Friday, February 13, 2015

New Testament 211 Week 2

Thought: Here it was that the greatest person who ever lived delivered the greatest sermon ever given—the Sermon on the Mount” (TSMonson, May 1975, 15).
Book of the Week: "The New Testament With The Joseph Smith Translation" Hite
Ensign article of the Week: September 1982 - Genealogy of the King James Bible
Matthew 5-7 - The Sermon on the Mount
Pick your favorite verse in each chapter.
Matt. 4:24-25- He has a following from lots of places. He goes to the shores of the Sea of Galilee.
At the conclusion of the sermon, “the people were astonished at his doctrine: for he taught them as one having authority, and not as the scribes” (Matt.7:28–29). He did not teach by citing precedent or previous authority, as the scribes and rabbis did. He taught as one having the authority of God Himself.
THE BEATITUDES- To beatify is to make supremely happy or to announce that a person has attained the blessedness of heaven. Beatitude is a state of utmost bliss, and the Beatitudes are our Lord’s declaration of the blessedness and eventual glory of those who obey the various principles recited in them. Blessed= GK. “Makarios” = “privileged to receive divine favor” or “oh the happiness of” It signifies a state of true well being. Blessedness is defined as being higher than happiness. Happiness comes from without and is dependent on circumstances, blessedness is an inward fountain of joy in the soul itself, which no outward circumstances can seriously affect. (H.B. Lee” Decisions for Successful Living, p. 57.)
There are 7 Beatitudes in the Book of Revelation (1:3; 14:13; 16:15; 14:9; 20:6; 22:7; 22:14); The Book of Psalms begins with “Blessed” The Book of Mormon account of the Sermon on the Mount begins with two Beatitudes not included in the Matthew account. See 3 Nephi 12:1-2- Blessed are ye if ye shall give heed unto the words of these twelve whom I have chosen from among you to minister unto you; And again, more blessed are they who shall believe in your words because that ye shall testify that ye have seen me, and that ye know that I am. Yea, blessed are they who shall believe in your words, and come down into the depths of humility and be baptized, for they shall be visited with fire and with the Holy Ghost, and shall receive a remission of their sins.
A. The Poor in Spirit- Who come unto me. A great example of “poor in spirit” is King Benjamin in Mosiah 2:17-27.   A realization of our dependence upon God.
B. Mourners - You too have great talents to enrich the lives of others. You will find comfort and strength as you lose yourself in their service. Your own troubles will be forgotten as you help others with theirs. Your burdens will become lighter as you lift the burdens of the downtrodden and the oppressed. (Teachings. Of Gordon B. Hinckley, p. 688-9)
C. Meek = Voluntary Humility
D. Hunger & Thirst After Righteousness filled with Holy Ghost.
The self-righteous are often deed-conscious rather than people-conscious. They seem to glory in forms and traditions, formulas and standards. They cast alms to the poor without loving them or stopping to discern what the real problem might be. Those who seek true righteousness quickly learn one thing-their own impotence. (Chauncey C. Riddle, The Book of Mormon, It Begins with a Family, p. 140.)
E. Merciful - Our salvation rests upon the mercy we show to others. Unkind and cruel words, or wanton acts of cruelty toward man or beast, even though in seeming retaliation, disqualify the perpetrator in his claims for mercy when he has need of mercy in the day of judgment before earthly or heavenly tribunals. (HBLee, Decisions for Successful Living, p. 60)
F. Pure in Heart - Shall See God -What would be a good motivation for seeing God? “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. Sometimes we say, Oh, that isn’t possible. But the Savior does not deal with idle words...Now, there are many approaches toward this experience. There are dreams and visions and actual sight....Every one of you here tonight can perfect your lives so that you may see God... We will not seek to see our Heavenly Father to satisfy our curiosity, but only to have the great satisfaction of knowing that he is our Father.” (Tchings SWK, p. 74)
G. Peacemakers- Before we can be a peacemaker, we must first find peace within ourselves. (SKW, p, 157) “The gospel is the only answer to the problems of the world. We may cry peace. We may hold peace conferences. And I have nothing but commendation for those who work for peace. But it is my conviction that peace must come from within. It cannot be imposed by state mandate. It can come only by following the teachings and the example of the Prince of Peace.” (Teachings of ETB, p. 705)
