1st seal- Vs. 1 & 2-4000-3000 BC- Horse = war and
conquest. White= purity and victory
= Warfare; Crown = Conqueror- The crown = “Stephanos” the crown of victory vs.
“The most transcendent happenings” referred to
in these verses “involved Enoch and his ministry. And it is interesting to note
that what John saw was not the establishment of Zion and its removal to
heavenly spheres, but the unparalleled wars in which Enoch, as a general over
the armies of the saints, ‘went forth conquering & to conquer’ [Moses 7:13–18]
(BRM-DNTC- 3:477).
1 – Remember that only Christ can open the seals by virtue of His atonement.
that the four beasts introduced in 4:6-8 are used as messengers. D&C 77:6
& 7
2 - The man on the horse may also well
represent others in the first thousand years. We learn about Enoch from the JST.
The KJV has 119 words about Enoch. The JST 5240!
2nd Seal- Vs. 3&4- 3000-2000 BC- Red horse = Bloodshed- Sword = War and destruction
As recorded in the scriptures, widespread wickedness and
violence characterized this time period, which included the Great Flood during
the days of Noah (Genesis 6–11; Moses 6:28-29; 7:24–43; 8:1–30).
“Who rode the red horse of war and bloodshed and a sword, during the second
seal? Perhaps it was the devil himself, for surely that was the great day of
his power, a day of such gross wickedness that every living soul (save eight
only) was found worthy of death by drowning. …
D&C 1:35!
3rd Seal - Vs. 5&6- 2000-1000 BC- Black horse = Famine; Balances = High prices for food- This
dispensation was headed by Abraham- “A
measure of wheat” would be about a quart and would feed an adult for a day and
cost a penny under these famine conditions. “Penny” is translated from the
Greek word dēnarion, which referred to a silver Roman coin
that some estimate was worth the typical daily wage of a laborer. A person
could purchase only enough food to live on with a whole day’s wages, indicating
extreme famine prices. In contrast, barley was less expensive For a day's wages a person would be able to
feed himself wheat for a day or a family of three barley. As recorded in the
scriptures, famines are characteristic of this time period (Genesis 41–42; Abraham 1:30;2:1, 17, 21). The preservation of the oil and the wine is
an apparent demonstration of the Lord’s mercy in that the plants with deep
roots are spared. The period of time
from 2000-1200 BC is called by Historians “Volk(s-er) wanderungenzeit the time
of people’s wandering. (Draper, p. 65)
4th Seal-Vs. 7 & 8--1000 BC- Birth of
Christ- The
“pale horse” would be a sickly green in color (Gk. Chloros) and a reminder of a
corpse or death. Note that Death is riding the horse and Hell is behind him
Great warring empires characterized this era: Assyria,
Egypt, Babylon, Persia, Greece, and Rome. Having rejected the warnings of
prophets such as Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Amos, the kingdoms of Israel and Judah
often found themselves victims of these conquering empires. Israel and Judah
also fought against one another. The fraction ¼ is an indication of
significant, but limited destruction. Note
four ways to die. See Ezek. 14:21 where “pestilence” substitutes for death.
Joseph Smith taught, “John saw
beasts that had to do with things on the earth, but not in past ages. The
beasts which John saw had to devour the inhabitants of the earth in days to
come [Revelation 6:1-4].” (TPJS p. 290) This statement suggests that the
activities of the four horses and horsemen, representing the first four
thousand years, also typify wars, famines, and tribulations yet to come upon
the earth. The number four has
symbolic importance in Revelation, where we read about the four living
creatures (4:6, 8; 5:6, 8, 14), the four horses and the four horsemen who
correspond with the first four seals (announced by the four beasts; 6:1-8), the
“four angels standing on the four corners of the earth, holding the four winds
of the earth” (7:1), and the “four quarters of the earth” (20:8)….According to
Theological Dictionary of the New Testament 8:128, the number four “has its
origin in the orientation to four sides which, as before, behind and to right
and left, are suggested by a man’s physical constitution. The four corners of
heaven or the world embrace the whole of man’s horizon.” (Parry, p. 76)
5th Seal Vs. 9-11-Birth of Christ to 1000 AD- Altar=Sacrifice- Souls=Christians
martyrs killed for beliefs. Many early
Christians, including the Savior & nearly
all of the original Apostles, gave their lives as martyrs. John saw the
Christian martyrs “under the altar,” suggesting
that their lives were given in sacrifice to God’s service, much like the
sacrificial animals offered upon the altar of the temple. Because they gave up
their lives “for the word of God, and for the testimony which they held,” they
were given “white robes,” symbolic of purity (Rev. 7:13–14; 3 Nephi 27:19). See
D&C 135:7 in reference to Joseph and Hyrum’s blood.
