Sunday, December 29, 2013

Church History by the Decade-1820's

First Vision
1821-July 18
Birth of Lucy
Married Arthur Millikin in 1840. They both died in 1882.
Construction begins on new house
Alvin leads out
1823-Sept. 21
First Appearances of Moroni
"A light & too often, vain mind, exhibiting a foolish & trifling conversation" (HC 1:10) Fulfilling Rev. 14:6-7
1823-Nov. 19
Alvin died
Rev. Stockton preached at the funeral that he had gone to hell because he was not a church member.
Joseph's annual visits to
Cumorah. Lucy said he thought he would get the plates in 1824.
1825 Oct.
Joseph worked for
Josiah Stowell and met Emma Hale
Joseph spent 10 months
In Colesville area
1827-Jan. 18
Joseph & Emma married
South Bainbridge, New York
1827-Sept. 22
Joseph entrusted with
Plates. Emma went with Joseph to the Hill.
Joseph & Emma move
To Harmony, Penn. Martin Harris assists with $50
1828-Feb. 15
Joseph give characters to Martin Harris
Visits Charles Anthon & Dr. Mitchell in New York City.
Lucy Harris visits Harmony
Searches for plates and upset neighborhood vs. Joseph.  Stayed for about 2 weeks according to Lucy's account.
1828-Apr. 12-June 14
116 pages lost from Book of Lehi
Martin looses-Joseph surrender Urim & Thummim. 1st child of Joseph & Emma born June 15-died same day.
Urim and Thummim
Returned so Joseph could receive what became D&C 3
1828- Fall
Joseph regains plates & U&Th.
Has plates, but is dirt poor, no scribe and no support from in-laws
Smith's visit Joseph
D&C 4 received- Words on a plaque in Harmony today. Plates were in a trunk on the bureau. Smiths & Hales meet
Joseph resumed
Translating-Emma as scribe - Maybe as little as 5-16 pages
Lucy Harris enters complaint vs. Joseph
Joseph claims to have gold plates so people will give him $. Martin testifies. Judge tears up complaint.
1829-April 5
Oliver Cowdery arrived
In Harmony-they started translating on April 7.
1829-May 15
Aaronic Priesthood restored
Translation up to 3 Nephi 11-Melchizedek Priesthood restored- May-June. Moved to Fayette, NY
1829-May 25
Samuel Smith baptized
Melchizedek Priesthood
1829-June 1
Joseph and Oliver move
to Fayette
Mary Whitmer is shown
Plates by an angel. Mary was the wife of Peter Whitmer Sr.
1829-June 11
Copyright obtained
3 Witnesses see plates in Fayette
8 Witnesses see plates in near Smith farm
1829-July 1
Translation completed
5 weeks for Printers copy
1829-Aug. 5
Martin Mortgages farm
1829-Aug. 25
Contract signed with EB Grandin
Printing began in Aug.- Joseph probably returned to Harmony
1829-Fall-Winter 1830
The Book of Mormon
1st Printed in Palmyra

Church History by the Decade-Pre-1820


15 BC-50 AD
Philo of Alexandria
Jewish philosopher who was roughly contemporary with Jesus. He is important because his efforts to Hellenize Judaism.
100 AD
Bible Ends
No more scripture from the Old World
Translated the Bible into Latin (The Vulgate)
354 –430 AD
Augustine - Early Christian theologian
Writings were very influential in the development of Christianity.  Helped  formulate  doctrine of original sin.
John Wesley-Founded Methodism
"The real cause why the extraordinary gifts of the Holy Ghost were no longer to be found in the Christian Church was because the Christians were turned Heathens again, and had only a dead form left."
1744-Oct. 31-1830
Asael Smith- grandfather of Joseph Jr.
Philosophy agreed with Universalists. "God was going to raise up some branch of his family to be a great benefit to mankind. Read much of Book of Mormon.
1771- July 12
Birth of Joseph Sr.
Topsfield, Mass
1775- July 8
Birth of Lucy Mack
Gilsum, NH
US Constitution
Separation of Church and State
Martin Harris born
Easttown, Saratoga County, New York
1796-Jan. 24
Marriage of Joseph &
Lucy  Mack, Tunbridge, VT
Loss of 1stborn son of the Smith
1798-Feb. 11
Birth of Alvin
1800-Feb. 9
Birth of Hyrum
Move to Randolph, VT
Move to Tunbridge-Lose Tunbridge farm
Sophronia born (May 17)-Move to Royalton, VT, (Summer)-Move to Sharon, VT
1804-July 10
Emma Hale born
Harmony, PA
1805-Dec. 23
Birth of Joseph Jr.
Sharon, Windsor County, Vermont
1806-Oct. 3
Oliver Cowdery born
Wells, Rutland County, Vermont
Move to Tunbridge
1808-March 13
Birth of Samuel
Move to Royalton, VT
1808-March 27
Martin Harris married 
1st Cousin -  16 yr. old Lucy Harris
1810-March 13
Birth of Ephraim
Died March 24
1811-March 13
Birth of William
Royalton, VT
Joseph Sr.
1st of 7 visions - Move to Lebanon, NH
1812-July 28
Birth of Catharine
Typhoid fever epidemic. All Smith children
Joseph Jr. typhoid fever in Lebanon (NH)
Had leg operation-several pieces of tibia removed-no anesthetic. Dr. Nathan Smith .
Joseph Sr. 2nd dream
after Katharine's birth on 28 July 1813 and before May 1814.
Move to Norwich VT
Crop failure
Crop failure, Paper reports cheap land in New York
1816-March 25
Birth of Don Carlos
Crops killed by Ice Storms-Year without a summer-Move to Palmyra- Population 600-
Purchase 100 acres
2 miles south of Palmyra.
Build log home 24'X30'
Move into small cabin in Manchester property
Attempted assassination of Joseph