Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Book of Mormon-Day 9

Book of Mormon Day 9
A. Thought:"Either the Book of Mormon is true, or it is false, either it came from God, or it was spawned in the infernal realms. It declares plainly that all men must accept it as pure scripture or they will lose their souls. It is not and cannot be simply another treatise on religion; it either came from heaven or hell. And it is time for all those who seek salvation to find out for themselves whether it is of the Lord or of Lucifer. (Bruce R. McConkie CR Oct. 1983 p. 1060.)
B. Book of the Week "400 Questions and Answers about the Book of Mormon” by Susan Easton Black
C. Gary's Green Verses

March 8
Mosiah 2
We only become an asset to God when we work with him.
March 9
Mosiah 3
A great check list for being child-like-Not childish.
March 10
Mosiah 4
Thoughts, words and deeds all matter. We have to do it until the end.
March 11
Mosiah 5
We lose our disposition to do evil by doing good continually.
March 12
Mosiah 6
Why we call roll and keep records.
March 13
Mosiah 7
Full purpose of heart, trust God and serve with ALL diligence=deliverance.
March 14
Mosiah 8
A great reminder of where priesthood power comes from.
March 15
Mosiah 9
Being over-zealous of less important things has gotten all of us into trouble.
March 16
Mosiah 10
If we have to depend upon our own strength, it will never be enough.
March 17
Mosiah 11
Those are the 2 choices; do what God wants or what we want.
March 18
Mosiah 12
It is hard to remember that the person who said this was in chains.
March 19
Mosiah 13
Abinadi knew that no righteous person dies before their time
March 20
Mosiah 14
He who was most deserving of peace and was the Prince of Peace, had peace taken from him-so we could have peace
March 21
March 15
There could have been no substitute for the Savior.
March 22
Mosiah 16
I wonder how close we are to this day & what we can do to hasten it.

D. Things I've learned and loved from Enos-Words of Mormon
1. Enos-Omni has 7 record keepers and spans 350-400 years. If the whole 1000 year history of the Book of Mormon people was so abbreviated, it would go from a 531 page book to a 20 page pamphlet. Jacob's descendents kept the record for 400 years plus.
2. Enos 1:2- Wrestle. We ALL have to wrestle. See Alma 8:10; Genesis 32:7-8, 24-30 (see FARMS Update: Jacob and Enos: Wrestling before God); Zacharias went to the temple to wrestle with God. ("Words of Joseph Smith" p. 90 note 26, Ehat and Cook. Quoted in Ogden p. 287) Note the words used to describe how Enos prayer; sunk deep (vs. 2);  soul hungered (vs. 4); cried in mighty prayer (vs. 4); raised my voice high (vs. 4)poured out whole soul (vs. 9); prayed with many long strugglings (vs. 11); labored with all diligence (vs. 12). It matters not whether you or I feel like praying. When the time comes to pray, pray. If we do not feel like it, we should pray till we do. You will find that those who wait till the Spirit bids them pray, will never pray much on this earth.
3. Enos 1:9 - Once he had won his own struggle, he was able to reach out to others. "A man filled with the love of God, is not content with blessing his family alone, but ranges through the whole world, anxious to bless the whole human race." (Joseph Smith, Ogden p. 290. Taken from Priesthood manual on Teachings of Joseph p. 330-331.)
4. Enos 1:5, 10 - Voice came to his "mind". See D&C 8:2; 85:6. "I was once in a situation where I needed help. The Lord knew I needed help and I was on an important mission. I was awakened in the early hours of the morning as though someone had wakened me to straighten me out on something that I had planned to do in a contrary course, and there was clearly mapped out before me as I lay there that morning, just as surely as though someone had sat on the edge of my bed and told me what to do. Yes, the voice of the Lord comes into our minds and we are directed thereby." (HBL, "Teachings of Harold B. Lee, p. 418)
5. Enos 1:6 - Guilt gone?
6. Enos 1:12 - Testimony=Knowing & feeling       Conversion=Doing and Becoming   (Dallin H. Oaks)
7: Enos 1:20 - The anti-scouting verse
8. Enos 1:11-18 - "And if they (the saints) will exercise their faith aright, there is no good thing, which they can desire, that will be withheld from them. Because you do not get all your prayers answered and your desires granted immediately, you must not therefore be disheartened. Remember the instruction upon this point imparted by Jesus through the parable of the importunate widow, and remember, also, that though your prayers may not be answered immediately, if they are offered in the name of Jesus and in faith, nothing being left undone by you that is required, they will live on the records of heaven and in the remembrance of the Lord, and yet bear fruit. The ancient fathers asked for blessings in their prayers, which are even now being granted-thousands of years after the death of their mortal bodies. And many centuries ago the servants of the Lord among the Nephites made known to the Lord the desires of their hearts respecting their brethren in their prayers, and they yet await their fulfillment; but they know the promise of the Lord is sure and cannot fail...Though heaven and earth pass away, not one word that the Lord has spoken, not one promise that he has made, can pass away or remain unfulfilled. If they have waited thus patiently for the fulfillment of their prayers, cannot we, if necessary, do so also? (George Q. Cannon, Millennial Star, 25:74-75; quoted in A Companion to your Study of the Book of Mormon, p. 165-6)
9. Jarom 1:2 - The writers knew that the Book was for the Lamanites.
10. Jarom 1:2 - Names for the Plan of Salvation in the Book of Mormon - Plan of Salvation - Jarom 1:2; Alma 24:14; Alma 42:5; Moses 6:62. Plan of the Great Creator - 2 Nephi 9:8. Plan of the Eternal God - Alma 34:9. Plan of Mercy - Alma 42:15, 31. Plan of Deliverance - 2 Nephi 11:5. Plan of Happiness - Alma 42:8, 16. Plan of Redemption - Jacob 6:8; Alma 12:25, 26, 32, 33; 17:16; Alma 42: 11, 13; Alma 18:39; 22:13; 29:2; 34:16; 34:31; 39:18.
11. Jarom 1:4 - "No man can receive the Holy Ghost without receiving revelations. The Holy Ghost is a revelator." (Joseph Smith HC 6:58)
12. Omni - First 11 verses-4 writers; 12-30 Amaleki (Mosiah I, Zarahemla, Coriantumr, Pass plates, Zeniff.)
13. Geography and Chronology
600 BC -Lehi leaves Jerusalem            589 BC - Arrive in America  587 BC - Mulekites    580 BC - Separation- move to land of Nephi -Nephites lived there for some 370 years.              210 BC - Mosiah 1  200-120 BC - Two concurrent Nephite Kingdoms
Mosiah I - 210 BC-170 BC ?         Benjamin - 170 BC ?-130 BC        Mosiah 2 - 130-92 BC
Zeniff 200-160 BC           Noah 160-145 BC            Alma the Elder 148-120 BC         Limhi 145-120 BC