Vs. 11- Priestly clothing was intended to represent the garb of God and
of the angels. . . Dressing in special clothing in the temple denotes a change
in role, from that of mortal to immortal, from ordinary human to priest or
priestess, king or queen. Donning sacred dress has long symbolized personal
consecration and preparation for “spiritual duties” (see Ex. 29:1-9; 40:12-15;
Lev. 6:11; 16:1-4) The priestly garments were held sacred, for when they wore
out they were not to be discarded but had to be burned in the temple during
Sukkoth. (Feast of Tabernacles) It has
been said that scriptural and liturgical clothing can “protect, conceal,
display or represent a person’s current state and can be symbolic of moral and
spiritual qualities. This apparently applies to both man and God; because even
Deity (see Dan. 7:9; Matt. 28:3; Rev. 19:13) and angels (see Rev. 6:11; 7:9;
D&C 29:12; 109:76) are depicted as wearing clothing. (Gaskill, p. 61) Those
wearing the white robes are those who have been cleansed by Christ.
Seal Vs. 12-17-100-2000 AD -
Seven Signs For The
Sixth Seal
1. Great Earthquake D&C 88:88-90
2. Sun Black as Sackcloth Joel 2:31; Matt. 24:29; D&C 29:14; 34:9; 45:41; 88:87
3. Moon becomes as Blood Joel 2:31; Acts 2:20; D&C 29:14; 34:9; 45:42; 88:87
4. Stars of Heaven Fall Matt. 24:29; JSM 1:33; D&C 29:14; 34:9; 45:42; 88:87
Heaven Departed as a Scroll D&C 88:95
Every Mountain and Island Moved out of their Places
(1. Kings of the Earth) (2. Great Men) (3. Rich Men) (4. Chief Captains) (5.
Mighty Men) (6. Bondman) and (7. Every Free Man) hide selves in mountains.
Why do men attempt to hide themselves from God Three times Isaiah
states that they will do so because of the “fear of the Lord” (Is. 2:10, 19,
21), which fear is due to their wickedness and its consequences. Similarly,
after their transgression, Adam and Eve also “hid themselves” from God (Gen.
According to D&C 19:15 these
signs of the times will cause “weeping and wailing among the hosts of men.”
Meanwhile the righteous, or those who worship the Lord in his sacred temples,
will receive deliverance. The prophet Joel. Stated, “Whosoever shall call on
the name of the Lord shall be delivered: for in mount Zion and in Jerusalem
shall be deliverance” (Joel 2:32). A modern revelation, speaking of the same
events, commands us to “be not troubled” (D&C 45:35). (Parry, p. 89)
thousand-year period will continue until just before Jesus Christ returns in
glory and reigns personally on the earth.
groups of men are also identified in these verses: kings, great men, rich men,
chief captains, mighty men, bondmen, and free men. The number seven suggests
completeness or wholeness: no enemies of God will escape His wrath in the last
17 – “Who shall be able to stand?” is the title of Mike Wilcox’s book. This
question is answered in Chapter 7.
"In the 1st thousand yrs, was
witnessed the fall of man; the building up of Zion, when Enoch w/ all his
people, walked w/ God 365 yrs. on earth & then were taken up into
heaven. In the 2nd 1000 yrs., the world
was deluged w/ a flood for its wickedness; the tower was build that men might
go to heaven; the language was confounded; the earth divided into continents
& oceans; the people scattered upon the face of the whole earth; &
America was peopled by the Jaredites.
