Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Old Testament 301 Day 5

- It was easier to got Israel out of Egypt than it was to get Egypt out of Israel.

Thought: "During the Sacrament today I said a prayer committing myself to do better in my efforts to always remember the Savior. I was then interrupted by somebody's cell phone which said, "Cannot hear message." The thought came to me that my prayer had not registered. Not because Heavenly Father had not been able to hear my prayer, bu because my resolve as I offered that prayer was not accompanied by a firm enough resolve to have me make the necessary adjustments in my life." (GLP, Hampton Ward, Mesa, Az. Jan. 2, 2014)

Books of the Week: Keil & Delitzsch -Commentary on the Old Testament-10 volumes 7744 pages

"Studies in Scripture Vol. 3-The Old Testament" edited by Kent P. Jackson & Robert L. Millet


1)Moses knew Jesus - John 5:45-47; Luke 24:27

2)Moses in mentioned 657 times in the OT; 65 in NT; 26 in BOM; 21 in D&C & 29 in PofGP.

3)NO-KNOW's a)When-within 100 years; b)Name of Pharaoh c)Egypt records no Abraham, Jacob, Joseph, Moses or Israel in Egypt.

4) JST 50:24, 29, 34-38

5)2 Nephi 3:8-10; 16-18 -Joseph of Egypt compared Joseph Smith to Moses.

6)Josephus taught a)One of those sacred scribes, who are very sagacious in foretelling future events truly, told the king, that about this time there would a child be born to the Israelites, who, if he were reared, would bring the Egyptian dominion low, and would raise the Israelites; that he would excel all men in virtue, and obtain a glory that would be remembered through all ages. b) a military leader in Egypt c) married an Ethiopian princess (Numbers 12:1)

7) 2Nephi 3:9 compares Moses to Joseph Smith a)Both saw Jehovah b)both were liberators, leading people to liberty c) both were law givers by inspiration d) both prophets & seers e) both performed mighty miracles f)both were opposed by friends & foes g)both depended on a brother,  h)both were major contributors to scripture

Exodus- In the Greek Septuagint and Latin Vulgate: וְאֵלֶּה, שְׁמוֹת- - these are the names (Hebrew);

              Overall, the book of Exodus is a primer on revelation...There are two major divisions; chapters 1-19, the historical narrative and 20-40, the legislative code. (Ogden, p. 174)

              Carol Meyers in her commentary on Exodus suggests that it is arguably the most important book in the Bible, as it presents the defining features of Israel's identity: memories of a past marked by hardship and escape, a binding covenant with the god who chooses Israel, and the establishment of the life of the community and the guidelines for sustaining it. (Meyers, Carol,2005. Exodus. Cambridge Univ. Press)

              "Exodus is the commencement of Israel as a covenant nation. It relates how God fulfilled his ancient promise to Abraham by multiplying his descendants into a great nation, redeeming them from the land of bondage,& renewing the covenant of grace with them on a national basis." (Archer, A Survey of Old Testament Introduction, p. 220)

Exodus 1 -

Vs. 2-4 - Who is missing and why? 70 had grown to over a million.

Vs. 7 - "At the end of 430 years, the Lord now decreed that the time had arrived for Israel to occupy her own land there become that peculiar people who would await the coming of their Messiah." (Peterson, Moses p. 30)

Vs. 8 - How could you not know Joseph?

Vs. 11-12 -they are growing too fast, let's see if we can make life hard enough for them to slow it down.

Vs. 15-22 - The heroic midwifes - D&C 3:7-8

"The life of Moses was threatened by the ruler of the land, just as Christ was by Herod. "The edict was only against males because the men were the ones who might revolt against the new regime and because in the absence of Israelite men, the women would be forced to marry Egyptian men and become assimilated." (Ogden p. 177)

Exodus 2 - Acts 7:21-29;  Hebrews 11:24-27; Josephus

Vs. 1-2- Moses was a Levite by father and Mother. "Moses bore the resemblance of his Lord. In appearance, guise, and semblance, they were the same,. The qualities of the one were the qualities of the other." (BRM- Promised Messiah 442-43)

Vs. 10 - see footnote b.

