BEAST OF REVELATION 13 - 1. The beast is a servant of Satan &receives power
from him. 2. Has power politically reaching all nations. 3. Speaks blasphemies,
fights & overcomes the Saints, & supports Babylon. 4. Wicked throughout
the world worship it. 5. Seems to have
existed in some form before the time of Christ, & will continue to exist as
a force in the world until the Lord returns in glory. Governments in any age that resist the spirit
of truth, that exercise power over men & women inappropriately, that set
themselves up as the source (rather than simply the protector) of people's
security-all these partake of the spirit of the beast.(Parry, p. 164) 1 NEPHI 13:1-9; TPJS p. 287-294
1 –-Note JST – Another
sign, in addition to the one mentioned in 12:1. This one is in the likeness
of things on the earth. This beast is a sign for the political kingdoms of the
Rise up out of the sea – In ancient
times the sea was often associated with evil, with chaos, with the enemies of
God. The 4 beasts Daniel saw also came up from the sea (Dan 7:3) Sea may
symbolize the nations of the world, as waters does in 17:15. Thus, the beast
rises to prominence from among the nations of the world. (D&C 61:14, 19-water
danger vs.)
heads – (The dragon of 12:3 JST 12:4 also had seven.)
Ten horns - Satan's
imperfect power
Ten crowns – The
dragon had seven. Seven is a perfect number, but ten is not. The dragon has
more power than the beast. These crowns are placed upon the horns, not the head
as described with the dragon, suggesting that its power rests upon brute force.
2 – The beast has power to rule like the beasts of
the world rule, by force and strength. See Daniel 7. These kingdoms rule with
power given by its ruler, Satan.
Vs. 3 – One of these kingdoms seems to be mortally
wounded, but recovers as the world marvels. What if the Nazis or the Soviet
Communism came back?
we think we have Satan beat and then he comes back after us again.
this a contrast to the mortal wound that the Savior suffered on the cross? They
both come back, but Christ will rule forever, the beast gets the lake of fire.
world does not see the beast as a beast. Modern day parallels? Sadam? Castro?
Athletes, Rock and Movie Stars?
Vs. 4 – The beast seems unbeatable. You do not have
to bow down and pray to something or somebody to worship it. We have an
anti-Christ like Korihor, Sherem, Nehor. See also 1 John 2:18, 22; 4:3; 2 John
Who is like unto the beast? Praise given
to the beast that should be reserved for God. Example of Cavalier LeBron James
when he spoke of meeting Michael Jordan. “It was like meeting Jesus.”
Vs. 5 – 42 months signifies temporary victory for Satan
Blasphemy is usually one of three things; 1) say you are God if you are not. 2)
Attempt to be worshipped as a god. 3) Doing things in god’s name without his
Vs. 6 – Satan's campaign of evil achieves considerable
Vs. 7 – Satan’s war machine; 1) Apostasy, 2) Apathy,
3) Sin
the repetition of the sequence every kindred, tongue, people and nation. (5:9): ““Satan is waging war against the members of the Church who have
testimonies and are trying to keep the commandments. And while many of our
members are remaining faithful and strong, some are wavering. Some are falling.
Some are fulfilling John’s prophecy that in the war with Satan, some Saints
would be overcome. (See Rev. 13:7.)
(ETBenson, Ensign, May 1986, 79).
Vs. 8 – See Daniel 12:1-3; D&C 128:6-7; Ps.
69:28; Rev. 3:5; 21:27; Alma 5:57-58. The book of life, or Lamb’s book of Life, is
the record kept in heaven which contains the names of the faithful and an
account of their righteous covenants and deeds. “We are not going to be saved in the kingdom of God just because
our names are on the records of the Church. It will require more than that. We
will have to have our names written in the Lamb’s Book of Life, and if they are
written in the Lamb’s Book of Life then it is an evidence we have kept the
commandments. Every soul who will not keep those commandments shall have his
name blotted out of that book” (Joseph Fielding Smith, CR, Oct. 1950)
Vs. 9 – Remember this phrase from Rev. 2 & 3?
How does it apply here?