In the 3rd 1000 yrs, Pharaoh & his host were swallowed up in the Red
Sea, Israel was chosen of the Lord, was overshadowed by his glory in a cloud by
day, & a pillar of fire by night; and the building of the temple of the
Lord at Jerusalem. In the 4th 1000 yrs.
the 10 tribes were led away captive out of the land of Canaan, and taken to a
place by the hand of the Lord that has not yet been discovered by the Gentiles;
the Jaredites were destroyed because of their wickedness; Lehi was guided by
the power of god to this continent. In
the 5th 1000 yrs, the Savior of the world was born, crucified, and rose again
from the dead; & most of the apostles were slain for preaching the gospel;
and Jerusalem was destroyed. In the 6th
1000 yrs. America, the land of liberty, choice above all others, was settled by
the Gentiles; the fullness of the gospel came forth in the book of Mormon, the
church established, & the gathering of the saints commenced, preparatory to
the 2nd coming of their Lord, that in the 7th 1000 yrs, the earth may
rest." (Times and Seasons "Great Events" p. 662; In Ogden p. 327)
six has ended with promises of catastrophe related to the 6th seal. Just as we
get set up for something terrible to happen we get the question asked in the
last verse of Chapter 6; “Who Shall be Able to Stand?) Chapter 7 answers that
Vs. 1- D&C 77:8
which tells us who the 4 angels are. Read D&C 38:11-12
Joseph Fielding Smith said that these angels
seem to fit the description of the angels in the Parable of the Wheat and the
Tares in Matt. 13:24-43 & D&C 86:1-7. Wilford Woodruff said, “God has held the angels of destruction for many years,
lest they should reap down the wheat with the tares. But I want to tell you
now, that those angels have left the portals of heaven … and are hovering over
the earth waiting to pour out the judgments. And from this very day they shall
be poured out. Calamities and troubles are increasing in the earth, and there
is a meaning to these things. Remember this, and reflect upon these matters. If
you do your duty, and I do my duty, we’ll have protection, and shall pass
through the afflictions in peace and in safety. (SM p. 544)
Note that the “wind” of this verse is a
“storm wind” from the Gk. “anemos”
Vs. 2- D&C 77:9
which tells us who the angel from the east is. (See East on symbolism chart.) "Another
angel" is a composite Elias-various beings with various keys & powers
to gather Israel & restore all things. (Ogden)
Vs. 3- The message seems
clearly to be that God is doing all that he can to preserve the righteous and
that the acts of destruction must be secondary to his work of saving.
The world is reserved unto burning in the
last days. He shall send Elijah the prophet, and he shall reveal the covenants
of the fathers in relation to the children, and the covenants of the children
in relation to the fathers.
Four destroying
angels holding power over the four quarters of the earth until the servants of
God are sealed in their foreheads, which signifies sealing the blessing upon
their heads, meaning the everlasting covenant, thereby making their calling
and election sure. When a seal is put upon the father and mother, it
secures their posterity, so that they cannot be lost, but will be saved by
virtue of the covenant of their father and mother. (TPJS p. 321) In this sense, the
seal of God in the forehead symbolizes a protection much like the lamb’s blood
that ancient Israelites in Egypt placed on their door frames to protect them
from the destroying angel (see Exodus 12:13).
Vs. 4- 144,000 – In Doctrine
and Covenants 77:11 the Lord explained to Joseph Smith that the number
144,000 mentioned in Revelation 7:4–8
is the number of representatives out of the twelve tribes of Israel who will be
ordained to assist others in their quest for exaltation (see the commentary
for Revelation 14:1–5). It is not, as some people believe, the total number
of people who will be exalted. “The church of the Firstborn” refers to those
who will be exalted and become joint-heirs with Jesus Christ (D&C
77:11). Members of the Lord’s earthly Church—The Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter-day Saints—who live righteously and receive the ordinances of exaltation
will become members of the Lord’s heavenly Church—the Church of the Firstborn
(see D&C
Vs. 5-8 Why is Dan left out?
mistake. They should have listed Dan instead of Manasses and included Manasses
and Ephraim (also left out) with Joseph in vs. 8
1 Kings 12:29; Judges 18:30 and I Chron. 7 regarding Dan’s association with
idols when Jeroboam set up idols there. This is not likely.