H. Persecuted for Righteousness sake - “Properly responded to, temptation, persecution, and tribulation can do wonderful things to refine our lives. Perhaps it is only when the things that do not matter are made to fall away that we see, at last, “things as they really are”! (NAMaxwell, We Will Prove them Herewith, p. 117-118)
 verse 12 says rejoice and be exceedingly glad!
2. Salt of the earth 5:13  “Salt collected from the Dead Sea was used for cooking & preserving food. It was also placed upon the sacrifices as a sign of the covenant and a symbol of faithfulness, steadfastness, and purity. But if it lost its saltiness-it was taken to the temple and saved for the winter rains when it would be thrown on the marble floors to reduce slipperiness and be trodden under foot of men.
3. Light of the world 5:14-16 - James E. Talmage “Two Lamps story” “Argand” “Rochester” “The man who would sell me a lamp did not disparage mine. He places his greater light alongside my feebler flame, and I hastened to obtain the better. The missionaries are sent forth, not to assail or ridicule the beliefs of men, but to set before the world a superior light, by which the smoky dimness of the flickering flames of man-made creeds shall be apparent.”
4. 5:17 - He did not come to destroy what he himself had revealed to Moses any more than a professor destroys arithmetic by revealing calculus. (DNTC, 1:219-20) Remember that we are not the Light, just, at best, a reflection. "Jots and Titles"
5. 5:20 - The righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees was impressive from an obedience point of view. That was not enough. From vs. 21-48, Jesus tells why. kill, adultery, anger, retaliation, enemies etc.
6.  5:22; Lynn G. Robbins talk April 5, 1998.
6A-  5:30 JST- a parable- Note the DNTC 1:225 Note vs. 44- enemies
7. 5:48 - Note Elder Nelson's talk in the Student Manual.
Chapter 5-It's ok to let your light shine but don't toot your own horn.
Chapter 6-The Secret of True Religion is Religion in Secret
Elder Oaks helped us understand the Savior’s teaching that our service should be done for the right reasons: “Some may serve for hope of earthly reward. Such a man or woman might serve in Church positions or in private acts of mercy in an effort to achieve prominence or cultivate contacts that would increase income or aid in acquiring wealth. Others might serve in order to obtain worldly honors, prominence, or power. … “In contrast, those who serve quietly, even ‘in secret,’ qualify for the Savior’s promise that ‘thy Father, who seeth in secret, shall reward thee openly.’ (3 Ne. 13:18; see also Matt. 6:4.) …“ “If our service is to be most efficacious, it must be accomplished for the love of God and the love of his children. ” (“Why Do We Serve?” Ensign, Nov. 1984, 13–15).
6:24 - Two masters
6:25-34 -3 Nephi 13:24-35 makes it clear that this instruction was for the 12 Apostles.
Chapter 7-Unrighteous judgment comes when we compare ourselves to others.
Judge Not and Judging  DALLIN H. OAKS fireside address was given at BYU on 1 March 1998. See also: The dirty laundry next door, (TSMonson, CR-Oct. 2010, "Charity Never Faileth") 7:9-11-Trust; 12-golden rule. 7:21-23 - Saved by grace alone?
Chapters 8 & 9 - The miracles in these 2 chapters will be taught when we see them in Mark and Luke. Note chapter headings to show the power Jesus was going to give his Apostles in Ch. 10.
Chapter 10 -
Vs. 5- See Matt. 28:19- Seasons change
11:28–30. “Come unto Me”- The Savior promised rest to all who come unto Him, no matter how difficult life’s trials. Elder Holland explained how we follow the Savior’s repeated invitation “Come unto me”: “Just believing, just having a ‘molecule’ of faith— … that simple step, when focused on the Lord Jesus Christ, has ever been the1st principle of His eternal gospel, the 1st step out of despair. “2nd, we must change anything we can change that may be part of the problem. In short we must repent,. … Anything we can change we should change, & forgive the rest. In this way our access to the Savior’s Atonement becomes as unimpeded as we can make it. He will take it from there. “3rd, we try to take upon us His identity, by taking upon us His name. That name is bestowed by covenant in the saving ordinances of the gospel. Starting w/ baptism & conclude with temple covenants, with many others, such as partaking of the sacrament, laced throughout our lives …“Following these teachings, a splendor of connections to Christ opens to us in many ways: prayer &fasting & meditation upon His purposes, savoring the scriptures, giving service to others, ‘succor the weak, lift the hands which hang down, … strengthen the feeble knees’ [D&C 81:5]. Above all else, loving with ‘the pure love of Christ. Soon, with that kind of love, we realize our days hold scores of thoroughfares leading to the Master & every time we reach out, however feebly, for Him, we discover He has been anxiously trying to reach us” (“Broken Things to Mend,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2006, 69–70).