RJMatthews said that he thought that Moses probably read about himself when he was growing up in Pharaoh's household reading the records of Joseph and Abraham.

Vs. 11-15 - He slew a man who was slaying another and had to leave town.However, the historian Eusebius says that the slaying was the result of a court intrigue in which certain men plotted to assassinate Moses. In the encounter it is said that Moses successfully warded off the attacker and killed him. (Eusebius IX:27.) “In the Midrash Rabbah, the traditional Jewish commentary on the Old Testament, it is asserted that Moses, with his bare fists, killed an Egyptian taskmaster who was in the act of seducing a Hebrew woman. This is confirmed in the Koran.

Vs. 16-22- Received priesthood, a wife  (Zipporah)& 2 sons (Gershom=a stranger there and Eliezer=my God is my help) from an descendent of Abraham & Keturah. (Reuel, Jethro, Raguel)   see D&C 84:6-7. The priesthood was passed on to an Israelite from a non-Israelite.

Vs. 23-25 - 40 years in Egypt; 40 years in Midian in the Sinai Peninsula.

Exodus 3 - A burning bush at Horeb=Sinai          Ether 12:27        3:11-16- See John 8:58-59-I am

Jehovah is the Anglicized rendering of the Hebrew, Yahveh or Jahveh, signifying the Self-existent One, or The Eternal. This name is generally rendered in our English version of the Old Testament as Lord printed in capitals. The Hebrew, Ehyeh, signifying I Am, is related in meaning and through derivation with the term Yahveh or Jehovah.” (Jesus the Christ, p. 36.) The Jews regarded the name of Jehovah as so sacred that it could not be spoken. Instead, they substituted for Jehovah the word Adonai, which signifies “the Lord.” (Talmage, Jesus the Christ, p. 37.) The King James translators followed the same practice out of respect for the Jewish custom. Sometimes the word lord, however, is used to refer not to God but to royalty or other important people. To distinguish the sacred name from common usage, the translators capitalized lord when it referred to Jehovah and left it in lower case letters otherwise. (See 2 Samuel 15:21 for an example of both uses of the word lord.) - Remember 1)Egypt had lots of gods with lots of names; 2) names in ancient Israel were meaningful and 3) Every land had its own god with his/her own name and home-land gave home-god advantage.

Exodus 4  Moses' concerns (remember Enoch in Moses  6:31; Isaiah in Is. 16; Jeremiah in Jer. 1:6; Gideon in Judges 6:15; Saul in 1 Samuel 9:21)- 1]Won't believe-a)Rod=snake, a symbol if the Savior- Pharaoh with a cobra on his head dress, Lucifer in the garden; b)Hand; c)Water to blood. 2]Can't talk-a)Vs. 11; b)Aaron -Note the Jaredite boat problems in Ether 2.

4:24-27-JST-circumcision procrastinated- Zipporah apparently returned to her father w/ the boys.

4:27-31-The brother reunion and united mission

*Insert  Moses 1 here. It was not the same mountain. See Moses 1:17, 42- That mountain was not known among mortals.

Exodus 5- D&C 63:9 - Faith cometh not by signs, but faith follow them that believe.

James 1:13 - Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth he any man.

Vs. 2 - Pharaoh asks, "Who is God" (Alma 9:2; Mosiah 11:27; Moses 5:16-17)

              Have you ever had your best efforts backfire? - Pharaoh (increased burdens) and Israel blame Moses.

Exodus 6

Vs. 3 - Note JST - A little encouragement, "I am God and I promised"

Exodus 7-10 -

Moses' period of preparation had to give him a little confidence (Moses1:10, 13-5, 20-22, 33)

Moses- A herdsman for the last 40 years vs. Pharaoh representing Egypt the greatest nation on earth in wealth, education, technology, mathematics, astronomy. God seems to like the odds i.e.; D&C 1:19; 1:23; 35:13; 124:1; 1 Cor. 1:27; Acts 4:13; 1 Samuel 17; Judges 7; Mosiah 21:14-16; 24:13-14; 2. D&C 121 & 122.