Vs. 10 – We really don’t have to worry about the bad
people receiving their rewards. Other translations clarify this verse to
indicate that the trials and persecution the Saints face will require much
patience and faith if they hope to endure. “Patience is not passive resignation, nor
is it failing to act because of our fears. Patience means active waiting and
enduring. It means staying with something and doing all that we can—working,
hoping, and exercising faith; bearing hardship with fortitude, even when the
desires of our hearts are delayed. Patience is not simply enduring; it is
enduring well! …“Patience is a godly attribute that can heal souls, unlock
treasures of knowledge and understanding, and transform ordinary men and women
into saints and angels. Patience is truly a fruit of the Spirit. “Patience
means … delaying immediate gratification for future blessings. It means reining
in anger and holding back the unkind word. It means resisting evil, even when
it appears to be making others rich. “Patience means accepting that which
cannot be changed and facing it with courage, grace, and faith. It means being
‘willing to submit to all things which the Lord seeth fit to inflict upon [us],
even as a child doth submit to his father’ [Mosiah 3:19]. Ultimately, patience means
being ‘firm and steadfast, and immovable in keeping the commandments of the Lord’
[1 Nephi 2:10] every hour of every day,
even when it is hard to do so. In the words of John the Revelator, ‘Here is the
patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and …
faith [in] Jesus’ [DFUchtdorf, Ensign,May 2010,
Vs. 11 – The counterfeit godhead is now complete.
Dragon, Beast, 2nd Beast
- Comes from the
earth (not the sea) 2. Has the
appearance of a lamb. (Christ)
3. Is really like
the Dragon. (Satan) 4. Performs
miracles to deceive.
5. Causes a great
division between good and evil (Vs. 15)
6. Requires Allegiance (Vs. 15)
7. Has economic
power (vs. 17) 8. May represent
religious philosophy more than political.
His exact identity rather as a false prophet or a kingdom has not been
revealed, but is really fun to speculate about.
Vs. 11 – The first beast came out of the
sea. Satan follows the law of witnesses. The two horns appears to be nothing
more than in imitation of the Lamb. All bases covered. “Satan is the greatest imitator, the master deceiver, the arch
counterfeiter, and the greatest forger ever in the history of the world. He
comes into our lives as a thief in the night. His disguise is so perfect that
it is hard to recognize him or his methods” (JEFause, Ensign, May 2003, 51).
Vs. 12 – All that Jesus did was to go about
doing the work of the Father.
13-14 The king of the counterfeit scores again! Like unto the magicians of
Egypt and Simon the Sorcerer with Peter in Acts 8:9-24
Vs. 15 – See Dan. 3:4-18, 25- Shadrach,
Meshach and Abed-nego refuse to worship the golden image.
Vs. 16 – 1 Kings 19:14, 18 - See Gerald
Lund, "Things Which Must Shortly Come to Pass" - In the Roman Empire
there were vast numbers of slaves. Often a slave would run away from his
master, go to a large city such as Rome, and try to disappear into the
population. Since nothing about a human being marks him naturally as either a
slave or free man, such runaways could pass as free persons as long as no one
could personally identify them. To protect against that practice, slave owners
would often brand their slaves with marks to identify them, just as modern
stockmen permanently mark their animals for identification. To make this brand
impossible to hide under clothing, most slaves were marked either on the palm
of the right hand or on the forehead directly above the eyes. Therefore, it
would have been common in John's time to see a person walking down the street
with a mark on his right hand or on his forehead and to instantly identify him
as a slave.
65 Out of that practice grew a secondary custom. Worshipers of various gods in the Roman pantheon, to symbolize the fact that they were totally dedicated to their god—in other words, that they were slaves or servants of their god—would also mark themselves on the right hand or the forehead. In this case they would mark themselves with a symbol of their god. Thus, a person might be seen walking down the street with a thunderbolt on his forehead, which symbolized that he was totally devoted to—that is, a slave to—Jupiter. A person marked with a trident said symbolically, "I am a servant of Poseidon, the god of the sea," and so on. John's readers, familiar with that concept and its significance, would not have puzzled over what he meant. To say that a person had the mark of the beast suggested that he was a slave of, or totally subservient to, the beast. Note that John uses the same imagery in a positive sense, indicating that there are those who are sealed in their foreheads with the mark of God (see Rev. 7:3). This use clearly signifies that these are people who belong to God; they are God's servants. Thus, while it is true that only Latter-day Saints have the additional keys necessary to correctly interpret Revelation, a careful study of non-LDS sources can bring many valuable cultural, linguistic, and historical insights that can greatly enhance our understanding of John's vision.
