4); and, ‘Ye shall
have no laws but my laws when I come, for I am your lawgiver.’ (D. & C. 38:22.)”
“Another example is the image of
keys. Anciently, locks were hand-carved from wood or hand-forged from metal,
and they were large, bulky, and expensive. Locks were therefore used to protect
only very valuable treasure of stores. Because the common people rarely owned
anything valuable enough to lock up, keys usually were held only by the wealthy
and powerful-or entrusted by them to stewards. Keys were typically worn around
the neck on a chain, so if people saw a man on a street wearing a key, they
could rightly assume that he was a man of power and authority. In this manner,
keys came to be a symbol, not only of control over something, but of invested
power and authority. (Gerald N. Lund, Ensign, Dec. 1987, p. 50.)
Vs. 2 – The
smoke is a representation of temptations. This smoke is not the same smoke as
the smoke of the incense. This is “mist of darkness” smoke. In a house fire,
the smoke gets into everything. This smoke influences every aspect of society.
Mormon 8:31,36, 38 and D&C 93:39.
Vs. 3 – The
locusts are a symbol for wicked men and armies with power to torment man.
See Joel 1 & 2, especially 1:4-7;
2:11-12; 2:21, 25, 23, 28, 32. Also Ex. 10:4
Scorpions torment if you allow
yourself to get close to them.
Vs. 4 – The
destructive force is limited. It doesn't hurt those who are growing (green).
The seal is significant! Gordon B. Hinckley
emphasized that spiritual preparation should be our first priority when seeking
protection from the calamities of the last days: “Someone has said it was not
raining when Noah built the ark. But he built it, and the rains came. “The Lord
has said, ‘If ye are prepared ye shall not fear’ (D&C 38:30). “The primary preparation is
also set forth in the D&C, wherein it says, ‘Wherefore, stand
ye in holy places, and be not moved, until the day of the Lord come’ (D&C 87:8). … “We can so live that
we can call upon the Lord for His protection and guidance. This is a first
priority. We cannot expect His help if we are unwilling to keep His
commandments” (Ensign Nov. 2005, 62). Though the Lord promises protection to
the righteous in the last days, the Prophet Joseph Smith
clarified that some who are righteous may lose their lives in the trials and
calamities of the last days: “[I] explained concerning the coming of the Son of
Man; also that it is a false idea that the Saints will escape all the
judgments, whilst the wicked suffer; for all flesh is subject to suffer, and
‘the righteous shall hardly escape’ [see D&C 63:34]; still many of the Saints
will escape, for the just shall live by faith [see Habakkuk 2:4]; yet many of the righteous
shall fall a prey to disease, to pestilence, etc., by reason of the weakness of
the flesh, and yet be saved in the Kingdom of God” (Teachings
of Presidents of the Church: Joseph Smith [2007], 253).
Vs. 5 – Five
months is the life cycle of a grasshopper. It may also be a reference to the
5th angel. (Ridges) Here a symbol for a short and limited time. I Cor. 10:13.
These temptations and trials can awaken us and prompt us to "come to
ourselves." A scorpion torments, but doesn't kill
Vs. 6 –
Mormon 2:13-15
Vs. 7 – shapes
of the locusts “John seems to be describing soldiers that are trained and equipped to
fight on land, sea, or in the air, with their various types of uniforms and
protective gear, including helmets, body armor, and protective masks; their war
vehicles, including aircraft, helicopters, tanks, and dozens of other military
machines; and their weaponry and artillery of many types and kinds, each
designed to harm, maim, or kill humans. He may be describing that which belongs
to military units of our era, or he may be seeing that which belongs to our own
future.” (Parry, p. 118)
This is the
only place in revelation where the word for crown “stephanos” is used for Satan. Note that it is a fake crown. Satan
does have victories, but it is always temporary. The reference to as the faces
of men, I believe is referring to wicked, worldly men.
Vs. 8 – is
the hair referred to here a reminder of Samson? Lions are noted for their
strength. See Joel 1:6
Vs. 9 - John
strives to describe the sound of modern warfare.
Vs. 10 -
Note that the 5 months refers to temporary power. This war is going to end.