Magicians perform miracles - All down through the ages and in almost all countries, men have exercised great occult and mystical powers, even to the healing of the sick and the performing of miracles. Soothsayers, magicians, and astrologers were found in the courts of ancient kings. They had certain powers by which they divined and solved the monarch’s problems, dreams, etc. …“… The Savior declared that Satan had the power to bind bodies of men and women and sorely afflict them [see Matthew 7:22–23; Luke 13:16]. … It should be remembered that Satan has great knowledge and thereby can exercise authority and to some extent control the elements, when some greater power does not intervene” (ATGZ], 1:176, 178).

Egyptian Gods
Parallels in Latter-day Prophecies
1. Water to blood (see Exodus 7:17–25)
Hapi (or Hopi)—controlled the waters of the Nile, which was itself considered sacred-Pharaoh went out in the morning to worship this God.
See Revelation 8:8; 16:3–6
2. Frogs (see Exodus 8:2–6)
Heqt (or Heket)—goddess with a frog’s head Frog sacred-a symbol of child birth and  the resurrection
See Revelation 16:12–14
3. Lice, or gnats (see Exodus 8:16–17)
Seth—god of the earth; the earth was turned into lice, or gnats-Imitation unsuccessful -magician acknowledge hand of God.
4. Flies (see Exodus 8:21–24)
Possibly Uachit—represented by a fly in ancient Egyptian religion, the Sun god Ra is seen to roll across the sky each day, transforming bodies and souls. Beetles of the Scarabaeidae family (dung beetle) roll dung into a ball as food and as a brood chamber in which to lay eggs that are later transformed into larva. For these reasons the scarab was seen as a symbol of this heavenly cycle and of the idea or rebirth or regeneration. The Egyptian god Khepri, Ra as the rising sun, was often depicted as a scarab beetle or as a scarab beetle-headed man. The ancient Egyptians believed that Khepri renewed the sun every day before rolling it above the horizon, then carried it through the other world after sunset, only to renew it, again, the next day.
See Doctrine and Covenants 29:18–20
5. Cattle dying (see Exodus 9:2–7)
Apis and Mnevis—bull gods; Hathor—goddess with a cow head; Khnum—a ram god- A possible predecessor of the golden calf.
6. Boils and blains (see Exodus 9:8–11)
Sekhmet—a goddess with power over disease; Sunu—the pestilence god; Isis—a goddess of healing
7. Hail and fire (see Exodus 9:22–26)
Nut—the sky goddess; Osiris—the god of crops and fertility
See Revelation 8:7
8. Locusts (see Exodus 10:12–15)
Osiris—god of crops and fertility- Vs. 13 - the East wind is the wind of destruction
See Revelation 9:3
9. Darkness (see Exodus 10:21–23)
Khepri, Re (or Ra) and Amun—sun gods
See Revelation 6:12; Doctrine and Covenants 45:42; Joseph Smith—Matthew 1:33
10. Death of the firstborn (see Exodus 12:12–30)
Pharaoh—considered a god, but had no power to save his own son from death; Isis—goddess who protected children/ Passover is at the heart of the Exodus.

Exodus 11-12

11:7 - see 1 Nephi 17:33-38

12:13-14- The Passover-Hebrew pesach =to skip by or spare.

Specific instructions to be observed religiously with great symbolic importance.

Passover=New Beginning
Atonement & Resurrection
12:3, 5
Lamb w/out blemish
Blood on door posts
Identifies person as follower of Christ
Whole lamb roasted-0 remaining
Jesus was wholly consumed-He gave all
Firstborn die
Jesus=1stborn (D&C 93:21-22)
Passover kept throughout  generations
Eternal nature of ordinances & atonement
Unleavened bread for 7 days
Leaven=corruption is done away eternally (7)
Hyssop used- cleansing agent-sponge?
Used to give Jesus vinegar John 19:29
No stranger eats the Passover
It was seen as a covenant renewal -sacrament
No broken bones on lamb
No broken bones on Christ (John 19:36)
Covenant making allowed
Adoption (Mosiah 5:7; 27:25; 2 Nephi 30)

12:30-32-"Uncle" Pharaoh gives up


Exodus 13- Exodus 13:1–10, 11–16; Deuteronomy 6:4–9, 11:13–21- scriptures inside Phylacteries.