Vs. 18 – Perhaps the verse most speculated on in all of Revelation is vs. 18. The number of the beast has caused many to predict who or what the beast is. The method of assigning to letters a numerical value is called gematria. By using various languages to assign numerical values, one can arrive at dozens of names. As Reuss put it, “This famous number has been made to yield almost all the historical names of the past 18 centuries. The Lord has not seen fit to reveal the identity of this beast as yet, and to speculate with our students would not only be unwise but would run counsel of the prophet Joseph Smith.
word gematria means literally “reckoning by numbers.” In most ancient
societies, letters and numbers were used interchangeably, and each letter of an
alphabet had a numerical value. Technically speaking, gematria is a mode of
interpretation in which the numerical values are substituted for each letter in
a word. By so doing, a word’s numerical value could be determined and compared
for potential relationships with other words possessing the numerical value. .
. When numbers are used in a calculated and symbolic manner, they support the
premise that God is the author of the scriptures.” (Gaskill, p. 111)
don't have exact interpretations of many of the things John saw in this
chapter. It is easy to get caught up in trying to figure out details and thus
miss the rather obvious and simple messages. For instance, we may not know who
or what the beast is or what his seven heads and ten horns are. However it is
obvious that evil is being represented in the vision as vicious and
destructive, something for us to avoid. The beast's seven heads might represent
Santa's attempted counterfeits of God's perfect work since the number seven
represents perfection in Bible symbolism. Or the seven heads could represent
attempts by Lucifer to confuse us. (For example, which one is really Satan or
his front organizations or what?) Or perhaps the seven heads could symbolize
Satan's ability to come at us from several different directions, using many
different types of temptations. The head wounded, that was then healed in verse
3, could remind us that just when we think we have overcome Satan's
temptations, he bounces back and tries for us again. The important thing is for
us to be reminded that Satan is a very capable enemy and we must do all that we
can to avoid getting the mark of the beast in our foreheads, i.e., to avoid becoming
followers of Satan." (Ridges p. 446-7)
14 is a 3 part vision. Verses 1-5 tells about the Lamb and the Saints in
Zion. Verses 6-13 tells of three angels sent to both warn and comfort.
Verses 14-20 tell of the harvest of the earth, first the righteous and
then the destruction of the wicked.
Vs. 1
- It seems interesting that God sends a lamb in answer to the Satanic beast of Ch.
13. We learn very quickly that the unbeatable influence of the two beasts of Ch.
13 can and will be defeated by the Lamb of God.
Sion is the (1) Mount Zion of the Old Testament. It is the location of
Solomon’s and Herod’s temples in Jerusalem and will be the location of the
temple which will be built there for the Millennium. (2) Mt. Zion also refers to the New Jerusalem
of Jackson County. (D&C 84:2; 133:18, 56) (3) Mt. Zion can also refer to
the temple proper (D&C 84:32). Also the (4) Heavenly Jerusalem, that
portion of the New Jerusalem that will descend from on high. (Heb. 12:22; Rev.
21:10) We know that Christ will appear in His temple, at Jackson County and in
Jerusalem. This account may represent all of them. More likely, according to
D&C 133:18 this is referring to His appearance at Independence, MO.
144,000 are a representation of Priesthood authority in its fullness. They are
those who were sealed in Chapter 7:1-8 and having the Father’s name on their
foreheads is symbolic of their total commitment to Him. (D&C 77:11; Alma
5:19) We are marked by the name of him to whom we give our true loyalty.
Vs. 2 - Read D&C 133:18-25. The voice
could be the voice of the Savior as in D&C 110:3 & Ex. 19:16-19 or it
may the voice of the choir singing the hymn of verse 3. Harps seem to be the
musical instrument of choice by those in God’s heaven.
Vs. 3 - The song of this verse is
possibly D&C 84:98-102. Requirements to sing in this choir pertain more to
the quality of your soul than your voice. The four beasts and the (24) elders
appear to be the same ones as we saw in 4:2, 4,6,10.
Vs. 4 - The reference to “virgins” in
this verse is a referral to the Church, the Lord’s bride, members who have kept
themselves from the world. The Greek “parenthos” describes a spiritual quality.
Israeli soldiers were required to maintain ritual purity, including sexual
abstinence before going to battle. (See 1 Sam. 21:5; 2 Sam. 11:11).
the law of Moses, the firstfruits of the harvest were offered to God in
sacrifice (Ex. 34:22,26). Jesus is the firstfruits of God, being the first to
resurrect. These 144,000 are likewise the “firstfruits” of the plan of salvation
on the earth. Refers to quality of fruit - not timing of resurrection.
