Thursday, July 26, 2012

Book of Mormon Week 26-27

Thought: I set out to identify great scriptural speeches and messages of the atonement in all of scripture. I wanted to collect into one file the clear and powerful statements about the purposes, processes, and effect of the atonement. After several years of study, my file stands at about 17,000 words of scripture. In my very imperfect and random collection of scriptural gems on the atonement, almost 4% of the gems come from the Bible, almost 7% from the D&C and fully 89% come from the Book of Mormon! I think that President Benson got it right when he (among others) pointed us to the Book of Mormon in order to understand Christ and His magnificent, eternity-altering atonement. (Wallace Goddard, Meridian Magazine June, 2012)

Gary's Green Verses:

July 17
3 Nephi 25
Where else to we find this important verse? Bible, D&C, PofGP. It must be important!
July 18
3 Nephi 26
Jesus allows us and our children to teach the things we most need to hear and in so doing he blesses the teacher and the student.
July 19
3 Nephi 27
Jesus tells us who we should try to be like.
July 20
3 Nephi 28
We are that we might have Joy now and a fullness of Joy later.
July 21
3 Nephi 29
Another verse reminding that the coming forth of the Book of Mormon is as sign of the times.
July 22
3 Nephi 30
An great invitation from Mormon to ALL the Gentiles.
July 23
4 Nephi
If we really love God, we will avoid contention with His children.
July 24
Mormon 1
Mormon was about the same age as Joseph Smith when he had his vision.
July 25
Mormon 2
Is my heart filled with sorrow because of the life choices of people I love?
July 26
Mormon 3
A good measurement of how our life is going is to ask ourselves, "how would it be if my day to stand before Jesus was today?

We should finish reading the Book of Mormon in just 1 month. Any suggestions as to the next way to read this Book of Books?

Our Fall Institute class begins September 13. You should be able to register on line by the first of August. Let me know if you have questions or suggestions. If you have complaints send them to Janice or Ed.

My wife, Jill and I spent a few days since the last message fighting  Bed Bugs. They are tough bugs!

I have an interview with a member of the Presidency of the Bountiful Temple tomorrow. Pray for me.


Monday, July 16, 2012

Book of Mormon - Week 24-25

Thought: "A casual, infrequent exposure to the scriptures will generally not open the door to the whisperings of the Spirit or provide insights...There are certain blessings obtained when one searches the scriptures. As a person studies the words of the Lord and obeys them, he or she draws closer to the Savior and obtains a greater desire to live a righteous life. The power to resist temptation increases, and spiritual weaknesses are overcome. Spiritual wounds are healed...In the dream Lehi saw a tree which produced a fruit which was exceedingly white, very sweet to the taste, and desirable above all other fruit...According to the vision, the only way to reach the tree and become a permanent partaker of the fruit was to 'continually hold fast to the iron rod. (Merrill J. Bateman, Ensign, Nov. 1992, p. 27-28)

Gary's Green Verses:

June 30
3 Nephi 8
Is this is a scripture which will be oft quoted when He comes again?
July 1
3 Nephi 9
I wonder how many of us have been baptized with fire and the Holy Ghost and didn't know it. I also love the idea of a broken heart & contrite spirit.
July 2
3 Nephi 10
Another witness that ALL of the words spoken by prophets will happen.
July 3
3 Nephi 11
Contention in a marriage, family, ward or country is not of God.
July 4
3 Nephi 12
A great reminder that our works do matter.
July 5
3 Nephi 13
A priority reminder.
July 6
3 Nephi 14
Whoever says that we are saved by grace alone should read the Sermon on the Mount again.
July 7
3 Nephi 15
Jesus tells us who the other Sheep are from John 10:16.
July 8
3 Nephi 16
Obedience is more important  than our spot on the family tree.
July 9
3 Nephi 17
We need to prepare our minds to receive the word of God.
July 10
3 Nephi 18
The best verse in scripture to teach the importance of family prayer.
July 11
3 Nephi 19
A great reminder of what we should pray for.
July 12
3 Nephi 20
A verse to read to Aaronic Priesthood holders (and all of us) before they participate in the Sacrament.
July 13
3 Nephi 21
The coming forth of the Book of Mormon is a sign that Israel is to be gathered.
July 14
3 Nephi 22
Check out Pres. Hinckley's quote on this verse in the Inst. Student Manual.
July 15
3 Nephi 23
The verse that makes us want to search the words of Isaiah.
July 16
3 Nephi 24
7 & 13
Two key verses for understanding the chapter.

Sorry I am slow again. This is turning out to be a fun summer. We went to Bear Lake last week and we head off to Arizona to spend time with my in-laws tomorrow. I miss the class room and am really looking forward to September.