Friday, September 18, 2015

New Testament 212- Week 3

“The basic structure of the vision is chronological. After seeing the Father and the Son in heaven (Rev. 4–5), the vision of the history & destiny of the world begin to unfold for John. He sees the 1st 5 seals (or 1st 5,000 thousand years of history) in rapid-fire, in encapsulated form. Then he sees the opening of the 6th seal, which includes the restoration of the gospel. ( Rev. 6:12–7:17.)
“After that, John sees the 7th period of a 1000 years, with great judgments poured out upon the earth, including Armageddon (Rev. 8–9, 11, 16), which eventually lead to the utter overthrow of Babylon (17–18) and make way for the 2nd coming of him who is King of kings and Lord of lords (19). Immediately following that, John sees Satan bound & Christ reigning for 100 years (20:1–6), a last great battle between the forces of righteousness & evil (20:7–10), & the final judgment (20:11–15). Finally, a new heaven & a new earth are brought forth. (21:1–22:5.)” ( Gerald Lund, “Seeing the Book of Revelation as a Book of Revelation,” Ensign, Dec. 1987, 52).
              Chaps. 4 and 5 begins what appears to be a pattern. Every time the vision is about to turn to a description of plagues, destruction, war, or turmoil, that description is prefaced with a portrayal of what the righteous will attain, in order to give them hope and remind them of what can be theirs. (Clyde J. Williams)
Vs. 1After this= A new scene in the Revelation- A door was opened into (JST) heaven. The Greek word thura (door), as used here, suggests a double or folding door such as the entry to a Roman manor or Jewish Great house. (Draper) Joseph Smith taught "could you gaze into heaven five minutes, you would know more than you would by reading all that ever was written on the subject." (TPJS p. 324) The first voice was that of the Savior.
              Come up hither – To the Holy of Holies or the throne room in heaven. Why?-Is.  48:1-5
Vs. 2 – “One sat on the throne.” This phrase, or one close to it, occurs 12 times in the Book of Revelation. It almost always seems to have reference to the Father. Note from D&C 137:3 that both the Father and the Son sit on the throne and in 132:49 there is a throne being prepared for Joseph Smith and all the exalted. (132:19)
Vs. 3 – Jasper and Sardine stones are the first & last stones on the High Priest’s breastplate. Jesus is the 1st and the last. Jasper stones are mostly green, a sign of life. Red is symbolic of the blood of the lamb.    Rainbow – See the BD definition of Rainbow, also Ezek. 1:26-28
              "It is interesting, though, that the throne of judgment is surrounded by a rainbow. For the ancients, this symbol is rich in meaning. It harks back to the original rainbow that God placed in the sky after the Flood-a time when God's judgment came upon the earth because of its wickedness. The rainbow, however, was the symbol not of God's judgment bur rather of his mercy, in promise that he would never flood the earth again. In a similar manner, the Lord seeks to reassure John and his audience that although his judgments must come upon the earth and its inhabitants, the Saints can take comfort in the fact that God's great mercy will temper the demands of Justice. (Gaye Strathern, Revelation: John's Message of Comfort and Hope" in "The Testimony of John the Beloved" 27th Sperry Symp. p. 288-89)
              Emerald is the 4th stone on the breastplate- a symbol for the tribe of Judah & the Savior.
Vs. 4 – Note that the JST places the 24 seats (see foot note =thrones)  in the midst of the temple throne. The Gk word used for the seats is the same word used for God's throne. (thronos)       This is the first time we use D&C 77- 24 dead elders from the 7 churches = D&C 77:5