Vs. 11 – The
king is Lucifer. “John gives a Hebrew name followed with the Greek equivalent,
as was his custom (John 1:38-Rabbi-Master, 42-Cephas-stone; 4:25-Messias-Christ;
9:7-Siloam-sent; 11:16-Thomas-Didymus), perhaps so that his audience will
understand his words. The angel is named Abaddon, meaning “destruction or ruin;
he is also called Apollyon meaning destruction or destroyer. (Parry p. 120)
Moses 5:24 gives another name for Satan. It is 'Perdition" which mean
utter loss or destruction. See also 2 Thessalonians 2:3. (Ridges)
Vs. 12 – Woe
One is 9:1-11; Woe Two appears to be 9:13-21; 10 and 11:1-13; Woe Three is
unclear but possibly chapters 12 or 16 or the burning at the 2nd coming or
chapter 11:14 through the rest of the book. There is not unanimity as to which
events coincide with the 3 woes. I hope it doesn't matter very much.
Vs. 13 – “As
the sixth trumpet sounds, John hears a voice coming from the horns of the altar
in heaven. The horns are a symbol of God’s power that people obtain through
faithful worship, especially through sacrifice. These horns have special
significance in two ways. First, on the Day of Atonement the high priest
sprinkled them with the blood of the offering to bring reconciliation between
God and Israel .
Second, they serve as an asylum for malefactors (e.g. 1 Kings 2:28-35, where
Joab caught hold of the horns of the altar to avoid death at Solomon’s hands).
Therefore, one might expect the voice from the horns to offer reconciliation
and asylum to the world. However, this is not the case. Instead, it commands
the 6th angel to release the 4 angels who are bound at the great
river Euphrates . That the voice comes from the
horns of the altar suggests that in some way the second woe is connected with
or a result of the prayers of the Saints, for the voice that commands the
infliction comes from the very place, the altar, on which their prayers were
offered. (Draper p. 107)
Vs. 14 –
Note the JST making it clear that the angels are from hell.
Vs. 15 – The
Jerusalem Bible says, “These four angels had been put there ready for this hour
of this day of this month of this year. They are evil angels.
Vs. 16-18-
This army of evil is twice the size of the angels in 5:11 gathered around the
throne. The destruction is significant but limited as indicated by the fraction
1/3. Bruce R. McConkie stated, “The slain will
be a third of the inhabitants of the earth itself, however many billions of
people that may turn out to be” (Millennial Messiah,
Vs. 19-
Their power is in their mouth. Like Nehor, Sherem, Korihor and the media today.
The tail may be a reference to the scorpions and to military strength, as in
vs. 5.
Vs. 20 – The
attempt to entice the world to repent in not successful.
“Our culture
tends to determine what foods we like, how we dress, what constitutes polite
behavior, what sports we should follow, what our taste in music should be, the
importance of education, and our attitudes toward honesty. It also influences
men as to the importance of recreation or religion, influences women about the
priority of career or childbearing, and has a powerful effect on how we
approach procreation and moral issues. All too often, we are like puppets on a
string, as our culture determines what is ‘cool.’ …“Seduced by our
culture, we often hardly recognize our idolatry, as our strings are pulled by
that which is popular in the Babylonian world” (Don R. Stone “Zion in the Midst of Babylon,” Ensign, May 2006, 91–92).
Vs. 21 – “to
the list John adds sorcery. The Greek word he uses is pharmakeia, from which the word pharmacy is derived. Pharmakeia
indicates the use of drugs, elixirs, and contraceptive potions associated with
the occult. When freely accepted, these narcotics addict, desensitize, and
deceive the nations, resulting in blindness and the inability to change. The
use of drugs, simple and potent, is the same means by which the Mother of
Abominations is able to deceive the nations.
Among the
sins that the wicked in the last days will not repent of will be sorcery. President James E. Faust (1920–2007) of the First
Presidency counseled Latter-day Saints to avoid becoming involved in sorcery or
other satanic practices: “It is not good practice to become intrigued by Satan
and his mysteries. No good can come from getting close to evil. Like playing
with fire, it is too easy to get burned: ‘The knowledge of sin tempteth to its
commission’ [Joseph F. Smith, Gospel Doctrine,
5th ed. (1939), 373]. The only safe course is to keep well distanced from him
and any of his wicked activities or nefarious practices. The mischief of devil
worship, sorcery, witchcraft, voodooism, casting spells, black magic, and all
other forms of demonism should always be avoided” (James E. Faust, “The Forces That Will Save Us,” Ensign, Jan. 2007, 5).