Chapter 12 - The Sabbath  The rabbis determined 39 types of forbidden work .  This came to mean that "scattering 2seeds was sowing, sweeping away or breaking a clod was ploughing, plucking a blade of grass was sin, watering fruit or removing a withered leaf was forbidden, picking fruit, or lifting it from the ground, was reaping; cutting a mushroom was a double sin, one both of harvesting and of sowing, for a new one would grow in the place of the old, fishing, or anything that put an end to life, ranked with harvesting, rubbing ears of corn together, or anything else connected with food, was classed as binding of sheaves. One could spit upon a rock but not upon the ground, for  by scratching the earth you were guilty of cultivating. You could eat an egg laid by a fryer on the Sabbath but not an egg laid by a laying hen, because it was not the work of a fryer to produce eggs. Such distinctions, which went on endlessly, included prohibition against administering to the sick or afflicted. A broken bone could not be set or a dislocated joint put back, for if this was done, the body would start to heal itself, thus causing it to work. However, it was ruled that labor could be performed to save life. thus, if someone were buried under ruins on the Sabbath, they might be dug and taken out if they were found alive, but if dead, they were to be left until the Sabbath were over. Christ, who kept with exactness and honor the law as given on Sinai, had no reverence for these trappings with which men had embellished that law. (JFMcConkie Studies in Scripture 5:280-1) 12:43-45 - The Savior’s teachings apply to blasphemy against the Holy Ghost. These teachings also help us understand that Repentance means not just forsaking but replacing sin with faith in Jesus. D&C 58:43; 82:7.
Gary L. Poll
Cephas (Aramaic for a stone)
Petras (Greek for a stone), Simeon.
Bar Jona (Son of Jonah, Jona Jonas, Hebrew for dove) Many claim that his mother’s name was Johanna
Successful fisherman (partner with Andrew, James and John,)  born in Bethsaida then lived in Capernaum. with wife & mother-in-law.
John 1:40-44; 6:66-71;12:21; 20:2-7;21
Matt. 4:18-22; 8:14; 14:28-33;16:13-23; 17:1-12; 19:27; 26:31-37,58,69-75
Mark 1:16-20,29; 5:37;16:7
Luke 4:38;5:1-11; 22:31-32;24:12,34
Acts 1-5; 8:14-24; 9:32-43;10-11;  12:1-19;15:7-11.
I Cor. 15:5; Gal. 2
I Pet. 5:13;  Pet. 1:1,14
D&C 27:12-13; 63:20-21.
Jesus stayed with him when in Capernaum. Became leader of 12. Walked on water. Testified of Jesus at Caesarea Phillippi. Impetuous. Severed ear of Malchus with sword in Gethsemane.  Denied knowing Jesus in courtyard of Caiaphas. First to perform a miracle in  the name of Christ after resurrection. Opened gospel teaching to Gentiles. AD. Legends abound of him teaching in many other places, including; Asia Minor, Egypt, Syria. From 44-61 AD he was probably at work in Syrian towns, having Antioch as his center. Under Peter’s direction Mark wrote his Gospel. Wrote 2 Epistles. Crucified upside down during reign of Nero in Rome 64 or 65. Restored keys to Melchizedek Priesthood in May or June of 1829.
JAMES (the greater)
Boanerges or Sons of Thunder
James I. James is the Greek form of the Hebrew Jacob. The Hebrew James means ‘supplanter’
Son of Zebedee & Salome, (Mary’s sister) Brother of John, partner in fishing business
Matt 17:1-2; 20:20-24; 26:36,37
Mark 3:17; 5:37, 10:35-41
Luke 8:51; 9:28,29, 54
Acts 12:1-2
Witness, with Peter and John to raising of daughter of Jairus, transfiguration, Gethsemane, restored priesthood in modern day. Missionary to Spain. Beheaded  by Herod Agrippa in 44 AD in Jerusalem.
Disciple whom Jesus loved
John the Revelator
Son of thunder
Disciple of the Baptist. Brother of James. Maternal cousin of Jesus Fisherman
Matt. 16:28
Mark 9:38
John 1:35-40; 13:23,25; 19:25-27; 21:7,21-23
D&C 7
3 Nephi 28:1-12
Youngest Apostle. Sat next to Jesus at last supper.  Given care of Mary by Jesus at cross. Imprisoned with Peter, Mission to Samaria with Peter. Mission to Asia Minor, Exiled to Patmos. Authored gospel, Book of Revelation and 3 epistles. Translated.
ANDREW- from the Greek, andreia meaning valour or manhood
From Bethsaida, Brother of Simon, brought Simon to Jesus,  Disciple of the Baptist
Matt. 4:18-20
Mark 1:16-18,29-34;4:19-20;13:3
Luke 5:11
John 1:35-40;44; 6:8-9; 12:20-30
Acts 1:13
Mentioned in feeding of 5000, arranged private interview with Jesus and Greeks, present at ascension. May have gone to Scythia, Russia & Scotland to establish Church. Crucified on X cross 60, 62, or 70 AD by Aegeas (Aegeatus), in Patrae, Achaia.[i]Patron Saint of Russia, Scotland & fishermen.
