Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Church History & D&C - Day15

Thought: In a deeply troubled world, families and individuals can realize personal peace as a promised reward for righteousness. It is a gift of the Savior's mission and atoning sacrifice. Universal peace did not exist on earth during Christ's mortal ministry. It does not now. True peace is not just temporary tranquility — it is an abiding deep happiness and spiritual contentment. Peace is not just safety or lack of war, violence, conflict and contention. Peace comes from knowing that the Savior knows who we are, knows that we have faith in Him, love Him, and keep His commandments, even and especially amid life's devastating trials and tragedies. For those who reject God, there is no peace. Peace is not found in worldly ways, nor is it found by attaining great wealth, power or prominence. Peace is not found in the pursuit of pleasure, entertainment or leisure. It is the Savior who is the source and author of peace. Repentance and righteous living allows for peace of conscience. "When there has been a major transgression, confession is required to bring peace. Temples are where many of these sacred ordinances occur and are also a source of peaceful refuge from the world. (Quentin L. Cook, April 2013)

Book of the Week: Doctrine and Covenants Compendium  published in 1960 by Sidney Branton Sperry (1895–1977), a leading LDS scholar of the Book of Mormon and Bible, joined the Religion Department at Brigham Young University in 1932 and retired in 1969. The first Sperry Symposium was held four years later in 1973.

Section 60 - How to get home

Vs. 2-3- Open your mouth

Vs. 5 - See Ether 2- No answer is likely to come to a person who seeks guidance in choosing between 2 alternatives that are equally acceptable to the Lord. Thus, there are times when we can serve productively in two different fields of labor. Either answer is right. Similarly, the Spirit of the Lord is not likely to give us revelations on matters that are trivial. I once heard a young woman in a testimony meeting praise the spirituality of her husband, indicating that he submitted every question to the Lord. She told how he accompanied her shopping and would not even choose between different brands of canned vegetables without making his selection a matter of prayer. That strikes me as improper. I believe the Lord expects us to use the intelligence and experience He has given us to make these kind of choices. When a member asked the prophet Joseph Smith for advice on a particular mater, the Prophet stated, It is a great thing to inquire of at the hands of God, or to come into His presence: and we feel fearful to approach Him on subjects that are of little or no consequence."(Dallin H. Oaks, “Revelation,” New Era, Sep 1982, 38)

Vs. 13 - It's hard to steer a parked car

Section 61 - See Section Heading  (See also Revelation 8:8-11; 16:3-4)

The canoe in which the Prophet & Sidney were riding ran into a tree, lodged & bobbing in the river. The canoe was upset & the occupants were almost drowned.

Vs. 2 - During the 3 days on the river some disagreements & ill feelings developed & reconciliations had become necessary (CHC 1:262-3)

Vs. 3 - See D&C 60:1-9 (8)

Vs. 5 - During the year 1843, it was estimated that for a number of weeks the loss of steamboats averaged 1 a day.

Vs. 27- See LeGrand Richards CR, April 1941 p. 84) His grandfather was crossing the ocean and used the power of the Priesthood to calm a storm. Ralph Cottrell as a missionary.

Vs. 30 Cincinnati was a small village like Independence where wickedness prevailed.

Section 62 - See section heading- (Hyrum Smith, John Murdock, David Whitmer & Harvey Whitlock)

Vs. 3- See James 5:20- Let him know, that he which converteth the sinner from the error of his way shall save a soul from death, and shall hide a multitude of sins.

Section 63 - Date Aug. 30th added to Section heading

Vs. 3 - See Verse 3 of Section 62

Vs. 8-11 - Sign seekers " He who seeketh a sign is an adulterous person & that principle is eternal, undeviating & firm as the pillars of heaven, for whenever you see a man seeking after a sign, you may set it down that he is an adulterous man." (TPJS p. 157)                     A sign seeker may say, 'Remove the need for faith and I will have faith.'

Vs. 39 - Titus Billings was one of the first settlers of Manti, Utah

Vs. 42 - Newel K. Whitney was a bishop 3X

Vs. 61-62-  "Presumptuous and blasphemous are they who purport to baptize, bless, marry, or perform other sacraments in the name of the Lord while in fact lacking his specific authorization. And no one can obtain God's authority from reading the Bible or from just a desire to serve the Lord, no matter how pure his motives" (SWK, The Miracle of Forgiveness" p. 55) (Couple killed in Airplane crash-married at funeral.)