Vs. 9-17- An interlude
between the events of the 6th and 7th Seals showing the righteous in the
Celestial Kingdom
Vs. 9- Some say the
144,000 in verse 4 are those to be saved in heaven. The innumerable hosts in
this verse are the other good people who will inherit the earth. Note the order
again of all nations, kindreds, and people, and tongues. The white robes refers
to our being purified through the Atonement of Jesus Christ. The palms in the
hands are Palm branches which are symbols of victory and joy as in the
Triumphal entry. (John 12:13; D&C 109:76; I Maccabees 13:51; 2 Maccabees
Vs. 10 - The Revised
Standard Bible says, "Salvation belongs to our God" and the Good News
Bible reads, "Our salvation comes from our God."
Vs. 12 – Guess how many attributes
of God are listed? Why 7?
Vs. 13 – The question is
saying, “where did all these people in heaven come from?”
Vs. 14 – Note that there
is no mention of people who earned their Celestial inheritance by their
righteous living. They all were their because of the blood of the lamb. See
D&C 138:13
"The destinies of all people
are in the hands of a just God, and He will do no injustice to any one; and
this one thing is sure, that they who will live godly in Christ Jesus, shall
suffer persecution; and before their robes are made white in the blood of the
Lamb, it is to be expected, according to John the Revelator, they will pass
through great tribulation. (Joseph to Edward Partridge, HC 1:449)
It appears that all of the people
in heaven had endured great tribulation. The Greek has a definite article, not
present in the KJV. “The Great Tribulation,” Referring to a future final series
of woes-not to common troubles that afflict all peoples. I personally like the
reference without the definite article.
Vs. 15 – The verb “serve”
come from “latreuo” which means the
performance of ceremonies associated with God’s sanctuary, which these can
perform because they are kings and priests of the Most High. (Draper, p. 86)
My favorite references to living
with God are this one and D&C 88:19 and Rev. 21:3. Who can add to my small
The exalted Saints serve God
"forever in his kingdom, where, in the literal sense, there is neither
night nor a temple. See Rev. 21:22-23. (BRM - DNTC 3:496)
Vs. 16 – Why won’t they need
the sun? (Rev. 21:22-23; Isaiah 49:10; 60:19; Psalm 121:6)
Vs. 17 – Many versions
say the Lord shall be their shepherd. (RSV, NEB, JB, NIV, GNB - Parry) The last
verse of Chapter 6 has now been answered.
Acts 15:36-18:22- Paul's 2nd Missionary Journey- 3,000
miles; 51-53 AD
Acts 15
Vs. 5- What
was very clear in the Book of Mormon was less clear with the New Testament
(See 2 Nephi 25:24-27; Mosiah 16:14-15; 3 Nephi 9:17-20;
15:2-5; 4 Nephi 1:12; Moroni 8:8.
Vs. 15-19-
"It seems that the Jerusalem council may have been overly sinsitive to
Jewish members, not wanting to drive them out of the Church by doctrinal or
policy changes that might have seemed too abrupt to some. Upon Paul's return to
Jerusalem years later (Acts 21 about 60 AD) he found Jewish Christians still
holding to the traditions of Judaism.
(Ogden p. 76)
"From Paul's epistle to the Galatians, we learn
interesting historical facts about the Jerusalem council that are not recorded
in Acts. The most significant of these are that 1) the council took place about
14 years after Paul's conversion; 2) that Paul traveled with Barnabas to the
council; 3) That Titus, an uncircumcised Greek convert, accompanied them as
something of a test case; 4) By revelation they went to Jerusalem and conferred
privately with the Brethren before the council began, just to make certain they
were in agreement; 5) Titus was not compelled to be circumcised; 6) The
brethren at Jerusalem gave Paul and Barnabas the right hand of fellowship and
commissioned them to go unto the heathen in the ministry. This commission
possibly gave rise to Paul's later definition of himself as the apostle of the
Gentiles (Romans 11:13) 7) Paul and Barnabas were given special injunction to
remember the poor in their ministry, to which Paul replied that he had a
natural tendency to do that anyway." (Matthews, 'Unto All Nations' Studies
in Scripture, Vol. 6. p. 40-41)
Vs. 23-29- Letter from 1st Presidency to be read in
Sacrament Meetings. (Likened unto our day)
Vs. 36-41- Decision then contention-then separation
Paul's 2nd Mission-49-53 AD-3,000 Miles-Acts
Acts 16
Vs. 1-3- The circumcision of Timothy-
Vs. 4-10- I'll go where you wants me to go.