PHILIP (name means lover of horses)
From Bethsaida. Introduced Nathaniel to Christ. Fisherman?
John 1:43-45; 6:5-7, 12:20-22; 14: 7-9
May have been the first to have been called to follow Savior, mentioned in feeding of 5000, asked Jesus to show him the father. Approached by Greeks in John 12. Not the Philip of Acts 6. Preached in Asia & crucified or hung 54 AD in Hierapolis?[ii]
Name means son of Tolmai. Probably
NATHANIEL which means ‘gift of God’
From Cana. Farmer? Seen under fig tree by Jesus
John 1:45-51
No guile, fishing with Peter after resurrection. Left gospel of Matthew in India? Flayed alive, tortured and beheaded in Armenia?
LEVI means ‘gift of Jehovah’
Publican, gave feast for Savior for which Jesus was criticized. Son of Alphaeus  (Cleopas.) Brother of James the less.
Matt 9:9-13, 10:3
Mark 2:13-17
Luke 5:27-32
Author of 1st gospel which was written to Jews and showed him a scholar of the Old Testament. One of the most active of the apostles after Christ’s death and labored in lands far from Palestine. Martyred w/ a spear in Ethiopia (south of Caspian Sea) about 60 AD?
Didymus (a twin) Didymus may have been his surname.
Twin sister Lysia?
Possibly born in Antioch, but lived in Galilee. Tradition says a carpenter by trade.
John 11:16; 14:1-7; 20:24-29; 21:2-6.
Willing to die for Jesus. Slow to understand Jesus’ mission. Not present when Christ made 1st appearance as resurrected being. Taught Syrians the gospel and also in India. Tradition says he died when a lance was driven through his body as he prayed in India, 72 AD.
JAMES (the lesser)
James II
James the Just
Brother of Jude or Matthew
Son of Alphaeus (Cleophas in Hebrew) & Mary, a cousin of Jesus?
John 19:25
Acts 1:13; 15:19
Uncertainty as to identity in Acts and the Epistles. There is confusion with him and the James who is called the Brother of Jesus. Bishop of Jerusalem and writer of the Book of James? Death 62 AD in Jerusalem, thrown from top of temple and then clubbed to death?
Lebbeus Thaddeus by Matthew, Thaddeus by Mark and Judas the brother of James by Luke
Brother of James? Cousin of Jesus?
Asked why Jesus would manifest Himself to His chosen servants and not the world at large after resurrection. Crucified at Edessa, Persia 72 AD?
SIMON ZELOTES which means in Syro-Chaldaic “The Canaanite”Name refers to the Zealots, the ultra zealous, anti-Roman,  Jewish party.
Probably a member of the Hebrew group which advocated  allegiance to Israel & violent overthrow of Roman domination
Luke 6:15
Acts 1:13
According to Apocrypha he preached & was martyred in Persia. Other legends take him to Egypt, North Africa and Britain. Crucified? Persia? Britain? 72-74 AD.
Only Judean of 12, a man (ish) of Kerioth, son of Simon
Matt 26; 23-25; 27:5-6
John 6:70-71; 12:1-7; 13:26, 29; 17:12
Acts 1:18,20
D&C 76:31-48; 132:27
Treasurer for 12, dishonest, complainer. Betrayed Jesus, committed suicide by hanging himself at Aceldama, the field of blood.
Fox’s Book of Martyrs, Ch. 1 records the traditions of the Apostles’ deaths. Fox’s book quotes mainly from Eusebius, an early fourth century historian who quoted from many sources impossible to document. Information  from Fox & from Apocryphal sources are written above in italics.
Possible additional N.T. Apostles - MATTHIAS - Acts 1.  MARK & LUKE - T&S 3:902.  PAUL - Acts 7:58; 9: 1-22; 18; 20; 21; 24; 26:9-10; 28; Rom. 1:1; 1 Cor.  1:1;9:1; Gal 1:1; II Tim. 1:11. BARNABUS - I Cor. 5-6; Acts 14:4-14.  JAMES-the Lord’s brother - Gal. 1:19.  APPOLLOS - Acts 18:24-19:1; I Cor. 1:12; 3:6,22; 4; 16:12; Titus 3:13; DTNC 2:332.
JUNIA & ANDRONICUS - Rom. 16:7 - “You will remember that the history of the church given us in the inspired writings covers a period of less than 33 years if we accept the year 66 as that in which both Peter and Paul suffered martyrdom. But during those years we have indications that men were chosen to be Apostles. The place of Judas...Matthias being chosen. Then we read in the NT of there being 4 other Apostles-Paul, Barnabas, Junia and Andronicus. Of the latter 2, Paul says in our English version of the Bible that they were of note among the Apostles, and in Luther’s translation they are called famous Apostles. Hence they did have more than the original 12. As long as the true Priesthood remained upon the earth these officers were found in the Church, fulfilling the purpose for which they were placed there. (Anthon H. Lund. CR Nov. 1901, p.p.s. 75-76.)
Call of the Twelve - Matt. 10:1-4; Mark 3:13-19; Luke 6:12-16
Charge to the Twelve - Oliver Cowdery, HC 2:194-198.
See BD - Gospels, Harmony of. See also  “Gospel Doctrine” by Joseph F. Smith,  p. 178.