Vs. 5
- The 144,000 are without fault, meaning blameless, without sin, because of the
Lamb, not because they have never sinned.
Vs. 6 - The angel of this verse is
Moroni, (D&C 27:5) but probably not only Moroni. (See D&C 128:20-21;
133:36-40) The “everlasting gospel” is mentioned 26 times in the D&C. It
was not restored only by Moroni. It is proclaimed by all of us as we go to
teach. See D&C 90:9-11 and DS 1:174.
Vs. 7 - John tells us to “fear God” not
the beast.” The judgment referred to in this verse is not the “final judgment”
but rather a time of punishing the wicked. See also D&C 1:1-17 (esp. 14-17)
Vs. 8 - This second angel will bring the
word that Babylon (Satan's kingdoms of worldliness, counterfeits of Zion) have
fallen because of their fornication (being untrue to the Bridegroom). To “drink
of the wine” of this sin implies internalizing Babylon’s evil ways. Note that
before or as Babylon falls she causes others to suffer the consequences of her
Verse 9 - Notice the contrast between the
people in verses 9 & 1. Can a person worship Satan and not know who he is?
Verse 10 - The punishments of this verse
stand in contrast to those in 13:15 for those who would not worship the beast.
In 13:15 the punishment for not worshiping the image of the beast was being
killed. Here, the punishment for worshiping him comes in the form of drinking
of the wrath of God. “Speaking symbolically, God has a cup of mercy &
blessing & a cup of anger & vengeance. The Lord cannot give the cup of
mercy (atonement) to those who worship the beast. Other scriptures teach that
God’s wrath is poured out only when all other efforts fail to persuade men to
repent (D&C 43:25–26; 88:88–90).
Verse 11 - The smoke of this verse stands in
contrast to the smoke of incense which were a symbol of the prayers of the
righteous. Applies eternally only to the Sons of Perdition (D&C 76:28-38,
especially vs. 33). Others pay for their sins and inherit the Telestial Glory. (D&C 19:17) No rest day nor night- See Is. 34:10; 57:20-21 & Mark 9:43-49
Verse 12 - Patience will be rewarded. 13:10.
Death is sweet for those who die in the Lord.
Remember Alma 30:60.
Verse 13 - One of the 7 “beatitudes” listed in
the Book of Revelation (1:3; 16:15; 19:9; 20:6; 22:7; 22:14). The rest here
promised is described by Alma as a “rest from troubles and from all care, and
sorrow” (Alma 40:12). Having our “good works” follow us means two things, 1) we
will be rewarded there for our works here and 2) We will be able to continue in
our good works there.
"John then witnesses the fulfillment of that great prophetic parable, the
wheat and the tares, (Matt. 13:24-30 & D&C 86)
Verse 14 - Christ comes on a white cloud
symbolizing his purity and glory with a “stephanos”
wreath or crown of the victor on his head and the harvest sickle of gathering.
Verse 15 - This verse depicts the gathering
of the righteous. (D&C 4; 86:4-7)
Verse 16 - Christ reaps personally
Verse 17 - We help with the harvest. With
our testimony we give people the opportunity to be saved or give them the
opportunity to reject our witness.
18-20 = the
gathering of the wicked
Verse 18 - The altar in the Book of
Revelation seems to be involved with judgment of the wicked. The fire may be an
indication that the final destruction will be by fire. The ripeness of this
verse is ripened in iniquity.
Verse 19 - See D&C 19:11-19
Verse 20 - An image of the suffering of the
wicked compared with the suffering of the Savior, outside Jerusalem. Reminding
us of the great destruction before Christ comes again which will also be
outside the walls of the city Jerusalem. Here depicted is a great loss of blood
of the wicked up to the bridles of horses and coming out of the winepress.
(Armageddon) 1600 furlongs is about 184 miles which is about the length of
Palestine. Furlong = 607 ft.
is sometimes good to see the good that will come after the bad, before the bad
is a happy chapter describing what will happen to the righteous-gathered in the
first harvest will experience, whereas Rev. 16 describes what the
wicked-gathered in the 2nd harvest
Here John sees the Celestial Kingdom and the angels sent from there with
the plagues of destruction before the Millennium. Some of the people in the
Celestial Kingdom may have been killed by the beast and now are seen triumphant
over him.