Vs. 65 - Soon after this revelation, Joseph and Sidney moved to Hiram, Ohio.

Section 64 - A revelation received on 9/11 - Immediately following Joseph's return from Mo. and the day before he moved to Hiram where he lived for the next 6 1/2 months.

Vs. 2- Those who overcome the world are those whose 1st loyalty is to God.

Vs. 6-7 - "I will give you one of the Keys of the mysteries of the Kingdom, It is an eternal principle, that has existed with God from all eternity: That man who rises up to condemn others, finding fault with the Church, saying that they are out of the way, while he himself is righteous, then know assuredly, that that man is on the high road to apostasy; and if he does not repent, will apostatize, as God lives." (TPJS p. 56-57)

Church History by the Year -  Ezra Booth

1792-April 30
Born Connecticut
1819-Mar. 10
Married Doracas Taylor
Methodist Minister
Stayed up all night reading Book of Mormon with John Johnson
1831- May
Visited Kirtland w/ Johnsons. Elsa's arm healed. Ezra Baptized & ordained Elder. Served short mission to Portage County where he convinced Symonds Ryder to investigate.
Attended 4th Gen. Conf. in Kirtland- Possessed by Evil Spirit-Cast out by Joseph
1831-June 7
Called on Mission to Mo. with Isaac Morley (D&C 52:23)
Attended Conference in Mo. Ryder was ordained Elder & called to serve. Mis-spelled
1831-Sept. 1
Returned to Kirtland discontented w/ imperfections in Joseph, lightness, levity, & a proning to jesting & joking & a temper easily irritated. (CHC 1:266)
1831-Sept. 6
Fellowship withdrawn, Sept. 11-chastized for evil actions
1831-Sept. 12
Officially denounced Mormonism-1st apostate to publish Anti Mormon literature
9 letters published in Ohio Star. Later used in E.D. Howe's "Mormonism Unveiled" 1. Inconsistent Revelations. 2. 1 prophet. 3. Inconsistent conduct by Joseph  4.  Members divided & selfish. 5. Didn't feel Spirit. 6. Mission harder than his previous Church.
1831-Dec. 1
D&C 71 - Joseph & Sidney called to discontinue work on Bible & defend Church
1832-Mar. 24
Participated in tarring and feathering of Joseph and Sidney in Hiram?
Owned farm in Mantua, Portage County, Ohio

Vs. 9-11 - "John, leave it alone." (BKP, "Balm of Gilead", Ensign, Nov. 1987) "How do you expect me to forgive the man who killed my son?" Elder Cook's April 2013 Conference talk on Peace.

Vs. 12-22 - Disciplinary Councils and Bill O'Reilly

Vs. 23 - The Law of Tithing as we live it today was not revealed until 1838. Here it means giving or sacrificing without counting the cost.

Vs. 33 - See Alma 37:6-7

Section 65 - First of 13 Hiram revelations. With Wm. E. McClellan as scribe, the prophet asked the lord if the Lord's prayer was translated correctly. The message of the Restoration is that the Lord's Prayer is being fulfilled. His Kingdom is come.

Vs. 2 - A pretty amazing prophecy for a local church with 1000 members.

Vs. 6 - The Church is the Kingdom of God on Earth preparing for the Kingdom of Heaven may come.

Section 66 - Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet, at Hiram, Ohio, October 29, 1831. William E. McLellin had petitioned the Lord in secret to make known through the Prophet the answer to five questions, which were unknown to Joseph Smith. At McLellin’s request, the Prophet inquired of the Lord and received this revelation.

William had 5 questions. Joseph answered all 5 without knowing that Wm. had questions. My guess is that verse 10 was not one of those questions.

Section 67- Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet, at Hiram, Ohio, early November 1831. The occasion was that of a special conference, and the publication of the revelations already received from the Lord through the Prophet was considered and acted upon (see the heading to section 1). William W. Phelps had recently established the Church printing press in Independence, Missouri. The conference decided to publish the revelations in the Book of Commandments and to print 10,000 copies (which because of unforeseen difficulties was later reduced to 3,000 copies). Many of the brethren bore solemn testimony that the revelations then compiled for publication were verily true, as was witnessed by the Holy Ghost shed forth upon them. Joseph Smith’s history records that after the revelation known as section 1 had been received, some conversation was had concerning the language used in the revelations. The present revelation followed.