The 1st born was saved and indebted. What would you say to your 1st born son if he was one who was preserved?

Vs. 17- The Lord led them the long and the safe way and a way that gave them time to prepare.

Exodus 14- 1st a test of faith and then a miracle. (D&C 8:2-3-the spirit of revelation in your mind and in your heart) then 14:28, 31

Vs. 19-31- See 1 Nephi 17:25-27; D&C 101:79- It is not right that man should be in bondage one to another. Exodus 15:

Vs. 2 - Salvation in Hebrew = Jeshua=Jesus

Vs. 23- Marah=bitterness

Vs. 24. “And the People Murmured against Moses” This verse contains the first of over twenty uses of the word murmur in its various forms in the record of Israel’s wanderings. Murmuring seems to have been a dominant part of their natures and a root of some of the problems they faced. The word is used nearly the same number of times to describe the attitude of the rebellious members of the Lehi colony who traveled through the same general wilderness area after leaving Jerusalem. Murmuring is defined as “a half-suppressed or muttered complaint” Instead of open expression of concern and criticism so a problem can be dealt with, it is behind-the-scenes grumbling. That problem was not unique to the Israelites or to Laman and Lemuel. It is too often prevalent among Latter-day Saints today. Elder Marion G. Romney said: “I desire to call your attention to the principle of loyalty, loyalty to the truth and loyalty to the men whom God has chosen to lead the cause of truth. I speak of ‘the truth’ and these ‘men’ jointly, because it is impossible fully to accept the one and partly reject the other. “I raise my voice on this matter to warn and counsel you to be on your guard against criticism. … It comes, in part, from those who hold, or have held, prominent positions. Ostensibly, they are in good standing in the Church. In expressing their feelings, they frequently say, ‘We are members of the Church, too, you know, and our feelings should be considered.’ “They assume that one can be in full harmony with the spirit of the gospel, enjoy full fellowship in the Church, and at the same time be out of harmony with the leaders of the Church and the counsel and directions they give. Such a position is wholly inconsistent, because the guidance of this Church comes, not alone from the written word, but also from continuous revelation, and the Lord gives that revelation to the Church through His chosen leaders and none else. It follows, therefore, that those who profess to accept the gospel and who at the same time criticize and refuse to follow the counsel of the leaders, are assuming an indefensible position.” (In Conference Report, Apr. 1942, pp. 17–18.)

Exodus 16- The Israelites seemed to prefer slavery with sustenance over freedom w/ responsibility.

16:4 - Manna="what is it" was an obedience test- See John 6:31-35, 48-51

A mother in the Philippines said: “Sometimes we do not have enough money for food, but that is all right because it gives me the opportunity to teach my children about faith. We gather and pray for relief, and the children see the Lord bless us. (Dallin H. Oaks CR, Oct. 2012)

Exodus 17- Being thirsty is not a sin I Cor. 10:1-4- Moreover, brethren, I would not that ye should be ignorant, how that all our fathers were under the acloud, and all passed through the bsea;  And were all abaptized unto Moses in the cloud and in the sea;  And did all eat the same spiritual ameat;  And did all drink the same spiritual drink: for they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them: and that aRock was Christ.

 All things testify of Christ- the living water, the rock, the bread, the cloud “"Christ is the bread which came down from heaven, the Bread of Life, the spiritual manna, of which men must eat to gain salvation. (John 6:31–58.) He is the spiritual drink, the living water, the water of life, which if men drink they shall never thirst more. (John 4:6–15.)” (Doctrinal New Testament Commentary, 2:355.)