Verse 1 - “Is filled up”
is a translation of the Greek word “teleo” which means concluded, filled up or
perfected, wrath of God. He has taken all that he is going to take.
Verse 2 - A vision of the
Celestial Kingdom filled with people who had earned the right to be there. Some
of them had died in mortality, victims of the Beast. Fire is an indication of
God’s presence. Fire also is used to consume the wicked. The sea of glass
represents the celestialized earth, where the righteous will reside in the
presence of God. (Rev. 4:6; D&C 77:1; 130:6-9) Harps again = heavenly
Verse 3 - The “song of
Moses” is probably the song Israel sang when the Lord delivered them from
Egypt. (Ex. 15:1-9). The song of the Lamb’s words is in the verse and is
referred to in D&C 133:56. The words continue in verse 4. - Hymn # 267.-"How
Wondrous and Great"
2-4 show a major theme in the Book of Revelation: There will be an eventual
triumph on this earth of God over the devil; a permanent victory of good over
evil, of the Saints over their persecutors, of the kingdom of God over the
kingdoms of men and of Satan. (BD-Revelation of John)
Verse 5 - The temple of the
tabernacle of the testimony in Moses’ day was so called because it contained
the stone tablets. See 11:19. Testimony can also be rendered covenant or
witness. The judgments on the wicked are sent from the temple.
Verse 6 - The 7 angels are
dressed in such a way that we can know that they have high priesthood office.
(White linen and golden girdles). The number 7 is an indication that the judgments
are complete. The fact that they received their charge in the temple reminds us
that the judgments are from God.
Verse 7 - The 4 beasts
were introduced in 4:6-9 at the throne of God. In 5:8 they worship God. In
6:1-7 the beasts are those who are invited John to see the events in the book.
The beasts are “zoon”. (Actual beasts that exist in heaven) This beast gives
the angels the bowls or vials of the judgments of God which will be poured out
in the next chapter.
Verse 8 - The smoke or
cloud represents the presence of God. No man was able to enter into the temple
to plead for mercy until after the 7 plagues are carried out. Ex. 40:34-35, Ex.
19:18, Is. 6:4. "No millennial conditions until after the 7 plagues are
carried out." (Ridges)
The message
of this chapter is that there will be great destruction before the Millennium
begins. D&C 97:22-25; D&C 112:24-26; 1 Nephi 22:16-25 and D&C
45:65-71. Look for damage to the ecology.
commentators believe the judgments in this chapter are a repetition of the
plagues seen in Revelation 8, 9, and 11. That is one possible reading; there
are remarkable parallels between the two sections. But it seems more likely
that Revelation 16 represents a later and more severe occurrence of plagues. In
Revelation 8, for instance, a third of the sea become blood and a third of the
creatures in the sea die (8:8-9). But in 16, all the sea become blood and all
creatures therein die (16:3). A comparison of the plagues in both sections
shows a similar progression-as God continues to plead with and to punish the
earth through his judgments, those judgments become more severe.” (Parry, p.
The 4
elements of the ancient world can be traced in this chapter. These were the 4
basic elements of life. People once believed that all things were composed of
earth (vs. 2), water (vs. 3, 4), fire [the sun} (vs. 8), and air (vs. 17).
Verse 1 - Look out!
Here come the 7 angels with stuff in their bowls mentioned in 15:1.
Verse 2 - Similar
to the 6th plague (boils) of Ex. 9: 8-12. Could it be a nuclear war? See
D&C 29:19 (skin falls from the body) and Zech. 14:12. It will be
interesting to see how God protects those who do not have the mark of the
Verse 3 - A
person’s blood gives life to the body as water gives life to the world. A dead
man’s blood is corrupted and no longer sustains life. Similar to 1st plague of
Ex. 7:19-21 (water to blood). See also D&C 61:4-5; 14-16. (Danger in water)
“In verse
three, the lord incorporates an important symbol in constructing his message.