Vs. 1 - Joseph Jr., Oliver, Sidney R. Wm. E. McLelllin, David, John,  Peter Whitmer Jr., Orson Hyde, Luke & Lyman Johnson.

For my notes on the coming forth of the D&C see Day 1 or help me find my book I lost on the first day. D&C 1 and 133 received at this same conference

Church History by the Year -  William E. McLellin- taught school in 5 states

1806-Jan. 18
Wm. born in Smith County, Tenn. - Father Charles
First heard of Mormonism via testimony of Harvey Whitlock & David Whitmer
1829-July 30
Married Cynthia Ann. She died before 1832
1831-July 29
Closed school in Paris, Tenn. & left for Independence to meet Joseph. (Joseph in Ohio)
1831-Aug. 20
Baptized by Hyrum Smith. Had strong testimony of BoM and the Church
Moved to Ohio, met & lived with Joseph for 3 weeks
1831-Oct. 29
D&C 66 given to Wm. in answer to his prayer and request.
1831-Nov. 1
D&C 67 given in response to criticism of Revelations by Wm. and others
1832-Apr. 26
Married Emeline Miller. 3 known children
Served mission with PPP in Mo and Illinois.
High Council in Clay County
1835-Feb. 15
Called to Quorum of the 12 Apostles
Wrote letter censuring the 1st Presidency
Left Church "because the Leading men to a great extent left their religion"
1838-May 11
Bishop's court in Far West, Mo. Lost confidence in 1st Presidency led him to quit praying and keeping the commandments  and led him to sinful lusts. Excommunicated
Asked permission to flog Joseph while Joseph was in Richmond Jail. (Robbed Joseph's home.
After 1844
Joined with apostates Wm Law & Robert Foster in Hampton Ill.
Organized the Church of Christ with Martin Harris in Kirtland. Church gone by 1849
1869-June 5
Joined the Hedrickites, but lost interest by Nov.
His wife joined the Reorganized Church and they moved to Independence, Mo.
In final years bore strong testimony of BoM. Joseph F. Smith visited him 0n 1878.
1883-Apr. 24
Died in obscurity at age of 77. Tried to get David Whitmer to organize new church.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Church History & D&C - Day14

Thought: [Apostle Anthon H. Lund Diary] [a meeting w/ Stake Presidents] "Pres. Woodruff: Said: The testimony of the Holy Ghost is greater than the ministrations of angels. Oliver Cowdery was the most powerful speaker I have heard. He could almost make the earth tremble when moved by the spirit. He had visions, but still he apostatized still he came back into the Church before he died. David Whitmer who saw angels & heard them apostatized & both then lost their power when they withstood the Prophet. Angels are sent for a purpose not to accommodate anybody. They came & administered to me and George A. Smith when we thought the devils would kill us. Orson Pratt prayed for a revelation time after time I told him he was wrong. The witness of the Holy Ghost is what he should seek to get. I have felt more of the Holy Ghost here at this dedication [Salt Lake Temple dedication], than I have ever felt before except on one occasion and that was when Joseph gave us his last message. The room seemed to be filled with consuming fire and Joseph's face shown like amber. I saw Brother Young and Kimball once after their death they were clad in princely robes and besk [?] me to get into their carriage and go with them to conference. I asked Brother Young to speak. "No'" he said, "I am through my preaching on earth, but I have come to impress on your mind what Joseph told me at Winter Quarters & that is: seek always to have the Spirit of God and it will direct you aright. -4/19/1883