See SWK’s
talk, “The False God’s We Worship”. He identifies these Gods we worship as
Materialism and Military Might. See also SMWilcox’s book, p. 130-131.
chapter is an interlude between chapters 9 and 11. We're looking for the 3rd
woe and we get an angel, possibly Michael, who shows him a little book
containing John’s future work upon the earth. We expect the 7th
trump, but must wait until chapter 11. The angel of this chapter stands in
contrast to the “fallen star” of chapter 9.
chapter is particularly touching when one realizes that by this time (95 BC)
John has long been the only Apostle remaining from the Church which Jesus
established in the Holy Land. He was told he would tarry (see John 21:21-23
& D&C 7:3) but, as far as we know nothing had yet transpired with
respect to that promise. He is now an old man, likely in his nineties, and a
prisoner on the Isle of Patmos. Imagine his feelings when he is told that he
would yet prophesy before the nations and carry out a great mission among the
people of the earth! We know that he was translated and has not yet died,
rather, has continued assisting with the work of the Lord here on earth. He
will continue to do so until the 2nd Coming, at which time he will be
resurrected." (Ridges, p. 438)
Vs. 1 – The
mighty angel may be Adam. See D&C 88:110-112 which shows the battle at the
end of the millennium, which is a different context than this verse.
Descends of his own accord
Fell to the earth
Possesses the book
Had to have help with the key
Brilliant light emanates from face
Thick black smoke
Governs cosmic phenomena (cloud, rainbow, sun
Drove the demonic horde
Prince of Light
Prince of Darkness
Revealer of Truth
Prince of Lies
Taken from Draper p. 113
The rainbow is a symbol of God's promise to Enoch that
Zion will again return to the earth. JST Gen. 9:21-23. (Brandt p. 215)
Vs. 2 – The
Greek designates the hand as the “right” hand
your foot upon something represents conquest. See Josh. 10:24. All earth is
subject to this angel.
Vs. 3 – The
seven thunders are “7 angels reciting what will happen in each of the 7 seals. (Possibly
dispensation leaders-Brandt) See also D&C 88:109 (vs. 95-112) to see about
angelic power.
Vs. 4 – This
is the only place in Revelation where John is forbidden to disclose what he
sees or hears. There are other places where prophets are commanded to not write
all that they see; Dan. 12:4; 2 Nephi 27:22; Ether 3:22-23, 27-28.
It appears from the added and clarifying
knowledge revealed to Joseph “Smith that the seven thunders which here utter
their voices are the seven angels reciting in some detail that which is to be
in each of the thousand year periods of the earth’s temporal continuance. In
the very nature of things, lest men become as God, knowing the end from the
beginning, John was forbidden to record these hidden things.
It also appears that John’s vision
prefigured what is to be when the events occur and that the promised
proclamations shall yet be made when the hour for Millennial peace actually
arrives. (DNTC 3:505) See also Isaiah 11:9 and Alma 12:9-11.
Vs. 5 – Some
translations say right hand. (NIV)
Vs. 6 – “time
no longer” may refer to the fact that there is no more time to repent, or there
will be no more delay, or to the start of the millennium. See D&C 88:110.
Vs. 7 –
According to D&C 88:112 Michael is the 7th angel. The message of
this verse is in the day when Michael sounds his trump we will know all that
has been revealed to prophets.
Vs. 9 – See
D&C 77:14 again. Two additional cross references for this verse are found
in Ezek. 2:7-3:3 and Jer. 15:15-18. Eating up the book was internalizing his
mission call. We are told to Feast upon the Words of Christ.
Vs. 10 – Could
this be a reference to the fact that our responsibilities are both sweet and
bitter? We live in a great and a dreadful day. Look at Jer. 18:18-20; 20:2-9
for a comparison between John and Jeremiah.
Vs. 11 - In
June Conference 1831, Joseph stated “that John the Revelator was then among the
10 tribes of Israel who had been led away by Shalmanaser, King of Assyria. To
prepare them for their return from their long dispersion.” (HC 1:176 quoted in DNTC
212-5 -
ACTS 21-28
The events of Paul’s ministry
recorded in Acts 21–28have
notable similarities with the conclusion of the Savior’s mortal ministry. Both
Paul and Jesus Christ traveled to Jerusalem; on the way, both foretold
hardships that would come upon them in Jerusalem; both faced a plot by certain
Jews in Jerusalem; both were arrested and handed over to Gentile authorities;
both were tried before the Jewish council and a Roman governor. This portrayal
of Paul is part of a theme in Acts emphasizing the continuity between Jesus
Christ and His Apostles who followed Him. In these chapters, Paul gave five
speeches defending himself before religious and civil authorities in Jerusalem
and Caesarea, culminating in his masterful defense before Agrippa (see Acts 22:1–21; 23:1–10;24:10–21; 25:8–11; 26:1–29). Paul used these opportunities not only to
defend himself against unjust charges, but also to bear testimony of the gospel
of Jesus Christ. These speeches represent fulfillments of the Lord’s prophecy
that Paul would testify before kings and rulers (see Acts 9:15). In addition, Paul’s journey to Rome helped
fulfill Jesus' commission to the Apostles to take the gospel “unto the
uttermost part of the earth” (Acts 1:8).