17:8-13- Holding up arms of Moses by Aaron & Hur & JFS by HB Lee & NE Tanner. (CR Oct. 1970) Amalekites - See 1 Samuel 15

17:14 - God commanded Moses to write. See also Ex. 24: 4, 7

Exodus 18-

18:13-26 -Could you take advise from your sheepherding father-in-law if you were leading a group of over a million people? (See D&C 136)

Exodus 19-Moses' aim was to give Israel a temple experience. (Adam, Moses, Jesus, Joseph Smith)

They arrived in Sinai 3 months after leaving Egypt and stayed for 11 months. (Ex. 19-Numbers 10-11-12)

19:5-6- Peculiar=segula=special or valued or PURCHASED. A promise that we are trying to live. The Abrahamic covenant.

Vs. 8 - They said YES! It was the chance to receive the grandest of all revelations: they could have seen the Lord, heard him speak to Moses, known for themselves about his will and his law, comprehended Moses' future revelations from God (Dt. 4:10), and been translated as other communities had. (Ogden p. 207-8)

D&C 84:21-24-An opportunity forfeited for over 1000 years by the children of Israel.

Church History by the Decade


Church Membership
1880-Oct. 10
Pearl of Great Price
Accepted as Standard Work
1880-Oct. 10
John Taylor sustained
Pres. of Church-Counselors-George Q. Cannon-Joseph F. Smith
1882-Jan. 8
Assembly Hall dedicated
Built with stones left over from the building of the temple.
Original BoM manuscript
Removed from cornerstone of Nauvoo house by Lewis Bidamon. Church is in possession of 144 pages.
1882-Aug. 18
The 5 member  Utah Commission, authorized in the Edmunds law
arrived in the territory. Had responsibility of supervising election procedures. Result was to disenfranchise  much of the Mormon population.
1883-Apr. 24
William E. McLellin died
In obscurity age 77
1883-May 20
SLC  police arrest 17
boys for "breaking the Sabbath" by playing baseball on Sunday.
1883-Aug. 29
Steamship Nevada left Liverpool, England w/,
 682 Saints, 29 returning missionaries, in charge of Peter F. Goss. Arrived  New York Sept. 7th, Salt Lake City Sept. 17th.
1883-Oct. 24
Hugh B. Brown born-5th of 14 children
Married Zina Young Card, a granddaughter of Brigham Young, in 1908.
1883-Nov. 17
Charles C. Rich died (75)
father of 51=grandfather of 85
James A. Fairchild Pres. of Oberlin College Ohio
Discovered the Spaulding Manuscript in Hawaii. He compared the BoM with the Manuscript and found no relationship.
1884-May 17
Logan Temple dedicated
John Taylor
1885-Feb. 1
John Taylor spoke in
Tabernacle and then went into hiding until his death.
Colonies in Mexico
Gen. Conferences held
In Coalville, Logan & Provo to the chagrin on non LDS stores.
Election Test Oath Bill
Governor Bunn forced to sign in at gun point. Vote, Jury, Office
1887-Feb. 17
Edmunds-Tucker Act became law
Disincorporated  Church, dissolved Perpetual Emigrating Fund, abolished female suffrage, &provided for the confiscation of practically all the property of the Church.
Cardston, Canada
Became site for LDS settling.
1887-July 25
John Taylor died
1888-Jan. 25
David Whitmer died
In Richmond, Mo bearing testimony of BoM on death bed.
1888-May 21
Manti Temple dedicated
By Wilford Woodruff and Lorenzo Snow
1888-June 8
Stakes instructed to establish an academy
From 1888 to 1909, 35 academies were established in Utah, Idaho, Wyoming, Arizona, Mexico and Canada.
1889-Apr. 7
Wilford Woodruff
Sustained as President of Church. Retained Cannon & Smith.

*  The Morrill Anti-Bigamy Act of 1862 prohibited polygamy in the territories. It also limited the value of the land that the LDS church could own, among other things. 

*  The Poland Act of 1874 took away the LDS church’s power over the territory’s judicial system.

*  The Edmunds Act of 1882 made polygamy a felony, prohibited “unlawful cohabitation,” and took away polygamists’ right to vote and hold political office.

*  The Edmunds-Tucker Act of 1887 disincorporated the LDS church, allowed the government to seize church assets, punished offenders with large fines and prison, required wives to testify against husbands, and more.