Book of the Week: "Joseph and Emma's Julia-The Other Twin" by S. Reed Murdock

Church History by the Year - John Murdock & Julia Murdock Smith Dixon Middleton

1792-July 15
John Murdock born
Kortwright, New York
Mother died
Father remarried-Stepmother partial to her children
Married Julia Clapp-6 kids
John 31. Julia 27
Orrice (1826-1915) John (1826-1913) Phebe (1828-34) Infant (1829) Joseph Murdock Smith (1831-32) Julia Murdock Smith (1831-80)
Joined many Churches
Lutheran, Presbyterian, Methodist, Campbellites-1827
1830-Nov. 5
Baptized by Parley P. Pratt
3rd time immersed-1st time with authority
1831-April 30
Wife Julia died
Giving birth to Joseph & Julia- Given to Joseph & Emma
Mission to Mo.-D&C 52- Ordained High Priest-
Companion Hyrum Smith- Very ill- On return son dead John served 5 missions
Vision of Savior
John lives with Joseph, Emma
Julia & Joseph III for a few weeks-School of Prophets
Missionary in New York
Companion Zebedee Coltrin- children to Mo.
Zion's Camp
6 yr. old daughter Phebe died of Cholera, Liberty, Mo.
High Council-Clay County
1836-Feb. 4
Married Amoranda Turner
No children- She died in 1837
Julia told by 5 yr old friend
She is not a Smith but was adopted
Far West High Council
Then counselor in Quincy, Ill. Stake Presidency
1838-May 3
Married Electa Allen-3 kids
Gideon (1840-1925) Rachael (1843) Hyrum (1844-46)
Bishop Nauvoo 5th Ward
1844-June 27
Joseph Smith martyred
Julia Murdock Smith is 13. Only surviving daughter.
Wife-Electa died
1846-Mar. 14
Married Sarah Zufelt-4 kids
Total of 13 for John
George Weir Murdock (1841-1906) Son of Sarah, Brigham Young (1849-1852) Adopted/Foster Mary Cooper (1845-1912) Martha Henderson (Unknown)
Sons- Orrice & John join
Mormon Battalion. 2 yr. old Hyrum dies of Cholera
Family arrives in Salt Lake
High Council, Bishop Salt Lake 14th Ward, Legislature
Julia (17) married Elisha Dixon (36) eloped
They moved to Galveston Elisha died in an explosion in 1853. Julia moved back to Nauvoo
Mission to Australia
Didn't feel it successful
Ordained Patriarch
Utah County
1856-Nov. 19
Julia married John Middleton
She had inherited $2500 & a lot from Joseph.
1857- Nov. 9
Julia joined Catholic Church
Julia writes natural family
John writes Julia-invites her
to Utah. Julia's brother John kept in touch w/ her
Julia & John Midddleton-
move to St. Louis
John Murdock-brother-
Visited Julia in St. Louis and Emma in Nauvoo
1871-Dec. 23
Died Beaver County, Utah
Visiting son - 79 Years Old
Julia returned to Nauvoo
Alone.  Emma, Louis, Charles & Charles' mother
1879-Apr. 30
Emma died-74 yrs old.
Julia dies-Age 49 - John M.
Breast cancer in the home of the Moffets -Nauvoo
Smith Family
Joseph III (1832-1914)
Alexander (1838-1909), David (1844-1904)
New Grave Marker- Catholic,
LDS, Community of Christ

Section 54- Key players: Leman Copley, Ezra Thayer, Newell Knight, Joseph Smith

Vs. 2- Stand fast

Vs. 4-5 - Breaking covenants is not a trivial thing.

Vs. 8 - Plan B

Vs. 10- Shall find rest in their souls, = "The knowledge and love of God, having faith in His purpose, and in his plan to such an extent that we know we are right, and that we are not hunting for something else, we are not disturbed by every wind of doctrine or by the cunning and craftiness of men who lay in wait to deceive." (Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Joseph F. Smith [1998], 56). See also Mosiah 4

Section 55 - After the Conference of June, 1831 Revelations were received sending 3 different groups to Missouri: 1) Joseph Smith and other Church leaders,  2) 13 pairs of missionaries mentioned in D&C 52, and 3) The Colesville Branch from D&C 54. As preparations were being made for these trips William Wines Phelps came into to town. He had purchased a copy of the Book of Mormon and came to find out how he could help. He had not yet been baptized when this revelation was given to him.