Vs. 10-
Who is the WE?
Vs. 12-40
- Philippi in Macedonia, Church by the River, Lydia seller of Purple (mollusk shells), Damsel
with a Devil, False Imprisonment, Jailer converted, Roman Trump Card, Deliverance.
Vs. 16-18-“The testimony of the devil-led damsel was
true. Paul and Silas were prophets; they had the words and power of salvation.
But true testimony from Satan’s servants does not lead to salvation. In effect
the damsel was saying: ‘Go ahead and believe in Paul and Silas and this Jesus
whom they preach. I agree they and their Master are of God; and since we are
now united on that point, you can also continue to follow me and enjoy the
fruits of my divination.’ And how many other practitioners of false religions
there are who give lip service to Jesus and his doctrines so that people will
the more readily follow them and their special brand of ‘saving’ grace. It was
for the very reason here involved that Jesus himself forbade the devils whom he
cast out to testify that he was the Son of God (Luke 4:41.)”
(BRMcConkie, DNTC 2:149)
branch of the Church in Philippi grew to become one of the strongest branches
of the early Church, one for which Paul had particular affection (Philippians 1:3–11; 4:1).
Rights Of Roman Citizens
1. Wear a toga (death if not) 2. Three part name- A. Given name B. Family name C. Branch of family
3. Right to marry a Roman citizen 4. Commercial protection 5.
Pass citizenship to children
6. Physical protection (whippings) 7. Appeal to Caesar 8. No taxes after 146 BC
9. Priority in travel
Obtaining Roman Citizenship
1. Live in Rome 2.
Be a leader in Italian city or provinces 3.
Serve in army- 16-20 years
4. Buy (illegal later) 5.
Perform great Service for Rome 6.
Whole cities given citizenship (later)
Acts 17
Vs. 1-9- Thessalonica- 90 miles from Philippi. Paul
taught from the scriptures about Jesus. Success with Greeks (God-fearers) none
with the Jews. Jason (vs. 5) a possible kinsman to Paul. (See Romans 16:21)
Vs. 10-14- In Berea they found good converts, willing to
read the scriptures, but the jealous from Thessalonica came to stir up the
people, causing Paul to flee to Athens.
Vs. 15-34 - Athens,
the capital of Greece, was a quiet university town. It had formerly possessed more intellectual genius,
philosophical wisdom, and architectural splendor than any other ancient city.
Its inhabitants, even during the period of decline, prided themselves on their
brilliant heritage. It was the
world center of idol worship; some claim it was easier to find a god in Athens
than a man. Paul was appalled at the wholesale idolatry, & he took occasion
in the marketplace & at Areopagus or Mars Hill to declare not the
"unknown god" that the people ignorantly worshipped but the personal
God whom he knew well. The Areopagus
was the judicial council that met at Mars Hill.
Vs. 21- ""- "With technology today,
information on a myriad of subjects is available with the click of a keystroke.
It is easy to get caught in the trap of looking "To hear something
Vs. 23- The altar built by the Athenians to the
“unknown god” is referred to in other historical sources as an altar to the
unknowable god or to all gods not specifically known by name. The Athenians had
apparently built this altar to avoid offending or neglecting some unknown
28-29- Sing it, "I am a Child of God."
34- Some believed!
