Saturday, October 18, 2014


In chapter 17, Isaiah spoke to King Ahaz and warned him against making alliances with anyone other than God. He now turns to the people and invites them to put their trust in the Lord rather than earthly kingdoms. He prophesies of upcoming judgments upon Syria, Israel, Assyria and also Judah. In the 1830 edition of the Book of Mormon, these two chapter were one.

 Vs. 1-4- In these verses (prose) Isaiah relates the fulfillment of the prophecy given Ahaz as a sign in 7:14. This sign is a token of the birth of the Savior.

Vs. 1 - The name Maher-shalal-hash-baz is the longest word in the Bible and means, “quick to the plunder, swift to the spoil.” This boy is a living witness of the destruction by Assyria of Syria and Israel and to the speed with which that destruction will be carried out.  A man’s pen is referring to the engraving tool of a man, a common writing instrument. On a great scroll may indicate that it was to be part of an important and to be preserved record.

Vs. 2 - Isaiah follows the Dt. 17:6; 19:15 injunction to have 2 or 3 witnesses for what he is to pronounce to the people. It is written down as a witness that the prophecy of the previous chapter (Isaiah 17:14) is being fulfilled and that he has done as commanded. Uriah "My Light is Jehovah" (2 Kings 16:10-16) was a prominent priest. Zechariah's "Remember Jehovah" identify is unknown.

Vs. 3 - In fulfillment of 17:14. Parry says that he may have also been called Immanuel. At any rate he is a type of the Savior, not the Savior, just as his mother is a type of Mary.

Vs. 4 - The prophecy was fulfilled in 734-732 BC when Tiglath-pileser, king of Assyria, captured the Galilee region, the Jezreel Valley, and the Tran Jordan, and plundered their riches.

Vs. 5-10 represent the unwillingness of the people of Judah to accept the Savior. Isaiah contrasts the pleasant waters of Shiloah with those of the raging and destructive waters of the Euphrates.

Vs. 5, 6 - The waters of Shiloah (Israel’s only perennial spring-in SE Jerusalem)  are a soft, slow rolling water located near the temple mount of Jerusalem and represent the Savior. (The word Shiloh means, “He who’s right it is") Rezin was king of Syria and Pekah, the son of Remaliah, was king of Israel.   Rather than rejoicing in Jehovah, Judah rejoiced in the bad things happening to Syria and Israel.

Vs. 7 - the Lord here compares the destructive might of the Euphrates River with that of the Assyrian rulers and tells what they will do to Judah.

Vs. 8 - Isaiah portrays the completeness of Assyria’s destruction of Judah, but reminds the people that they are His people for Immanuel, “God is with us.”

Vs. 9,10 - A warning to invading nations that whatever alliances they make, they will be punished for their war against God’s people. Wars, treaties and contracts that take people away from God will ALWAYS be unproductive in the long run. The repitition is probably a scribal error not duplicated in the Isaiah Scroll of the Dead Sea Scrolls.

Vs. 11-15 are verses admonishing Isaiah and those others (2nd person plural used) to not be obsessed with the war, but to look to the Savior. Important verses for our day!

Vs. 11 - Isaiah is told that he is not to be like the rest of his people in their sins.

Vs. 12 - Isaiah is told not to worry about the confederacy of Israel and Syria, like he told Ahaz not to in the previous chapter. Remember they were trying to replace Ahaz with a puppet ruler.

Vs. 13 - Many of us fear the terrorists when we should fear the Lord.

Vs. 14 - Jesus is often referred to as a sanctuary or temple (see Ezek. 11:26; John 2:18-20; Rev. 21:22) also a stone or rock or a gin, snare or trap. The message is, “Whatever you need and deserve, he will provide and be.

Vs. 15 - a prophecy of the results of vs. 14.

Vs. 16 - has reference in my life to a testimony that is sure and a determination to keep the law.

Vs. 17 - I will wait for the Lord to answer my prayers in his time even when he seems to be hiding from me, I will maintain my hope in Christ. "I will look for him" is literally translated "I will hope for him."

Vs. 18 - Isaiah’s family and our families should be as signs for the Lord. Isaiah’s name means “Jehovah saves”, Shear-jashub means “a remnant shall return” and Maher-shalal-hash-baz was a reminder of the swift destruction and plundering of the Assyrians. What does your name mean to people with whom you come in contact? The Jerusalem Temple stood on Mount Zion.

Vs. 19 - We look for all the right answers in all the wrong places. Peep=whisper or chirp like a bird. According to J.R. Dummelow it refers to the thin and feeble voices of ghosts from Sheol (Hell). Peep and Mutter refer to methods of people who use spirits and wizards to communicate with spirits.  Sometimes we spend too much time and energy listening to the News and not enough listening to Living Prophets.

Vs. 20 - an admonition to look to the law (torah) and to the testimony (words of the prophets) and when they speak from other sources there is no light in them.   1)Standard works, 2) Living prophets and 3) Holy Ghost

Vs. 21 - When Israel and Judah find themselves in their deplorable condition, they will blame their leaders and their God.

Vs. 22 - When lost Israel looks for help they look in all the wrong places. This may represent a time when no light is to be found on earth (apostasy) or to a time when people are not looking for it.