My missionary farewell interview- I wish there were 5-10 of us
sitting around a table sharing ideas.
Who in this room has had life go the way they thought it was
going to? Mitt Romney, Gary Poll
D&C 52:14- A pattern in all things
Here's 15 ideas- Like Chuck a Rama- Don't try to put all of them
on your plate
1. 1. Happy people surround
themselves with other happy people. 2. Happy
people try to be happy. 3. Happy people
spend money more on others than they spend on themselves. 4. Happy people have deep in-person conversations. 5. Happy people use laughter as a medicine. A study showed
that children on average laugh 300 times a day versus adults who laugh 15 times
a day. 6. Happy people use the power of
music. 7. Happy people exercise and eat a
healthful diet. Eating a poor diet can contribute to depression. 8. Happy people take the time to unplug and go outside.
9. Happy people get enough sleep. 10. Happy people are spiritual.
2. Craig Fisher and
David Broadbent- Invite someone to lunch
3. D&C 3:3 - God
isn't frustrated- He knows how to help us. His answer to our prayer is
never, "Gee this has never come up before.
4. D&C 64:9 - Forgive someone- I'm taking this one with
me to the grave.
5. Read the Book of Mormon every day for the rest of my
life. Read the scriptures differently this year. (Christ and the New Covenant)
1 Nephi 1:19: 10:4-17-Look for Jesus in the Book of Mormon and in all scriptures.
6. My Forgetter is getting Better- October 2014- but
memorize anyway. Book of Mormon, Living Christ, Proclamation on the Family, 138
and 239, names of the people in your ward
7. 2 Nephi 2:2 - Consecrate our afflictions for our gain.
MDHanks- God is able to bless us better when we are grateful for our problems
as they happen.
8. What kind of problems am I having - a 1 or a 2 or a 3. -
Ether 2
9. D&C 59:21 Be grateful for people- My top 100 list
10. My friends favorite scriptures
11. My 239 Book of Mormon friends.
12. What do you listen to or watch. What did you listen to
on your way here? I tried to change Hannity, Beck and Limbaugh for Monson,
Packer and Holland.
13. Read your personal scriptures- Your patriarchal blessing
14. Advice from an unknown person at Aspen Grove. Fast every
week and go to the temple every week.
15. Remember that God doesn't grad on a curve. Two Things I
am sure of. A. Nobody walks away from the judgment bar.