Religions In Paul’s World- Richard L. Anderson
Traditional Paganism
Large Majority
Belief in
all pagan gods; State temple sacrifice
teaching on ethics or immorality
offerings & prayers to gods
Popular belief in immortality of the soul
Mystery Religions
Small Minority
Myth of
special deities; Secret initiation rites
Promise of
immortality; Ethical duties
Began w/ Zeno 2-300's BC
Majority Of The Educated
exists beyond the gods;
Man must submit
to divine reason;
belief in survival of the soul;
cycles of destruction; Ethical duty of highest good
Named for Epicurus-300's BC
Small Minority Of The Educated
Gods exist
but are irrelevant
survival of soul at death
Ethical duty of highest “happiness”
Minority Less Than 10% Of Empire
monotheism; Circumcision and duty to the Law
visits of Jerusalem Temple; Belief in coming Messiah
Ethical duty to righteous life
Judaic Sympathizers
Small Minority In Synagogues
Belief in
monotheism; Perhaps belief in coming Messiah
Ethical commitments to righteous life
Acts 18
1-18 - Paul
in Corinth for 1 ½ years where he worked in his career as a tentmaker to
support himself.
Vs. 1 -
Athens to Corinth-about 75 miles
Vs. 2 -
Aquilla (tentmaker)and Priscilla- from Pontus by way of Rome. Claudius had
expelled Jews from Rome in about 50 AD.
Vs. 3 & 4 - Paul and Aquilla &
Priscilla-tent makers. Paul works and teaches
Vs. 5 - Silas probably from Philippi with a
generous $ and Timotheus from Thessalonica with a problem for Paul prompting a
letter to the Thessalonians
Vs. 18-22 -
Paul traveled from Corinth to Cenchrea to Ephesus to Caesarea to Jerusalem and
then back to his home base, Antioch of Syria.
Paul's 3rd Missionary Journey -Acts 18:23-21:15- 3,500 Miles;
54-58 AD-Longest in time and distance. Wrote 1 & 2 Corinthians, Galatians
and Romans
Vs. 22-23-
Paul left from Antioch and passed through old missionary locals on his way to
Vs. 24-28-
The story of an Alexandrian convert named Apollos.
Acts 19
Vs. 1-6- “Baptism was the
essential point on which [the disciples] could receive the gift of the Holy
Ghost. It seems … that some sectarian Jew had been baptizing like John, but had
forgotten to inform them that there was one to follow by the name of Jesus
Christ, to baptize with fire and the Holy Ghost:—which showed these converts
that their first baptism was illegal, and when they heard this they were gladly
baptized, and after hands were laid on them, they received the gifts, according
to promise, and spake with tongues and prophesied” (Joseph Smith, Times and
Seasons, Sept, 1842)
Vs. 10- This seems to be the time when the 7 Asian
congregations from the Book of Revelation were established. Paul also seems to
have made a trip to Corinth during this 2 year period of time. There are
several references in Corinthians referring to this period of time.
Vs. 11-12- “Healings come by the power of faith; there is
no healing virtue or power in any item of clothing or other object, whether
owned by Paul or Jesus or anyone. But rites and objects may be used to help
increase faith” (BRMcConkie DNTC, 2:169).
Vs. 13-17- Devils mock imitators.
Vs. 19-20- Work grew. People destroyed inappropriate materials.
Vs. 21-22-
Paul was going to go to Europe but instead he sent Timothy and Erastus.
Vs. 23-35-
The silversmiths decry the decrease in their trade of making images of Diana.
Acts 20
Vs. 1-7-
Paul travels in Greece
Vs. 7-12-
Brother Poll or Paul puts a young man to sleep, then wakes him up.
Vs. 15-38-
Paul bids farewell to the leaders of the Church from Ephesus at a conference in
As he bade farewell to the Church leaders in Ephesus,
Paul warned them that an apostasy was coming and that it would be the result of
forces working both outside the Church (“grievous wolves”) and inside the
Church (“of your own selves”) (Acts 20:29–30). The Greek word apostasia, which
was translated as “falling away” in 2 Thessalonians 2:3, is closer in meaning to “rebellion”
or “revolution.” Thus, Church members themselves contributed to the Great
Apostasy by rebelling against Church leaders and doctrine. Priestcraft was an
important element of this internal rebellion. Paul’s words in Acts 20:30 provide a
definition of priestcraft (see also 2 Nephi 26:29).