I. Paul's
journey from Miletus to Jerusalem; Coos, Rhodes, Patara, Tyre, (7 days-1st
warning about going to Jerusalem), Tyre, Ptolemais, Caesarea (Philip and Agabus-
2nd warning) vs. 13- From Paul's
determination to go to Jerusalem, we can learn that even if a certain course in
life brings adversity, it may still be the right path to pursue. We also learn
that we should put the Lord 1st regardless of the consequences. vs. 15
carriages, vs. 16- other translations are more clear; they brought us to the
house of Mnason-an early disciple.
II. Paul meets
with church leaders and reports on mission (21:20)
III. Paul’s
receives complaints from the Jews (21:21-40)
A. Accused
of leading Jews from the Law of Moses
B. Paul
returns to temple and tries to show that he respects the Law
C. Accused
falsely of taking a Gentile into the temple. " The outer court of the
Temple was called the Court of the Gentiles. It was from this court that Jesus
had cast out the moneychangers. Non-Jews were allowed only this far onto the
Temple Mount. Surrounding the Temple proper was a balustrade. (Hebrew, soreg),
an elevated stone railing about 4 1/2 ft. high with inscriptions posted in both
Greek and Latin warning Gentiles not to pass beyond. One of these inscriptions
was found in 1935... It read, 'No Gentile shall enter inward of the partition
and barrier surrounding the Temple, and whosoever is caught shall be
responsible to himself for his subsequent death." (Ogden p. 102)
D. Rescued
from Jews by Claudius Lysias, the chief captain of the garrison who mistook him
for an Egyptian Jew who had led an insurrection of the Jews against Rome. He
was forced into hiding and the captain thought he had come back. Wrong guy-It
was Paul. (Josephus)
E. Receives
permission to speak to Jews from Antonia Fortress - Hebrew Ha Metzad (same word as Masada) The Antonia Fortress was a
military barracks built by Herod
the Great in Jerusalem on the site of earlier Ptolemaic
and Hasmonean
strongholds, named after Herod's patron Mark Antony.
The fortress was built at the eastern end of the great wall of the city (the
second wall), on the northeastern side of the city, near the temple and Pool
of Bethesda.
IV. Paul
preaches to Jews
A. Recounts
story of his conversion
B. The Jews
listen until he says that he was sent to the Gentiles. (V. 21-22)
C. Saved
from scourging by his Roman citizenship
D. Before
Sanhedrin (23:1-10)- Doesn’t recognize High Priest Ananias & Divides Sanhedrin with reference to
resurrection (23:6-10)
E. Lord
appears to Paul, tells him to be of good cheer & promises him a trip to
Rome (11)
V. Vow to kill
Paul and Escape to Caesarea (23:12-33) - A Book of Mormon secret combination
conspiracy. Paul's nephew heard of the secret plot and ilnformed the Roman
VI. Paul before
Felix, Festus and Agrippa (23:34-26:32)
Tertullus, representing Ananias and the Sanhedrin, accuses Paul of 1)Sedition,
2)being a ringleader of the Nazarenes (a name of the followers of Jesus of
Nazareth) and 3) profaning the temple
B. Paul
defends himself & reminds them he had come to Jerusalem to deliver alms (24:10-23)
Vs. 16- “One day each of us will give an account to the Lord. This awareness
was evident in a serious conversation I had years ago with a dear friend facing
the end of his mortal life. I asked him if he was ready to die. I’ll never
forget his answer. With courage and conviction, he said, ‘My life is ready for
inspection.’“When the Prophet Joseph Smith faced death, he said, ‘I am going
like a lamb to the slaughter; but I am calm as a summer’s morning; I have a
conscience void of offense towards God, and towards all men’ [D&C
135:4]. “Now is the time to prepare for your own ultimate interview.