In chapter 13, the first monster arose from the sea. There the term sea
denoted a large segment of society out of whose upheavals the beast came. In
17:15 an angel states that the waters “are peoples, and multitudes, and nations,
and tongues”. Here, in verse 3, the sea may have a double connotation: the real
sea, and a spiritually dead society that has abandoned itself to idolatry and
immorality. As one scholar has noted; “in such a society, morals decline to the
lowest level; the family collapses, schools breed anarchy and rebellion,
business ethics are forgotten, entertainment becomes base and sordid, and
printing presses exude smut and filth, until the whole is strangled in its own
death blood and suffocated by its own stench.” (Draper, P. 174-75)
Vs. 4 - The third
angel’s plague is similar to the 2nd for the rivers and fountains of
Vs. 5 -
Anciently, Jews believed that different angels had charge of different elements
of nature. In this verse we see the “water angel”. In 7:1-the “wind angel” and
in 14:18 the “fire angel.”
Vs. 6- What
prophets have been killed? 1 Kings 18:13- Jezebel slew prophets; 2 Chron.
24:20-21Zechariah killed by King Joash; Mark 6:25-28-John the Baptist; Acts
7:57-60-Stephen; Acts 12:1-2 James,
the brother of John; Rev. 2:13-Antipas from Pergamos; Rev. 11:7-Two prophets in
Jerusalem; Mosiah 17-Abinadi; Alma 25:7-Lamanites by children of Amulon and
other Priests; Matt. 23:29-38 (34)-Zacharias and others; Matt. 24:9 -Apostles; D&C
135-Joseph & Hyrum
Joseph was
in conversation with some of the militia officers in Carthage. “General Smith
asked them if there was anything in his appearance that indicated he was the
desperate character his enemies represented him to be;. The reply was, ‘No,
sir, General Smith; but we cannot see what is in your heart,.’ To which Joseph
replied, ‘Very true, gentlemen, you cannot see what is in my heart, but I can
see what is in your hearts, and will tell you what I see. I can see that you
thirst for blood, and nothing but my blood will satisfy you. It is not for
crime that I and my brethren are thus continually persecuted, but there are
other motives, and inasmuch as you and the people thirst for blood, I prophesy,
in the name of the Lord, that you shall witness scenes of blood and sorrow to
your entire satisfaction. Your souls shall be perfectly satiated with blood,
and many of you who are now present shall have an opportunity to face the
canon’s mouth from sources you think not of; and those people that desire this
great evil upon me and my brethren, shall be filled with regret and sorrow
because of the scenes of desolation and distress that await them. They shall
seek for peace, and shall not be able to find it.” (DHC 6:566) This prophecy
was fulfilled during the Civil War.
Water being
turned to blood demonstrates the bloodthirsty nature of men and nations. (W)
See Moroni 9:5-Thirst for blood continually.
To be drunk with blood signifies slaughter by the sword. Vs.
7- Another witness who says God's judgments are just
Vs. 8 - the
Fourth plague the sun scorches the wicked with fire and great heat. - In 7:16
the righteous were give protection from the sun. A nuclear war could destroy
the ozone protection.
3 Nephi 9:9 says
the people of Jacobugath were destroyed by fire because of their wickedness.
Vs. 9 - See
D&C 64:23-24 or Fire Protection by paying tithing. (I will burn them up. I
will not spare any who remain in Babylon.)
Vs. 10 - The 5th
plague is directed at the seat or throne or headquarters of the beast. It
reminds us of the 9th plague in Egypt. (Exodus 10:21-23). The darkness may be a
spiritual darkness. For a scene even worse than gnawing their tongues for pain
see Isaiah 9:19-20. (Eat own flesh)
Vs. 12. - Rivers
drying up; Ex. 14:21; Josh. 3:13-17; Isaiah 11:15-16; Jer. 51:36; and Zech.
Over 50
different interpretations as to what it might mean that the way of the kings of
the east might be prepared. It appears that these Kings are the enemies of the
people of the God of Israel.
Mike Wilcox
likes to compare it to the story of how Persia (from the East) under Cyrus,
captured Babylon by diverting the waters of the Euphrates River into a lake and
were able to walk on dry ground into Babylon via the river bed.
In 9:14 the great
river Euphrates is changed by the JST to the “bottomless pit.”
Vs. 13 - The 3
unclean spirits are agents of the unholy godhead, IE. the dragon, beast and
false prophet.
interesting parallel story is shared by Wilcox from 1 Kings 22, about how false
prophets promised Ahab victory against Ramoth in Gilead. See especially vss.
Hussein also appeared to be a frog out of Satan’s mouth as he promised victory
and protection from God to his people at the beginning of the 2nd Gulf War in
March, 2003.