Church History by the Year - William Wines Phelps

1792-Feb. 17
Born-Hanover, New Jersey
1815-Apr. 28
Married Sally Waterman- 10 Children
William, Sabrina, Mehitabel, Sarah, Henry, Janes, Jerusha, Lydia, Mary, Princetta.
Editor Western Courier
Publisher Lake Light
Editor of Ontario Phoenix
Anti Masonic Newspaper-Left paper May 11, 1831
Ran for Lt. Governor of NY
Purchased Book of Mormon
From Parley P. Pratt-Stayed up all night reading it.
1831-June 10
Baptized In Kirtland, Ohio
D&C 55- Went to Missouri- to assist Oliver in printing
Evening & Morning  Star
Editorial on Blacks upset Mo. Member of Literary Firm
Book of Commandments
Offered self as sacrifice for Saints
Moved to Clay County, Mo.
1834-July 8
Couns. in Church Presidency
For Missouri
Back in Kirtland- Assisted in
 Printing D&C & 1st Hymnbook (1836)-Scribe for Book of Abraham
D&C 55; 57; 58; 70
Participated in dedication of
Kirtland Temple- Contributed $500 & saw angels.
W/ John Whitmer presided in
Church in Mo. Worked independent of High Council.
1839-Mar. 17
Moved to Dayton, Ohio
Contacted John Page and
Orson Hyde-Rebaptized  July 1840
In Kirtland, Ohio-Building
Church & preaching in East-then to Nauvoo
Nauvoo City Council etc.
Endowed in Nauvoo Temple (Dec. 9, 1843)
Left Nauvoo
Stayed in Winter Quarters until 1849
Assigned to purchase printer
In East
1847-Dec. 9
Rebaptized Dec. 11, 1847
Arrived in SLC
Lived in Old Fort adobe house until death
1849-Nov- Feb. 1850
Mission w/ PPPratt to Southern Utah
Exploring and
Ordinance Worker, Legislator
Board of Regents University of Deseret, Passed Bar
1872-Mar. 7
Died- In SLC
80 years old.

Adam-ondi-Ahman , Come, All Ye Saints of Zion, Come, All Ye Saints Who Dwell on Earth, Come, Let Us Sing an Evening Hymn, Gently Raise the Sacred Strain, Glorious Things Are Sung of Zion, Hosanna Anthem, If You Could Hie to Kolob, Now Let Us Rejoice, Now We'll Sing with One Accord, O God, the Eternal Father, Praise to the Man, The Spirit of God Like a Fire Is Burning, We're Not Ashamed to Own Our Lord, Phelps also reworded popular hymns turning them into uniquely Latter Day Saint hymns: Joy to the World! the Lord will Come, Redeemer of Israel.

 And yet the spirit whispers, what shall I say of Joseph the seer, cut off from his useful life in the midst of his years? Why, I will say that he has done more in fifteen years, to make the truth plain—open the way of life; and carry glad tidings to the meek—

whereby Israel, or more properly the sons of Joseph, mixed with the gentiles, can hear the long expected “call”—come home my children for the day of your release is near, years, than all Christendom has done in fifteen hundred  with money, press, and a hired clergy: Joseph Smith, as the savior predicted, has sent the gospel to the poor, without purse or script ; without the Right Reverend D. D. of Yale, Oxford, Gotham, or Nicholas of Russia, to lend a helping hand as prime minister of the church militant;

none of these lambskin sacerdotals, not even the Archbishop of Canterbury, or Pope of Rome, have so much as nodded good luck to the boy that hunts for the lost sheep of the house of Israel. And yet, glory to God, in the highest, the very dust has spoken; the meek have heard; the wise have come; and the everlasting gospel is being preached to all nations as a testimony that the last days are here and the wicked must perish. Tell the world, and let eternity bare record, that the great name of Joseph Smith will go down to unborn worlds and up to sanctified heavens, and gods, with all his as stars in his crown, can only shining honors and endless fame ^ while the infamy of his persecutors will^ only be echoed written in their ashes. Joseph/Hyrum Smith Funeral Sermon 11 BYU Studies copyright 1983

Section 56 - Thomas B. Marsh had been assigned to travel to Missouri with Ezra Thayer. Ezra was not ready/willing to go. Thomas asked Joseph what he should do. Thus D&C 56. Anybody ever been unable to perform a Church assignment because others didn't do their part?