[i].3rd century  Apocryphal accounts of Andrew include; Acts and Martyrdom of the Holy Apostle Andrew, Acts of Andrew and Matthias In the City Of The Man-Eaters.
[ii].The Acts of Philip are apocryphal and probably date from the 3rd/4th century.
Living Apostles

Age Married
Date Called
Work & Stuff
Thomas S. Monson
B.A. - UofU
MP Canada
Printer, Bishop at 22
Boyd K. Packer
MP New England
L. Tom Perry
Northern States
Russell M. Nelson
UofU - BA & MD
Uof Minn. PHD
Heart Surgeon
Dallin H. Oaks
U. of Chicago-JD
Justice Utah Supreme Court
M. Russell Ballard
UofU- No degree
Auto Dealer- Grandfathers Apostles
Richard G. Scott
George Washington BS
Nuclear Scientist
Robert D. Hales
UofU - BS
Harvard MBA
MP England
Air Force, Business Executive
Jeffrey R. Holland
Yale - MA & PHD
British Mission
From St. George, UT
Henry B. Eyring
UofU - BA
Harvard - MBA & DBA
Dieter F. Uchtdorf
Int. Inst. for Management Development-MBA
David A. Bednar
Purdue - PHD
Quentin L. Cook
Stanford - JD
British Mission
California attorney
Todd D. Christofferson
Duke - JD
Neil L.  Anderson
Harvard - MBA
VP Morton Plant Health System