Vs. 14 - Miracles
of Satan and God are often indistinguishable to the outward senses. The Spirit
of God is necessary. See D&C 50:1-3
Vs. 15 - an
interjection for the righteous. See also 3:3-5 & Alma 7:25 for other
references about keeping garments clean. (Rev. 3:3-5) Also D&C 106.
Vs. 16 -
Armageddon = Har (hill) Megiddo, about 60 miles north of Jerusalem. It is an
Historical battlefield, IE, Tuthmosis 1468 BC; Lord Allenby 1917 AD; Barak
& Deborah Judges 4-5; Gideon, Judges 7; Saul & Jonathon 1 Sam. 31:1-6;
Josiah vs. Egypt 2 Kings 23:29-30; Final Battle, Zech. 14:2-5. It can be thus
seen as a symbol for all battles vs. Righteousness as represented Mount Zion.
Another scriptural warning about war in the latter days is found in D&C 87.
The contrast is found in the Olive leaf of D&C 88.
kings of the earth and of the whole world will gather to fight the battle of
that great day of God Almighty. Their command center will be at Armageddon,
overlooking the valley of Megiddo. All nations will be gathered against
Jerusalem. Two hundred thousand thousand warriors and more-two hundred million
men of arms and more-shall come forth to conquer or die on the plains of Esdraelon
and in all the nations of the earth. At the height of this war, the Lord Jesus
will put his foot on the Mount of Olives and save his ancient covenant people.
This in truth will be a worldwide conflict; the sword that is wielded in the
mountains of Israel will be the same sword that slays men in all nations."
(BRM, Millennial Messiah, 476, 484-85)
Vs. 17 - the 7th
vial going into the air. Would indicate a completeness effecting the whole
world. The voice from the throne would be that of God the Father.
Vs. 18 – This is the 3rd
earthquake mentioned in the Book of Revelation.
The first was in 6:12 during the 6th thousand years. The
earthquake of 11:13-14 is to take place in the 1st
part of the 7th 1000 years. This earthquake is so great it seems to
flatten mountains- see vs. 20. See also
D&C 133:21-25
Vs. 19 - the Great
City is Babylon. In Ezek. 5:3, God showed Israel what Babylon would do to them
by having Ezekiel shave his beard and hair and divide it into three pieces. Now
God is telling Babylon how they will be divided into three pieces and
destroyed. (W) See D&C 87:6
Vs. 20 - 10th Article
of Faith. “We are informed that the Lord ‘shall command the great deep, and it
shall be driven back into the north country, & the islands shall become one
land; and the land of Jerusalem & the land of Zion shall be turned back
into their own place, the earth shall be like as it was in the days before it
was divided.’ (Gen. 10:25.) The
notion prevails quite generally that the dividing of the earth in the days of
Peleg was a division politically among the people, but from this word of the
Lord we gain the idea that the earth itself was divided & that when Christ
comes it will again be brought back to the same conditions physically as
prevailed before this division took place. The sea is to be driven back into
the north. The land is to be brought back as it was originally & the lands
of Zion (America) & Jerusalem (Palestine & all the land pertaining unto
it) will be restored to their own place as they were in the beginning. The
Savior will stand in the midst of his people, & reign over all flesh. We
have discovered in our study that the wicked, or all things that are
corruptible [D&C
101:23–35], will be consumed and therefore will not be permitted to be on
the earth when this time comes” (Church History and Modern
Revelation, 1:264; see Isaiah 40:4; 64:1; D&C
133:22–24, 40, 44).
Vs. 21 - See Josh.
10:11 & D&C 29:16
talent=45-90 pounds. The BD says 75.6 pounds. Draper says 60-80 lbs. Millet
says 45-100 lbs.
Remember the lies coming out of the mouth of
the dragon, beast and false prophet which convinced the kings of the earth to
gather and fight the battle that they could not win!
“a noisome and grievous sore” comes upon the wicked. (Similar to Ex.
9:8–12 and Zechariah
4th, the sun scorches the wicked with fire and great heat.
5th, darkness spreads across the kingdom of the devil, and the wicked
suffer pains and sores.
the waters of the Euphrates River dry up to prepare for the gathering of the
kings of the world at Armageddon (Zechariah
7th, voices, thunders, lightings, & a great earthquake; the cities
of the nations fall; Babylon receives the cup of God’s wrath; and great hail
falls upon men.