You might ask yourself: ‘Do I pay tithing with a willing heart? Do I obey the
Word of Wisdom? Is my language free from obscenities and swearing? Am I morally
righteous? Am I truly grateful for the Atonement that makes my resurrection a
reality and eternal life a possibility? Do I honor temple covenants that seal
loved ones to me forever?’” (RMNelson” Ensign, Nov. 2003)
C. Paul
in prison for two years at Caesarea while Felix hoped to extort money from him
& show the Jews a pleasure. (24-27)
Festus replaces Felix (24:27-25:6)
E. Paul
before Festus, appeals to Caesar. ((25:7-12)
F. Paul
before Agrippa (25:13-26:32) - "Agrippa's remark was not a flippant one;
he was seriously touched" (Maxwell "Taking Up the Cross," p.
255) The Revised Standard Version of the Bible says, "In a short time you
think to make me a Christian!" and Paul said, "Whether short or long,
I would to God that not only you but also all who hear me this day might become
such as I am-except these
chains." (Ogden p. 108-9) If we must give all that we have, then our
giving only almost everything is not enough. If we almost keep the
commandments, we almost receive the blessings." (BCHafen, "The
Atonement: All for All," Ensign, May, 04)
Paul gave 3 different accounts of
the Savior's appearance to him on the road to Damascus. These variations are
likely due to the different audiences and purposes of each account. Some
critics have found fault with the Prophet Joseph Smith because there are
variations in the several recorded accounts of his First Vision. However, as
with Paul, these variations do not discredit the essential truth that the
Prophet saw a vision of Heavenly Father and the Savior.
“I felt
much like Paul, when he made his defense before King Agrippa, and related the
account of the vision he had when he saw a light, and heard a voice; but still
there were but few who believed him; some said he was dishonest, others said he
was mad; and he was ridiculed and reviled. But all this did not destroy the
reality of his vision. He had seen a vision, he knew he had, and all the
persecution under heaven could not make it otherwise; and though they should
persecute him unto death, yet he knew, and would know to his latest breath,
that he had both seen a light and heard a voice speaking unto him, and all the
world could not make him think or believe otherwise.“So it was with me. I had
actually seen a light, and in the midst of that light I saw two
Personages, and they did in reality speak to me; and though I was hated and
persecuted for saying that I had seen a vision, yet it was true. … I knew it,
and I knew that God knew it, and I could not deny it” (Joseph Smith—History
VII. Paul sails
for Rome (27:1-28:31) about 2000 miles
A. Sails
from Caesarea to Malta, where they are ship wrecked (27:1-44) Vs. 9 "the
fast is Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement. After this date, between September
and October of each year, the waters were unsafe for travel until weather
moderated again early the next spring. Paul warned them against continuing the
journey." (Ogden p. 110) Vs. 14 -A Euroclydon is today called a
"levanter, a small-scale hurricane or cyclone.
B. Paul
preaches and heals on Malta for 3 months
C. Paul
imprisoned in Rome ((28:12-31)- As far as we know Paul was the 1st missionary
to preach the gospel in Rome.
Paul’s 1st imprisonment 61-63 AD - We
don’t know why he waited so long for trial, He was visited by many friends
Although the Apostle
Paul is a
prisoner, he is allowed in Rome to live by himself guarded only by a Roman
(Acts 28:16). He is able to receive visitors and continues to preach of the
Gospel (Acts 28:17-31). Paul also has the opportunity to speak with Jewish
religious leaders in Rome (Acts 28:17-29). In Rome the Apostle Paul is acquitted of the
charges against him and is set free. Wrote Colossians, Ephesians,
Philemon & Philippians (The Captivity Epistles)
63 A.D. Paul is acquitted of all charges against him and is set free. He sails from Rome to the island
of Crete in order to meet with Titus (Titus 1:5). Paul leaves Titus in Crete
(Titus 1:5) and sails to Nicopolis in Macedonia
(Titus 3:12). From Nicopolis Paul writes the New
Testament books of
1Timothy and Titus.
Paul may have gone to Spain (Romans 15:22-25, 28) and less
likely Britain and then visited Ephesus, Philippi, Colossae. 2 Timothy was
written during the 2nd Imprisonment which was from 67-68 In 68 AD he was beheaded. His Roman
citizenship saved him from being crucified. The Apostle Paul is put to death
by beheading, under Roman Emperor Nero, around May or June of 68 A.D. Paul's
death occurs just before Nero's suicide on June 9, 68 A.D. in Greece.
Nero is the first emperor of the Roman Empire to actively
persecute and kill Christians. Rome will carry out at least TEN
major efforts to
exterminate Christians and expunge Christianity from the empire. The
persecutions first start under Nero in 67 A.D. and continue until 313 A.D.,
when Emperor
Edict of Milan legalizes Christianity and ends Rome's persecutions.
At the time of his martyrdom the apostle Paul was about
sixty-six (66) years old.