                                                      7BYU; 5UofU;              8 Fulltime                                                           1 in 30's
                                                     3 Harvard;4MBA         5 MP                                                4.8               1 in 40's
                                                      3 JD; 3 USU                  7 Military                                                           6 in 50's ; 7 in60's
Isaiah 30-32

Isaiah 30

Vs. 1-3 - Judah has this unexplainable policy of choosing Egypt over prophets.

Vs. 4 - Zoan (Tanis) and Hanes were Egyptian cities where reps from Egypt and Judah made alliances.

Vs. 5 - Makers of the alliance were ashamed because as it turned our Assyria was stronger than Egypt.

Vs. 6 - Note the footnote. Do we ever give gifts to the wrong people rather than the right God?

Vs. 7- Judah is reminded that rather than go to Egypt they should "sit still" and trust in God.

Vs. 8-12 - Isaiah commanded to write down this witness against Judah of their not following a prophet.

Vs. 13-14 - The wickedness of Judah is like a crack in the wall; it just gets bigger until the wall falls.

Vs. 15-17- Rather than staying and trusting, the Jews trust in the speed of Egyptian horses.

Vs. 18-26- Future blessings for those in Jerusalem who trust in the Lord.

Vs. 27-33- Isaiah prophesies of the destruction of worldliness (Assyria) at the 2nd Coming.

Vs. 33- Tophet was a place of burning human sacrifices by followers of Molech. At the 2nd coming the wicked will be burned.

Isaiah 31 - Let's just read the chapter heading. Close to what we saw in Isaiah 30.

Vs. 1-3 - A reminder of what happens to those in Old Testament times who rely on the arm of flesh rather than God.

Vs. 4-9 - For our day, if we will trust in God, he will be like a mighty lion protecting us.

Isaiah 32 -

Vs. 1 - Messiah will reign and the exalted will be princes.

Vs. 2 - Messiah will protect people as in the 4 examples listed.

Vs. 3-8 - all Israel will be blessed with an understanding of what they see and hear, a spirit of discernment, and an improved ability to communicate. It looks like a world-wide upgrade.

Vs. 9-10 - The careless will go on for a long time with their lives not worrying about the words of prophets.

Vs. 11-12 - An invitation to repent.

Vs. 13-14- These verses tell of the sad times coming to Israelites who do not repent.

Vs. 15-18 - The coming of the Spirit will turn things around and God's people will live in peace.

Vs. 19-20 - Though homes and crops of the wicked are destroyed, Zion will enjoy peace and security.