Vs. 5 Lightings and Thunderings =Power of God - Ex. 19:16 & Mosiah 27:18. Anciently lamps were small ceramic bowls filled with oil and a wick. JST says these lamps are the 7 servants of God.
Vs. 6 – Sea of glass –D&C 77:1; 130:6-11- The earth, in its sanctified, immortal, & eternal state.
              4 Beasts – See D&C 77:2 & 3;      Eyes before and behind – See D&C 77:4- Similar to beasts in Isaiah 6:1-3 & Ezekiel 1:5-14
BEASTS In this verse and elsewhere, John speaks of two types of beasts in Revelation: he envisions actual living creatures (Greek zoon) that exist in heaven (4:6-9); 5:6-14); 6:1-7: 7:11; 14:3; 15:7; 19:4), and he speaks of other beasts (Greek therion), referring both to earthly beasts as well as to symbolic or fantastic beasts (6:8; 11:7; 13:1-18; 14:9, 11; 15:2; 16:2, 10, 13; 17:1-18; 19:19-20; 20:4, 10). The word beast used in this passage could more accurately be translated “living creature,” In fact, the choice of the KJV translators to use the word best is particularly unfortunate, since these creatures are living, dynamic beings filled with intelligence and glory.
Joseph Smith suggested that the four beasts “lived on another planet than ours. (Ehat & Cook, Words of Joseph Smith, p. 171) The four beasts in this passage in Revelation are actual beasts that exist in heaven. “John saw the actual beast in heaven, showing to John that beasts did actually exist there....“John saw curious looking beasts in heaven; he saw every creature that was in heaven,-all the beasts, fowls and fish in heaven,-actually there, giving glory to God....“I suppose John saw beings there of a thousand forms, that had been saved from ten thousand times ten thousand earths like this,-strange beasts of which we have no conception: all might be seen in heaven. The grand secret was to show John what there was in heaven. John learned that God glorified Himself by saving all that His hands had made, whether beasts, fowls, fishes or men; and He will glorify Himself with them.”(HC 5:343-44) (UBRevelation, p. 61)     
“The four beasts were four of the most noble animals that had filled the measure of their creation, and had been saved from other worlds, because they were perfect: they were like angels in their sphere. We are not told where they came from” (HC 5:343–44).
Vs. 7 –                                                            FOUR BEASTS
Vs. 8 – “In the book of Revelation, John speaks of a particular set of “beasts” in the presence of God singing praises to him (see Rev. 4:8). John speaks of them as having many eyes (representing knowledge, perhaps omniscience) and wings (power to move and act). It is curious that John highlights these heavenly creatures as having six wings. It is generally understood that in his apocalypse, John always uses numbers with intent. Thus, the question must be asked, why do these angels in the presence of God have six wings? The answer is unclear in the text. However, the number six is a standard symbol for incompleteness or some deficit. Knowing that these beings are in the presence of God and possess the knowledge that they do, we cannot see the employment of the number six here as a negative symbol. It may simply be a representation of their interim state as celestial heirs awaiting resurrection, which may explain the sense in which they are “incomplete.” (Gaskill, p. 58) See Isaiah 6:2-3 (TPJS p. 288-291)
Vs. 10 – Cast their crowns before the throne – An acknowledgement of their love, dependence, humility, and that their authority comes from HE who sits upon the throne.   We will go on worshipping God forever and ever! We will never need to be coaxed. (NAM, Ensign, May 1997)
Vs. 11 – thou art worthy – “fully qualified”-D&C 88:19-20 for why the earth was created.             