Vs. 5-6- See 58:31-33

Vs. 16- Warning to Rich

Vs. 17-18 - Warning & message to poor.

Zion-The New Jerusalem-Moses 7:18

Moses 7:19-21
Is. 33:20, 52:1, 8
Rev. 21:2
Enoch built Zion
Isaiah predicted a future Zion
John the Revelator envisioned Zion's descent from heaven.
Ether 13:1-13
3 Nephi 20:22
3 Nephi 21:23
In the Book of Mormon the Saints were told that the new Jerusalem and Holy Sanctuary of the Lord should be located in America & they were anxious to know where.
1829 translation
D&C 28:7-9
No-one knows where is Zion- given hereafter-borders of the Lamanites
Sept. 1830
D&C 42:62
Ask & its will be revealed in my own due time.
Feb. 1831
D&C 45:64-71
Save $ to buy land in Zion-land of peace, refuge, safety for Saints
March 1831
D&C 52:2, 42-43
Next conference in Mo., upon the land consecrated to covenant people.
June 7, 1831
900 mile trip
2 Josephs, 2 Sidneys, Martin, Edward, Elizabeth, WW exit for Mo.
June 19
D&C 57
Above arrive. Read Section heading-
July 20, 1831
D&C 58
Instructions for Zion- Colesville Saints arrived July 25
Aug. 1, 1831
Sidney dedicated the land for a place of gathering
Aug. 2, 1831
Joseph dedicated the temple site in Independence
Aug. 3, 1831
Conference held as directed in D&C 52:2
Aug. 4. 1831
D&C 59
Day of Polly Knight's funeral - a Sunday- She died Aug. 6
Aug. 7, 1831

Section 57 -

Vs. 1- This is the place

Vs. 2- - Brigham Young said tht God would end his work where he stated it (JD 8:72)

Vs. 3- The temple was to be a complex of 24 buildings (HC 1:359-362)

Vs. 4- The line between the Indian lands given by the government.

Vs. 6 - Sidney buys the Land

Vs. 7 - Edward divides it up  - By Jan. 1832- $2,694.70 Received and 2,677.83 expended.

Vs. 11- WW prints the revelations, newspaper & hymnal- (Star 1st edition June, 1832) 14 issues printed

Vs. 13- Oliver makes sure the printing is appropriate and proper

Vs. 15- Referring to the Colesville Saints who will arrive on July 25 & settle 12 miles west of Independence in Bib Blue.

By Nov. 1832 810 Saints had moved to Jackson County.

Section 58 -First Sabbath in Zion

Vs. 2-4- It does not appear that Zion is to flourish for a while.

Vs. 6-13 -6 reasons for coming to Zion 1) obedient, 2)hearts prepared to testify, 3)laying foundation of Zion, 4)bearing record of the land upon which Zion shall stand, 5)take care of the poor and 6)testimony to go forth from Zion.

Vs. 15- Edward called to repentance

Vs. 18 - A Bishop is a judge

Vs. 21-22- Saints are to obey the laws of the land

Vs. 25-28- "Sometimes the Lord hopefully waits on his children to act on their own and when they do not, they lose the greater prize, and the Lord will either drop the entire matter and let them suffer the consequences or else he will have to spell it out in greater detail. Usually, I fear, the more he has to spell it out, the small is our reward. (Benson CR, Apr. 65, p. 121-2)

Vs. 31-33- See also D&C 56:4-6

Vs. 42-43- Great verses on repentance!

Vs. 52 & 56 - Move forward with wisdom

Vs. 57- Aug. 2 & 3

Section 59 - Aug. 7, the day of Polly Knight's funeral

Vs. 1 - What other motives might bring people to Zion?

Vs. 2 - Certainly Polly Knight

Vs. 6 - "nor do anything like unto it" Like what? (See Gen. 3:3)- Neither shall ye touch it.

Vs. 9 - "Sacraments are sacred oaths or covenants. Anciently a sacrament was a ceremony in which a soldier swore an oath of allegiance to his King. Our sacrament is a ceremony associated with a covenant in which we pledge loyalty to Christ & the standards of His gospel. It is an expression of commitment & loyalty to our Divine King. (Rev of Rest. P. 432) Who am I committed & loyal to?

Vs. 21- Offensive to God