“We will go on praising [the Lord] for ever and ever! … We will never need to be coaxed” (NAMaxwell “From Whom All Blessings Flow,” Ensign, May 1997, 12).

              Chapter 5 is the most complete description we have in the scriptures of the premortal council wherein Christ was chosen to be our Savior & Redeemer. Most Christian religions do not believe in a premortal life. This chapter, in conjunction with Job 38:4-7 and Jeremiah 1:5 presents a chance to help understand that we did live before we came to earth. (Ridges p. 425) Also John 9:2 and Abraham 3
Vs. 1 -Right hand-  “Showing favor to the right hand or side is not something invented by man but was revealed from the heavens in the beginning. … There are numerous passages in the scriptures referring to the right hand, indicating that it is a symbol of righteousness and was used in the making of covenants” (ATGQ, 1:156–57; Mosiah 5:9–12; 26:23–24; Alma 5:58; Helaman 3:30). 
              The book –D&C 77:6-7- “The first seal contains the things of the first thousand years, and the second also of the second thousand years, and so on until the seventh” & 88:108-110.
 Opistographi-A scroll written on both sides, nothing left out or to be added. Ezek 2:9-10.
              “seal” – Anciently, royalty and government officials sealed their documents to prove their origin & ownership. The stamps or signets, they used to imprint the sealing were made from precious stones, ivory, or precious metals. The crafter inscribed an icon or image reflective of the owner. A member of the royalty or high level officials, kept such signets secure & close at hand. In many cases, they carried it on a ring that they would always wear. The intricate & complex nature of the design made signets difficult to forge. So, the receiver of a sealed document trusted that the sender was legitimate. Today we might say the document was on official letterhead, signed & notarized making the document legally binding. (Brandt p. 107)
              We need to clarify here the difference between the view point of revelation that God has ordained future events & the false idea that individual salvation is predetermined & that therefore there is no individual agency. One of the powers ascribed to God is expressed by the Greek words prognosis, & proginosko. These words are respectively translated “foreknowledge” & “predestine” & catch the idea not only of knowing something beforehand, but of choosing someone beforehand. Paul understood that God, because of his foreknowledge, had marked or set the course of history through the use of individuals who would bring about his will (Rom. 8-9) that is, God ordered things through the means of sending down spirits when &where he chose. These spirits, without manipulation on the part of God, act in ways he knows. Thus, by selection of these souls, God can order the course of history while still maintaining agency. (Draper, p. 53)
Vs. 2  - The strong angel may refer to Gabriel (Noah) whose name translates “God is my strength”. Others believe it was Michael. JST adds “& heard him” after “saw” “worthy”  from the Gk. “axios” =deserving.
                             “The document is sealed with seven seals. The use of seals was common during ancient times to prevent adulteration of important papers and, more importantly, to prove their authenticity. The verb sphragizo, to provide with a seal, carried the idea of assured content and authenticity. But the idea of ownership was important because the owner protected the document. In John’s day, seals carried the mark of the owner who guaranteed the contents and was responsible for carrying out the agreements, if any, contained therein. Out of this grew the association of the seal with the idea of protection and safety. This forms the symbolic base of the use of the term by the early Christians. To be sealed by the Holy Spirit (see Eph. 1:13) meant more than being provided with a means of identification. It assured than an individual could endure to an eternal reward because, belonging to God, protective power would be given from above.
              Archaeologists found in Israel a document such as John describes, dating from about the time the apocalypse was written. It was an important legal contract. Its discovery confirmed the belief that the Seer was making symbolic reference to a binding agreement or covenant. One such type of covenant was the Roman will, which also bore seven seals. Such testaments could not be administered until all the seals were broken. Only a person of authority could break the seals and execute the will.
              Working from this imagery, John describes the heavenly search for a person with power to open the scroll and execute the demands contained therein. In this case the scroll is the primary symbol for the fullness of time, containing as it does the aggregate of God’s will concerning this earth. Unless someone is found who can minister the will of God, the purposes of this earth will fail.” (Draper, p. 53-54)
Vs. 3- Read this from a "Council in Heaven" perspective. See Abraham 3:22-28 and Alma 34:10.
Vs. 5 – Note in vs. 5 & 6 that Jesus is the Lamb and the Lion (Gen. 49:9-10-Judah is a lion's welp-cub). Of all the New Testament writers, only John called Jesus the Lamb of God, twice quoting John the Baptist & 28 times mentioning the Lamb in the book of Revelation. (Ogden p. 324-5)
              “Root of David” (Is. 11:1) – the root provides spiritual water and nourishment and life to His people. Gospel writers frequently emphasized that Jesus was a descendant of David. Later in Rev. 22, Christ declared, “I am the root & the offspring of David. A root provides lifesaving nourishment to a plant. Jesus does the same to all who accept Him as their Savior. (John 15:1-8 & Isaiah 11:1; 53:2)
Vs. 6- "slain" from Greek "sphazo" meaning "the act of sacrificing." Note JST- 12 horns=priesthood power, 12 eyes=power of seership, 12 Spirits of God sent forth into all the earth=12 apostles; an apostle is one who is sent forth. Jesus is referred to as a Lamb nearly 30 times.
A central message of Revelation 5 is that Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God, is the only One worthy to fulfill the work of God, which is represented by the book sealed with seven seals (see verses 1–4, 9, 12–13). Revelation 5 depicts several groups worshipping Christ, declaring His worthiness in song (see verses 8–14). For further explanation of Jesus Christ’s worthiness, see John 5:22, 27, 30;  Hebrews 7:26.
Vs. 8 - incense
Vs. 9 – This verse teaches us why Jesus is worthy to open the book.
A new song because of a new covenant.
              Every “kindred, tongue and people and nation” this order is presented 7 times in the Book of Revelation. Note significance of #4- Redeemed people from everywhere!
“Before the time when Christ shall reign personally upon the earth, the elect of God among every kindred, … having first believed the restored gospel, will go to the temples of God and receive the ordinances of exaltation whereby they qualify to become kings and priests” (BRM, CR, Apr. 1969, 144).
Vs. 10 – See D&C 88:17-20; Rev. 1:5-6
Vs. 11 – that is a bunch of angels! One Hundred Million plus thousands and thousands
Vs. 12 – Note the “seven” praises.
Vs. 13 – Joseph Smith said, “Revelation 5:13 provides proof that John saw beasts in heaven and heard them praise God. I do not know what language they speak.” (UBR p. 73) John saw millions of saved beasts from millions of earths (TPJS p. 291-2)
Vs. 14 – what does “Amen” mean? One of a small number of Hebrew words which have been carried unchanged into English. It is a declaration of affirmation.

replica of sealed papyrus scroll
A modern replica of an ancient papyrus scroll sealed with multiple clay seals. Sealing an ancient document identified its owner and his authority, made the document legally binding, and protected it from unauthorized disclosure. Jesus Christ’s role as the only person worthy to open and read the sealed book highlights His authority as the executor of God’s plan of salvation.